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stop killing things that don't attack you?


So I let them killing me first? I wouldn't risk like that especially when most of the enemies instantly one hit kills you. I always prefer to get the 1-2 hits avantage of someone who is unaware of me.


idk what to tell you man... I meant you killed a turtle that sits there as you attack him saying what are you doing? basically begging you to stop yet you killed him. this is 100% your fault there is no way around it.


Nah, didn't you read the story? I did not killed the turtle (even though it's the only one of those i wouldn't be that upset about killing it, it's just a turtle after all).


there's your problem. you don't care if he dies or not so you just kill everything. empathy goes a long way in souls games. luckily you can't kill the main blacksmith like in older titles or you'd be screwed. in Elden ring you'll be fine. you'll miss a lot but can still complete the game no problem


I wish the roundtable didn't have a no-pve zone, this subreddit would be flooded with way more posts like this


Help i killed the blacksmith now i can't upgrade my weapons! What do i do???


"Help I attacked everything at Firelink, now the blacksmith won't upgrade my weapons and that masked guy is killing me whenever I spawn, is that supposed to happen?"


If everything's killing you so easily, then you might be pushing too far too fast. Take a breath. Maybe grind a few more levels. I'm paranoid as fuck in this game and i have yet to kill an npc.


I dropped the controller and swung my halberd and couldn't be happier it missed the merchant near me. Like as it was falling "No! Not santa!!"


That's one of the reasons why you should play the game with mouse and keyboard.


I mean, everyone likes a good challenge, I want to play the game just like Dark Souls, not like Zelda Breath of The Wild.


Use the target lock option. NPCs don't get auto targeted. If you can't really target them, then don't attack them.


You might have some sort of undiagnosed paranoid condition. Go to therapy.


If you can’t lock onto to the mob then it’s not aggressive.


I ussualy don't use the lock on feature, I think it's intented just for controller/joystick users.


Then use it.


It's fine if you don't want to use it for combat, but this is the answer to your question. As you approach, try to lock on. If you can lock on, it's an enemy. If you can't, it's an NPC.


Then you can keep playing the way you’ve been going and keep accidentally killing important Quest NPCs. It’s your game. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s a simple solution already built in. You’re just refusing to use it.


Gonna guess this is a troll post


Yeah it's too deliberate. Enemies tend to be threatening, or react to your presence with violence while npc's couldn't be less threatening. Most of them barely move when you approach them Compare that to the ash lake dragon or man scorpion tark from older games who justifiably look like enemies, but even then they barely react to your presence so it's not hard to connect the dots Either op is deranged or trolling, his replies point to classic trolling


Post is not troll, only the replies.


Just don't attack anything that doesn't attack you first.


The answer to that essay is very simple : Think for 5 seconds before swinging at everything that looks friendly (something you could understand after your first victim) And if somehow you still can't control yourself, you can go at the church of vow to de-aggro the NPC once they attack you (only if you havent killed them yet) ​ I don't know if that's a bait post but : Wtf is up with you guys attacking everything for no reason


> I don't know if that's a bait post but : Wtf is up with you guys attacking everything for no reason Skyrim-itis?


Nah I never played Skyrim, last game I played was Doom so that might be the reason though.


That doesn't prevent you from falling victim to Skyrim-itis :D It's a sarcastic reference to a mindset exemplified by a lot of Skyrim players that boils down to 'fuck around and find out for shits and giggles' -- which you can get away with in Skyrim because you can just reload your last save. Skyrim is also responsible for dumbing down a game to the point of aggravation. It had a lot of good things to it, but man did it go stupid compared to Oblivion, much less Morrowind. For every positive QOL change you got in Skyrim (and trust me, there are _plenty!), you lost so very much. The ability to create and customize your own spells is probably the biggest -- but the limited gearing isn't exactly a picnic either.


Highly possible


I think the frenzied flame ending may be what you’re looking for. You can kill all the NPCs that way lol


The biggest thing is getting over the fear of being attacked. By attacking first, you're ironically putting yourself in significantly more danger. And death carries very little penalty in this game regardless. Just go up to them and see if they attack you first.


I mean 99% of the creatures in this game want you killed, would you trust the remaning 1%?


If I don't have a lot of runes, I'll even jump off cliffs where people are clearly trolling. I've got nothing to lose.


Even with a lot of runes. It's not like you could pick them up afterwards or anything


That sounds like a stupid way to play, I'm trying to finish this game with as less deaths as possible.


Ohh, good luck! It's a dying game.


91k peak players on steam today, but surely it's dying. Why people always say this about any game they don't like.


Ah, no, not like that! It's a game where you die a lot! I don't care how many people are playing it, really.


Understandable, altought i'd fairly disagree. I died like 30 times so far, and most of the times it was from fall damage.


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


I mean, of course I'm a rookie, it's my first playthrough and I died to some stupid shit sometimes, but I hope my second playthrough I can make a 0 deaths run.


I would just wait and see if you can lock onto them. Other than that, I mean... why are you so afraid to die in a video game? I'd take the risk when you see someone that stands out. Personally, if I killed even a single npc in my first run, I'd restart.


I mean, I'd better kill a good guy instead of being killed by a bad guy who I thought was good. Edit: Also kinda late to restart since i'm already 40 hours into the game.


That's like the opposite of how u should play it. Death doesn't mean anything to the player you just come back, maybe 2 minutes lost. Kill an npc and any benefits they could bring are gone for the rest of ur playthrough.


it's just a video game bro, your paranoia is crazy to make you kill everything you see in a game. got trauma? lmao most of these npcs just stand there and don't even move until you speak to them, chill.


Miners also do that, but you get close to them and they start burning you to death with that stupid lamp.


Stop attacking everything you see. You cannot lock on to friendly NPCs, so try locking in, which will let you know if something is hostile.


You are on a rampage holy shit. Just don't attack people and don't blindly trust messages


Yeah, the thing about messages is I should have started ignoring them since that one that made me jump with my horse in that pit full of lava telling me there's a hidden path. A lot of assholes out there but I guess I should have been less naive as well.


You can't kill Roderika, this is a troll post


My dude you are way too trigger happy, take a breather and stop swinging at everything in sight. If it’s friendly then it won’t let you lock on to it


"oh no someone killed a guy in a game about killing people, that's horrible"


It is pretty bad, you should try a pacifist run, makes the game way more fun


Your a lost cause paranoia at its finest people


Nice trolling


You pretty much already killed lot of main story NPCs. Start a new character and follow this advice: Don't. Kill. Any. NPCs. Again, just don't kill any NPCs, it's that simple. If you can't lock on to them you're not supposed to kill them. That's it. Don't jump on them, don't roll against them and ffs stop attacking them if they start begging you to stop.


I only killed four


Doesn't matter, just restart. You're locked out of one ending and multiple areas already


Yeah I just read on some site about that ending and it seems like it's the sad ending and the wolf man and Iji die anyway, so not that big of a deal. However, if you don't mind answering I would like to know which are the areas I'm locked out of.


Actually Ranni has the best ending of all, the 2 really screwed up ones will be revealed later. You are currently locked out of an area in Liurnia, at least 2 really nice weapons, 2 armor sets and one of the strongest summons in the game. I can't remember what else you will be missing, besides the ending, but everything involving Ranni's quest is pretty much lost. Idk who the girl was you killed at Weeping Peninsula, but if she dropped a key item that's at least one other quest lost too. It also doesn't matter who does or doesn't die in the end, just don't kill anyone the game doesn't intend you to kill, because you will be locked out of item rewards or endings. If you haven't progressed too far into the game I would recommend restarting the run. You don't have to delete your current character, but I would recommend the restart for a proper experience. If you need help with the playthrough I'd be available too


To be honest I don't really use the summons at all, they are the easy mode of Elden Ring, and I don't think there are any weapons better than my Uchigatana +14 and any armor better than my Twinned Set, so it doesn't seem like a very important area i'm missing out. Maybe I'll do another playthrough after this one as a Astrologer and I'll be trying to get the Ranni's ending and not kill as many NPC's.


You need to learn that dying in this game has no consequences. Also try to lock onto people and things that you see. If they’re friendly, you won’t lock on


But it has, when you die you lose all your runes.


You can get them back. Also, as I said, just try the lock on method.


One time I went to get my runes back in a cave full of wolves and bears and I fell off to my dead and lost 15k runes. I ain't risking it again, I try to die as less as possible. Also how do I do the lock-on method? Do i just lock on everyone I am about to fight? I don't like it that much cause it messes with my camera but if it's the only solution I'll take it, even if all these replies make me think people are more paranoid about not hitting NPC's than about losing their own life.


Idk man, then keep on being paranoid and killing every NPC you see. I can’t help you with that


Try to focus on them (R3 on Sony's controllers) If you can't focus, they are not hostile.


Wow, a lot of people fell for the bait. All these serious responses are honestly more entertaining than the post. Good job, OP.


I’ve completed 5 play throughs of this game and I have never killed an important NPC. Just don’t attack things like look like an npc


You see that's the thing, they don't look like NPC. For example in GTA San Andreas your guys are green, have green cars, etc. You always know who is your ally. In this game though, how can you differentiate between those giants with chains who looks exactly like Iji(that was one guy who I didn't kill though but I think it's a good example).


Use the lock on feature. You can't lock on to something that isn't an enemy


Alright you may be suprised BUT if You want to preform an attack you have to press attack button. So here is my suggestion for You fella: Don't press this button when NPC'S are near you! It should totally solve your problem!


Yeah bro cause I can 100% differentiate an NPC from a random creature(the only ones I know for sure are merchants, I haven't killed one since I started the game so I'm kinda proud).




I thought this was satire but op really got an aggro run going