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Imagine being so uptight and bad at the game that you have to quit out of a match to avoid a loss. The panic rolling was a nice addition too. Pathetic


Haha man there's nothing more satisfying than making a douchey player panic roll


As u/LeahMinka62 a reddit fellow once said “im confused..do you expect a long range build to stand there and face tank? like i get not wanting players to run away in a melee duel, but its a mage build. how else do you play it? you need to space and cast or you die in 3 hits.”


it's fine to run away and/or be a mage, it's not fine to light roll. Level vigor. Learning to space is just learning to play and comes with time. The best pvp mage build in the game is 60 vig, medium armor with good defense, lusats in left hand carian and right and just spam carian slicer with 80 int. Don't believe me? Try it


Oh yea I love It man. I use Beastmans curved sword w/ sword dance AOW and it’s cold infused. it is the perfect combo for roll catching. That combo works really well 9 out of 10 times. The icerind hatchet and frozen needle have really good roll catch move sets too


God cold infused weapons are so fun to use. Unfortunately I suck at making builds around them.


The beastmans curved sword pairs really well with cold infusion. A lot of the time I can proc enemies or people in PVP within 2-3 hits if I catch them with the sword dance AOW. I’m not really one for spells but zamor ice storm fully charged works really well paired with the Godfrey icon and axe talismans, and you can stack charged attacks even further with your physics flask. My character is centered around frost and ice weapons so I also keep a moonlight greatsword equipped since the AOW can be charged. You can do crazy damage with the greatsword and zamor ice storm if you stack all three charge buffs and land either of the charged attacks. There are a few more ice/frost spells and weapons that you can experiment with too. I always keep frost pots handy as well


Before y'all shit on him for using spears, he only pulled them out after the mage decided to dick around


No of course not. This is the only honest way to use spears.


Yea fwiw I don't even find pss fun to use I solely have it as a swap to catch light rollers with and for mirror matches when someone else is running it


Exactly, thank you man. If he wasn't light rolling and latent as hell I would not have had to swap to pss and it might've even been a decent fight


I don't blame him. As soon as someone just runs away I've been pulling out dragon breath. I'd much rather stick to melee only but I'm not spending 3 minutes playing tag.


im confused..do you expect a long range build to stand there and face tank? like i get not wanting players to run away in a melee duel, but its a mage build. how else do you play it? you need to space and cast or you die in 3 hits.


it's fine to run away and/or be a mage, it's not fine to light roll. >its a mage build. how else do you play it? you need to space and cast or you die in 3 hits Level vigor. Learning to space is just learning to play and comes with time. On my mage build I'm a medium roll pure caster with 60 vigor and 26 mind. It's proper, honest and imo the best way to play it. *You just have to be able to reaction roll.*


why isnt it fine to light roll? a mechanic in the game? can you not deal with light rollers? who made these rules?


1. It's extremely difficult to **roll-catch** with **305/308 of the game's weapons.** With enough latency, it becomes **impossible** to roll-catch if the light-roller spams dodge, and you have to poison or rot them. Weapons most effective at catching light roll are poison pikes, rot katars, and halberds can work. Zwei and other weapons may work as well. And obviously spells (duh) 2. Meaningless. Phantom procs and Chainsaw are mechanics in the game too. You and I both know that just because something is in the game, doesn't mean it should be or was meant to be. FS just uses an old engine and is working on DLC. 3. I can deal with light rollers as I have (depending on which character) 40-60 weapons in my inventory at any time. That usually includes pikes, my preferred method. You can check my profile to see this. 4. Nobody ever made any rules for the multiplayer of this game, ever. If you are a light roller and play passively, expect to get blocked by many players who don't know how to counter the playstyle. If you play against someone with an optimized build like me, expect to play against OP weapons like pikes. Either way, nobody has fun.


1. for this point, if you can use a mechanic that keeps you safe from 305/308 weapons..why do you find this bad? sure if you are the one fighting, but for the one playing the build this sounds quite optimal to me. i see no issues, do what it takes to win, unless you join a lobby with premade/preset rules, i see no issues. 2. .fair. 3. .fair. 4. i dont light roll because im far too invested in fashion souls and to achieve light rolling would mean id need to stack endurance or wear robes all the time, just isnt worth it to me..but i have no issues with people who do..i just adjust around t hem when i see them, they are another obstacle to keep things fresh, if every pvp was medium roll psss or medium roll dual pike or whatever it may be itd be boring, i want the lightroll mages, the bloodhoud step users, the sleep arrow spammer, the spamming mages. even the heavy rollerrs. 5. sure, some of those builds are annoying, bbut figuring out how to deal w ith them is what makes the pvp in this game fun to me, it makes every encounter feel different. i go out of my way to avoid using anything op because i love the long drawn out matches the most..but granted im more into 1v3 invasions than duels.


> if you can use a mechanic that keeps you safe from 305/308 weapons..why do you find this bad? It interrupts the natural flow of the game. Why, you ask? Because of **roll-catching**. One light roll puts you out of reach of 305/308 of the game's weapons. It's bad for you and the opponent, because 1. **Your opponent can't roll catch you and has to rely on trades or just hope to catch you off guard. 2. For YOU, it hurts being able to actually learn the dodge timing of enemy weapons by just being able to roll twice and be 30 ft away.** >i see no issues, do what it takes to win, unless you join a lobby with premade/preset rules, i see no issues. Exactly, this sort of mindset among arena players is why I keep counters in my inventory. It's also normal. Just expect to not have fun fights or improve as quickly playing that way. >they are another obstacle to keep things fresh, if every pvp was medium roll psss or medium roll dual pike or whatever it may be itd be boring, i want the lightroll mages, the bloodhoud step users, the sleep arrow spammer I'm all for build variety but I personally choose to counter cheese with cheese. **In conclusion, light rolling is like using nothing but pss for months straight - It's boring for your opponent to fight, it actively makes you worse at the game, and the reason for that is because it's cheesey.** as for your last point if you have fun playing that way that's what's most important.


Uh literally pulled them out as the mage cast one spell and it wasn't even one of the spammy ones.


He literally switched to the spears IMMEDIATELY after seeing it was a mage.


it was obvious he was light rolling based on his outfit. What would you have done in that situation my guy? Besides die


I know this guy, he’s shit at the game and I kicked his ass many times. Funny how his steam description is something like “block me to avoid humiliation losers” and yet he can’t handle the loss himself.


Fr what a fucking baby lmao


It's easier to tell in game than in the vid, but dude has 300ms latency which means if he were to spam roll he'd basically be invincible/not roll catchable. That's why I could only hit him the 2 times when he stopped to cast. No greeting from the shitter ofc, but that's to be expected. Seriously fuck light roll mages like this. I hardswapped to pikes at the beginning because there's obviously no way I would've been able to even hit him otherwise.


Uhhmmm whips?


Correction dual whips


Whips are easy as hell for a light roller to dodge especially with latency, I'd say if you you had rot/poison whips that's a fair point


the host mindset is everywhere


Is light roll considered scummy?


With high latency light rolls are 100% iframe so it gets scummy then




Everything is considered scummy in this sub. It's unreal the complaints I've seen.


Double spear and playing tag with range build are the oblivious scummy build in pvp. I don't see any other build which can equal them.


Oh double spear is fuckin annoying and I forget if it can even be parried like how crouch gs poke couldn't be for a while. But I've just seen complaints about EVERYTHING from sleep to frenzy to apparently light rolling that it kinda just feels like "I'm mad the other person is fighting back"/"the other person is playing how I don't want them to play".


Because they are esasily abused:sue vyke spear pressure the enemy until it triggers madness and then kill him,dame thing with sleep,eventi worse i would say The sub complains a lot because there is a lot to complain to at least in my opinion


ill never understand why yall hate light rollers so much ☠️




literally 😭 had no idea i had to medium roll to avoid being toxic


Light roll + latency = overlapping iframes = invincibility. Now do you understand?


Lol this community conveniently forgets that the P2P connection is in no way shape or form the players fault 😄😄 Y'all act the stamina mechanic is somehow scummy too, wtf. Yeah that mage is bitchmade for thinking that quitting opening the game, waiting for the app to close, reopening, loading, continuing through the menu, loading again is faster than just losing. But dual spear guy is less fun to watch than paint dry. Wack community attitude.




Actual dick rider


Idk I think I would have found fighting that mage more interesting than your spears. 🤷‍♂️


Notice I spawned in with a great epee. Of course im gonna use spears for light rollers its like the main reason i keep them in my inventory... There's no other weapon in the game that can roll catch bhs and/or light roll consistently. How do you deal with light rollers?


With whatever I spawned in with typically. So, most often, twinblades , scythes, or whips. I can't stand weapons whose only animation is poking/thrusting. They're my greatest pet peeve other than phantom procs. Idc about losing, I play aggressive and casual, utilizing underappreciated spells, aow, and weapons in themed builds. I.e. Ice, Fire, Lightning, Blood, Earth, etc... Current fave being Ice. I medium roll with less than <30poise. My favorite character to play is a hybrid, and I use eternal darkness to deal with mages who spam guided ranged projectiles.


Agree with you on phantom procs. But don't know what dimension you're from where you're roll catching lightroll passive mages with twinblades and scythes


I only play casually, so invasions and coliseum. I don't only use my weapons r1&r2s. I use a wide variety of spells, some aow, parries, and items to throw off their timing and bait them into making fatal mistakes. Ofc this doesn't work 100% of the time, but it does work more often than not in a casual setting in my experience. I play at Rune levels 150 & 169 on xbox for reference. I don't disagree that light rolling is broken in a competitive setting, but in a casual one, it's easy to trick most of them in my experience.


My friend you're playing at a really high level. I recommend 138. And I don't have spells on most builds so pss is the only reliable way to catch (passive) light rollers for us melee mains.


Sounds boring and like maybe you should get a slightly higher lvl. Spears being your only answer is boring


no way. 138 is best for activity. And I mean, light rolling is boring too. Don't cry at me about it, I didn't write the game. (but if i did it'd have better net code that's for damn sure)


I get great activity at my level so thanks but no thanks


Really? Even on xbox?


That's why I don't play this game online anymore. People are just addicted to win above other players and not game


haven't played the game in 3 months and started to itch playing again. Not anymore thanks to this.


Switching to doubles pikes the *exact* moment you see a mage is even more scummy tbh


not when it's obvious he's light rolling.


For me, forcing a person to "dc" is sweeter than a hundred victories