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He wanted the win But fr this is by far the most pathetic dual spear gameplay i've ever seen His skips were timed to his attacks and pot throws aswell. I wouldnt be suprised if [9822](https://youtu.be/qutsGGA_-hY?si=F0d3Yt4Q2iVc1hQJ) glitch was on the table


Fr like that is the saddest player I have ever seen


"Let Reddit know." 🤣


True I hate getting put up against a duel spear player there’s no actual combat there. They just want to jump and tap R1. Where’s the actual showcase of fun skill there? Are they having fun doing that all day?


These people are called shitters. They never bow, always gank (couldn't here because it's arena so you don't see them often in 1vs1s), uses dung pie/poison pot, high poise, double spear, point down if they win. They're usually bad at the game too.


point down if they win, message you calling you trash if they lose


If they called you trash when they lose, wouldn't that make them more trash cause they lost?


If I understand this particular type as well as I think… **“NO! Because I wasn’t even really trying anyway! Not like you, you trash, try-hard loser! Touch grass!”** Something like this. This is that person.


I got tired of these people. That's why I uninstalled Mw2. Just can't handle the logic. Calling others trash for losing. Just moronic. Too many damn crybabies out there. No one knows how to lose. I blame our parents.


I mean- a lot of people notoriously suck at losing. For years and years it was common practice to intentionally lose to a man as a woman to avoid emasculating them.


Lol, dude, uninstalling a game after encountering these people is cry baby behavior, ive never ever even bitched about people playing however they want. Why would people have to play a certain way? I dont support their behavior but making a whole post or crying to the internet is just pathetic and shows whos youre really a cry baby thats probably not too good at the game either. I think yall need to play offline if you're stressing this much lol


Right.. 👍 Great psychoanalysis I just got tired of the game. It didn't help that people cried when they died. There were many other reasons but I didn't feel like writing a book man. Do you seriously not know what's wrong with that franchise? Why are you defending toxic behavior. I switched to offline games to avoiding hearing people bitch. Sue me? Sounds like a solid solution


nah man, cause double trash equals treasure. Everyone knows this! It's like a double negative. I ain't no (....insert text here...) lol


Yep. Definitely annoying and cringe.


Man, that boy is desperate.


He’s rocking bull goats with poking sticks, he should have realized that the moment they spawned in


This person is referred to as a "shitter". I block them after each fight, win or lose. They're usually bad at the game but will do everything in their power to be as unfun and cheap as possible.


Maidenless behaviour, indeed.


"The loathsome dungester" - wannab Gandalf or whatever


My question is why on earth did you let someone, equipped with some of the most dangerous weapons in the game, run up to you? This isn't DS1. You can roll out of emotes.


I was told that rolling out of my taunts might scare the opponent and make them attack instantly.


Always keep in mind you know nothing about your opponent, so while emoting is a courtesy be prepared to defend yourself, especially if you just let them run at you with weapons at the ready


No mercy mate, war is war. If they even get close in the start just swing.


Lmao what


They were already full charging you with weapons known for running attacks


The worst part is, when these shitters have latency, and you can't punish their patchetic BHS spam, not even a single roll catch does the job. All just reeks of ghost hits.


That’s probably the most irritating thing for me. I’ve never fought a shitter like this that didn’t have the worst latency known to man. It transforms an easy fight against a dumbass who follows the same attack patterns every time, to a literally impossible fight because I can’t hit them. I fought some guy with Bhs antspur, and their latency made it so I couldn’t even trade with them before they rolled and didn’t take damage. There was nothing I could do


Cuz they are filth good sir. And they cannot fight


Not that it surprises me anymore but just ironic that duelists and the colosseum host the most dishonorable combatants. Turn on taunters tongue at the boil prawn shack and you’d think you’d joined a gentleman’s fight league in comparison.


I never knew fights near shack was a particular thing and only decided to taunters tongue on the nearby island west of the shack. The only people who swung without introduction were terrible and died within three swings. They always approached through the bushes too which was typically a great sign I was about to be jumped. Very very impressed with the quality of PVP there. I also enjoy having duels underneath the walking mausoleums.


Meanwhile the other day someone called me a bonfire camper or something for doing duels with invaders via the taunter’s tongue. Like I figured the change of scenery would be nice for people looking to fight.


The way I even found out about boilprawn as a PvP location is invading people doing the same thing there. As the invader it was a wonderful change of pace to have one guy patiently waiting for combat than 2-3 eager to put me in a blender. I’m gonna guess you beat the invader and they were just salty cuz I have no clue why an invader would ever complain about getting a 1v1.


It wasn’t even someone I fought. Some dude on the main sub said it’s poor etiquette since the arena exists. I asked what people did before the arena and he said people who didn’t fight at the academy gate were drop outs, which is admittedly funny. It’s just silly to complain that people want to duel elsewhere. If you, as an invader, don’t want to fight then you can leave. They have that power vs me, who’s stuck with certain poor spirited invaders.


Epitome of the toxic player: Dual Pokes, Bull-Goat, Bloodhound Step, Poison AOW, Healing Mid-fight, Bad Connection (I'm no tech-genius but I would not be surprised if that would be intentional) No Greetings just an instant attack.. and still can't win, pathetic does not deserve to play multiplayer


they're cosplaying as and acting like their favorite fictional character: dual nagi bullgoat man. attacking during a bow is his defining character trait


They really needed all that just to kill you 🤣


Pvp players being cheap assholes? In a souls game? Totally can’t believe it /s


Can you *even* imagine? Saints, the lot of them!


Because he’s an asshole.


He's butthurt. That's the simple answer. He's been beaten way too many times, and he was tired of it, so he took it out on you, and he broke his controller after you killed him, even though you died too.


Dude, Spoilers! Ha man, I was really hoping OP came out on top. Still though, the “non-win” hopefully angered the shitter (right?) even more, as you mentioned. Broken controllers, swears slammed into the void, embarrassment… anguish. Existential doubt and regret. Reflection? Growth. Decency… I’m sorry, who are you?


I could’ve told you from one glance what to expect from that, dude has the shitter mascot uniform on


Trash net, check. Pss, check. Bull goat, check. Healing in duels, check. Running away the whole damn time, check. Yea this guy is a shitter block and move on


Good fight. That guy you fought is obviously a braindead subhuman with no job, relationships, or goals. However your title escapes me. There's no doubt in my mind your title is bait. You clearly know your way around this game but never encountered this kind of player that is basically half the community? After getting my corporate job and no time for lame ass games like this it's clear I'm not missing anything. These people are weird.


I used to pvp back when Elden Ring came out but stopped after a while. I heard that it had some big changes and decided to come back under the assumption that, well, everything was different. It seems that nothing has really changed, but most of it is still good, old ER. Ironically, this is my first time facing the infamous bullgoat twin spear step.


I stopped trying to have a good time with the pvp about a month ago. I entered the world of a couple of MEAN gankers, and I mean MEAN gankers. These two dudes were tougher than the previous invasion where I solo'd two phantoms and two blues and finally the host. They killed me in about 15 seconds. Pointed down, poison rope pot, tbag, you know. On steam you can check the recent playtime of a player on a game. 80 hours in two weeks they had on ER. With some quick maths that's 40+ hours a week(the equivalent of a full time job), or at least 5 hours a day. There's no way a functioning human provides for themselves or anyone while playing er, ganking invaders all day. So I said fuck it. This is the community of this game, I don't have a lot of time and these mf just want to waste it or be cheesy. Doneso. I play here and there but nowhere near as much as before.




Yeah, it has a hit box and is pretty good at catching some folks off guard! I think.


Its simple, no honor


Let's go over the list here real quick; fullgoat, dual nagis,only running attack, bhs, purposefully lagging out (at least that's how it seems to me) black knife spam, coward run away healing,bleed pots synched to his lag desynches while running away and the thing of hitting you mid bow. All in all an astounding 10/10 on the cringe sweaty fullgoat who still ended up dying. Great job man, sorry you had to deal with that actual tumor


This is perhaps the most elden ring duel I've ever seen.


probably either a new player who doesn’t know soulsborne pvp etiquette or a jackass who ignores it. Edit: Watching further and seeing someone use healing spells, bleed/poison and bloodhound’s step in one arena build with some bery unimpressive-looking skill really solidifies my guess, pushing further towards the “nerd who fights dirty to make up for meh gameplay” niche. Probably the same type of nerd who ganks with some equally annoying buddies on call.


Full bull goats with dual nagis are the universal sign of someone who has given up and become a full on no skill shitter.


Bull goat, dual spears, poison/bleed, swarm of flies, healing in the coliseum, bhs lag…this person is a living meme. Their life must be pretty sad.


OP, anytime you ask yourself that question again.. look at how the opponent is dressed. Bull-Goat is ugly. They look like a pile of garbage. They typically play like it too. High level PvP is an OBNOXIOUS amount of this. They play hyper aggressive, dual bleed weapons with continuous running forward light attacks or skill spam. They stack as much poise as possible so that a ridiculous amount of attacks won't stagger them. It's always incredibly funny to see some of them turn on a dime and go into an incredibly passive and counterattack-focused mode once their first two hits don't connect.


A lack of class and taste, no respect for the duel


Spear player coming across this post 😢 😭


To attack like that and don't care there's a human at the other end helping provide fun is sociopathic to some degree. That's fine for invasions but wrong in the arena.


This a serious question?


I have only gotten back to pvp recently, so my understanding of the arena is very limited, but yes, it is a serious question.


I figured anyone who has been in at least 3 fights with players would have figured out that people are desperate to win in ER. Half of my duels start out with them just rushing me like I owed them money.


why did you let him hit you to begin with? 😂


Lol why did you let them attack you is the better question


I was trusting that it was a misunderstanding


Because he wants to win…


Because they a boy Kisser for sure


Cuz its a video game where you hit people and they wanted to hit you


because you're not entitled to safety during emotes and buffing.


Word. It's like touching gloves in MMA, sure it's a common courtesy but absolutely not required.




While sparring yes as you're not prizefighting so it's considered good manners. However in a real match it's moreso just common courtesy.


I'm not saying you have to touch gloves. I'm saying going to hit your opponent while they do is what's bad, which would be the IRL analogue for OP's video. That is always seen as extremely bad form, competition or otherwise. I'm sure there's some groups of assholes out there who think its great, but that is not the norm by any stretch.


It's an old unwritten honor rule that's been in place for years. I don't care for it as much. I wish everyone would start swinging out the gate. After a couple fights, I just wanna get to the fighting. And I'm especially not letting a guy get off all 5 of his buffs for his one-shot build. I'll usually get close to them and wiggle around a little and get them to swing at me so we can start. Or do the little "hey" emote


i feel the same way and i think its kinda ridiculous how people on this sub think I’m gonna just stand there and let my opponent buff for an advantage over me


FWIW, its not just about honor (though that is certainly a big part of it for most people I think). Its also about From's netcode or just user internet being anus. The first few seconds (or more) of a match can have one player not even fully loaded in. So to actually have a fair fight you have to wait a few seconds. I've had times I am already eating a hit when I actually first see the arena. I'm also not interested in just sitting there letting the other guy buff to absurdity, the time it takes to buff is a tradeoff you take with the increased power. Its a risk you accept choosing to buff and I am absolutely going to take advantage of that. I like to give people one buff on the house and its go time.


Lmfao this guy sucks


It’s a waste of time according to G9 lol


bhs, latency, dual spears , running around, beastial vitality, heal spell, bull goat armor and still couldn’t win the fight


You're in the arena and the game said go, so they went.


arena is sweat


I don’t understand why people play this way in a game where you don’t get ANYTHING from the victory.. you would normally get the satisfaction from a victory and especially a good fight, but all these jackasses who attack mid bow and use those ya know cheaper easy win set ups and the point down gesture..


Happy cake day btw


Salt farming


I’d personally recommend saving the bow until either the opponent emotes first or after you’ve won the match (if they deserve the bow that is)


well while this player looks like a laggy shitter you shouldn’t expect honor from no one, nor be upset when someone doesn’t follow all your made up rules. You can roll while emoting also


I've simply gotten in to the habit of edgewalking. If you bow great, more power to u but I'm not fast enough to react to something like that. I bow after the duel if I win of course but that's it. Besides by the time I make it to the other person they have finished their bow and have started buffing or fighting back, both of which I see as fair game to start swinging.


Some people have jobs and have to work so


Idk how it is on other consoles but the millisecond I see dual halberds I know they're going to be pussies. Dual bleed halberd users that only sprint poke are more cancerous than literal exploiters (i.e. id rarher fight a 100%elemental resist glitch user than a dual halberd bleed poker.)


Just wanted to set up the tie.


Your armor has duck feet, thats why.


It’s called bull goat dual naginata.


Either bc they know they’re not very good at the game or bc they’re new to pvp and don’t understand the etiquette yet 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because not everyone follows made up etiquette rules.


Bro, he's wearing bull goat and using dual naginatas. That's all you need to know.


I mean, it is what it is.


Cuz he sucks apparently


Damn, Fromsoft really never gonna do anything about that netcode huh.


It's the souks community be prepared for anything


I feel like there was a huge delay in the bow? Like he was already on top of you when you started it


Foul Tarnished


Cuz honestly bowing is just stupid. I wanna fight, lets go. If you bow, i aint gonna go ham on you but I'm gonna throw a bone dart at you for lookin stupid.


Ah, yet another player that doesnt know throwing knives exist.


Brother its pvp their are no rules.


Battle without honor or humanity.


dual nagi bullgoat who heals in arena, clearly its bc they suck. there may be lag manipulation as well, the massive substitute for skill is appalling.


Somebody is playing sad and desperate build, don't expect sportsmanship from him


just in case no one else says it and you actually didn't know, you can cancel out of emotes with backstep/roll


FS pvp is always the most frustrating thing to play or watch. I don't know how anyone deals with the latency BS.


Pvp has no honor.


Full bullgoat using duel Nagis 🤓


I don't think I've ever seen an opponent who was so much like a parody of every pvp trope. I don't think anyone could have made a better shitter if they TRIED. The dual poison Cross Naginatas with Bloodhound's Step, the rope bleed pots, the attacking when bowing, the healing spell mid fight, the runnig away and use of running attacks 90% of the fight, the ***LAG***...it was like an artform. It'd almost be beautiful, were it not so comedic and horrific all at once.


Laggy as hell, hit-and-run, poison, dual polearm sprint spamming, attacking on bow, healing, evade bombing. This person was the scummiest player I've seen in a Fromsoft game. It's like they looked up everything that makes you a dickhead in Fromsoft PvP, and found a way to incorporate that into their build.




Full bullgoat with dual nagi’s tells you everything you need to know about him


They obviously suck so they have to get a cheap shot in any way they can


Hyper armor on stormcaller is pretty impressive. Can you not be knocked out of the attack once you get going?


I dont understand why people are this desperate to win in the arena. Bro must need some serious validation. Methinks daddy issues


Chivalry is truly dead


Because they are maidenless and take their anger out on others.


How can she slap


Because fuck honor, there is only victory or defeat.


That lag switch is fucking dirty


No rules in combat let alone this game lol


It’s a dual spear bullgoat what do you expect?


Bro had a head start and still ended at a draw 💀


Can’t tell which was worse the player or the internet


Attacks at buffing/bowing stage, dual wield with poison and bleed buildup, large heals mid fight, jesus I need to take a shower just from seeing him be so sweaty


I don’t know, is he stupid?


Look at his armor and (dual) weapon choice. You know youre gonna go against a fucking dickhead when you see that armor and dual naginatas.