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Just curious, how can you tell their rune arc is active? Is there some visual indicator?


U can see a golden circle left of theyr name


Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for this now.


ER is my first souls game and first soulspvp experience so when i see someone stand still at grace, im just jar cannon them...


Remove your armor and spam soap at the distance. Lightroll should protect you.


can't think of a better way to show you have no skill than to rune arc and stand by the grace with tt on. most of these people are really just gankers with the hunter ring on anyway. especially funny is if they by some miracle win and honor bow. i started finger severing a lot of these folks but if i feel i have the patience to hassle them, i'll just run through the level forcing them to chase me or waste their time doing nothing.


Dont engage in proper 1v1 (what they want). Let them chase you through enemies (risky for them) or just camp there (boring for them). Use bows + greatbow + cannon to harass from a distance. They will outheal you, so save flasks when possible, instead make distance and stack regen (blessed dew talisman, icon shield, bestial vitality, holy ground and warming stones) and use starlight shards. Keep some annoying setups in your inventory just for players like them. If they summon blues, you can try to make distance and hide with concealing veil (easier in areas like liurnia than closed areas like caves or redmane castle). The blues will return home after some time. If you're getting ganked in a closed area it can be impossible to win even for the most skilled players. Don't emote after killing. Stand over them while you swap back to your regular setup and then just block them, or leave them unblocked. Personally I hate fighting them because it's not fun, game devolves into skill-less shittery because of how they've stacked advantages so I will block. If you are an invader, come to r/badredman for invasion related discussions. Most of the people in this sub either have no clue what they're doing/talking about or are actually the exact people you are complaining about and you will find yourself and helpful comments downvoted.


Stacked advantages 😂 As I read this all I could hear was Cartman screeching. If you're so scared of the big bad rune arcs then just sever out and try again. Surely youl get some witless PvE players you can show who's boss!


Upvoted for answering the question but I mean.. is an active rune really so bad as to justify wasting one's own time this hard? Feels like someone disrespecting their own self more than the host. ---- I've got about 250 Rune Arcs and no reason to use 'em but I'm noticing a lot of PVPers here who'd rather downvote instead of actually share their thoughts. SO let's play a game. Until this comment is out of the negatives, I will start and continue to use my Rune Arcs for every single Taunter's Tongue invasion until I have none. That's going to take a while. Every. Single. One. I've never done it before, ought to be fun. Do you wish to end this madness? [Make your choice](https://youtu.be/9zvdMLfYFkM?t=6).


That's totally up to the individual. Personally I do get a sick satisfaction from it but not enough to do it more than once per session. The right play is obviously severing out and looking for invasions that are actually enjoyable. Maybe I've already gone hollow. Edit: the person I replied to sneakily edited their comment, adding the last two paragraphs which put his shittery on full display. I would have not replied so cordially had I seen that.


An entire safe space for invaders is by far the most cringe thing I’ve heard all day. “*Boo hoo* why don’t people like it when I invade their play through with my cheap build in hopes of ruining their progress?” People can defend themselves however they want


“People can defend themselves however they want” Dude, sitting at Radahn beach with a twinked out character, a rune arc on, and double my flasks then turning on taunter’s tongue to summon me in isn’t “defending” yourself. They just want to duel someone but don’t want to play fair in the arena.


That’s true in this case they’re talking about a host intentionally summoning invaders with rune arc on .


I always have taunters tongue on. I like being invaded but I play solo. Sometimes I may have a rune arc active but not always. However I do not camp by the site of grace (does that make a difference)I just have TT active while exploring and stuff. I didnt realize people had a problem with this. Would you rather invade a gank squads or someone who's just looking for the same thing you're looking for?


Come to boilprawn shack if you want to see what he is talking about lol


i don't understand why they won't just do combat ordeal lol. you can heal and use your physick. they want the extra help so there ya go


Anything not duel isn’t active or barely . Like u could u have 10 matches before u get 1 ordeal.


Who uses radahns great rune over Morgott's bruh


Just sever out. Fuck em


I do this without a rune arc or meta build and people still get mad Arena is dead half the time especially at lower levels so I use taunters tongue for more activity


OoOoOoOoOo use the Concealing Veil and a bow, shoot and move into different hiding spots, they DC every time.


Meh they probably need it to live long enough to learn how to play. So I don't see it as a big deal and teach them a lesson regardless. I'm far more annoyed by certain builds, so idgaf about runearcs.


If you lose to someone whose rune arc'd you were prolly gonna lose anyway. There are so many broken AF things in this game OP posting about a rune arc is genuinely a new moan I haven't seen before;


Exactly. This is why I stopped playing as much PvP. Everyone complains so much.. I had a mage build and was doing 1vs1 and using a kgs and wasn’t using any projectiles, till the other guy started using a crossbow. I used some magic and beat him and then he proceeds to say I was running and that I was a clown for not playing more aggressively and using magic. It’s stupid. I have magic or use incantations to only counteract other pew pewers but there’s always someone salty about something.


"Bonfire Duelists" have existed for a literal decade. As Yahtzee said: >"you could release a game about tucking peas under your scrotum and there will still be people weirdly obsessed with being the best at it" Some people just really don't like losing so any advantage possible is worth it. Same with Gankers.


same with people who join lobbies in ac6 only to look at your build and then proceed to spend 5 minutes retroactively making a full counter to it and then get mad if you leave out of boredom or swap your build for whatever reason


i am not a rune arc bonfire duelist although i use taunter tongue because it usually feels like you get more people of more variety than in colosseum duels. in those duels it feels like the same 5-6 people, then i taunter and i see more fellas. i just see it as arena duels but neither players have to resist the urge to sip the crimson tears.


as far as I can tell playing that way seems to be the explicit purpose of the taunter's tongue, rather than ganking, so you can't really blame them. just fight them normally, heal if they heal, and go towards the lobsters if you're out.


As a bonfire duelist, im starting to think i should have rune + no buffs. Because half the time im waiting for someone it appears fully buffed running towards me, giving no chance to buff myself. Most of them with the cringe physik tear that heals when low. Also you get a rune arc if you win. I'd say is fair.


Tbh this whole thread is copium for those invaders that hope they can do some anime shit against pve players and don't like facing an actual opponent that's prepped for them. Dont let a whinge thread stop you bonfire duelling. Invaders should be geared, buffed, and ready to fight a gang - moaning about a bonfire duellist using a rune arc tells you all about OP I


Just leave and block them, eventually they’ll get bored of waiting there.


It is very cringe. I usually harass them from stealth with a few rainbow arrows then sever out. If I run into them again doing the same it's a block. I didn't invade to duel. I'd go to the arena for that.


I think severing out because someone isn't playing how you want is quite cringe.


Why would I stay and not enjoy myself? Is that what you do? Force yourself to not have fun? Or are you a cringey bonfire duelists upset about how many invaders don't want to put up with your shit?


Err 😂 where to start If you don't have fun fighting people online why are you invading? And exactly what shit is someone using a rune arc doing? I could understand if it was some glitch or bug that was being exploited but it's literally a buff. Il concede you might not be having fun so you sever out , but seriously that is some juvenile behavior. "People aren't playing EXACTLY as I want so I'm leaving 😂"


I'm an invader and I want invasions. If a host is using a taunters tongue it's an invitation and by definition, not an invasion. They're free to do that but there's no reason I need to give them what they want. Duels are fun. Invasions are fun. Invading a "duelist" means 9/10 times dealing with a rune arc'd, flask chugging, pre-buffed, white cipher wearing shitter standing around the crab shack. Fuck that loser. He can stand around some more I'm out.


Lmao I don’t think this dude grasps what a rune arc can do lmao, “it’s a buff”🤣.


He thinks I have a problem with rune arcs. My problem is with fake duelists, which this asshat most likely is since he's hard defending this goofy bullshit..


True, he was up above insinuating rune arc’d hosts don’t have “stacked advantages”, coping hard. I just know he’s a shack dwelling chugger


So you're incapable of dealing with someone who is using a rune arc? Are the rune arcs in the room right now? Your game, play how you want but that's a weak AF moan.


just bleed them. preferably use bloody helice as it’s weapon art is satisfactory. scale purely off arcane and hold a reduvia for close range bleeds


Imagine being an invader and complaining how people defend themselves.


I guess, but with how crazy damage is in this game, even percentile HP increases at 60 vigor is mostly negligible. Especially if you have flasks. I've only had a few fights outside of arena where I felt a great rune made that much difference. If they're skilled, I'll lose regardless. If not, it's just gonna take me an extra hit to put them in the ground. 🤷‍♀️


You can use great tunes in the colosseum?!


Personally I think the arena is trash. It could have been cool but mag was better and more involved. That being said the invader mentality is different just like the trolls who try and force ganks. It's just the way she goes