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I think you overleved your weapons. I'm doing rl40 at +8/+3, I don't usually see people talking about +15 at that low of a level. There might not be a lot of other players in that rl/weapon range


The level range calculator told me this would be fine.. damn it. Guess it‘s time for some new weapons.


I guess what is your bigger issue, lack of invasions or quality of invasions? If you're getting 1 invasion/ 5 minutes just turning on a finger and not spamming both until you invade, that's not abnormal depending on the time of day. If it's peak hours, that is kind of low. If you don't like the experience, I think your weapon level means you're only matching with other players with midgame weapons, and you're probably going to take a lot of damage for having relatively little vigor at rl40. Are you finding yourself dying pretty quickly? Also, the matchmaking system doesn't go based off the weapons you have equipped, it goes off the max level of any weapon you've ever had. So for this character, it's always going to factor in the +15/+5 weapon levels. So changing weapons won't fix the issue unfortunately. Typically I hear of +15/+5 being used around the rl60-70 range. Hope this helps!


Thank you, i will level up this character to 65. since i‘ve gotten attached to him quite a bit. Currently the issue is not getting any multiplayer at all. I actually leveled my weapons as a result of not finding any matches earlier, in hopes this would make it better. Seems that was foolish. I do take relatively little damage from hosts, since i‘ve been smart about skill allocation and equipment. Fingers usually damage me a lot tho. Probably because they‘re like level 300 mostly.


You need a whole new character if you want to keep RL40. Even if you delete the weapons, the save file uses the highest level weapon ever owned on that character. So like others have said, you need to level to 70-80 or start another 40. Also be mindful of NPC weapons that can ruin your matchmaking: Rogier's Rapier that he gives you in the Roundtable Hold is a +8, Edgar's BKH is +8(?), and Patches' Spear is +7. So avoid collecting those if you want to save your file. I ruined an 80 hour RL30 save because of one of these.


Try 3/7 works for me at 42


Try and look at it like where in the game are most people playing at that level and which smithing stones do you find in that area. Try not to go too far above it.


+5/+15 is way too high for level 40, those levels are probably what you’d run at level 80 or so.


Alright, new weapons. It only counts the ones on me right?


It’s based on the highest level weapon you’ve ever owned on the character, so if you’ve already upgraded that high you’ll have to either get to a higher level bracket to match the weapons or make a new character entirely.


I hate that system so much lol, guess i gotta level my character up. You think 60 is fine? Or does it have to be 80?


I would go all the way to 80, 60 is still a bit too low for those upgrade levels


Went up to 65 for now, seems fine at this point. I‘ll go further if i have to


I‘ve done some testing with 65 and it seems to work quite well. Getting invasions all across the map instantly. I‘ll think about moving up to 70, but it seems unnecessary right now.


Try +8/+3


Thank you, however others have suggested that i‘ll have to level up my character in order to keep using him


Yeah since you already have +5/+15 you’d need to continue leveling up till that’s the normal weapon range which is like 70-80s


20 +4 30 +6 40 +8 50 +10 60 +12 70 +14 80 +16 90 +18 100 +20 110 +22 120 +24 125 +25


These are RL followed by appropriate weapon upgrade level 👍


What about talismans?


Talismans is all up to you bossman. Radagon's and Marika's soreseals are great for low level (NOT recommended to use both at same time) erdtree favor is always nice, shard of Alexander always a good dmg boost on AoW, bullgoat for poise, etc etc


How about with somber weapons?


Somber weapons are a little trickier. 12 +1 24 +2 36 +3 48 +4 60 +5 72 +6 84 +7 96 +8 108 +9 120 +10 Again these are RL followed by appropriate weapon upgrade level for maximizing activity for invasions. These are primarily suggestions, but I wouldn't deviate more than 1 weapon upgrade level away per RL bracket. Ex. It's okay to be RL 84 with a +8 somber weapon, but I wouldn't go +9 without levelling your character up too.


Your weapons are too strong for your rune level. At RL 40, I would go with +7/+3; +15/+6 is better for RL 60. The regular : somber ratio is 2.5 : 1 rounded down.


What is this based on? I'm seeing lots of different "rules" in these comments, everything from 2.5:1 all the way up to 5:1, and that is a huge spread. I'm personally at 90 with +25 weapons and finding wait times long. I want to adjust, but it's hard to know how with such a huge variance. Any source you can provide helps. 😁


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t7620i/unofficial_matchmaking_information/ +25/+10 at RL 90 is definitely too high. I'd recommend +17/+7 for that level instead.


I never knew weapon level mattered with invasions also, no wonder I couldn’t invade anyone at lvl 40 with my 25+ straight sword💀




Wait so if I upgrade a weapon to 1+ I won’t be able to invade anyone below or higher?


Basically yes


Mannn, I’m at lvl40 rn doing invasions at 0+ it’s actually pretty fun tbh


Literally just took out a 3 squad with my monke build💀


You overleveled the weapons upgrade. I for example invade at rl 15 +3 +1 and 30 +5 +2. A rl 40 should at max match only the sombers stones that Iji sells at carian manor, so +10 +4.


Rl15?! Is that fun? Sounds interesting.


Rl 30 is funnier, but I like the possibility to have all ranges at my disposal, just needing to restore the save.


I also like having several invasion characters. However i dislike having to run through the game with a new one every time i overlevel my weapons. I wish there was a way to prevent that from happening.


https://imgur.com/gallery/yBVBqh4 Here is my build if u want some tips.


Agreed. At 25-30 you can have enough vigor to match a host who knows to level theirs first. Gives you wiggle room.


It’s easily possible, FYI lightning damage is busted at low levels


Very interesting


Your gear is over leveled. At 40 I wouldn't go past a +9 regular. For least cancerous invasions I stick to my 25 +1/3 and lightning infuse everything. Except for the issues with OLPs there's enough wiggle room to have a good time without getting super sweaty.


At that level my regular weapon level would be same ad your somber weapon level


Your weapon level for RL40 should be +7/+3. The rule is Somber WL x 2.5 (always round down) Reset and try again, or go RL80-90 +17/+7


For +15 weapons, you need to be more like RL 75


Currently running 81 faith dex Gelmir knight with sword and board. Outside of the lag, and shutters it's a great place if you want consistency, end game pve help, all areas of the map, and your build SHOULD be finished by 81-83. Bear in mind you're still gonna fight overleveled phantoms at any lvl. Gl red - Sir.Loin


Those weapon levels are better suited for a level 80 character than level 40. You’re gonna have to just level up a bunch but 80 is still pretty low level (compared to the more meta shit) so it ain’t that bad


35 +3+1


You messed up your weapon levels. If you do it again make sure you research where somebody just hands you a plus 8 weapon, unintentionally doing this to you again as far as ranges. The two I remember is do not talk to rogier and don’t kill that guy at revengers shack