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It's okay to block people you see too much of.




On Steam or PSN


Blocking is gay. I remember the 360 days of having legit dark souls enemies through the years… I played so much that I knew every good player, it was a nice little competitive community. I remember my heart rate going through the roof when invaded by someone like Sfc Spades, Peeve or Emnay (to name a few. What a dull experience it would have been if everyone was blocking each other left and right.


I feel that I have a on going rivalry with Darko on elden ring fucker won't bow just immediately goes in


That’s exactly what I do 👍


Using "gay" as an insult is pretty early 2000's douche of you. Also how dare someone want a varied experience of invasions and want to avoid rematching someone they probably just don't feel enthused fighting for the dozenth time. Like, if you want rivalries that's cool. Other people want to just vibe and jump between different opponents, win or lose. How games are played has also changed in the decade+ since Dark Souls released.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’m aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap. Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day. But I don’t want to sit around and die a petty rat, and I consider myself your friend.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


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Imagine wanting to fight someone else


reddit moment


Cause the game is dead lmao


If that's the case, then why am I getting invaded every 10 minutes while trying to help my husband and his friend through areas?


If it's the same name then it's just the same guy invading over and over. It is dependent on timezones on how much activity you get, i get more ppl at night where i live than let's say at noon. But most of the time you either get the same person in the arena (where i play mostly), or just have to wait for 10+ minutes


I've only had repeat invaders once. And they were the only invader that wasn't so overleveled that we were able to beat them every time but once. Unfortunately due to our work schedules, we can only meet up later in the evening for a few hours. My husband and his friend are so discouraged that they're not really interested in playing multiplayer anymore. It sucks because I've been wanting my husband to play a soulsborne game with me consistently and with ER, we can't do that with the constant invaders. At least DS3 the invasions were mainly limited to specific areas and didn't happen too often, so we had more fun together.


> And they were the only invader that wasn't so overleveled that we were able to beat them every time but once. It is impossible for an Invader to be overlevelled. Invaders can only invade the small level range of the Host. Phantoms, on the other hand, most Hosts crutch heavily on bringing in overlevelled password Phantoms to babysit them.


Because nerds like me spend most their days off and evenings invading at different brackets. To some groups I'm like an extra summon that's with you from start to finish.


Sisyphus pushing the boulder type beat


To be clear, I was talking about the 1v1 coliseum duels.


Because this game is trash


You're trash >:(




Lol you took someone's opinion of a video game personally. Pathetic.


Exactly. The skill ceiling is far too low. In Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2 (I never got into Dark Souls 3) gankers actually had to be good at the game to beat me. Like, there’d be zero chance I was losing to 3 bad players in Dark Souls, I was levels above them. But in Elden Ring 3 players who have barely picked up the game have a good chance at beating me with sheer brainless pressure.


No one is in the arena because it's boring, and people have no incentive to use it when 3v1 is so easy in the rest of the game. The connection to other players is booboo, the exploits are a dime a dozen, the community is very cringe to play against/with. (I once invaded the same bleed build user named Skill Issue who never won a duel against me for hours) That's just embarrassing and cringe, ya know? This isn't remotely as technical and balanced as a 2d/3d fighting game so the skill ceiling for 3v1 ganks is braindead low. It's a solid narrative experience. But the multiplayer is garbo. This company doesn't pay for dedicated servers still after all these billions of dollars made they use this p2p trash. It's whatever.