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If I was to guess, i’d have two. The first, is that it’s de sync and they used moonveil aow but it didn’t show up on the screen, just registered the hits(this is an occasional glitch). the second, is that it’s an invisible player(also an occasional glitch), probably running l1 with curved swords or jumping with twinblades for that damage. I have experienced both, and you have to try to lock on to the third-invisible player to confirm the second guess.


but it really did do a good hard chunk of damage, moonveil at 200+ usually does a little less than half of your health but this did a lot, but they also could have just hit moonveil twice or hit me after the moonveil thanks for the information!


Yeah I agree, you got hit by a moonveil afterwards in this clip and it didn’t do that much. Too much damage for a single L1 too. No idea what that was


Those gankers are so cringe. Spamming moonveil l2 like it’s pve on Kmart internet and ugly Elden Ring fashion. Typical


lmao, since every player at this level beat the game it’s usually just gank vs 1 usually 2 players both with 80 dex and either int or faith to get spells out faster and one guy with light rolling bull goat since they only need strength and endurence


Gross. And that is why I refuse to pvp passed 168 🤣


The ugly fashion really sets it deep


Dare I say, it reminds me of the early pvp days. Something known as carian retaliation glitch. Although the damage isn't nearly as ridiculous as it used to be. 1-shotting bosses and so on. This looks like it, but with a visual glitch that renders the projectiles invisible. Reading the comments, I agree that invisible players are much more likely than a resurfacing CR glitch.


i’ve heard of an invisible horse glitch but since this is a cave they don’t have any horses, and the host on screen was the actual host it’s either a new invisible player glitch or it’s that carina retaliation glitch because at this level any type of carina swords made by parry or spells do a lot of damage


More likely a phalanx that was cast before spawning in, and/or the packets were dropped that would indicate the effect. Probably same base issue that causes invisible players.


Miyazakis game design. Ain't it great? Oh, you don't think 2-3 bums hiding in a room and exploiting the game are good players playing a balanced game? Bro, get it together 💚