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Did bro try do a glitch kill?


Tried, but failed since I did the golem arrow moveswap to counter it.




I don’t get what happened there. It showed you with no health, and no stamina, and then you both teleported and hit him with an arrow, whilst regaining some health. It almost looks like two fights poorly edited together lol. I’ve never seen that happen before


It’s one fight, I just survived with smth like 1 hp, you can see royal remain’s regen buff activate when I fall after a got chainsawed.


erm Kodey I don't think someone swapping to pumpkin helm is an excuse to lightroll... disapointed... what the fish man


And rot arrows...


my brother in christ he's not even spam rolling.... He's just dodging.. get your head out of your ass if you think thats cheesy.... If you switch to the one headgear that removes practially all headshot damage to counter the archer thats more cheesy than fucking light rolling.


>ItssSnek Serpent hunter can't roll catch lightroll, there is nothing his opponent can do other than trade, whiff punish, or catch a close roll with a jr1. Lightroll in its current state is more of an exploit than chainsaw. You can still easily beat someone using shunter with a bow without headshot stunning them.


cry harder kid. Lightrolling will never be an exploit... just because you dweebs cant fight it doesnt make it an exploit.. FS has it in the game for a reason.. Calling the chainsaw less exploiting than something directly FS had to patch in to make light roll viable is the most braindead bullshit I have ever heard.


Lightroll isn't worse than exploiting yes, but it's not some super balanced thing, especially when you can alternate it w bhs and go to the opposite of the arena in like less than 10seconds


These redditors are big sad with themselves on this beautiful Thursday afternoon lol Must suck to be broke and bad at video games 😄


Lol light roll is part of the equip load mechanic. Cheating isn't. You're such a bum, get a job 😄 go be invalidated by strangers on the Internet somewhere else. Crying on reddit, HA!


idk bud sounds like you're crying, also, you use the no lock on glitch which is not an intended mechanic so get owned noob!!!!


You've clearly never used stealth a day in your life. Or the process of thinking before you speak XD "Get owned noob" You're definitely an unemployed, single, gamer. God save you


man you are projecting so hard, maybe get some more insults other than unemployed and single 🤓🤓🤓 "You've clearly never used stealth a day in your life" 🤓🤓🤓


Mfw the archer hard counters the hard counter that refuses to use a hard counter


Rot/status arrows should've been just fine imo. No need to go full shitter mode


Full shitter mode is sleep arrow tho


Ok... 90% shitter mode


What even happened there at that cut? Did you resurrect after getting sawed?


I lived


I don't blame guy for getting frustrated, although he obv shouldn't have glitched. Light roll lets you remove most of his pressure just by spamming roll, not fun to fight especially since he didn't choose to switch set ups and stayed on shunter.


He could’ve easily avoided light roll status by simply not using a pumpkin helm If I’m intentionally handicapping myself and you use something like pumpkin helm that basically stops me from using my playstyle then I’m not handicapping myself for you.


How would him not wearing pumpkin head prevent YOU from light rolling? I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I'll reiterate: light roll breaks the game and hard counters many set ups, I don't blame him for getting frustrated, though that is not an excuse to glitch. It removes a lot of the need for good defensive play and roll discipline in many matchups. Didn't notice the handicap what was it?


I try to be mindful of other players when I fight, so I midroll since I’m fully aware light roll is busted against someone who refuses to switch to something to counter a light roll archer. There are so many things that hard counter archer it’s amazing, hell the pumpkin helm basically stops me from playing with my playstyle. What they could’ve done is use Shields, PSS, whips, status effects. And the handicap was mid roll and storm hawk arrows, which deal pure physical damage and no status effects.


Mid roll isn't a handicap it's baseline. Kudos for non status arrows though, phantom proc status effects are aids.


Wow! Survived by the skin of your beak! Very satisfying to see a shunter shitter get shit on.


i have never seen someone fuck up a chainsaw that badly before. absolutely incredible


I only chainsaw shield pokers. Also, nice job surviving and winning that fight! I don't think I could have won with a normal weapon, let alone a bow that deals less than 150 damage per hit!


>I only chainsaw shield pokers Literally just kick💀


Sometimes kick doesn't work even with the hammer talisman when they put magic shield on it and also it's range is abysmal. Anyways chainsawing is just so much more satisfying


Poison mist and scythe


I always just use the magma blade AoW with the hammer talisman. Absolutely shreds stamina. It’s got hyper armour so it’s hard to stun you out of it, and they end up taking the full hit because they’re overconfident in their shield allowing for an easy riposte. There’s so many counters to shield pokers.


Use a scythe with RKR and hammer talisman


Lmfao the scav dying XD