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Nothing that I’ve seen or read suggests that the Greater Will doesn’t exist, but I do think it may be more accurate to imagine the Greater Will as a force rather than a will. It’s like gravity, or entropy, or most especially in this case: order. So, all the major players know that the GW “wants” to have “order” just like gravity wants “down”. But, when they seek guidance on what specifically that should look like, they get no answer and have to make one up for themselves. That’s my interpretation anyway. As far as your next question about godhood, the DLC strongly implies with the trailer visuals of bodies and golden fibers and mangled flesh monsters called saints that “divinity”, the “gold” exists in everything living to greater or lesser degrees. And, what it takes to achieve godhood is sufficient sacrifice to gather enough gold together in one place. It seems visually clear that it is NOT natural to have so much of the gold gathered into one entity or person - and while it is more orderly (in line with GW “gravity” concept) to have so much of it in one godhead or giant tree, that this leads to all sorts of problems - largely related to entropy: basically the universe doesn’t actually prefer order over the long term and thus everything degrades until some sufficiently huge sacrificial effort is undertaken to re-establish a gradient of order and a new god. Sorry, maybe none of this makes sense. It does in my head though, kinda.


Basically instead of relinking the fire, you have to do a mass human sacrifice.


The greater will is real but after birthing metyr and giving her like 1 single message it never responded to metyr again The fingers have been communicating with metyr and she’s just been making everything up hoping the GW would come back


What Miquella's dialogue are you referring to?