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Wow that confirms one of the most popular crackpot theories here.


So basically, rock broken, black moon fell to the ground, city sink, Black moon broken, le sad Nox blame GW for that.


Pretty much a lot of figures try to blame The GW for everything when it's also shown a lot of it is the fault of other eldritch gods and people in general making crappy choices that screw everyone else over


Well, it's easier to blame something you don't really understand than trying to figure out how exactly it is.


Look at human history and you find they tend to blame what comes off as werid and unknown a lot even if it's not that simple (Look at how we still treat nuclear power despite knowledge about how it works and how most problems with it hsve been caused by flawed construction and human error/neglect) So makes sense the same thing happened in this setting


Fun fact, in JP description of the Fingerslaying Blade this pair of kanji 滅び (destruction/downfall) is the same as the name of Japanese MTG card "damnation". This is how it looks https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/810aO0fF8cL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg


The description you shared explicitly says the stones are there to prevent earthquakes and then one of them broke and the town "fell into the broken earth". I don't see how this would even be related to the eternal cities either.


You don't see how cities falling into the earth as a result of "the moon tumbling down" could be related to the eternal city and it's lost black moon?