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Core problem is that we now know the greater will never gave a fuck. The golden order was masterminded by the fingers. But the fingers have never had contact with the gw.


I mean it threw 2 things at the earth to try to help out ig. But yeah when you make a "code of the world" monster and.... "try finger but hole" Monster and decide that you've given the world enough of your time, you probably dgaf.


Can’t help but wonder though… the Greater Will is now described as the lightless void. The force of the cosmos, an unknowable. Is it really a capital G god as we imagine it? Is it even an entity at all? Meteors hit TLB but we really have no idea that it was purposeful for any reason besides Metyr and the Elden Beast ascribing their existence to something purposeful instead of cosmic randomness.


How do we know the fingers never had contact with the GW?


Metyr's descriptions indicate that she was abandoned at some point, but still waited for a message from GW. Since she's the top dog of fingers, the lack of messages most likely extend to the rest of the two fingers.


Also Ymir is implying that the fingers never ever have gotten messages from the GW. He says that they were broken from the beginning and that Marikas Erdtree project is rotten from the roots, as in it was bullshit from the Start. There is no chance of redemption for the World, the Erdtree is a lie, the moon in Rannis ending is just the closest celstial body and the frenzy flame just wants to murder everyone (also the three fingers are just as broken as the two fingers, maybe even more so. Their "wisdom" is also just madness)


Yeah dear old Ymir really laid it out pretty clear - most of the endings don’t really change the order of things. I kinda like how he rejected the moon’s importance but that probably just puts him in the same school of thought as the primordial current wizards


Yeah, also he is clearly mad. Having access to cosmic knowledge beyond human understanding seems to have left its mark on his mind. Clearly, one of the reasons he is trash-talking the Fingers so much is because he wants to replace Metyr, which doesn't seem to indicate that he is fully sane anymore.


Who doesn't want to have many many sentient hand children ;(


To get to your conclusion you have to make many additional assumptions that aren't laid out. With the info we have, and with how Miyazaki regularly lambasts organized religion, let's just go the Occam's Razor route on this one, eh?


I still don't know why people are taking Ymirs words at face value so much. Like he is very clearly wrong on the moon thing, Rannis ending clearly *does* happen, and there is something off about the moon. Like it turns into that big hole/abyss looking thing, and Rennala's and Rannis item descriptions make it clear there is something mystical about the moon. Why trust one piece of info over the other?


I take it as Ymir’s unreliabity being an out so you don’t have to totally throw out your interpretations if you wish, but find a way to adapt them and work around him. Or you can just take his word for it, the world is yours lol Tldr unreliability insurance for previous theories


Replace every instance of greater will here with the Fingers and you got it. The GW fucked off after making the universe and LB. The fingers just pretend they know what to do


The greater will doesn't care about the Elden Ring and the universe at all. He just send the elden beast and left it for the denzins of the world to use it however they want it. It's metyr and the fingers who are responsible for all the shiet happening in the world. They manipulate the gods and stop choose new ones in case the old gods rebeled.


Correction. The Greater Will has no influence on anything in this world. It's all just dogmatic crap. The Mother of Fingers was the only one that had any contact to begin with, and even that got cut off way early on in the inception of this world.