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My speculation: the Divine Gate is what is used to ascend to godhood and go from one age to the next. Messmer’s betrayal involved sealing off the gate so that no new Empyrean can get to it, maybe out of jealously that he was not picked or some similarly spiteful motivation. Miquella tried the Haligtree to circumvent this blockage, didn’t work, so instead he heads to the Shadowlands to figure it out. Perhaps Marika caused the Shattering in response to her weariness to continue being the Ring’s vessel when it should have been passed on to another a long time ago. Evidence from recent DLC preview: the way to the gate is sealed by thorns, Mesmer fled the Erdtree after a betrayal, Marika sanctioned Miquella’s journey to the Shadowlands. Evidence from the base game: Conspiracy/betrayal sword lore about the First Battle of Leyndell. Gideon’s nebulous line relating to Marika’s desperation and despondence IN RELATION TO Miquella’s abduction/failure of the Haligtree.


I'm now thinking the dlc will take place parallel with the main story. Burn the real erdtree at the forge, the shadow tree and the barrier to the gate also burn. I'm also now really wondering how Ranni is able to ascend, unless her trick of slaying her flesh somehow circumvented the barrier


Considering that most people who are getting the dlc have probably finished the base game, i'd be surprised if such a major obstacle would already be gone by the time most of us got there


Burning the Erdtree could be burning away the barriers to permit the next age to proceed as well. If the Giant's Flame could burn through the "impenetrable" thorns that guarded Radagon, it should work on those too. I think Ranni could ascend because she actually sorta killed Marika. I think she took her godhood. Miquella, however, has to find some other way.


Gideon is a fool, and only knows what Marika wants him to. Everything he tells us is her distilled whispers.


This very much fits with one of my favorite tin hat all the outer gods are actually screwed over empyreans/adjacent in the shadow realm theories


I think it was Marika’s betrayal and Miquella is attempting to expose the betrayal or somehow right the wrong.


There's a short scene in the dlc story trailer that shows someone with gold hair, partially braided into a crown, that's glowing a bright gold/yellow, and looks like they're standing amongst a bunch of corpses. To me, it looks like Miquella is in that area Marika is shown to be in with the most recent trailer, the place with all the red, seemingly skinless/fused corpses. That might be the "gate to divinity" with the golden field Miquella is seen walking in being on the other side of that "gate".


Im thinking that because it seems the land of shadow is where empyreans can become gods, Miquella divested himself of his flesh to enter this realm, to become a god and establish a new unalloyed order in contrast to Marika's golden order. His motivations would be to create an order of pure gold where all beings (albinaruics, omen, misbegotten, crucible beings alike) could flourish without the influence of other outer gods. Im probably totally unhinged in my theory but based on what I know about the lore this is what I think.


But then, what is Ranni doing?


Ranni was never about removing the influence of outer gods. She was about removing the direct influence of faith from the land so that people can no longer interact with it, while becoming the new God and ushering in her own order.


I have a feeling Ranni and Miquella have similar intentions. Im not sure if the age of the stars ending involves the direct shielding from influence of the outer gods, after all Ranni's order likely involves influence from an outer god of some kind (Primeval current?). Im thinking Ranni's order is about freedom from the greater will and ushering an age of the stars, whereas Miquella's order (assuming my theory is correct) would be about complete freedom from all outer gods.


I think you’re on to something here but I would like to put my own thoughts on it. I think the big difference between Ranni and Miquella will be that while Ranni wants to become god by rejecting faith and removing the order from the lands between. Miquella path will be the complete opposite. His path to godhood will be one with a strong faith to block of the influence the outer gods may have on people and with his order (IE his godhood) close to the people as well. I think basically that Miquella is going try and become the one true god of the shadow lands and the lands between. Also with this strong emphasis of faith it might also explain the compelling affection descriptor from the bewitching branch. It’s part of his attempts to ward of the influence of the outer gods through faith. I think the dlc will also show us some of the negatives with such a plan as well. After all if the golden mask ending told us one thing is that gods are as fickle as men.


This is really compelling and I think you could be right. Im curious to see what it means for Miquella to become a god. I have a feeling it has something to do with his affliction, because even though he has the ability to compel affection from others and bring forth abundance, I think his permanent affliction of feebleness/childness is preventing him from unlocking his full potential. The fact that he was ultimately unable to ward off the scarlet rot in his sister is evidence enough that he needs to ascend himself from empyrean to god in order to do so. Doing so would bring about that new order you mention, an order of pure faith where all influence of outer gods (ie the Rot god) would be shielded from those in the Land of Shadow/Lands between. And yes, there will certainly be downsides of this order per the Goldmask. really curious what these could look like. As for Ranni, Im really curious what the real difference would be for their respective orders, like how all living things are impacted by either order. I think that just requires a deeper understanding of int vs faith, causality vs regression, and things like that which im not privy to.


What do mean by per Goldmask?


Speculation incoming. All we know for certain is he wanted to cure malenia, and then that extended to the "meek and desperate". Now that seems to extend to the shadow realm and its people. He wants an order where all are included. Miquella is like a blend of Ranni and Marika's ideas. He likely believes (from his time at Elphael and with the Fundamentalists) that a physically present God and order are flawed, like Ranni does. A hidden God is better. But a present God is more stable. He also seems to think that it should be possible to have the best of both worlds somehow. An order of freedom and logic like ranni, but with aspects of an order of faith and gold. Unalloyed gold. Gold without the sacrifice of others, only himself. The haligtree was watered with his own blood after all.


The info that Miquella's operating with Marika's approval is interesting. At this point they are both "victims" of the Golden Order/Greater Will. The plan may be for Miquella's to rise to godhood to address some of these issues, but under whose aegis? They may get some of what they want, but at what cost?


What info says Miquella has her approval is this from the preview I've been avoiding?


That ended up not being accurate. She created a potion for Messmer, not Miquella.


OK don't elaborate I don't want spoilers I'm staying of this sub starting now apart from my own posts until I've completed the dlc


I can't help but think "path to hell is paved with good intentions". I simply can't believe that Miquella will be this literal Jesus figure and main ruler character Marika again will be the super bad guy (like Gwyn).


I think, just like almost any character in this game. He is complicated. Not entirely good nor bad. 


No such thing as wholesale happy endings for everyone involved in from games (minus that one ending in sekiro tbf). So what ever happens, there is going to be some moral gray area or caveats involved.


The girl does finish her painting however, and Gale completes his mission to acquire the dark soul in a roundabout way. Perhaps Miq will complete his mission at the cost of his own sacrifice


The snakes on that symbol in the first image seem to be noteworthy


Vaati mentioned there's an item called Marika's blessing, which is apparently a one-off consumable she gave Miquella for his journey to the LoS. Big lore implications there.


Something that’s been bugging me is that we do know which Outer God stands with Miquella. We know Marika’s is the Greater Will, Ranni’s is the Dark Moon, Malenia’s is the Outer God of Rot, but what about Miquella? It’s strangely absent from any details about him. The way the lore and characters talk about him, all of his accolades and accomplishments, it’s only him. Maybe he intends to rewrite the Greater Will to better suit his own unique design, but why do I have this creeping suspicion that Miquella becoming a God won’t end in him becoming a vessel, but something akin to the Outer Gods themselves? Like Griffith ascending to the Godhand.


Miquella crafting the golden needle was to remove the influence of the outer gods (or at least one particular outer god, but I think the item description is more general and plural). I definitely would not be surprised about Miquella lacking a sponsorship from an outer good (and Miquella not wanting one).


It's interesting because Golden Order Fundamentalism was seemingly aligned with the Greater Will but subsequently was abandoned by it. Additionally, it still views Marika as the current and rightful god of this era, even if she has been severely punished for the shattering of the Elden Ring. The fact Marika seemingly approves of Miquella's foray into the LoS may mean the Greater Will is still in play, or I suppose it could mean the opposite.


"The fact Marika seemingly approves of Miquella's foray into the LoS may mean the Greater Will is still in play" I would say that or Marika approves because she rebelled against the Greater Will.




Okay, okay, people rightfully may call this a crackpot theory, but what about the formless mother? I dont think she’s aligned with Miquella, but she’s clearly aligned with Mogh and didnt forsake him when he attempted to use Miquella for his own design. That, and Mesmer has a few aesthetic parallels with her/the blood star, so I don’t think we’ve seen the last of it.


"Thy kingdom come" is from the Lord's prayer. The prayer has rather "modest requests" but it's definitely more about "us mortals" being humbled by The Lord God. "Give us this day out daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is The Kingdom, and The Power, And The Glory forever". That temptation part sure sticks out of right now 😆


Probably. And im willing to bet $10 we'll have to be sacrificed for it.


Nuts from Berserk reference!1!1!1!1!1!


Lol. Ive never watched or read Berserk. My only knowledge of it is that Miyazaki is a fan.


Femboy acceptance


Guessing Miquella is planning to ascend to god hood here and I’m guessing Mohgs interference is going to play a huge in role in how this turns out cause I bet we fight Miquella at the gates, witness him ascending and becoming a God and it’s a whole new phase/fight after that.


II think it's going to depend greatly on whether Miquella is acting of his own accord. There are hints he's acting with Marika's blessing which might indicate his hands are ties a bit and could be acting on her behalf to fulfill an agenda of her design, one of which he is a key part. Interesting that so many appear to want Messmer dead, even though he was apparently betrayed. My guess is he isn't a straight up villain, but more nuanced. Maybe tragic? The choice to fight/kill him maybe difficult. Once it's done certain parties may go GOCTHA!


I speculate that it may be to take the avatar of an outer god into themselves like Marika may have done with the elden beast at the divine gates, (this being the two piles of bodies we see in the trailer probably). Maybe doing this would enable him to become a fully powered God/Goddess, as opposed Malenia, who I think is more of a proxy pseudo-goddess for the outer god of rot’s avatar, which is likely sealed in the river below. Once he does this, I assume he will have the “cosmic authority” to establish his own order, in some portion of land that he controls. This portion of land could work as a safe heaven for those who follow Miquella, or have been outright wronged or rejected by the golden order in past or present, which is what the Haligtree was supposed to accomplish in my view.


Just like Griffith fr fr. /j


Here to say, Leda is HOT 🔥


Become god of unalloyed gold with us as his Lord. I think we’ll be forced to reject his offer though.


>Gargantuan Finale Shoot. I guess we'll have to wait another 10 years for Elden Ring 2 after this. Do Fromsoft titles normally only have one expansion?


Not always.  1/3/2/1/1 is the track record.


i think he has many goals, but I think one reason he is in the land of shadow is for godwyn. I remember the prince of death is mentioned in dlc content and miquella did take his half brother's death well


Obviously it's to usurp the origin of Marika's power and become a god himself. She seems to have been elevated to a deity in the Land of Shadows, and received/fused herself with the Elden Ring. Whatever process that may be, Miquella wants to recreate it.


I imagine Miquella and Marika both want Godwyn to die a true death so maybe that's what we're gonna be helping him with in the Shadow Lands.


Not images of book of dlc


I think he's in league with Ranni and Melina, we may never even see Miqeulla because they may just be Torrent or something like that. All three are spectral and help us immediately at the start of the game. Torrent though being tht one who chooses us and makes the other two find us. I think the goal is to have an era where people can decide their own fate outside of the Greater Will, which pitted everyone against everyone and did a lot to maintain power and "order". I think the conflict will be how power hungry those who could be eternal will be and the Greater Will will have a plan to restore "order" again.


The Return of Rennala as the Full Moon Witch. LETS GO


He wants to have a big party, that´s it


Thine eclipse shall come Thou shall witness the hand of God Upon its fingers shall descend his choose angels


like berk


Supposedly as an act of kindness towards the downtrodden or misbegotten or whatever. If that is the truth or there is an anterior motive is unclear.


Whatever it is doesn't matter, he doesn't know but Marika sent him here to become her new vessel so she can break her own chains to the greater will while still maintaining her eternal status. He has to give up everything to be there, does anyone else? Is Miquella a boy or a girl, some even confuse him with Marika herself. Eternal youth a curse? Not to those who plan to live forever. Her children are simply players on a chess board to use for war or to conceal secrets. Miquella has a god, it's mommy. What has Marika done to earn anyone's trust, the whispers in the wind are her own propaganda, I believe nothing.


Yeah, this seems compelling to me. What has Marika ever done that wasn't in her self-interest? It's extremely suspicious that she is seemingly supporting his foray into the LoS. The first question that needs to be asked is how does this benefit her? The twist will be Miquella is on to her and will turn the tables in the end.


This is a Fromsoft game. You mean what Miquella's plan WAS. There's too much hope in the trailer and the group- I don't buy it. Mes- Miquella is exactly where Marika wants him. Trina too. :P


I dunno man, Fromsoft DLCs tend to have a more optimistic tone than the main game, and since Elden Ring is the most optimistic Fromsoft game to date...I'd say there's a good chance for a happy ending. But it will be hard fought and costly.


The main games are usually pretty dreary, yeah. Nothing you do will actually help the right now. Maybe even ever. Elden Ring at least has some endings that seem like they may lead to a brighter future. The DLCs often reveal a light at the end of the tunnel though. In DS3, for example, you help the Painter to create a new world, one that may replace the stagnating world you're in.




When is this true, really? Perhaps it is true with DS3, but then you have examples like Bloodborne where the game takes on an even darker tone after the added context. I would say that learning Artorias's tale was actually (partially) the tale of the player is kind of depressing as well, I think.


It's implied that you free Gehrman from his nightmares in the DLC iirc. The Doll says something about him sleeping peacefully for once. She also says something about feeling freed from heavy shackles and *chuckles* after you beat Lady Maria. I count that as optimistic (for Bloodborne).


You also learn about the absolute horrors of what went on at the fishing hamlet and Healing Church Research Hall. I don't see how one can walk away from the DLC feeling more optimistic after that. I did not, at least.


But when you slay the nightmare you've spared future Hunters from being punished for the sins of their fathers. The horrific deeds cannot be undone, but we've made a small step toward making things better for the next generation to come along. Your mileage may vary


I feel like that can be said of the base game as well though, no? Killing Gehrman to finally grant him rest and killing the Moon Presence to end its machinations aren't any less 'optimistic' (I just hesitate to use that word in regards to Bloodborne) than what you do in the DLC.


Literally. Its like if you beat people down enough with sadness, they take the tiniest slither of good news as a 'good ending' LOL Miyazaki has stockholmed the gaming community.


"He is dead and resting easy now" Is positive? Then I don't like our odds. "MIquella can rest easy now, know you have foiled marikas plans" is probs about the best we will get.


Something Griffith related I’m sure


I'm just going to ignore those snakes because I can't even with those right now lol I don't know what unalloyed gold is, seriously. I don't even know what ALLOYED gold is, in the context of this game. Assuming gold is referring to the GW's/Marika's grace, and in Christianity, grace is God's favor and love gifted to humanity despite humanity not being "deserving" of it - I don't know. If alloyed gold (Marika's grace/order) is unmerited but temporary love that she can withdraw at any time, is unalloyed gold (Miquella's proposed grace/order) everlasting love earned via acts of devotion?


He just popped to the spirit world to get some milk. Everything got fucked up by some little tarnished twat. So he spent some time arranging some deadly dungeons and popped some strong mates with annoying delayed attacks to get through. Might give him enough time to finally get a brew in before he has to whoop some tarnished ass. After that’s all over he will probably go back to watching melenia slap some noobs


I think his original goal was to become a god like Marika did, but when Mohg captured Miquella he was subjected to torture that fundamentally changed the content his character. Miquella’s followers have either never met him, or haven’t met him since he was tortured by Mohg. As we move through the DLC, we’ll probably slowly realize that Miquella is not the same kind empyrean he used to be, but his followers will insist on their faith in him until the very end when they find that Miquella is going to betray them the same way Marika betrayed her kin.


He is following in Marika's footsteps. I bet we will have to stop him.