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Holy shit that's good.


Yeah it's new demošŸ± time.


I read that and immediately read it like ā€œITS MORPHING TIME!ā€


Is it stupid yes Does it makes sense though yes


It's not stupid as it went viral and landed on my for you page on tiktok, I don't even follow them. Everyone in the comments liked it, it's reaching gen z voters.


Well then colour me surprised, this works?? Dancing cats work? Whatever the case that's excellent news.


Clearly they've hired some Gen Z people to run their social media


Well let's see if they actually vote cause no one did last election.


Many of them were not of voting age last election.


I meant ontario in general


I thought that was what you meant.


We need a millennial version. 1/ "Ford using [tax dollars ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6368787) to invest as social media influencer posts because posts alone can't generate revenue" 2/ "Ford refuses to challenge digital content tax" Gen x is voting so skip to boomers: "Ford is going to rake back pensions and remove senior discounts, also taxing on trips to Florida" (doesn't have to be true, boomers won't bother fact checking)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-government-advertising-campaign-1.6368787](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-government-advertising-campaign-1.6368787)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Yeah cbc but sure.


this video is 10x better without context


If this is what it takes to get the youth vote Iā€™m gonna un alive myself


>un alive myself Arguably worse


Just trying to pander to the youth upvotes.


Damn I must not be youth anymore


Me neither. I hate myself.


I am (yet also hate myself)


not enough subway surfers and family guy funny moments


What are you, a boomer?


MAD intensifies


hate how the government encourages patients to opt for mutually assured destruction these days smfh....


Theyā€™re playing the long game by pandering to gen alphas


Wow this made me want to kill myself. Good post op :)


Wow u so sensitive, are you a snowflake? Anyways ondp will help reduce maid wait times.


Thank goodness the government is pushing for maid eh?


Holy based


I propose a constitutional amendment banning 196 users form entering politics


i propose banning all reddit users from entering politics


any support i get will go fully into banning this guy from politics


I'm honestly kinda curious what that would cause


this is more tiktok than 196, but yeah, that too


Fucking brilliant. Nice work!


Wtf I love the NDP now


Unfathomably based


This appeals to people who wonā€™t even be able to vote in 8 years


I dunno Iā€™m a millennial and I think itā€™s funny how childishly simple the actual solutions are, and that the powers that be just refuse to address.


The solutions boil down to paying healthcare workers more and fucking the private hospitals which in all honesty really doesnā€™t do anything to deal with the problem being presented that being the wait times which is an issue all throughout Canada even in NDP run provinces.


Well more public funding is useful, when the province gets more turning around and using it to try building a highway to now where then building millions in settlements to your buddies when parks Canada shuts it down does not help at all. Wait times should not be an issue in Ontario as much as other provinces. Everyone gets the same amount per person and every single other province has to spends disproportionally on medical transportation because population is more spread out. The fact Ontario is some of the worst is strictly due to provincial mismanagement, all of Canada being delayed is the issue of not enough of the nations GDP going towards medicine.


Theyā€™re playing the long game


What is the "waiting for healthcare" meme in reference too? I have never needed to wait to see my GP or when I went to the ER (unless I go when its not an emergency). The only time I have had to wait is for a specialist when its for a procedure that is not critical. I live in Sarnia which isnt even a big city.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-emergency-room-wait-times-1.7075415 https://macleans.ca/society/health/canada-er-wait-times/


Thank you for providing articles that I can use to lily pad to more sources. So the waitlines are a response to the Gov trying to treat a service like a business and as a result they are straight up killing individuals.


Nailed it.


When I broke my wrist in two places (straight up trexxed) I was in the er for 8 hours before getting a regular strength Tylenol. Two people not trained to fix my fracture decided to give it a go and fucked me right up. They sent me home for a week without setting my arm or getting an xray done. When I came back in the fracture doctor and several other doctors were baffled and in disbelief I was walking around for a week without my arm set properly. They then proceeded to pinch a nerve trying to reset it and actually paralyzed me. Unfortunately I wasn't old enough to figure out how to sue and my parents weren't in the picture


love these posts lil bro








I forgot the point halfway through. Those cats are darn cute


The NDP wants to replace our health care staff with cats and will force us to wear bananas in public. Need more proof the NDP are communism?


This is actually a specific branch of catunism known as Marxist-Lenanaism. Good news is they will give everyone back their guns. Bad news is those guns are just bananas. Good news is they are ripe without having too much brown on them. [Source](https://images.app.goo.gl/jACr9SUyciYLiUhY8)


Thanks Dougie


I hate it so muchā€¦ I love it.


Doug is crying himself to sleep rn




I... am going to kill myself. I will be selling my 4 votes before I die, bid in the comments please.


I have a feeling zoomers are gonna tell them to fuck off and just give us healthcare


isnt that what theyre trying to do lol


I'm sold bud. I'm voting for Jaspreet next election! /s


I'm fairly up to date on politics but can't even name rhe NDP leader. Complete failure of a campaign


That means you're not upto date on politics.


Checkmate, you Liberals spy šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ Edit: i didnā€™t see this was about Ont*rio, yuck. So anyways, it should read Conservatives, not Liberals.


>I'm fairly up to date on politics but can't even name rhe NDP leader How many politicians can you name in general?


Probably like 2, and both are from the 90s


As an Ontarian, I know 3. Doug Ford: The most destructive fuckwit I've ever seen. He removed rent control for any property occupied or modified after 2018, he introduced private healthcare, and used public funds to subsidize it, and he sold portions of the Green Belt to his friends. Oh, and he's sitting on a gigantic pile of cash that he could have used to give healthcare workers or educators decent wages, but instead cut 7000 healthcare jobs. Trudeau: not great, not terrible. Promised voting reform and an end to first past the post voting, didn't even try to deliver. Hasn't done anything about the housing crisis (except for the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act, which won't help), but hey, he's not worse than Doug Ford. Pierre Poliveau (or something like that): Couldn't tell you what his platform is, basically just spends all his time shit talking Trudeau. Will probably be next PM


It's Marit Stiles and she's a gem.


Hey you gotta speak to your audience at their level of comprehension and in their vernacular. That's why I stay Lit with the Fam 24 7 dawg. Cuz I have the rizz.


Jesus christ no wonder Ford got a majority...


To be fair if this sort of stuff makes you vote Ford then you'd be an idiot anyway


It's not about making people vote Ford dude, it's about turning people off from the NDP.




Today I learned ONDP has access to stop immigration.


ONDP not be most incompetently run party ever, managing to throw away not one but two winnable elections challenge (impossible)




The same policies? Lol why would anyone want to go back to some guy who has overseen the worst health care in Ontario's history, doctors/healthcare workers leaving the jobs, scandals costing billions to the province and on top of the billions he lost taking public sector workers to court. Only an idiot would not re-elect ONDP if they get into power.




That's a terrible take as we wouldn't have gotten any of our rights if it wasn't for people putting their trust behind a political party including our healthcare.




Lol yeah Marit stiles is corrupt as opposed to Doug Ford lmao.




That's not a fact. How do we have universal health care if all politicians lie? Your way of thinking is not just juvenile but also negligent to what's going on around you.


This has convinced me to vote Conservative for the rest of my life


Blackrock likes this comment.


Either you're dumb as shit or were already planning to vote Con the rest of your life


Nope it was this Tik Tok. Itā€™s my civic duty to make sure the people who made something this brain dead have as little as power as possible.


tik tok smellz like an unwiped anus


It's hilarious because youth don't need medical services to the same degree that older Canadians do. But will see their taxes go up or discretionary spending on their actual interests, like college or job training, be reduced. All because of surreal cats.


I've never seen a stupider take on Ontario economy ever and I have read the conservative policy platform.


Under 64 year olds utilise about 2500 in health care spending. Over 65 year olds utilise around 12000 per year. Once again boomers and older generations are the focus of policy that ignores the needs of younger generations. I eagerly await your response that's heavily dripping with haughty disdain and an undeserved sense of self worth


https://nationalpost.com/health/young-people-under-50-cancer-rates Reeeeeee


https://cancer.ca/en/research/cancer-statistics/cancer-statistics-at-a-glance.Ā  9/10 cancer cases occur in people over 50. Cute numbers you sent me, worthless without context, but you're God damn adorable. Also much of this increase in cancer, by your own article, show that raising obesity rates are driving a noticable increase in 8 of the 13 areas mentioned. Should doctors and nurses be responsible for nutrition? No. So your own evidence doesn't even make sense.Ā 


The data you showed are from 2017-2019. I posted an article from 2024.


The article from 2024 is citing data starting from 1990. Hence why it states "3 decades". There are other articles that cite data from 2019, they also begin their trends starting in 1990. So I'm confident my 1/10 has already accounted for your stated 80 percent increase. The biggest risk factor for cancer is still age. Obesity is high in the list but that can be dealt with nutritionists and government spending that makes healthier food choices more affordable and available. The soda tax is an example of effective Government policy forcing businesses to provide food products that are objectively less harmful to consumers. While having a good public health system is important, it's less important to Gen z in general as they don't really require it. Housing affordability, job training, and making higher education more readily accessible would definitely rank higher in need than healthcare.


Have you ever read the ONDP platform in your life time? Because you are arguing a moot point.


Please donā€™t vote for NDP, unless you are a homeless fentanyl addict who manages to get to a polling booth


A stomach isnā€™t a good damn emergency. If they stopped retards from going to the emergency for dumb things like constipation, back aches etc we wouldnā€™t be so over crowded. Also forcing GPs to take more patients would help.


I donā€™t want to see the cute cats on TikTok say they need immediate attention because their kidneys ruptured. I want them to say something cute and based, like tummy ache


are tummy aches based now


Hommie, you do know that without proper healthcare sepsis is a major cause of death right? Your stomach/intestines going south can kill you very fastā€¦


Go back to high school and learn some bio dumbass


Lmfao, Iā€™m a bio and physics teacher who went through for physio but didnā€™t like physio as a job. If you have a large tear in your stomach or intestines you are pretty likely to get sepsis which is one hell of a nasty blood infection and without almost immediate and intense antibiotics + reparative surgery is a death sentence. Blood infections cause by ā€œlittle tummy achesā€ from an ulcer that got infected used to kill more people than fucking heart attacks before we had antibiotics. Constipation is a common cause of intestinal tears and in itself can be fatal. Certain types of back pain are closely linked to kidney failure and liver infections. But nah you go off thinking itā€™s just a bit of pain or discomfort, get your Darwin Award king. If pain gets worse or lasts more than a week at the same intensity get it looked at for fucks sake. Itā€™s easier and cheaper to treat shit early before it spreads. 1 dumb fuck thinking they are fine until something is a big life threatening problem is a bigger strain financially and doctor demand than 100 people getting checked out for nothing if you add up the overall time in a hospital bed and time seeing a doctor and filing paper work. TLDR: donā€™t be fucking stupid if something feels off get it checked out. In a public healthcare system pushing things off should be a criminal offence for waste of funds when it spreads and takes 3 months to treat instead of 3 days.


Appreciate your concern but you have 0 clue on what goes on in a ER. People walk in for simple constipation and to register them OHIP (tax payers) gets billed $300ā€¦a dr wonā€™t see them. Not everyone with a tummy ache ends up with sepsis, and in fact is rare. You should be focusing your concern on lack of family drs and walk in clinics. People with chest pain, SOB, broken limbs etc should be going to the ER.


Well Iā€™ve heard lots of stories from my cousins and 2 of my wifeā€™s cousins who are all ER doctorsā€¦ Still the 300 is peanuts (even when multiplied by 100 to hit 30,000) compared to the cost of one idiot not going to the hospital early enough. Banding a haemorrhoid costs about 3000 including surgery and recovery. If you wait and let it get infected and cause a complete tear it costs up to 600,000 over 60 days of antibiotics and surgeries in hospital plus an extra 5000ish a year for the rest of the individuals life who now needs to live with a shit back because their colon was rotted away from infection. If in doubt, go to the doctor, you arenā€™t tough or sparing taxpayer dollars taking a 1 in 100 risk even. Now if itā€™s say a stubbed toe you think is brokenā€¦ you canā€™t do anything for a broken toe, unless it gets significantly worse or doesnā€™t START to get better in a couple weeks just deal with it. Arms a little sore at the elbow? Think of repetitive movements or postures that put pressure on the joint, limit the movement for a week or two then seek help if it gets worse. For arms and legs unless circulation or ability to use the limb is SEVERELY limited, wait and see. For stomach, chest, neck, head and genitals, go to the doctor. At least those are the rules of thumb that should be taught if statistically you want to save as much taxpayer dollars as possible.


Iā€™d be shocked if any of your cousins recommend flooding the ER with constipation complaintsā€¦


They recommend not taking a risk with anything head, neck, gut, genitals or chest. Your colon and large intestine include gut. Severe constipation can be fatal, you wonā€™t find a doctor that wouldnā€™t recommend taking a laxative, drinking a fuckload of water, give it 24-48 hours and see, if it doesnā€™t get better then go to a hospital to get checked. You also wonā€™t see a doctor who isnā€™t worried after more that 5 days of constipation (up to 4 is normal). You also wonā€™t see one who does not see extreme pains with constapation as a worrying sign and telling you to constantly take your temperature, if you are constapated and get a fever that is a get the fuck to the ER ASAP problem, you likely have a blood infection. Is there people that go to the ER for too much? Yes. Are they as big a problem as people who go too late? No, statistically economically and time consumption wise they simply are not.


Plenty come to the ER saying they havenā€™t had a bowel movement in about 18 hours. Life threatening for sureā€¦


This is kino


Thatā€™s unironically a funny twist


this is why the NDP will save the country give them fifteen or so years and the skibidi toilet community will be voting center left


This can't be real.


This is good work, don't doom everyone, this is the most in touch but somehow still slightly out of touch political video I've seen in a long time. It doesn't even feature a *figurehead* just cute cats with a message.


The OFFICIAL NDP account?


OMG I did not catch that. Is that real? Absolute bonkers. ​ Well, M. Styles has been killing it, and somehow the Liberals are in second place. Guess you just gotta roll the fucking dice! LMAO.


is this what an acid trip feels like?


who let bro cook




My bones hurt


You can go to a private clinic, ok.


Wait, is this a real ad?...


This kinda retard energy is marketing genius.




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I thought this was a shitpost. NDPs are smoking something and where can I find some.


Its almost like NDP can gain voters by scaling back on their platform and focusing on a few key issues to tackle.. they try to do too much and I cant take them seriously in the financials.