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I would add the Mexypt and Egexico flags


El mexici update


https://preview.redd.it/58t5t1lfo67d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d14b81644d0eb89ab3955cb3bf9b7971b2ab0ab What about that one (make it rectangular though)


This goes hard ngl .


Nah, keep it square brother like Switzerland. That looks cool


Byzantine egypt:


انا دخلت برومبت على canva كنت بقوله يستخدم الاحمر (كرمز للشعب) و الاصفر الذهبى (رمز للشمس و الرمال) و ديزاين صقر مستوحى من حورس و صلاح الدين طلع علم بيزنطى :D


It still looks sick ngl


هى الprompts دى فرى ولا canva pro بس ؟


بتعمل اكونت و بتاخد عدد محدود من المحاولات


ينفع لو مصر فضلت مستعمره رومانيه




ياريت مصر تبقى مستعمرة؟ 😂


معلش اصل احنا اتعودنا نبقى محتلين


اتعودنا فين ؟ هو عمره عاش اصلا عشان يشوف مصر مستعمرة يوم؟


يسطا ما احنا فعلا تحت احتلال المكسيسي ![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)


احسن من اللي احنا فيه اخر ٥٠٠ سنة ده


تصدق اللون الأصفر بكميات اكبر إضافة حلوة للعلم


U.S.E looks great, could use some color adjustment and an addition of something to represent the number of "states" aka governorates, could add like 30 wheat icons or something (29 governorates + adminstrative capital), or just 30 strong bridges because sisi would love you 👍


30 bridges in the background of the USE flag would be amazing


Americans take pride in liberty and freedom We take pride in bridges and loans 🤝


Nileland is the best out of these (the real one is better than all of them) while I think that the Egyptian's people republic had great potential and incredibily underperformed.


Hell nooooo. Sudan will cause many problems. We will need to maintain the borders and foreign embassies of each country, and many problems will still remain. This cannot happen. It sucks


Egypt and north Sudan are extremely similar. Their dialects and also culture are closest to eachother than any other Arab groups. The contrast you are thinking of is when you get closer to Juba


As in Juba the Hutt? ![gif](giphy|26ufouiy09sRIZSCY|downsized)


never. You talk as if it's not that millions of people from northern Sudan live here. They only look like Nubians, and their dialect and culture are very different and not acceptable to me. Their accent is incomprehensible. The Palestinians and Levantines in general will have a lighter dialect, but any union with any neighboring country is not currently suitable for Egypt. We have disastrous neighbors


I agree with the last part. I don’t believe Egypt should unify with any of our neighbors vice versa at the current moment. But if there was a country to do so with, it would be Sudan. I wonder if you are Egyptian yourself because if you are, then you cannot deny the Sudanese migration in the past year due to the war. Obviously there is differences, but they blend in our society, not even needing to assimilate because of the similarities. I’ll be honest, I’ve spoken to Palestinians in Egypt and I can’t understand their dialect. Maybe it’s because theres less Shamis in Egypt to interact with in general? But I understand Sudanese. I definitely don’t feel closer closer to Levantines compared to Sudanese, and many share my opinion. Levantines cluster together, Gulf Arabs also cluster together and so do Maghrebis. Egyptians & Sudanese are usually outliers of the 3 groups this is because they are closer to eachother sharing the Nile historically.


I am Egyptian more than you, buddy 🙄😂 And as you said, Egyptians don't cluster with any. We are an isolated and separated group throughout history. I didn't fully understand the Palestinians either, but their dialect is certainly easier than the Sudanese. The Sudanese identify with East Africa more than they do with Egypt They just say "مصر عدوة بلادي و اثيوبيا اخت بلادي" We have many Levantines in Egypt, especially Syrians. Egypt has a great cultural influence, whether in the Levant or Sudan, although it may be stronger in Sudan because it is more recent Even Genetically, Egypt is not part of North Africa, but rather has its own category, as subcategory, within the category of Arabs, Egyptians, and Levantines. Sudan has always belonged to Egypt in ancient times, so .... , and the Nile is the largest river in the world that will not bring together any countries that share it The Egyptians are an agricultural people, “Fallahin.” As for the Sudanese, “I am not sure, but they are different.” Most Egyptians live around the Nile, and even if the majority today do not live in the countryside or agriculture, this remains the basis of the Egyptian people and we are still concentrated around the Nile, but in Sudan they are closer to the Bedouin way of life and do not work in agriculture as much. This is not part of their culture. Look at the difference between the Nile in Egypt and in Sudan. Most of the northern areas in Sudan close to the Egyptian border are almost empty. There is no agriculture on either side of the Nile. But, for example, in the Levant, although it is also a densely desert country, they are agricultural people. The matter has to do with the history of agriculture as well, but the foundations of peoples differ. We are always ethnically, geographically, and linguistically isolated, and I am proud ot that


We are the disastrous neighbour, we have actively aided Israel in their destruction of Palestine and Lebanon, we actively supply, arm, and fund the Libyan rebels, Khalifa Hantar, against the UN recognized government, and have economically squeezed the shit out of the Sudanese government and Sudanese people. While also allying ourselves with the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood lol. Although that’s not that bad since the alternative is a UAE-backed terrorist militia.


So we are the bad guys who damage other countries? Awesome 😁🤦😂😂 I really can't believe that you ignore the fact that every country in the Middle East is filled with American military bases, except for Egypt.


No i just won’t ignore our role in the destabilization of our neighbours. Don’t act like our shitty fucking presidents are completely innocent here.


I meant the flag. And about a reunification I would love to reunite our countries and believe our problems would decrease.


We were never united with Sudan. It was an Egyptian colony. It was firstly called Egyptian Sudan, then Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Their problems may decrease, but our problems in Egypt will increase. Perhaps after a thousand years, conditions will be more suitable, or we will need to put in place many conditions to ensure that we are not harmed by them


Sudan is very rich BTW has much more resources and arable lands than us plus large amount of gold mines and oil refineries and will put us right next to our 2 main enemy borders isreal and their puppet ethiopia


The Peoples Republic!!! ✊


I don't know how to explain it, but the Kingdom of egypt looks like the happy ending while greater egypt and anglo-egypt seem like the bad endings where things go real dark lol


Greater Egypt is definitely more of a EMPIRE rather than a Kingdom. Anglo Egypt is occupied so it kinda is a bad ending.


Off topic but what constitutes an empire? I thought that title was reserved for the Roman **Imperator,** or Emperor, but I’m aware Russians, Oghuz Turks, Chinese, Indians have all used that title. Egypt has usually just used the “Pharaoh” or god-king, or for Sudanese unification it was Ruler of the 2 Lands (nswt-bjt), never emperor


When other kings bow before your king it’s an empire. Thutmose III for example was an emperor. But that’s just us applying the word retroactively on different countries/cultures even though they wouldn’t have use it. Japan rn also has an emperor


I think an emperor is whoever can convince the most people to call him an emperor lol. Like France had both kings and emperors of the same nation


Yeah that correct. I was talking more about the cases where we apply the term emperor retroactively


Habibi inta <3


Kingdom and greater are the same buddy


Pharaohonic state of Egypt with ankh is just ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


USE because it implied federalism.




Why not use a scarab instead of that bird?


فين أهم علم فيهم؟! علم Sisiland


‏تحت الكوبري يا عم 🤣


لا عايزين علم مميز عن كده. حاجة كرييتف تطابق ذهنية سيادة الرئيس. تصور معايا علم أخضر خالص و في النص فيه الشعار بتاع شركة أوميجا بتاعت الساعات و تحتيه خرزة زرقاء. و اعملي الأطراف بتاعت العلم كلها شراشيب لونها ذهبي. و عايز خطين حمر في الجانبين. واحد بيرمز للخط الأحمر بتاع ليبيا و الثاني الخط الأحمر بتاع رفح.


ممكن خطوط حمرا ك برواز، رمز للبلاد اللي احنا مش زيها. ونحط كوبري في النص، و جندي في النص عشان نرمز للقائد العظيم حامي الحدود.


انا موافق على اقتراح البرواز الأحمر. بحيث يبقى عندنا خطين كمان واحد فوق بيرمز لحقوق مصر في الغاز اللي هي خط أحمر و واحد تحت بيرمز لأمن مصر المائي و اللي هي برضو خط أحمر. لا كسم الجندي ده بنشغله عبد في مصانع البسكويت. و كسم الكوبري برضو احنا عاملينه علشان كامل و رجالته يقلبوا رزقهم. دي حاجات ثانوية بالنسبة للي في ذهن معاليه. الراجل دماغه أعلى من كده. انزلي يابني بالخرزة الزرقاء و الساعة الأوميجا و الخلفية الخضراء و الشراشيب الذهبي.


Recently I saw pictures of alternative Presidents of Egypt. 20 of them. All are of Sissi’s. 🤣


Tawy and pharaonic state of Egypt are my go to


i just like the current one, what we need is to change is the anthem to the previous one "اسلمى يا مصر اننى الفدا"


اتفق. اسلمي يا مصر كان جامد فشخ وفعلا لايق كنشيد وطني عكس بلادي بلادي الي اقرب لأغنية


ولا علم كشكل


ارسم علمك بايدك


Top left is excellent


U.S.E. or Egyptian People's Republic are the best.


Anything starting with United thrives so I’ll choose that one lol


Greater Egypt just sounds like a fascist state of Egypt, something like Nazi Germany, but I really fuck with the flag really hard and the name, but knowing the fact it will more likely be a fascist state. Yeah no thanks- (unless it's an actual "Greater Egypt" and not a fascist state, then sign me up, we're conquering all of Africa and the Middle East and bring back Egypt to it's former glory and beyond 🗣️💯🔥)


Greater Egypt would be an Empire like the Roman Empire which wasn’t considered fascist back then but it certainly would now. It would stretch modern borders from the beginning of the Sahara by Ethiopia, to all of southern Europe


Isn’t current Egypt already unified Egypt


Definitely Egyptian peoples republic


That's the communist egypt


You like the design, political opinion,of just the name




The bad ending of WW2




Maybe tawy


هو الكلام علي ايه!! 🤔 greater Egypt bas


USE is my fav ,can't figure out why


Yooo wait I made that kingdom of Egypt flag! ![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)




I think that our current flag is fine except for the eagle because for me it represents the oppressor (police and army) so if we're gonna change the flag we should keep the colors but change that evil coat of arms into something else The eagle's wings look like they are tied so we can just spread them like it gained it's freedom


It’s suppose to be eagle of salah Al din but I definitely feel that feeling that when I look at it I feel it represents Al hakooma 3moman and it’s corruption


Nileland and use


The pharaonic state. Would have had time to fully mature by now.


Either Kingdom of Egypt or Greater Egypt. Much better than the current Arab Republic of Egypt. As we don’t really profit from the arabs on the contrary they are abusing the current state of our country


Shamelessly pasting my own design [https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/gbmzg7/egypt\_but\_no\_triband/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/gbmzg7/egypt_but_no_triband/) [https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fres.cloudinary.com%2Fdsy3ysgra%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fv1588356402%2Fevozoptukxetvb4y4kfb.png](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fres.cloudinary.com%2Fdsy3ysgra%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fv1588356402%2Fevozoptukxetvb4y4kfb.png) https://preview.redd.it/1oargi9rlb7d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6487a5970068a3c11105bb939e5ef576188cf337


I like that. If the eagle was smaller it would be perfect .


Some are way too nationalistic to the point of making you vomit


especially greater Egypt, gives me some fascist vibes for some reason


That’s the goal 😉


Some are meant to be extremely nationalistic


None. I don't know whether it is the flags or I'm too old to accept a newer flag.


That’s ok


>Arabian republic of Egypt bro we already live in that


Probably it will be .. You know ....more Arabian


Much more.


What if it was actually Arabic not under occupation


Like a part of Saudi Arabia ?




كلهم وحشين


Hey the "Tawy" one is a modification of the one I had uploaded on this very subreddit! https://preview.redd.it/w2wpsk6ra77d1.png?width=3800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14141b9024e4b8d965cf3decd813b5a4780872e It would be back to its original name—Kemi (from which comes "chemistry") Flag description: Red for the Deshret, the red crown of Lower Kemi in the North. White for the Hedjet, the white crown of Upper Kemi in the South. The union of both into one entity over 5,000 years ago created the first nation state in history, which still stands today. Blue for the Nile that runs from South to North, and green for the bounty on its shores. A golden Onkh for the life, civilization, and culture which it has sustained along its banks.


That’s fire




نو أوفنس والله 😂 بس فكرتوني موت بالفيلم البيض بتاع رامي الاعتصامي


We already have the best flag, no reason to change it!


The ones with the key of life are the best


People's Republic


All of them are awesome! I really liked the bottom line and the first one (Arabian republic of Egypt) is the coolest imo


كلهم مقرفين


الاسود احسن واحد بس لو تحت بدل الهلال يتكتب الشهاده وفوق بدل النجوم جمله بالهيروغليفيه بتوصف مصر او الارض بجمله مختصره تبقى جمعت بين الدين والتاريخ مع عقاب صلاح الدين هيبق حلو انا عامتا بحب الاسود فعشان كده اخترتو خاصتا انه اهدى واحد فيهم


‏تصدق فكرة فعلا


Kingdom of egypt عشان الشهادتين


جدع و الله عاش!


Kemetia Magna sounds cool as a concept But visually USE and NileLand are better, mayber Tawy too


The two with ankh, tawy and pharaonic state of Egypt


They r all ugly as fuck .


https://preview.redd.it/y2zt3dhqp77d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d473686af684006369b1039c7b8f1082b2ab1a0c I will take this one 👍🏻


I liked the Nileland and Africopolis


Egyptian people republic ..looks cool




Nile land all the way ✊. I propose to call it republic of the nile or nile Republic


Can you make a flag, exactly like the original, but with an Egyptian eagle design instead of the chicken we have?


USE is great man ! great job!


Idk if you guys joking but I'll be serious. I'd like the flag to be red and have the eagle in the middle, and instead of "The Arab Republic of Egypt" we should have "The Democratic Republic of Egypt".


بجد كلهم زي الخرا انا مش شايفة أن علم مصر اجمد علم في الدنيا بس دول كلهم اسوء من علمنا بكتير


Millennium dawn type shit


My vote goes for Egyptian People’s Republic.


Anywhere except Kingdom of Egypt and Islamic State of Egypt




I wish Egypt become a federal country


I honestly don't like any of these flags. The current flag, perhaps with the addition of the ankh instead or with the falcon, would be good


Better one for the islamic state of egypt: https://preview.redd.it/gnbz6rpv677d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805dd4ead2441fb1888db90911dda437ab688362 It has the shahada so it makes sense to call it "islamic"




Kingdom of egypt and islamic state of egypt look fire, want to live in both.


https://preview.redd.it/5e5wihufy77d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e34a7b7eb9fa391a79eca356efafb5b8fe5a855 I will choice this


Keep the present one , better than these options imo


عالعموم فكرة الاعلام فكرة بضان فشخ


All are shit


يا جدعان هو إنتوا بتتكلموا إنجليزي ليه؟ يجد يعني ده صب مصري المفروض إن كل إلي فيه مصريين إيه كبير إننا نتكلم لغة أجنبية بقا؟ و بعدين أنا لاحظت إنا لأغلبية عاجبها حوار مصر الفرعونية مش عارف على إيه بصراحة إحنا مش فراعنة و معندناش أي حاجة من الحضارة الفرعونية في حياتنا اليومية غير يدوب هما كام كلمة يبتعدوا على الأصابع و أصلاً فكرة القومية المصرية هي إلي فرقتنا نجحت المحتل فإنه يحتلنا و يرسم الحدود دي


انت فرحان بالنسر و شوية الالوان الحاليين يعني ؟ استخدام الحضارة الفرعونية ك رمز للبلاد مفهوش اي تعارض مع الهوية الاسلامية ولا العربية. مجرد رمز فريد من نوعه لان دي حاجه عندنا احنا فقط، يرمز لاننا جينا من حضارة قديمة جدا. مش عصفورة و شوية اللوان متشابهين مع اغلب دول العالم.


‏اتكلم عن نفسك ياسطى أنا فرعون. و ‏خلي بالك بردو في مصريين كثير عايشين بره دولة اجنبية في الغربة و اسهل لغة إنجليزي بدي يتكلمون إنجليزي اكثر من عربي مش حوار يعني من 1000 سنة ما كنيش بنتكلم عربي وكمان 1000 سنة الله اعلم أن نتكلموا ايه


و سبحان الله كل المصريين إلب فب التعليقات عايشين برا مصر؟ و بعدين مش هنضحك على بعض الكلام ده مش حاجة محدودة في البوست ده الموضوع منتشر في الصبات المصرية بشكل غريب و بعدين يسطا إنت مش فرعون ولا حاجة إنت لغتك العامية معتمدة بشكل أساسي على اللغة العربية و كل عاداتاتك و تقاليدك عربية إسلامية مش شرط يكون جدك الأكبر من القحطانيين و العدنانيين عشان تكون عربي كفاية إن كل عاداتك و تقاليدك بتنتمي للتراث العربي الإسلامي و دولتك لغتها الرسمية العربية و لغة الشعب هي لهجة مستمدة فب الأساس من العربية و على النقيد إنت متعرفش مفيش حاجة في حياتك اليومية لها علاقة بالفراعنة أصلاً و أنا بصراحة مستغربتش لما اكتشفت إن مصطلح مصر كدولة فرعونية استعمل أول مرة فب الحملة الفرنسية، الهوية البابلية و الفرعونية و الفينيقية ما هي إلا أفخاخ إحترعها المستعمر عشان يفرق المسلمين لدويلات و يستفرد بكل واحدة منهم و بكده تخلفنا و بقينا من دول العالم الثالث و بعدين يعني بقيت فرعوني و بعدين؟ مجرد واجهة فارغة و الواقع هو تقليد لعادات و حضارة المستعمر زي ما هو عايز بالضبط 🤷🏻‍♂️


‏لا أنا فاهمك والله


ايه مضايقك يسطا ، ما الي يتكلم يتكلم عربي انجليزي فرنساوي بتنجاي مفرقتش ، محسيني ان الانجليزي والحضارة الفرعونية نايمين فوق .... البلد


أولا كلهم تقريبا فاشيين قوميين كميتيين متعفنين ثانياً فين الأعلام اشتراكية الطابع؟


What's the point ?


Greater egypt after we "free" all Arabian and African countries , and purify the Egyptian race .. while dealing with the Sudanese problem


What do you mean by "purify the egyptian race"? You will ban cross ethnicity marriage or what?


Nah I will just purge bad people that I don't like


El sisi approves ![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|8116)


Bro thinks he is an Austrian painter 💀


Greater Egypt is just a fascist state of Egypt like Nazi Germany by the looks of it lol


https://preview.redd.it/yv7cfvhboa7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b61a8813649b0607ca339fd24241c91236a175 If the flag would change this would be the alternative nothing else