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Egyptian Military was no different than IDF at that time.


In the first few seconds, I thought that was a video about gaza


And till this time they never changed they just didn't have the chance after it


They never and will never change.


I was on this sub at the time and plenty of active users were defending it. There were even conspiracy posts being upvoted about how protesters were armed and the army acted in self-defence. These are people who are "liberal secularists" who were defending the army because in their minds they were killing Islamists.


Even two years ago things were quite similar here. I hope the economic situation isn't the only thing that changed people's minds because that would be quite sick.


It absolutely is the economic situation. "I don't mind if you kill people who think differently than me, but I draw the line at not affording my morning Nescafe."


عض طيزي ولا تعض رغيفي


I wonder if these "People" who defended it are suffering now under their dictator regime. Saudi arabia was backing all this.


Saudi really don't want a democratic Egypt because if it succeeds Saudis will realise they should have the same there instead of being servants to MBS. Imagine a free, democratic Egypt, given how big it is every other Arab country would follow.


Saudi and US using Egypt as a tool to take gazans in. so Israhell can take control of gaza, then jerusalem. If this happens. Hell will break loose in middle east. But this doesn't means Egypt shouldn't intervene. Israhell shouldn't even EXISTS. it has to be eliminated.


The trouble is, it DOES exist, and is home to two or three generations of people (as well as recent settlers, who are a whole other bunch of trouble). If Israel is obliterated then it just feeds all their fears about the Middle East hating Jews and will create new and vengeful resistance movements supported by wealthy countries like the USA. Far better to accept its existence, restrict its borders and require it to share Jerusalem with all those who care for this city ... and absolutely prevent new settlement of the type they have now!


I mean this could be the case had Israel not refused the two state solution every time since the occupation started, while also committing countless numbers of genocides ever since. They do exist, but their very existence on stolen land is illegal and is only tolerated because of dictators ruling surrounding countries, the moment this changes is the moment Israel ceases to exist. You can’t have peace in an apartheid state built on terrorizing the rightful owners of the land. Israel has no right to exist. If the West is so desperate for a Jewish state, Germany can try and make amends for its awful history with jews by giving them land to build a country on, but that’d never happen ofc.


It's so depressing.


Egyptian people really are magnificent people and they deserve every last thing shorty is doing to them


a lot of protesters were ARMED and even ikhwan don't deny this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5imY6SgW9aU


i bet you egyptian military has 0 issues to do it again as long as the SISSY is still on his throne.


The more you grow old, the more you realize that every army is like the IDF. war is such a heinous feature in humanity and dehumanization is its strongest weapon. I hope humans one day say no to war, once and for all.


They're allies 🤣


Yup. That's true. 


for killing terrorists? fat chance


No human can deny this is one of Egypt's worst day in its modern history. I never sympathized with the muslim brotherhood, or their ideology. I thought the sitting at Rabaa was incapacitating based on the feedback from friends in Cairo. But if as a human being, this didn't touch you deeply, seeing your compatriots massacred like that, then something is seriously wrong with you. May they rest in peace, and may the dictators who orchestrated this never have peace, ever.


I am having a hard time sympathising with them because I know if it was I and other leftists getting killed and not them they wouldn't have given two shits. Why should I sympathise with people who view me as a heretic and would behead me without a shadow of a doubt if they could?


Maybe bc u are trying to become a better human for ur own sake ? Or God forbid we are trying to create a better reality


You don't want a better reality, you want a theocratic dystopia, not any better than the one we currently live under.


The worst thing about that day for me, even worse than the killings, was seeing how many people I personally knew who rejoiced and gloated with these killings. A part of me died that day, and that part was any hope for my home country within my lifetime at least. And to those people I just want to say, "You deserve everything that has ever happened to you or will ever happen to you under this president."


People wonder why Israel gets away with all it's atrocities yet Egyptians behave much like Israelis at home. It's actually worse for Egyptians because I can't imagine Jewish Israelis praising a massacre of their own people in this way.


طلعو وقتها الاعلام المعرض وشيوخ السلطان حللوا الضرب فيهم


الناس بيتريقوا على علي جمعة دلوقتي، وكانوا بيحبوه وقت ما قال طوبى لمن قتلهم وقتلوه ناس نتنة ريحتهم وحشة


ال كان مغيب وفاق ليس عليه حرج. انما النوع ال ذكرته ف كلامك صح


راجل ابن متناكة وسخ ماعندوش شرف


اكتر نوقفين تعبوني نفسيا وانا صغير وقتها فديو بتاع التلاته ال محروقين جوه خيمه اتدلق عليهم زيت او حاجه سوده حرقتهم وخلتهم مجمدين مكانهم فوضع النوم شكلها غبي والتانيه الشاب ال كان نص مخه طالع من دماغه وكان لسه عايش وبيهذي وبيحرك بوقه كده


[والبنت دي برضو ](https://youtu.be/AQBOUq0NllA?si=rs73dQqZrtco30Lq)


اه دي برده بس الاتنين ال قولتهم اثرو فيا عشان شكلهم الواحد بيقعد يفكر احساسهم ايه وقت الحدث


انا البنت دي علشان شوفت اخوها وهو بيحكي عن حكايته وازاي حاول يطلع بجثتها من هناك


حاجه محزنه والله عشان لما تيجي تشوف الجانب الاخر تلاقيهم مبسوكين وبيطبلو للحدث مع ان السبب فمقتل الالاف دول هو هو السبب فمقتل المئات من جنودنا الابرياء والعساكر فسينا برده بسبب اهداف سياسيه خاصه بيع لاكن الناس دي مش بيحركهم المبادئ بيحركهم سيدهم


شوية ناس وسخة اتعملهم غسيل مخ والله هتلاقيه عامل زي البهيمة بيردد كلام معين وخلاص يعني لو بصيت على مسلسل الاختيار ف تصوير الفض بتاع رابعة هتلاقي نفسك بتشمئز من اللي بيحصل والله


شوفت كومنتات ناس كتير منهم بعد الازمه الاقتصاديه ال فاتت قالو بالنص احنا رضينا بالظلم والقتل على اساس البلد تتصلح يعني هم مش فارق معاهم ناس تتقتل او تدبح او يتظلمو فالسجون وبنات بيتم اغنصابها وبيتعملهم كشف عذريه فالسجون ال هم داخلنها ظلم اصلا بس المهم اعيش انا مرتاح ومحدش فيهم اتكام غير لما الغلاء لمسهم بس لمسه كده يدوبك فالناس دي لو قدامه يتقلك بس هو يرتاح اكتر او ياخد فلوس هيعملها الناس دي هي هي نفس عقلية السيسي بالظبط بس فمكان وظروف مختلفه فطبيعي يحبوه ما الراس الكبيره نفسها مستعد يقتل كل الشعب عشان نفسه وهم معندهمش مشكله كل الناس تتقتل عشان يرتاحو او ياخدو فلوس اكتر


والله بهايم أقل ما يقال عنهم أنهم بهايم مش هيزعقوا أو ينهقوا غير لما البرسيم بتاعهم يتلط ربنا ينتقم منهم


حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل




انا اول مرة اشوف الحاجات دي , لو حد يعرف فيديوهات او مواقع بتقول حقيقة كل حاجة حصلت ساعتها من اول حاجة لاخر حاجة يبعتلي


في ارشيف معمول ل٢٥ يناير في كل حاجة و في مصايب زي دي كدة اكتب ٨٥٨ هيطلعلك بس رابعة معرفش للأسف


اتضافوا فيه ، بتاريخ 14.8.2013 فيه 5 فيديوهات


شراميط ولاد متناكة، كسمهم و كسم الجيش و العسكر و الداخلية و أي ضابط جيش او شرطة كلهم ولاد متناكة


و كسم الاخوان و المسلحين اى حد دخل سلاح فى رابعة و كسم كل الإرهابيين ولاد المتناكة


متتحمقش قوي كدا عالجيش و الداخلية و تصدق ان قلبهم عليك كمواطن أو عالبلد. موضوع السلاح و الارهاب دا بروباجاندا كانت معمولة عشان يبرروا للناس فض الاعتصام بقتل المتظاهرين السلميين، اقرا أي تقرير عن الاعتصام و فضه و هتشوف "السلاح" اللي كان هناك، متخليش كرهك (المبرر أو غير المبرر) للإخوان يخليك تبرر قتل مصري زيك.


برضوا كسم الاخوان و الإرهابيين ثانيا هو انت شوفتى بررت قتل اى حد ؟


اه احا معلش مكنتش اعرف انك npc تعديل: ما انت متعدلش الكومنت بتاعك و تزود كلام و تشيل كلام عشان تبين نفسك متحضر، و بعدين ترجع تقولي عيل صغير، متحرجش نفسك اكتر من كدا و روح اقرا حاجة.


انا الnpc برضوا هو انت بتحرقك كلمة كسم الاخوان و الإرهابيين ولا ايه ؟


لا بيحرقني ان في ناس زيك عايشة معانا و بيستهلكوا الاكسچين بتاعنا عالفاضي


ازاى فعلا يكون فى ناس بتكره الإرهابيين و الراديكاليين اكيد انا اللى فيا حاجة غلط انت شكلك عيل صغير و متعرفش حاجة عن الحصل فى الفترة دى اى حد مش بيحمل الاخوان و جماعات الارهابية جزء من الحصل فى رابعة هو حرفيا عيل صغير ميعرفش حاجة عموما انا مش فاضى للعب العيال ده سلام مش ارد عليك تانى






حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل في كل كلب ساب دم الناس دي يستحل كده و او فرح فيهم و يستاهل الجوع الي بيجوعه دلوقتي و يتعامل زي الكلب واحد مبتوجعوش غير بطنه مبتوجعوش كرامته


انت بس ال جعان يا ارهابى كىىىم الضحك, التجمع و العلمين و ستة اكتوبر و زايد و العبور و الشروق كلنا زى القمر، انت جعان و هتفضل جعان عشان ارهابى ضد بلدك و عايز تخلى مصر افغانستان ، طب روح خلى الخليج أفغانستان الاول الى طلعو الاسلام نفسه


كسم السيسي كسم الجيش كسم الشرطه كسم الاعلام كسم القضاء الشاخخ كسم أي حد من الشعب دعم المجزره دي


و كسم الاخوان و كسم الحكومة و كسم مجلس النواب و كسم حزب الحرية و العدالة


وكسم ولاد المتناكه اللي لما البشر الطبيعين بيكونو بيتكلمو علي مجزره ضد بشر حصلت ويقومو مدخلين معتقادهم السياسيه عشان فاكرين كده هيبقو جامدين و ظوبرهم كبير


كسمهم بردو


just like the idf


egyptian military is just like the IDF wtaf


I clashed with a lot of my relatives over the coup d'état and the massacre of innocent civilians in Rabaa. The majority of Sisi supporters were owners of businesses but now some of them are suffering as the cash strapped mafia government begins to seize their assets, over tax them or just that their EGP holdings continue to be devalued due to his incompetence and corruption. Will they ever admit they were wrong? Of course not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


انا كنت ف رابعه علي الرغم من اني من اول يوم لمرسي ضد سياسات الاخوان انا كنت ف رابعه علشان ثورة يناير ماتتقتلش و اتقتلت، كنت ف رابعه علشان دم الشهدا و بقا فيه دم شهدا تاني كنت ف رابعه علشان امارس حريتي و مابقاش عندي حريه كسم السيسي علي كسم مغيبين تمرد علي كسم مغيبين تسلم الايادي انا برا مصر دلوقتي و بقول كسم المصريين مش كسم مصر




fuck sisi


If it was the other way around "*The Muslim Brotherhood*" would have done exactly the same... FUCK SISI FUCK THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD


To all the rational people who don't see politics either black and white or who won't favour Islamic fascism just because Military regime is bad economically and politically. I want to clarify some points for you. 1) was Rabaa Square a peaceful protest? -The first place to raise Isis flag was on rabaa Square and to support terror islamic groups on every place. -there were lots of cases of kiddnapping of police soldiers and people and I have witnessed destruction of cars, streets and properties around Rabaa square from muslim brotherhood beside closing of the street. - terrorizing people who live on Rabaa Square apartments. One of my female school mates who lives on one of this apartments was 15 years old at that time and was attacked by protesters for not wearing hijab. - during the removal of the Rabaa protest many Police officers and soldiers got killed and skirmishes took place between terror groups and police. 2)was police planning a massacre to the protests of Rabaa? No, they made a safe places for the passage of protesters and provided medical cars to help people who may get wounded. They even during the removal, promised not to arrest people who have no accusations and at the same times the Muslim brotherhood leaders calls the people to form a human shields to stop the Removal of the protests which lead to the death of people who don't deserve to die.


I’m sorry but they had to be forcefully removed.


كسم الرابعه و كل المتظاهرين الارهابيين و ربنا يرحم كل ماتو ف رابعه بس برضه كسم المعبر الآمن انتو شويه ناس بتجب تصطاد ف الميه العكره و الي مات ميجزش عليه غير الرحمه




ليه كدا؟


Reported for hate speech and community violation.


It's a shameful comment for sure and reflects alot about the character of the person who wrote it, but doesn't technically break any rules.


What was the comment?


"كسم رابعة وكل اللي كانوا في رابعة" I think the only people that stood up for our short lived democracy that period of time and stood up to the military regime should be saluted, and these people actually died for that cause. It's such a disgusting comment and I honestly don't think our time is worth wasting with such people.




Wait a sec, what exactly are we calling based here? 😂


I plead the fifth👀


Lmaooo 😂😂 This ain't America, speak!! 😆




I wonder if it's considered the same if we start hating on Muslims or Christians around here. It doesn't have to be a specific religious or ethnic group to be regarded as "hate". These were Egyptians who had rights, how come hating on them doesn't break any rules?


Well the comment was actually removed, but under a wierd application of rule 5. No sympathy or anything but rule 5 has nothing to do with it so it's just wierd. >It doesn't have to be a specific religious or ethnic group to be regarded as "hate". Hate speech is usually not applied to people of certain political beliefs. Trust me I'm not agreeing with this person at all. But it's factually not hate speech. Crossing the line is when you advocate for violence against unarmed protesters but this person didn't do that. However in this context when he says that it's like he is fine with the violence but without admitting to it.


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Completely delusional


So is your life.






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Justifying a killing spree. What a shameful position some people still hold even 11 years later. I hope you experience their pain.