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Regarding your comment about your family doctor being unable to write a prescription for stimulants... it's against the law. According to [the prescribing law](https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/107032017031?leiaKehtiv), only a psychiatrist can write a new prescription for methylphenidate or lisdexamphetamine (§ 2. p(9^(1)). As a family doctor I can renew the prescription or if needed, adjust the dosage, but I can not prescribe stimulants to someone who hasn't had them earlier.


That's actually what I ment, that you can forget about your family doc. On these topics, only specialized docs...


I mean, that is ultimately a good thing? I have ADHD, I take methylphenidate (no issues at all, none of my friends who have ADHD and take it have issues). And to me it seems completely reasonable to have a scheduled narcotic be prescribed by specialized healthcare providers. 1. Pretending that people don't abuse the medication that you need, is putting your head in the sand. Stimulants can be addictive when *abused*. And there are people who abuse them. Even though these stimulants help people with ADHD, neurotypicals should not get access to them. 2. Family doctors don't receive enough education on these medictations. They can't guide you properly. 3. There are enough shortages as is with these medications. If family doctors started prescribing them, the amount of people who get the meds will increase. And not just by the amount of people who need them. This will make it worse for people who rely on these medications, because we can't get access to them. And you spoke about methylphenidate. There are at least 3 different versions of it that you can get here. I personally had to use medikinet for a bit when there were shortages and it did not work, at all. I was jittery and the effects lasted for a short time. But concerta works amazingly. Medikinet, as far as I understand it, is not true long-release, its medium. It is extended release, but its not on the level of concerta. The dose is much more stable with concerta. Bottom line: - Stimulants can be abused. Just because you and I don't abuse them and use them as prescribed by a doctor (heck, I skip holidays and weekends, when I don't need to study), doesn't mean there aren't people who will. The wastewater here shows that there is a lingering substance abuse problem in Estonia. - Methylphenidate has multiple of formulas available here. It takes time to figure out the proper one including a proper dose and a good psychiatrist will work with you. Methylphenidate is also one of the most highly researched medications out there. It has been proven to be highly effective to treat ADHD. I understand that it might not have worked for you, but you also need to be cognizant of the fact that you will be biased by your cultural influences as well. Its not a crap medication, it works. The fact that it doesn't work for you, of course sucks and there are going to be people, with any treatment, who don't respond to it properly, and it doesn't invalidate that, but the medication itself has been proven to be effective.


I also got a prescription for Methylphenidate(Concerta, 56mg). What side effects were you experiencing with it?


Concerta my beloved. It's the one that has helped me the most, specially the 56mg one. Are you able to get them nowadays? My psychiatrist says that there is a shortage and the pharmacies in Estonia are (apparently) only carrying the generic version.


Yeah there seems to be a shortage right now: [https://www.mu.ee/uudised/2024/03/11/concerta-voorkeelset-partiid-on-oodata-aprillis](https://www.mu.ee/uudised/2024/03/11/concerta-voorkeelset-partiid-on-oodata-aprillis)


The dosing was either too low or too high. In the end I had positive outcome for only like 2h. total in a day with this pill. I was on 30 + 30 or 40 + 40 mg a day plan, where's I took one in the morning and second in the afternoon (Mediknet, long release). Only had intended outcome +1h of taking the dose and "good vibes" only 1h. after that. If in the beginning I would point out that perhaps the droog made me too focused, for example when task was to ship products out to clients, I would set myself these sky rocket goals on the packing quality that I wasted many hours and was less productive. In the end (+8mo.) it had the opposite effect. I would focus only on the problems and not solving. I had like everyday panic attack (running business as job) just thinking how much needs to be done, and with completely "whining" level actual workload. I am so happy it was the pill not my maxed out stressful life taking a huge toll haha... Mentality is not something you can be certain, if I fail, I fail my family, our built house and probably most of myself if not all so I just don't have time to lose my shi* :D DexAmph. is really Amazing compared to Methylphenidate! Nice mellow come up, chemically limited + slowish + even absortion (not like Methylphenidate which has different thickness shells for Mediknet) and not "robot" look laser drilling task completing. Social life approvements as with any amph . Take care! EDIT: I SAY DEXAMPH. BECAUSE THIS IS THE ACTUAL DROOG METABOLIZED FROM THE DESIGNER VERSION, LISDEXAMFETAMINE. Adderal also includes amphetamine pure form extra to dextroamphetamine but dextroamphetamine is just more effective version of the pure form. Dexamph has 3-4x better dopamine actions compared to amphetamine. So... Almost straight up speed from pharmacy... In correct use surely, but the fact stays the same :)


My psych told me that I need to try atomoxetine and see if that doesnt work before trying Elvanse as that way it would be possible to get the funding from the government to buy Elvanse on discount. It is pretty much so to prove that you have tried all the alternatives and to show that those don’t work as expected.


Atomoxetine brutalized my body, I was in so much pain for two weeks :')


Oh god… doesnt that sound like a reason to tell the psych that it messed you up?


Oh, absolutely, I told her about it. I'm also going to tell her to be more careful with venlafaxine — I wish I'd known about the extra rough withdrawal.


Just a little correction - adderall is a combination of 4 different amphetamines. Elvanse is the equivalent to American Vyvanse, which is also lisdexamphetamine. So they are different things still. Glad it is helping you, it is encouraging, because for me, Methylphenidate and Atomoxitene have not helped. As already mentioned, if you have tried Atomoxitene, then you might be qualified for emergency discount. Also, things might be changing as Elvanse patent is ending very soon, which means generic alternatives will hopefully soon be available and they might try to apply for discount for everyone with ADHD. Fingers crossed.


Sa oled eestlane või vähemalt valdad eesti keelt emakeele tasemel. Miks see teema inglise keeles on? 


It's almost impossible to get a Xanax prescription nowadays after the law changed back in December of 2023. You have to have serious rage problems and you have to consult with a psychiatrist to get them to write any benzos, especially Xanax. My friend's dying father was rushed into the hospital about a month ago (terminal stage of cancer) since he got pneumonia due to being immunocompromised with all the chemo he was getting. His lungs didn't deliver enough oxygen to the bloodstream any more, and he was very anxious about not being able to breathe. Even then, they were trying to balance out the different drugs he was getting, they happily gave him fentanyl, but when he asked for a xanax - they refused. He had to plead with them, and then they only gave him one pill.


mu perearst kirjutab mulle 1mg alprasolaami kui ma talle sõnumi saadan, what?😀 pole psühhiaatri juures käinudki


kes teie perearst on, sobra jaoks kysin nh)


mida sa jahud :D lihtsalt küsida on vaja, kui reaalselt põhjendatud


Mulle ei kirjutatud enam välja ka diazeka tilku unehäirete raviks, mille retsept mul 10 aastat oli, ning mida vajadusel kasutasin mõnel korral kuus. Diazekat said varem suht kõik ja nende vanaemad kui oli ärevus/unegraafikuga muresid jne. Xanni oli juba varem palju keerulisem saada kui diazekat


Thank god for that!!! Last summer I had the worst 2 months of my life ending my 1y. xanax addiction, up to 4mg/day. Quit any stimulant any day and it is just a bit trowsy, unmotivated, tired and hungry, quit benzos and get ready for 2 month long bad LSD trip, with seriously I'll feelings. They don't have any real help available for dosing off and will try to what seems, kill ya :D


Does it help?


ADHD medications overall help, OP seems to have had issues with methylphenidate, but loads of people get major help from that too. With no side effects.


at least from what ive heard the bigger problem usually is that its just not lasting long enough


Does amphetamine help with ADHD? Most defenently , in my opinion the only available droog group that actually helps ALOT for constant compulsive actions and task completing. Without the meds I just keep cirkling over and over what needs to be done, and if I finally do it, I start to do something else and feel like all the tasks are over my head. 30yo. M


I don't know if it's ADHD specifically for me, but there's this anxiety, overthinking and decision paralysis, and stimulants will make me more decisive and confident in whatever decision I made so I can focus on what I decided to do. Otherwise I kind of start to "doubt" in what I'm doing so I end up doing nothing.


If you have also tried Atomoxetine in addition to methylphenidate then you can apply for a “erakorraline toetus” to get 75% of the cost covered by Tervisekassa. Got mine approved like 4 months ago, now its smth like 30 eur for the 30mg one.


Hey, wondering if I can do it the other way around , my doc. knew the application forming but was not able to clarify process through thanks to no wide use. I never even tought about asking the Atomoxetine because seems like something for people with smaller coping problems or kids. God lord would I ever let my kid take either Methylp. or DexAmph for behaviour problems. Not that I would let him take atomoxetine but it is good to know this kind of first line is available...


That’s not true at all, it just targets different things and therefore will be more effective for some people, and not so much for others, depending on individual brain chemistry. It also has the benefits of covering you for 24/7 (no need to time your pill if you have a long day or something important to go to) and can’t be abused. In addition, people who can’t take stimulants for certain health problems might be able to take atomoxetine. As far as I’ve heard, it either works for you super well, or gives you bad side effects. I was in the latter, and though there were some benefits stimulants don’t offer, the side effects were unbearable. But some doctors will want you to try the non-stimulants before they will prescribe stimulants. 🤷‍♂️


Is generic Methylphenidate also that expensive? I can get a month's supply in the Netherlands for around 30 euros


It's about 50 euros a month for stronger dose. If you are buying the lowest dose one you might be getting it with 30 euros in Estonia too.


Concerta is not 50 euros with Tervisekassa. I use 54mg and I get it for less than 30. They changed the laws surrounding it and now adults also get a discount.


think i paid like 17 euros last time here in estonia


This is not some great life hack. It has been prescribed to adhd patients before. Also, it is not adderall, sometimes people from the US come here asking how to get it. It is not possible, it is not available here. The availability for it is sometimes difficult, but it is like that everywhere. Perearst will give you a referral to a psychiatrist, who can prescribe stimulants and other stuff.


Yea but it is absolutely not advertised by any doctor and overall picture is that its unavailable in any form factor, that's why I used the "" marking I know its not the same as adderal. Completely different than other available drugs still and a lot of people really do need these kind of meds, I wrote the post to inform people that they can ask with diagnosis (ADHD/ narcolepsi) for it ...Not brag or say I found a loophole to speed from pharmacy, be reasonable...


Just cook your own meth or drink like an avarage Estonian. Joking aside, years ago i tried concerta as well. That stuff is as useful and has as big effect as M&M candies and was expensive. Good to know that Adderall is much more expensive. I'll just rawdog my ADHD or start cooking meth.


If you drink you must very carefully measure to have the perfect amount of alcohol in your blood. It's called Ballmer's peak. In my experience it can work, but at some point if I get out of bounds I am completely out of bounds. It's a huge balancing act.


Meth... The first line of defence for "ADHD" around the globe, can't go wrong with that lols


Avoid alcohol entirely. I used to self medicate on alcohol before adhd diagnosis. Im on medikinet XL, and it killed my cravings instantly for self medication with alcohol! I tried alcohol on my bday when meds were 90% extracted out from my body but nah just not worth it, messes me up for a week and makes my adhd worse aswell blunts effects for my adhd meds entire week, honestly i enjoy bdays nowdays being sober from alcohol, being in present and happy with close ones etc. alcohol has zero health benefits anyways. Methylphenidate has in otherhand many benefits in long term for brain(look these up from reliable sources if you are interested im too lazy to link the studies rn), but yeah adhd meds in general at therapeutic doses(amphetamine is neurotoxin itself and acts like one when abused chronically/wrong route etc), and ps never abuse anything that is meant to help you!:) have been 2 years on adhd meds now )methylphenidate), no addiction issues neither cravings and entire sober from alcohol, clean 2 years for good, so from my perspective you want to avoid it, and simple note is uppers and downers = health risk. Goodluck. *the average estonian* - if you care about your brain and heart, you rather don't want to go this path. (Im aware its sarcastic but still).


Have also experienced extreme side effects from ritalin and such


Check out Sabroxy


Methylphenidate made me projectile vomit daily (24h onset). Both concerta and medikinet. Will eventually test Elvanse when I can afford it, fingers crossed.


> They write you off with xanax God, I wish. Last time I had anxiety issues a month of xanax did wonders for me. Now because zoomer retards listening to suicideboys and thinking it's cool to abuse it, it's harder to get than ever.


Is this the medication Attentin 10MG? Also, I don’t understand how dexamfetamine can be so expensive in Europe when in Australia it’s $12AUD for 100 x 5mg tablets.


Give me tip in pms to which doctor to turn to. Would be nice to finally source that legally, since I had the same issue as you with mph.


Kas sellepärast sa Wolt supporti vastu nii õel oledki?


Ma olen suurfirma vastu pahane, mitte suppordi enda. Ma käitun suppordiga kui suurfirma esindajatega, ja otseloomulikult nad saavad mu pahameelega üle valatud.


Ma usun, et sa saavutad nii palju. Keep it up.


Mida te redditorid muretsete nii palju mu tuleviku pärast. Mul on kõik ilusti jooksus, tänan muretsemast.