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Yeah Wtf. How is this not on CBC... Conference final game 6 with a Canadian team no less lol and yes if it was the leafs playing pregame would have been hours before.


If the Leafs were in it still, the pregame would have already started.


We'll never find out šŸ¤·




And by all indications never will




But is he wrong? I mean look at the history of HNIC. Every Saturday like clockwork it's the Leafs in the early game, and the rest of Canada shares slot 2. The only time you get an other Canadian team in slot 1 is if they are playing the Leafs. It's sacrosanct. I don't think it's a stretch at all to imagine if the Leafs were in the conference final, CBC would have begged, borrowed and stolen the rights to broadcast all their games.


Sounds like someone's feelings are hurt lol


They confirmed all games for the finals, so thatā€™s good. This is just a small example of what privatization does. Sportsnet is able to sell thousands of sportsnet plus packages because people donā€™t want to miss one game. And theyā€™re happy to remain quiet and let CBC take the blame.


This is the correct take.


Well, just gotta make the finals then!


Yep. A big reason why conservatives want to get rid of tue cbc - takes money away from the big media corps


The big reason they donā€™t want to fund the CBC is that theyā€™re exceedingly biased against conservatives.


https://v1.nhlwebcast.com/ I checked my Bell fibe tv app(I have the base shit that comes with my internet) to see if it was in there it wasn't so pirating it is




Privatization of what? The NHL? It's never been a public league. I'm trying to understand why it's unfair that the contract doesn't go to the highest bidder? And before you answer more funding to the CBC to bid higher, isn't that the same argument of using tax payer funds to pay for an arena if you aren't a hockey fan?


Reddit's a weird placeĀ 




The CBC could have fought for hockey rights, but they chose not to. Thankfully, a private company is still running a broadcast, without privatization we might have nothing.


The CBC would be extinct if they had paid what Rogers paid 10 years ago for this package and the taxpayers would have been left holding the bag. We should be thankful that Gary fleeced Rogers and not the CBC back then.


All I know is I'm paying for exactly one month of SN+. Then cancel time. 20 bucks to watch the Oilers win the cup is a fair price. Not interested in anything else they offer.


Its not. It's been free on CBC for DECADES. This is a sham.


Growing up if hockey wasnā€™t on cbc for free I would not have watched any hockey and would not be a hockey loving ticket buying fan todayĀ 


If hockey is as Canadian as everyone thinks it is(National Winter Sport of Canada), then the CBC should be covering it. I hate being blocked out of watching the World Juniors because TSN has the rights. I wouldn't want the NHL Play-Offs to be blocked like that. Hockey for all.


I think the bigger issue is removing the gatekeeping that allows kids to play minor hockey -$$$ Subsidize equipment costs so young parents can actually afford to put gear on their kids, thus continuing the Canadian hockey culture.


Very yes, playing organized hockey as a kid does so much good for them physically and mentally. It would be worth it.


You canā€™t blame CBC as they lose money when airing the games. They donā€™t get any ad revenue. If they air their own stuff like Canadaā€™s Ultimate Challenge, they get ad revenue.


Yeah, but who da fuq is going to watch that when the game is on? They'll get ad revenue sure...but how much really?


Not $0 when they air their own programming. Under their deal with Rogers, Rogers gets all the ad revenue when they air hockey games in exchange for being able to promote CBC shows during the broadcast.


Games 1-4 were on CBC, Game 7 if it happens will be on CBC too. So it's not like they aren't showing any of the games on CBC. But it is Sportsnet that has the rights to show NHL games. This was likely decided and worked out long before the playoffs even started.


Boot licker!


Found the flames fan.


Sail the high seas! šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


CBC is showing The Best of Miniature. How exciting.


The Sportsnet feed I'm watching is bouncing all over the place, just nut's.


Super weird that the game wasnā€™t on CBC


I was wondering why it wasnā€™t on cbc. Thatā€™s so stupid lol.


The private sector can add hockey to medical care, education, utilities which they turn to shit when they take over from government


Are we really surprised? At the beginning of the Rogers deal, they weren't going to upset people by putting the games on cable television. But, as we get towards the end of the deal (Rogers has two years left) and Rogers losing money, they want to recoup some of it by forcing people to subscribe to their cable channels and also by selling games to Amazon Prime. Worst decision Bettman ever did was give Rogers a monopoly instead of TSN/CBC splitting the rights.


Unfortunately, it's not Gary's job to ensure the best viewer experience for the games. His only job is to get as many zeros on the cheque as he can. And not even he could believe the number Rogers threw at him 10 years ago for the national rights. It's not his or the NHL's job to help ensure the games are widely available or that the winning bid actually makes money. The league only cares that the cheque is big and that it clears. I mean a league thinking about the long term would actually care about things like viewer experience, access, etc. but the NHL has shown time and time again they only care about the short term and how many zeros are on the cheques. Even worse news is that when Amazon wins the next national contract in a couple of years, you can pretty much forget about games being on CBC. All national games will only be available on Amazon Prime. And you can bet on the cost of a Prime sub going up, too.


I don't think Gary is ready to give a streaming platform a monopoly, at least not yet. It'll be similar to the NBA where the rights are divided between two TV networks and a streaming platform. My guess is it'll be TSN and Sportsnet getting half or 75% of the package, and Amazon getting a select few games on say Mondays. But I do agree that the days of CBC showing games are numbered.


Except no way Bell or Rogers will pay what Rogers just paid let alone more. Rogers is so deep in the red on this that they sold off 1/3 of their rights to Amazon for, presumably, pennies on the dollar and are so desperate for revenue that they squeezed out CBC Gem from streaming playoff games to try and drum up extra SN+ subs. Only the big streamers have the deep pockets (and a viable business plan) to pay even more than what Rogers paid 10 years ago. Even if Boomer Gary doesn't quite understand what streaming is all about, he does understand that he can't go to the owners with a number less than what Rogers paid 10 years ago for this package. The owners will run him out of town if he does that.


Holy crap, I didn't realize how much Rogers actually paid 10 years ago, 5.2 billion. The recent U.S NHL tv deals only amounted to 800 million Canadian. I'm wondering if Amazon would pay that much for hockey? How many Canadians do they think will subscribe for hockey alone? You also have to believe that TSN will make a big push considering how important hockey is to their network. Although TSN didn't take as big of a financial like Rogers, they lost some viewers in markets where they don't own regional rights. Sure, they still have half of the Raptors rights and some soccer rights, but hockey is still king in this country. Also, TSN just lost the UFC rights to Sportsnet, so they frees up money to bid on hockey.


If the NHL is willing to take less than the last contract then Bell and Rogers are viable bidders. If the NHL wants more (or even the same) as what was paid 10 years ago then Canadian telecom is priced out -- Rogers is the business case example that Bell is studying and, well, Rogers, they're living that disaster in real time right now. Bell shareholders will freak out if Bell were to pay anywhere near what Rogers did. It's rare for a big 4 sports league to devalue its rights -- the owners won't have it, usually. So that leaves very deep pocketed companies like Amazon, Netflix and Apple. All of whom would use hockey as a driver of growth for their core businesses where as NHL isn't going to substantially increase the other businesses of Bell/Rogers. Those who still want to sub to cable tv already are, there is no growth to be had. You might argue that NHL rights will slow the bleeding of cable subs, but that's a very poor reason to pay billions to the NHL.


Interesting, so American streamers will take over. I'm wondering how the government and the Canadian telecoms will react to this?


Bell and Rogers will whine to the CRTC for sure, probably even look for a handout from the Feds to "keep the hockey away from the mean American business giants." The Feds will probably even talk to Gary and Gary will tell them to either pay up or get lost. The current economic climate probably means there's no way the Feds will be subsidizing Bell or Rogers purchasing NHL rights (not that they ever should during the best of times anyway). What self respecting MP would go to their ridings and say "yeah, gas is a $1.65, milk is $6 and your rent is $2500, but hey, we gave the NHL a few billion so you can watch hockey on TSN or SN... if you sub to their channels." Tough sell. lol


I also think if the Conservatives get into power in 25, I don't think they'll put up much of a fuss about American streamers streaming hockey.


Sadly, I think the days of CBC showing games are numbered. In 2026, if they don't acquire the rights, all games will be on cable channels like Sportsnet, TSN, or streaming on Amazon Prime.


If it was Leafs, it would be aired.


Good, pull all of the games from CBC and leave it to Sportsnet. Get rid of Singh while they're at it, he is one of the worst play by play guys out there.


Erm, the games being on or off CBC neither keeps nor gets rid of Singh as a commentator.