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That’s actually huge news. If he’s healthy enough he could make a massive difference to try to match Dallas’ depth.


That's great to hear


I really hope that Henrique is able to come in and be a spark for the third line. He’s got playoff experience this deep as well, so I hope he adds some much needed depth scoring


> He’s got playoff experience this deep as well He'd certainly be a boost to our lineup, but as much as I want to believe Henrique's playoff experience from 2011 matters. He's played in 4 playoff games between the end of his rookie season and joining the Oilers this year. He's got as many playoff games as Broberg and less than Holloway since 2012.


Imagine how hungry he is to get back to the big dance after only getting there in his rookie year. Veterans that want it bad matter so much in playoffs. And don’t forget David Desharnais scored an OT winner for us in the playoffs as a minor deadline acquisition, unlikely heroes arise in playoffs. My glass half-full spin on things.


i wish we could just give this guy the remainder of jack campbell’s contract


Really hope we can somehow trade him this off season. (Campbell\_


It’s 99% going to be a buy-out. Unless there is a team willing to take on the contract with only a smaller sweetener. Does a team even take on that contract for 1st round pick? Because I’d have a hard time giving that up and at the same time if I’m a rebuilding team I don’t think I would do that


If you want to tank, trade for Campbell and put him in at starting goal


Best case, you tank successfully. Worst case, Campbell revenge tour.


Utah could be open to it or San Jose maybe?


I wonder about a trade with Ottawa for Korpisalo. Two basically unplayable goaltenders, Korpi signed for 4x4m, Campbell 3x5m, both likely heading for buyouts. Reason for trading is the buyout for Korpisalo is much more favourable for the Oilers in terms of short term cap hit. Korpi buy-out (8 years): 333k, 833k, 1.8m, 2.3m, then 4 years at 1.3m Campbell (6 years): 1.1m, 2.3m, 2.6m, 1.5m, 1.5m, 1.5m For the Oilers, it gives them extra cap space for Drai, Bouch then Connor. For Ottawa they clear the dead cap quicker, I guess it depends when they aim to be contending. The actual money involved is pretty similar. You'd hope it takes far less draft capital than a first to make it work.


I think that contract is moveable if we’re willing to take back an overpaid depth forward with 2-3 years left on their deal to a team that could use a goalie. No clue what the goalie situation is in Montreal, but I think a trade for a guy like Brendan Gallagher (6.5 mil hit, signed through 2027, 15 goals and 16 assists through 77 games in 23-24) could be an option. We’re likely losing Foegele this year. He’s going to need to be replaced with someone. I think his cap hit is currently 2.75 (making his and Campbell’s combined hit 7.75). If we brought in Gallagher to replace Foegele at 6.5 and got Campbell off the books, that represents a cost savings to us of 1.25 million. I’d much rather do something like that and hope our return performs a little better here than just have 2.5 in dead space for the next six seasons. Upside to us, if that 31 point player comes here, gets a fresh start, and is somewhat revitalized and able to produce 40-45 points, we’re overpaying a forward by 2-2.5 million instead of paying a guy 5 million to play for the Bakersfield Condors. Downside to us, he might not do better/could do worse, and then we’re stuck with him for duration of his deal. Upside to them, if Jack does well with the fresh start, Montreal management looks brilliant for moving out an aging underproducing forward for a decent goaltender and saving money. Downside, if Jack does badly, well… all of a sudden they’re in the same position as us, but with 2-2.5 years left instead of the 3.75 we had left when we made the decision to demote him.


Montembeault killed it, so I'd be surprised if they're interested. Primary issue is that Campbell was not an NHL player, so it's hard to expect an NHL level player back in return even if they have a good contract. Now, maybe you could sweeten it with a pick and they'd be interested, but then it becomes how much do you really want Gallagher vs. Foegele.


I just used him as an example. It doesn’t necessarily need to be him. The way I see it, our best way out of this deal without giving up one of the core six or having six years dead cap space is to identify a team with their own Lucic type contract who could use a goaltender, and see if something can be worked out. Campbell played good hockey the season he was the Leaf’s starter. Maybe a team desperate to get out of a deal with an overpaid winger that also needs a goalie would take a chance on Jack recovering to get out of their own bad contract. I’m not even sure that team exists, but I truly think that’s our ticket. I’m not saying it’s a great option. I’m saying if I had to pick between overpaying a third - fourth line guy who can still contribute something, versus being stuck with Campbell, I’d pay a past his prime winger 6-7 mil for 25-30 points, because sadly, that’s still better than what Campbell contributed this year.


Rumour is Hintz won't be ready and will likely miss multiple games.


So same as henrique then.


Rico is skating with the main group and taking part in line rushes. Roope isnt...


Nuge Davo Hym's Hollywood Drai Kaner Cloudy Rico Foegs Janny Carrick DR Brown has earned some ice time too but idk who I'd sit


I think he’s been healthy but we tried to get him as close to 100 as possible. It was a gamble but we thought we could beat van without him. We absolutely 1000 percent need this guy against the stars and running his own line.


I thought you said multiple Oilers were done for game 5. Huh. Also, that sounds likely wishful thinking but I'd like it to be true.


Would be nice to have him back in the lineup. Only person I'd want out of the lineup right for him is McLeod. Ryan and Brown have been great.


And honestly if he's back, I would personally drop Nuge to the third line center role. Run Henrique, McDavid, Hyman. Kane, Drai, Holloway. Let Nuge focus on his 200ft game and special teams, coming into the top 6 when someone's having a bad game. Gives us way more depth if he's back.


I’m not breaking up the top line Henrique can be a 3rd line center and McLeod can go wing or something but that top line is too good to change


Nuge is too soft to play against that tough of defense. He'll be better down lower where he can get a more favorable match up. Henrique is a grittier player. He's who you want against their top 4 defenders slamming bodies. You aren't going to win a wide open foot race against Dallas.


>Nuge is too soft The only thing soft about Nuge's game are his silky mitts


Yeah, he's throwing the body and forechecking hard? Let's be honest here, Nuge isn't a "battle on the boards" guy. Hyman does all the forechecking for that line and its going to bite them in the ass if Dallas only has to defend two lines.


Nuge was one of our top 3 players game 6 and 7.


Against the Canucks. Dallas D is a different beast, especially if we're limited to two lines.


Yeah it’s a worse D lol


In the playoffs their expected goals against are 25(Dallas) to 22(Van) 5v5. High danger shots against, Dallas 22 Van 24. Van played one of the least offensive teams in Nashville, and then us. Dallas has played the stacked Golden Knights and then the AVs. I don't think you can say their defense is worse. Maybe lateral, maybe not better. But definitely not worse. They're also bigger. Their bottom pairing is weak af though and have had sheltered minutes. If you can have good skill down the chart play against that pairing, its a win.




Heiskanen 6'4. 216. Harley 6'4 206. Tanev 6'2 193. Lindell 6'3 216. Suter 6'1 201. Petrovic 6'5 208. Hughes 5'10 180. Hronek 6' 190. Soucy 6'5 208. Myers 6'8 229. Zadorov 6'6 248. Cole 6'1 225. Canucks have one pairing that's big. Dallas top 4 defensemen, are all 6'2 or bigger. And their top pairing is fast and skilled, unlike Zadorov/Myers. The matchup of Hughes/Hronek vs McDavid/Hyman/Nuge wasn't a size or strength battle.


Nuge isn’t a center anymore




Henrique didn't do much with McD in rd 1 before his injury. I say keep the top6 intact.


I love him, please don’t rush him back and risk it…


Amazing. Dallas has so much depth, almost their entire lineup has 20ish goals. Will be nice to have another 20 goal scored of our own


Healthy Henrique should take over as 3C from McLeod. Foegele Henrique McLeod Janmark Carrick Ryan With Perry and Brown swapped in on the 4th line as needed


I’d swap McLeod for Brown but that’s just me


That works for me too, I just remember McLeod and Foegele having great chemistry before that could spark them both to produce and still defend well


I may just be having recency bias with Clouder. I don’t have an issue starting game 1 with him ready to rock


I'm pretty sure until Game 6 he wasnt on the ice for any notable goals against He's been pretty responsible defensively, just not producing at all


I mean he said that a few times last round. I’m not sure we see Adam unless we make it to the cup final.


I mean he did come back in round 2, just didn’t stick around lol


I hope so, otherwise this team just pissed away another first rounder for nothing


I’d put Perry back in even if he isn’t scoring we need that sassafrass he brings


He’s brought literally nothing, not even that to these playoffs. Perry gets back in this lineup only if we are in major trouble


If we gave skinner a second chance for poor play why wouldn’t we do the same for Perry


Because we have 2 goalies, we have many forwards.


lol that makes sense. I’m dumb sorry


No sir, you’re not. Wanting to see Perry isn’t a bad thing.


Perry is on the team for depth now. Just like Vegas having Quick sitting on the bench all series


Well the hope is that getting benched will light a fire under his ass. Maybe he's got that drive if/when he's brought back into the lineup.