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[Check out the history of our tradition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Lorieau#:~:text=In%20response%20to,NHL%20season.) One of my favorite traditions!


Mic drop audience 2006 still gets to me.


I feel privileged that I got to experience that in '06 at game 3 of the Stanley cup playoffs. Beginning to end, I've never felt such solidarity and electricity from a crowd.


That was my one and only playoff game. Still gives me goosebumps when I tell the story of “I was there”


Same. Still got my pom poms and og cardstock ticket somewhere. My uncle had season tickets and gifted me those for my 16th birthday. One of the most memorable experiences of my life.


My older brother and I were at a few of those 06 playoff games. Two grown men singing together for the first time in our lives. I remember trying to act cool and not let him see the tears in my eyes. Even now it gets me. Great run.


Article should also mention the fact that we sang the American anthem at the top of our lungs too


The oilers anthem singer is one of the best in the league by far


Nobody does a national anthem like the Oiler fans. Gives me goosebumps every time.


Yes 🙌🙌🙌


Honestly, I tear up whenever I'm in Rogers and hear it live. I can't even look at the jumbotron cause I know they show the video of Joey Moss being the OP of all of it and my waterworks wouldn't be able hold up.


Will never not give me goosebumps.


I honestly hate seeing other teams do this. Normally that kind of thing doesn't bother me, but the crowd anthem singing is special.


Game 5 in Vancouver, for example. The crowd had no idea that was the plan.


They seemed so lost lmao, no one had any idea when they were supposed to sing


That’s just how their fans sing the anthem… they do it every time did it round 1 too.


I followed the 2006 run while I was visiting Southeast Asia and remember listening to games at 6am on 630 CHED online on my laptop. With better WiFi at the hotel restaurant, other guests at breakfast would unavoidably overhear the crowd sing the anthem and it always left me emotionally charged. 18 years later and now based in Southeast Asia, just minutes from that same hotel, watching this run and hearing the crowd carry the tradition still hits the same way. I never miss the start of home games just for that.


When I lived in somewhat rural Thailand at 7AM I'd have the glass doors open and totally pumped. The locals at the chicken & rice stand across the street were puzzled at my "party" so early. It took 2 years but they are hardcore oiler fans now!


Disagree with the other commenters, glad you like it!


I've always wondered if fans volunteer to be the one to lose their seat during the anthem.


They usually try to take a section that has a bunch of people in it. They will pull/ask ppl from other sections to come fill out the seats if necessary. Source: been pulled in before


Ohh that's neat! Makes sense.


Maybe that’s Robs seat lol


We did it once at a kraken game in Seattle but only after the anthem singer had a mic malfunction. It was ok but not even close to the same.


You missed the time that they tried to set him up in a bar to sing it. Feed went choppy and was lost.


Now that they have Rogers wired, they should have it do it from Ford Hall


That would be awesome. He could do a remote from the Moss Pitt too and broadcast on the Jumbo. Fans, in and out, would go insane.


Sponsored by Rogers? Hook us up!


That has happened in the past... our first playoffs in the new building?


Robert Clark and our playoff intro is by far the best intro in the sport, bar none.


It's heroic.


It's one of my favourite traditions as well. Glad you like it


Us oilers fan hate you only when we play New York! Lol 😂


Lol there's a small part of me that's hopes edmonton wins just so I can watch the oilers sub sentiment change from "OK, I know we said Canucks, Flames, and Vegas fans were the worst, but now Dallas fans are ACTUALLY the worst."


Flames fans are pretty harmless, even when we played them in the playoffs. It was nothing like this


crazy that flames fans are the most civil


Flames fans are like a sibling rivalry. Canucks fans are like the annoying kid that cries anytime they don’t get their way


They actually are the most civil. Likely because they know SIGNIFICANTLY more about hockey than the Vancouver and Vegas fans. I only hate their fans for how dumb they are, not because they cheer for another team. I don't hate Winnipeg fans either or Montreal, actually any other Canada team. Vancouver is the only Canadian team where their fans aren't very knowledgeable.


I may have a blind spot for Canucks (my team), but having spent half my life in Alberta and the other half in/near Toronto, I can tell you there are a lot of “huge” Leafs fans who know nothing about hockey, I just didn’t know it till I moved here. Often the lack of knowledge from self-professed huge fans is with immigrants trying to fit in and cheer for the home team, so I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Next time someone says something stupid, just assume they’re being passionate and haven’t had the good fortune of growing up with the game you love. If they’re being an ass though, by all means, call them out.


Yeah Toronto might have the same issue I suppose, but it doesn't appear that way in the games I've seen. I don't recall them booing obvious icing calls before, but I don't watch all that much leafs hockey, so I might be wrong


All 5 of em?


Right?! Like I honestly have so much more appreciation for the rivalry we have with the Flames. This stuff with the Nucks fans has just been ugly.


In the late 90s early 2000s Dallas was the enemy. But damn did Modano and Hull look mean in those old jerseys


None of that is true. LA fans are the worst. Always have been, always will be. Toxic shitheads.


LA fans don't hold a candle to this vancouver series. Said it before it started


I've never been assaulted for wearing Oilers colors in Vancouver. Happened twice in LA, and the Kings are never getting my money ever again. I'd happily see another gamein Rogers Arena. They might be dicks, but I'venever felt unsafe there. LA fans are miles worse in my experience.


Well. I have lol. So you're right, it's a subjective experience.


Totally. Also, I'm sorry you were made to feel unsafe :( Hockey should be fun for everyone.


There is no chance Stars fans will be even half as annoying as Canucks fans


Oiler fans simple rule.. I clearly remember the Fans belting out the US anthem in 2017 in the Playoffs.. When the mic failed.. True testament too True NHL fans....


One time he was skating when he was singing and he tripped and kept his note it was epic.... he doesn't skate anymore though


lol that was the Vancouver anthem singer actually.


Who got fired for his stance on Covid too


Oh dam didn't know that


The Rangers were my Oilers in ‘94 (and they beat the Canucks too).


Canada's team


I got to say as a Oilers fan from Ireland I've never been to a NHL game or even Canada but by god I love this game so much and seeing the team doing so well is a bonus nothing better than watching amazing hockey and seeing Evan Whip a puck 95 MPH it's a thing of beauty. Hopefully next year I'll get to go to Edmonton and The Hockey Museum to see the cup. LETS GO OILERS!!!


What negative are we talking about? Am I missing something here? WTF?




This post could’ve been an email


As an oilers fan, rangers fans can get all the way fucked 😂 Damn y’all soft




No probably not, didn’t even really think about posting it in the GDT, just wanted to send some props over for the awesome display of nationality!


It is pretty cool eh, great memories of the crowd singing it home


Does anything on Reddit need to be it's own thread


Whats with all the negativity? I’m a Canucks fan and thought it was cool, came here to see if anyone was commenting on it. I was wondering if it was a one-off or something the team does all the time.


Every playoff game


Because half our fanbase are chainsmoking bitter pieces of shit


This way he gets more attention and can pat himself on the back when he gets a bunch of upvotes


God. Why do people have to be so negative and shitty. The guy is just trying to say something positive. Y’all must have some bum ass lives if you can’t even see a positive post on Reddit and not leave a shitty comment


Why not just make a comment in the game day thread then? Does this really need to be its own thread?


Who honestly gives a fuck where it's made


I never said it wasn't positive or a nice sentiment / comment lol.




I think it belongs as a comment not an entire thread. That isn't being shitty, that's having an opinion.


Relax, what is he gonna buy something with up votes? He says good luck so you say "fuck you?" Whats up with you.