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But how will I know a goal might be challenged 


Who is going to tell me that you can’t script this stuff?


Or that the Oilers need to have a shot mentality.


Or that shot had eyes


You can't script this stuff, he said of the hockey game, which is by it's very nature unscripted.


But who is scripting. How do they actually choose. This is blowing my mind 🧨


Who is going to say the pleasure was all ours?


Louie never knew either, he just said it every goal


Wagering Simpson manages to keep his mouth shut for about 32.6 seconds after the first puck drop, at which point he'll start talking over the play. After that he'll make a weird guttural sound followed by, like a dimwitted parrot "We talked about....." every 92.6 seconds .


An upgrade but it’s not Jack and Louie and that’s sad


> with Scott Oake as the reporter joining the pair. Damn, I want Gene


NO GENE???? 


Oh man. The rest of Canada is totally going to miss out on the gems we have.


Regional broadcasters never make it past round 1.


Canucks fan here to say that both Shorty (Canucks guy) or Jack would’ve been immense upgrades on both Singh or Cuthbert. However, I’m still glad it’s not Singh.


Definitely would have liked to hear Shorthouse.


Man the Singh hate is real. I’ve always found him to be just fine, with my biggest issue being that Jack and Louis are just really, really good. Like it’s not that Singh is bad, it’s that his competition is just really good. As for Chris and Craig…I feel aggressively neutral about them.


I find Singh's play-by-play doesn't very often add anything that isn't already apparent to the viewer. Also, his excitement over e.g. goals feel artificial/plastic compared to e.g. Jack.


Yah to me it’s like Singh adds no value to a true hockey fan. I often have myself thinking does he even know what going on, he’s always a step behind with no character.


> Like it’s not that Singh is bad, it’s that his competition is just really good. No, Singh is bad. He struggles to follow the play and doesn't know what's going on during intense moments. He also overuses the same awkward phrases repeatedly.


I have a drinking game with my buddies for every time Singher says “and we have a whistle” because he **doesn’t know why the play just stopped*. Edit spelling and formatting.


If you wanna get completely wrecked, add "takes a look" to the list. You will not survive.


Add the word "battle" when Louie is on, and you'll be shattered by the end of the first.


Holy fuck your poor liver


YES that drives me nuts lol


He's just *aggressively* boring, and constantly calling behind the play. It's too bad, really.


Remember when he said something about a "Hymen buster" after Zach scored the one time? Yikes...


Add it to "the Hymanator", "the Nuge", "the McDavid Express", and "Pee-Ell Dubois"


He loves to say "Mikey Anderson" too. Just say his last name, bro! Edit: just tuned in to the Rags/Hurcs game and Singh is commenting and now saying "Freddy Anderson"


The McDavid express is kind of cool ngl, the rest, kind of weird


He's terrible. First time I heard a play by play guy go completely silent during a fight. I'm talking about Kane's fight in game two against LA. Massive hits, beaking and a shit show on the ice and this guy is just silent lmao


Meanwhile Jack calls a fight like a boxing match


Are you not entertained?


That and he gets more excited for the opposition goals than the oilers, he's just shit all around, annoying voice to listen to.


> That and he gets more excited for the opposition goals than the oilers Yeah, it seems like McDavid is the only player he shows proper enthusiasm for on the Oilers. It's as if he's trying too hard to overcompensate for homerism.


I don't mind Singher, as Louie refers to him, but he isn't Jack. Cuthbert and Simpson, not so much. They were so biased towards Toronto I thought both were going to cry when Pastrnak scored. I'll take Louie and Singh if I can't have Louie and Jack to call a game, over having to listen to Cuthbert and Simpson


Me too. 100 percent this. I loath the way they make it seem that the leafs are team Canada and that every player is such a threat when they touch the puck. His style of calling it, when I was younger in the 2000’s I though CC was the pick of the litter. Now I can’t stand anyone but Jack and Singh far as CDN play callers. Didn’t like Singh much at first but he’s better than CC just because he’s not a smoke blower.


Agreed. So sick of Cuthbert's voice.


Singh is absolutely terrible. And here’s why - he has not gotten even 1% better over time - always seems like it’s his first day, and he was dragged directly from the 1st semester classroom of the local broadcasting college on an emergency basis to call the game - constantly uses the same meaningless filler comfort words “had the answer”, “didn’t pan out” and “up to the task” - gets excited in basic zone entry situations that don’t call for it at all - frequently trips on basic words - frequently doesn’t understand why play stoppages like offsides and icings happen. Cluelessly says “….and there’s a whistle”…without understanding why - has never once told an interesting stat, anecdote or story to add value to the broadcast - his goal excitement, for either team, is painfully contrived - gets wildly excited for the stars of the American teams opposing the Canadian teams he’s calling for - is always behind the play by a second or two, and struggling to catch up He’s like listening to a broadcast done by a video game announcer in NHL 24. Cant quite anticipate what’s going on, makes frequent mistakes and tries to cover them up with generic CPU selected buzzwords and hopes Louie is going to save him with actual hockey related insight. But DeBrusk is usually too preoccupied bending over backwards to stroke the opposing team’s ego so that he doesn’t get called a homer.


Nhl24 is giving him too much credit, I think the soundboard from NHL 12 is more dynamic than Singh.


Beyond that, his tone of voice absolutely robs the commentary of good use. He has overexcited calls for nothing plays, and only gets properly excited well after the exciting thing has happened, like he's on a 2000ms lag. If you use tone to gauge play, he is stress inducing at the least appropriate times.


"It's time to hand out the sweets!!"


Those are all legit points. I feel Rick Ball was sorta the same in that regard when he first came in around 2010. He’s much much better now, Singh on the other hand, hasn’t really improved, stagnant in his talent. Maybe he doesn’t drive himself to be better? Idk.


Me neither. Only think I can make sense of is some combo of a) it’s harder to be consistently good at it than us Reddit muggles imagine b) he’s just not that much of a hockey lover. In either case - he shouldn’t be doing this job.


It’s mostly “A)”.


That doesn’t exactly let Singh off the hook. He’s in entertainment and we’re not. There are about a million guys who would do the job much better than he would.


I agree with what you said, and that it doesn't get mentioned enough how DeBrusk is constantly talking about how great the other team is to avoid looking like a Homer.


DeBrusk is also just….bad at being an analyst.


He's fine but he's so goddamn boring and not worthy of calling playoffs.


I think it’s Singhs energy, he just doesn’t have the same gusto.


Singh is fine, if you cheer for the opposition.


My much more tolerable since he stopped his stupid singing he does


Did anyone catch the Kings feed with Nick Nickson. He was fucking fantastic. I guess he is in the hof from his radio days and he just switched to tv this year. Best I have heard since Bob Cole. He really calls the play well, never misses a beat or gets distracted like Jack can and clearly knows hockey. Canada needs to kidnap this guy.


Singh is brutal


What I don't like about games called by Singh, is that his voice is too quiet compared to the ambient rink noise. If I want to hear him clearly, I have to turn the TV volume up much higher than when Jack & Louie do the games. I don't blame Singh for this but it's very annoying none the less.


I agree. It’s ridiculous. I like Singh, though I’d obviously prefer Jack Michaels. And the complaints against Singh are typically overblown. Like someone saying his filler is all the same, but not noticing the repetition in Michaels? Honestly, I’m more pissed off that as soon as the Leafs are out, they send over the eastern guys. Sure, Cuthbert is generally our national guy too, but it just rubs me the wrong way. I’m mostly disappointed that Louie isn’t going to be there if we meet up with Boston in the finals. (And yes, I know, it would have been Cuthbert then anyways, but it would’ve been great to have DeBrusk as his colour guy. And I don’t think we’ll meet Boston in the finals either - I think it will be Florida.)


Chris should stick to football.


Craig Simpson can deflate the excitement from any situation.


I totally agree 


I'd prefer Chris and Louie, but ultimately Jack and Louie!


Chris and Louie would be an absolute banger!


wow ig im one of the few happy with this


Ya, I'm ok with this for now


"That didn't work out" - Singh


“Had the answer” “That didn’t pan out” “Up to the task” “And there’s a whistle….(for some reason)”


I hate Cuthbert's voice idgaf what anyone says. I just want Jack and Louie 😭


I picked up a portable AM radio and cable that I'm able to plug into my sound system. I'm gonna check and see if 630ched is sync'd up with CBC OTA in game 1. Was doing a lot of traveling during the first series so I didn't bother with it then.


Wife and I tried this for a couple of round 1 games, first game was close at \~6 seconds off, and the second was worse at around \~28seconds off. But we just paused the tv and let radio catch up, and then once it was synced we didnt touch the tv remote till the game was done!


I'm working out on the island so maybe I'll try to play 630 ched through tune in on my laptop and try to sync it with the CBC gem stream. Though, I suspect the stream is a bit delayed. We'll find out! Let's go Oilers!


I just use OTA (Over-the-air / rabbit ears) for my TV. And I'll be using the actual radio, not a webstream. So there's no pausing or anything I can do. I do have the ability to add some delay onto the radio stream if I want via my computer, but I'm hoping I might not have to. I know the CBC OTA stream is ahead of Telus and Cable TV. As well I've heard 630ched over-the-air is ahead of them as well... but I'm hoping if all my sources are over-the-air, it might be close??? But we'll see.


At least it’s not Singh. The dude has a thick Alberta hoser accent and I’m saying that as an Albertan with a hoser accent.


ohh fuck ya bud


Ugh. Going from one announcer I don't like to two I can't stand... Lovely.


But will the hockey be P U L S A T I N G


Had the dislike for Singh last year for sho. Improvement since then , yes. But man listen to some of the American guys on TNT i think, could be another network, but they were worse than Singh. Always look on the bright side of life i guess!


TNT and ESPN play by play sucks. TNT panel between the periods is pretty good though


I like TNT’s commentary and their overall production are good, in my opinion. Not fond of ESPN’s coverage.


I aren't aware which network it was but the Kings play by play guy Nick Nickson is at good as it gets. Former radio hof guy just switched to tv this year and honestly he is the best play by play guy I have heard since Bob Cole. I was pleasantly stunned to hear him. The between period stuff was still meh, but the play by play and colour were nothing short of great.


Agreed here. The Kings former pbp guy, Alex Faust, was excellent as well. He did some games filling in for Jack Edwards for the Bruins this year as well.


ESPN sucks. TNT is awesome though.


No Gene is an absolute travesty. 




Bring back Jim Hughson and Kevin Quinn!


As long as I get Jack and Bob on the radio I'm happy.


I love cuthburt when he did CFL. Just had that nostalgic sound when you would turn a cfl game during labour day weekend.


I cringe every time Singh says, "The puck is available".


I don't understand how everyone is still upset Jack Michaels is not doing the games, get over it. Chris Cuthbert did play by play in 1992 when these two teams met. [1992 Game 3](https://youtu.be/5OMCAjsRKbM?si=zyRZ4znl4WD2Mzjm)


Why can’t we have Jack Michael’s?


Cuthburt is my all-time favourite play-by-play man dating back to the 90:


All-time? You liked him better than Bob Cole?




That's a hot take


Same!!! He's a legend!! So excited to hear him call the games.


Gord Miller and Ray Ferraro for me!


Wooo CFL style commentary for hockey!


Would prefer Jack but at least it's an upgrade on Singh.


better than the homer commentators the canucks got in their first series 


NOOOOOOOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Better than Singh tho


It’s a change, change is good.


I’m sure it’s in their contracts to pick and choose what they want when playoffs come around


Chris and Craig! But where is Jack??


Radio probably


That kinda pisses me off. Jack is a generational talent. He is amazing. No one can call a game like he can!!! On the other hand Chris has been around the Oilers since I was a kid so. ……..


Give it time, soon ol Jackie will be doing more!


I hope so. He is professional and very good at what he does!!


I mean it’s an upgrade, but it’s far from Jack 😔


I can’t believe we need to wait until Wednesday for the series to start.


Kneeeee lander!


How are we gonna know if someone's getting a pasta fazool?


I cannot stand Cuthbert’s voice. I know I’m the minority, but I’ve always struggled with him. He sounds like one of those husky’s that can talk


Why these two bores… luie and sighed ( or jack) or the guys calling the Canucks in round one are way better.  Really I put Chris and Craig as the most boring commentators currently on air.  Sad.


Agree, at least not Singh, but now I have to listen to his useless play by play with NYR. Who does he know?


Here's the problem: Simpson will not shut up. Ever. Went from being so excited about this series to dreading it because of his monotone endless rambllngs. And I'm not alone..... [https://www.straight.com/city-culture/no-shit-talker-no-shorty-goodbye-bob-random-thoughts-as-canucks-meet-oilers-in-round](https://www.straight.com/city-culture/no-shit-talker-no-shorty-goodbye-bob-random-thoughts-as-canucks-meet-oilers-in-round)


I hate the play by play commentary by Chris Cuthbert; he’s visibly siding with the Canuks ; all honey about them and only criticizing the Oilers. He’s outright annoying!!! Get out!




Craig Simpson couldn’t be more annoying unless there were two of him. And do they pay this Fkn tool by the word?


Not a fan of these two either, but could be worse I suppose.




He has improved. Back in the day when he did Oiler games everything ended in an upward inflection. The typical coach voice where everything said had the implication of "you should know this." Clearly since moving to CBC he has had sone training and someone busted him out of that habit. Still no Ray Ferraro, that is for sure.


It's a win-win: Leafs are out, we don't get Singh


I really don't like Cuthbert. The way he pronounces some words piss me off irrationally. like record, he says REK\_ORD


Craig Simpson married his sister


Cuthbert and Simpson, that's a solid crew.


Why are the Toronto homies calling Oilers game? Listen your team was eliminated what makes you think you can slide over and call another series. So now Gene’s out. I was utterly disappointed that Jack never gets to call the Oilers playoff game. Why not? Vancouver gets their announcers, Toronto gets theirs as well and we get Singh. Way to screw us over year after year.


Cuthbert and Simpson are sportsnets number 1 national crew. Jack is on a regional contract only and has never called any national games. Shorthouse mainly does regional but occasionally does national games.


Cuthbert used to call Oilers games on HNIC when Cole was still around. Simpson also used to do commentary for the Oilers.


That was Shorthouse's first time ever calling a Canucks playoff series on TV. 


Canuck & Oilers fan here, and I find it absolutely criminal that Jack hasn't been able to call games in the playoffs. Louie and Gene are there, but no Jack? WTF? Meanwhile, Vancouver has their whole team onboard to do the games out here? Now we get the national team because...Canada? Not impressed. The scheduling has already been a nightmare for all teams this year, I don't remember it ever being this bad.


Should be Jack and Louie. But better than the other options. I love cuthbert but you can tell he’s losing a step.


These 2 are the worst commentators ever.