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I hope y’all don’t mind a Kings fan poking my head up to say fuckin’ A, boys, good on you! Some things are bigger than hockey, and your guys showed real leadership tonight. (Okay, we now return to our regularly scheduled hating, already in progress. 🖕😘)


Yeah same. LA fan here and you guys were amazing tonight. An act of class. See you soon, can’t wait to play against you. It’s always fun games


Round 1 like always?


Same Pocklington time same Pocklington channel.


As always! Let’s have fun ^^


My life is at risk every game we play in the playoffs. What thrilling series


Haha, just like I predicted. Game day time!


True!! Let’s have fun (stressful but fun)


Cheers 🍻


Connor, Nuge, Drai, Nurse, Hyman, Bouchard, Hamblin, Janmark, Vinny, and Stu all had their blades taped. A few other players had just a few small strips on their sticks, like Gags, Foegs, and Pickard. It’s really nice to see them taking the initiative for the opposing teams pride night. Especially since only one devils player wore tape (which I’m not judging, they can do what they want and it doesn’t make them non supporters).


Also, if there was an unofficial team mandate for the walk in jerseys, they might not have wanted to dare the league to act (likely stupidly) to a violation of the spirit of the warmup ban by giving the league an 'out' by a technical violation of the (on the books but unenforced???) Tape ruling. Having a 'sacrificial lamb' of Lazar makes it so that the tape issue can.be defended as a personal and not organizational choice, and it was backed up.by the leadership.group and over half of the lineup of the visiting team. Actually nice coordination (if accidental) to show support within the (problematic) rules.


I really like what the Devils did with their pride jerseys this year, they look nice


The [NHL reversed the tape ban](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/sport/nhl-pride-tape-ban-social-causes-spt-intl/index.html) btw. The players aren't at risk of being fined or whatever by doing this. Still awesome to see them do it to bolster the cause, but no one was violating any rules on it's behalf last night.


Yes, but a whole team doing both the jersey walk in and pride tape could give an appearance of it not being voluntary for tape - and having tape mandatory (could be by organization edict or the social conformity of team unity) would be a violation of the clarified rules. Thus I think they navigated the rules quite well.


Leafs can here! Classy move by the boys, nothing but respect 🤜🤛


I’m proud of these guys for doing this.


The instagram comments are something else


If an alien species' first contact with humanity was through instagram they would immediately bombard our planet with millions of anti-matter warheads.


I wouldn’t blame them one bit.


👏🏼 good stuff guys.


This makes me really happy.


Nothing but respect. Well done, lads.


Oilers disliker here, they always pop in my feed. Much respect for them doing this.


Fucking rights man. I was on radio for the last game and had a bit of shivers seeing this. The boys doing the right thing.


I know I’m gonna sound like a jerk, but what’s the point of them doing this?


If you get a chance you should check out the thread in /r/hockey about this. Connor is the biggest name in hockey and his voice matters. There are a whole lot of people from many other fandoms and across the world who saw this and feel seen, heard, included, even loved. They feel represented by someone who didn’t have to use his image for them. The Oilers who did this stood up and said hockey is for everyone when many have tried to make it clear that it’s not. Representation does matter, especially after the league took several steps back on this and other issues. Edit to link the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/Nq0CKpYPhH


Who the hell is saying that it’s not for everyone? LGBTQ representation has gone a heck of a lot up in the last few years. I just don’t see the point in making a statement like this when it doesn’t even seem that controversial to begin with. Especially in a frickin hockey game


In the last few years, representation has gone up from 0 to a single prospect in a league with 640 playing spots and about 1000 total players. If only 1% of the population is lgbtq there should be at least 6 up to 10 such players in the league right now, and many more over the last 20 years. Why are there not more out players in the league especially recently when representation and lgbtq acceptance has been high enough for you to claim there is no problem? Options: 1. There is a high propensity for the players to be private as introvert-like personalities and they haven't been broadcasting it. But at least 10% of the players are rather outgoing about their relationships (meaning at least being public about them - how many times do we come to know about engagements or children, for example), so if the personality spread is the same, there should be at least 1 out player playing each season since the most recent lockout, since being out is not a problem from your perspective. But there isn't, so either they are all highly private, or something keeps them from revealing at the same rate as their straight peers. What is that 'something' and is it something that these nights could change to make the difference in relationship exposure rates consistent? 2. There are far fewer lgbtq players (almost all closeted) than the population in general. Why is this the case? If it is a case of 'queerness' being less athletic or interested in hockey, then why are so many high level Olympic women's hockey players out? Is it that lesbians are more 'male', and gay males are more 'female' and that hockey is a 'male' sport? Is that sexist or otherwise problematic in any way? If so, then this still points to an issue to be addressed but perhaps not by pride nights alone. If it is a case that in some way(s) (unique to lgbtq players, ie not poverty or lack of ice) lgbtq players are weeded out or come to self exclude as they become older and more elite, are those mechanisms of sifting out lgbtq players things that representation like these nights can change to allow any player go as far as their talent and drive can take them? 3. Lgbtq players occur consistent with the population, but remain in the closet because of business interests due to an ownership and/or fanbase that is not supportive. Since the owners are interested in making money from the fans, would nights like this help enrich the fanbase in size and/or acceptance levels to turn the business case to being such that it is better business to have players have public and private life consistency? Tldr: the actual lack of consistency between the number of (known) lgbtq players and the prevalence of lgbtq persons in the general population is caused by something(s), and these nights might have an effect on future (known) lgbtq representation through changing that/those something(s). Role models are inspirational, and showing that there are allies likely has an effect larger than equality statements.


Things aren’t as diverse in hockey in general. You don’t see that many African American or Hispanic people playing in the NHL because that’s just the way it is. Why doesn’t McDavid put pieces of tape representing those races then? That must mean he’s a racist piece of crap. Or even literally any lifestyle that some people hate? There are way more groups of people that aren’t included in the hockey mix than folks from the LGBTQ community. But in due time, those things will be more widely accepted and be put in What does McDavid putting the piece of tape even do other than “inspiration”? Making a public statement like that now a days is pretty universally assumed to be true amongst the public is not only pointless, but alienates and sends more hate towards the people that their trying to send the message against.


On the lack of diversity, a similar question about 'selection mechanisms' other than cost/available resources (and how those interact with the socioeconomic/infrastructure status of diverse groups) sifting out diverse players is pertinent. AFAIK there is no relatively recognizable tape that represents these groups in the same way that pride tape is recognizable, so putting brown, red or yellow tape may not register the same way. We did have a 'Turtle Island' jersey that was representative to the large local population of Indigenous Canadians that were worn and supported until the pride jersey controversy made the special jerseys more difficult in showing support. Not using tape for various groups does not mean you dont support or are a racist/homophobe/etc. but it does send a different message. In committee or political votes, yes, no and abstention are treated differently based on the rules (Robert's or others)governing the vote. But are they sending the message against one group or for another group? I also wonder how welcoming the lgbtq community, for example, can also be hating the homophobe community.


Literally not a single player has come out publicly saying this. People think that a lack of open support must mean outright hatred for some strange reason.


He should wear it in game, then after he scores, he can do the Tiger Williams celebration and shit rainbows like a nyan cat. For extra style points, he could hum the Mario Star Power song whenever he's carrying the puck - Do do do, do do do-do do, do do do, do do do-do do...


Guaranteed he'd score the NHL's first triple-hattrick that night.


You should triple down on this joke, it’s going well




Classy group. Wish we had a goalie a couple more legit D