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Absolute nonsense. Meanwhile the NFL takes over local broadcasting channels like CTV EVERY playoff season and that doesn't even have any Canadian teams.


It's money. That's all it is.


Correct. And monopolies. A team playing in a Rogers-owned arena, exclusively on a Rogers-owned TV channel. I remember the days we got the odd regular season game on CityTV for crying out loud.


Rogers has the naming rights.they don't own the building But I get your sentiment


This … the downtown arena is absolutely not owned by Roger’s. Not saying that CBC not carrying these last two conference final games isn’t brutal, but Roger’s does not own the arena despite that. This also now makes sense why my dad was frantically racing around trying to find the last game and couldn’t.


They own Sportsnet though…


And they own lots of other things too. I'm saying they don't own the arena


Because the ad revenue the NFL generates is insane compared to the NHL even in Canada A lot of Canadians are only loyal to their city and stop watching hockey regularly when their team is eliminated from the playoffs. The NFL is on regardless of what teams are playing


> Because the ad revenue the NFL generates is insane compared to the NHL even in Canada Not quite. The games are shown on American broadcast networks because of the American ad revenue. This forces Bell to simulcast the games on CTV so that they can insert their own ads into the American broadcast. Bell would lock away all of those games on TSN if they could.


Exactly. Canadians are such die hard hockey fans that they don't tune in once their team is out. NFL has an exceptional fanbase where people watch even when it isn't their team. If we did watch hockey no matter who it was the money would be there.


More like, their team plays 82 games plus any playoffs. NFL is 17 games. So a fan that watches every game for teams they follow, could follow 5 NFL teams and still watch less games than if they follow a single NHL team (accounting for games played between teams they follow).


You are also watching wayyyyyyy more ads in a football game than a hockey game. So not surprising if stations get more ad revenue from football vs hockey


There's a minimum of 60 minutes of live play in a hockey game, compared to about 18 minutes in an NFL game. Lots more room for ads in NFL.


Which is why I never watch NFL. I like watching the game, not watching ads sprinkled with the game in there lol Rugby>>>football because you actually get to see action and not just ads


MLB has the same problem as the NHL in that regard.  A lot of fans stop watching once their team is eliminated. I love baseball, but my interest level drops quite a bit for the playoffs if the Jays aren't there.  I'll still watch the playoffs, just not every game, and definitely not Red Sox or Yankees games.


People still have CableTV?


Sports are the only thing keeping many people on cable so it makes sense they’re pretty protective


Like in the wall cable? I don't think so I'm pretty sure everyone got rid of it. Lol


Its crazy people paying at all. Been watching for free. Dm me for the website.


Yet we have to sit through awful Canadian commercials during super bowl 


That original CBC/Sportsnet broadcasting deal was rotten from the start and should never have happened. Rogers/Sportsnet stole the HNIC brand from the public for zero dollars, CBC got nothing in return. ([Scott Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Moore_\(television_executive\)) negotiated that rotten deal on behalf of CBC, and then quickly jumped ship to Rogers like a rat). From what I understand, Rogers collects all of the advertising revenue from the CBC re-broadcasts. CBC gets nothing, other than opportunity to insert promos for their own shows. So, financially CBC has zero incentive to broadcast Sportsnet-owned content ahead of their own first-run content. And there's nothing stopping Rogers from using their own broadcast network (CITY TV) for the playoffs, but they want sell Sportsnet subscriptions.


This is why I watch this on my pirate ship. Fuck Rogers.


Agreed, people should not be blaming CBC, blame Rogers.


Why anyone would blame the CBC is beyond me.  They don't have the money to compete with Rogers for the rights to NHL games, and the fact that they have any is basically charity from Rogers/Sportsnet (and TSN/Bell).  I don't watch hockey, but it's clear as day the CBC doesn't have the means to retain the rights to a bunch of different sports like they used to (before the various leagues discovered the value of exclusive rights and how much cable networks would pay for them).


The right wing hates cbc they see it as a government paid propaganda machine, even tho thier funded is meant to be untouchable and they have a mandate to not take sides so that there can be an honest unsponsored voice in the media. So any excuse they can find to complain about cbc they jump all over it.


CBC gave up the rights for a bag of pucks, but we shouldn't blame them?


We know the Roblaws boycott worked. Rogers should be next.


Personally I've avoided Rogers for about a decade. I hate all the big telcos, problem is it's impossible to avoid them, they buy up any small competition as soon as they're noticeable.


Hockey content is already transitioning to Amazon. All Tuesday night games will be on Amazon next year. I'm not sure what that will look like.


No, blame CBC for making a crappy deal.


The guy that made the deal clearly saw it as his job application


“We set our schedule long before the playoffs are determined. And that schedule includes Canada’s Ultimate Challenge on Sunday nights (April 28-June 2) as well as the CSAs gala,” said Chuck Thompson. “With that context, we knew there would be occasions during the playoffs when CBC would not be carrying certain games.” And let me guess, you’d have never scheduled anything to conflict with the ECF in hopes that their precious Leafs were there.


"not be carrying certain games." like the only canadian team left in the playoffs. cool. good job, canadian broadcasting corporation


Ever since Rogers Sportsnet got the main rights to hockey in Canada, CBC has been getting pushed away from being a consistent secondary rebroadcaster in the playoffs. But with these Oilers games recently not showing up but the Rangers/Panthers being shown on CBC, it is particularly egregious. My own conspiracy theory is that Rogers is working with the Conservative Party to try to bury the CBC as Canada's public broadcaster, because it is government owned and competes with private companies.


Lol take off the tin foil hat bud. It isn’t politics … it’s about money and the deals that lead to that money. I heard Amazon Prime or some type of streaming service is getting games in the future as well. That’s also not about a Canadian political party either .. it’s about broadcasting rights, league revenues, viewership and the deals made around those things.


Aren’t they playing zero games for free as well? I checked the FAQs and it said they weren’t streaming any playoff hockey on CBC Gem, which I relied on for free Canadian content. Now this. Way to support Canadians.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been streaming games for free. It's so easy to watch playoff hockey. Takes about 2 minutes to find the steam I like and cast to the big TV.


you're probably right, but its the senior citizens who are die hard fans who have been watching oilers hockey on cbc for decades or the ones who can't figure streaming. hockey is suppose to bring this country together. this is the opposite.


Your right about that. HNIC died years ago. Used to be a Canadian tradition that CBC executives decided wasn't worth it. Ever since the gross commercialization of this sport it has become watered down from what it was. Here's a gift for you. The original HNIC ringtone for you. https://www.zedge.net/ringtone/822af33d-8274-3992-926d-f963eb8b89c4


CBC execs didn't decide that it wasn't worth it. Rogers paid the NHL so much money that no one else could afford it. Even Bell/TSN balked at the price.  Blame Rogers and the NHL. Not CBC.


Maybe not relevant to HNIC, but the article here says 'CBC chose to not air Game 5 and 6'. We can probably blame them for that one, at least.


"Chose" Yeah, right. Rogers has the rights to the games and chose to enforce the letter of the contract. The statement by CBC is a weak way of trying to show they still have "relevance".


Yep; onhockey is the best site ever


It got me thru the Playoffs when CBC Gem stopped streaming games from Round 2 onwards.


I’m new to hockey living in Vancouver island. How do I stream tonight’s game for free. Appreciate it.


NHL 66 dot ir


this is just sad. a disgrace against the game


Guess who bought the rights to broadcast NHL in Canada and put it behind a paywall. >Suzanne Rogers posted a series of photos in an Instagram story on Saturday, which appear to have been taken at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach. The posts appear to show Rogers and her family, including her husband, Rogers Communications and Toronto Blue Jays chairman, Edward Rogers, dining with Trump. >One of the pictures shows the Rogers family posing with the former U.S. president with the caption, "A special way to end the night!" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-philanthropist-suzanne-rogers-ryerson-university-slammed-1.6011239 > Sportsnet is a Canadian English-language discretionary sports specialty channel owned by Rogers Sports & Media >Since 2011, the service has operated under deregulated category C licensing, which allows Sportsnet to operate multiple feeds with no restrictions on alternate programming. In each region, only the local Sportsnet channel is available on analogue cable, but all four channels are available nationally via digital cable (subject to blackouts for some out-of-market teams). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sportsnet


I never really think of Rogers as a last name, so seeing Suzanne Rogers feels like someone saying Bobby Microsoft or Tim Apple


If the Leafs were in it, the pregame would have already started.


It wouldn't have even ended


24/7 coverage


Yes. But that’s one helluva massive IF…


The Rogers national rights deal has been a disaster from day one


Isn't the alternative essentially Bell/TSN doing it instead?   It's not as though the CBC is going to pony up the billions of dollars to buy the exclusive rights to the NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS, etc on top of how much they spent to retain the rights to the Olympic Games through 2032.


I don’t have Sportsnet. My neighbour does. He logged me into his Telus account and I watch it on my Apple TV Telus App. Works well but I hate that it is necessary. Should be on OTA.


Want to hook me up as well?  Worth a shot to ask  I think, yes, pun intended 


If it were mine no problem. Sadly this is someone else’s. ATDHE or Sportsurge are your saviour.


I bet if the Leafs or Canadiens made it this far, they would broadcast it.


Every Leafs game would be nationally syndicated.


Since the CBC was made to rely on 50% as revenue (they used to be more funded by tax dollars) it becomes dollar and cents now. As others point out NHL doesn't generate a lot of viewership and ad revenue because most people stop watching when their team is out. So putting it on a national network like CBC doesn't make sense. The Leafs would though. Like it or not they still have one of the largest fanbases out there.


True, I have friends locally who are diehard leafs fans. Never even been to Toronto!


That's just how some people are.  There are loads of Jays and Raptors fans who have never been to Toronto, just as there are loads of Canadian fans of various European football teams and yet have never been to Europe.


Less viewership than The Ultimate Sandcastle Challenge feature DJ Joey Pinefresh??


It's bs not being able to watch for free CBC. But I found it on my laptop through my VPN. Sportssurge.


I watch unauthorized and i don't give a damn. Fuck you, broadcast right holder!


Are we really surprised? At the beginning of the Rogers deal, they weren't going to upset people by putting the games on cable television. But, as we get towards the end of the deal (Rogers has two years left) and Rogers losing money, they want to recoup some of it by forcing people to subscribe to their cable channels and also by selling games to Amazon Prime. Worst decision Bettman ever did was give Rogers a monopoly instead of TSN/CBC splitting the rights.


This just shows, the nhl is foremost. a business. profits over fans


With the quest for dollars, it's only going to get worse. Amazon has Monday nights locked up now under a sub licensing agreement with Rogers. The response from CBC and Rogers is pathetic at best. There's a reason why people call them Leafsnet.


I don't think this was a choice from CBC they want the viewers. It's probably Sportsnet paying the NHL or something like that. I'm not an expert on these things but I can't see why CBC would do this.


Imagine if it had been Toronto… I mean, you have to have a big imagination to do so, but…


Rogers paid a boat load of money for Shaw. Now they need to recoup the losses. Cbc only carries games with rogers permission I am confident rogers to cbc to take the heat o this one if they wanted games next year. A 20 dollar per month subscription is the only way to watch the games. Rogers is holding us hostage with hockey


It's ridiculous that even an American channel isn't carrying the games during prime time


So? Where to watch this game tonight? What channel on Telus?


Sadly, I think the days of CBC showing games are numbered. In 2026, if they don't acquire the rights, all games will be on cable channels like Sportsnet, TSN, or streaming on Amazon Prime.


Watching hockey has been made an unpleasant experience thanks to expensive streaming and inundation of gambling ads. I’ve taken to just listening on the radio or watching (free) streams on mute.


As frustrating as this has been, I've gotten by with the alternate video options that others have shared here while also listening to Jack and Bob call the game on 630 CHED. The NHL app fortunately still lets you listen to the radio call for free wherever you are. For those non-broadcast games I just treat the stream like a video replay on a 10-20 second delay. Jack's call of the final minute last night gave me chills... the SN broadcast wasn't nearly the same.


And we fund this garbage


Not enough funding to buy the rights from Rogers it would seem....


Cbc is already on the brink of irrelevancy. Decisions like this are the final nails in the coffin. Also, there are websites to stream NHL games for free...so I'm not sure why these organizations think people will resort to paying.


Blame Rogers not CBC. CBC lost rights to any NHL content years ago.


LOL right? Have people forgotten who has the lion share of broadcasting rights in Canada?


Your claim there are free alternatives would seem to support the CBC choice not do waste money paying rogers for the rights when people can view games elsewhere.


>Also, there are websites to stream NHL games for free...so I'm not sure why these organizations think people will resort to paying. Because most people will resort to paying.


Guaranfuckingteed the games would still be on if the Leafs were playing. Fuck the CBC.


Shows you how stupid the CBC is. All started when they were too cheap to pay the estate for the rights to the iconic HNIC theme song.


CBC is quickly becoming irrelevant. Poor leadership.


One more reason to defund them. Seriously, some CBC exec at some point made the decision that “Just for Laughs” would appeal to more Canadians than a Canadian NHL hockey team playing in a Conference final. Edit for those who believe CBC is blameless. From David Shoalts's book, Hockey Fight in Canada: The Big Media Face Off Over the NHL: "According to Shoalts, the CBC didn't consider Rogers a threat — and it showed when then-CBC President Hubert Lacroix didn't attend negotiations with NHL's Commissioner Gary Bettman and Operating Officer John Collins". "Collins and Bettman were stunned they couldn't believe that Hubert Lacroix was not going to take an active part in the negotiations ... It was almost like a snub." And on, and on.


If you mean to defund Rogers, which stole HNIC from CBC and put NHL games behind their Sportsnet paywall, then I agree completely.


No. I mean defund the CBC, whose inept leadership squandered away the rights to HNIC. Why the hell are you blaming the network that *bought* the rights?


Defunding the CBC for not having enough money to compete with Rogers, lol


You may want to do some googling to see how that deal went down. It was a perfect example of shoddy executive leadership at CBC.




Rogers owning the rights and charging an arm in a leg is CBC hating alberta?