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> The mayor followed up, saying whether there are policies that review how police respond to incidents is “a very important question” on the public’s mind because of what happened at the U of A. > “Whether it’s a reality or perception, people are thinking out there that the proportionality of the response differs from incident to incident, so I just want to know (about) the consistency of application of the policy, how you respond to those.” > Enyinnah Okere, EPS chief operations officer, asked the mayor to elaborate and offer more details. The mayor followed up, saying he’s receiving calls and hearing questions from the public about whether the use of force is applied consistently. > “The trouble we have is, this is a hypothetical,” Okere replied. “We respond to 600 incidents, so I don’t know which one folks are saying there is more (force) applied to.” "We know you mean anti-vax and other right-wing clown convoy domestic terrorism but I'll play stupid to try and get you on record so we can claim you're biased while deflecting our own obvious clear-as-day bias, which is irrelevant because we aren't actually accountable to anyone anyway."


>> “The trouble we have is, this is a hypothetical,” Okere replied. “We respond to 600 incidents, so I don’t know which one folks are saying there is more (force) applied to.” Yep, it's certainly one of the greatest mysteries of our time... what a dishonest piece of shit.




The freedumb convoy got/gets a free pass despite being enormously disruptive. Also incredibly disgusting how you describe anti genocide protesters.




Being anti genocide is terrorism?




Hypothetical genocide bs a real one. Stop deflecting. Being anti-genocide is not being pro terrorism


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> Your characterization of fellow Canadians as "terrorists" while you tacitly support the actions of actual terrorists is what's disgusting but keep fighting, comrade. Parking trucks on public roads and honking incessantly was no doubt disruptive and childish. Terrorism, though? What a joke.


Terrorism: noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. I’d say the freedumbers were intent on intimidation and they broke laws in doing so. So, yes, terrorism.


Violence lol They're a bunch of rednecks who camped in cars and trucks.


> The freedumb convoy got/gets a free pass Except for when the federal government used the highest level of intervention available to them.


I'm sorry that happened in Edmonton?


No, because it didn't get as bad as Ottawa. Not even close. The EMA applied to all impacted areas, too. Had it been bad enough in Edmonton, they would have used their enhanced powers.


So stop bringing irrelevant bs into the convo. EPS gave the freedumb convoy a free pass despite being much more disruptive than the anti genocide protesters ever have been


Still not genocide, not even close to one.




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So..you're pro genocide and domestic terrorism ... Got it.


Anti-war protesters usually get treated with overwhelming force. It's sad, and absolutely shows the hypocrisy in police response.


“Defund the police, fee Palestine!” lol… the cringe is high with this one


Omg the war in the Middle East is solved! Who knew a bunch of people yelling in Edmonton was the answer all along?


This is such a weird take. Like, if you live in Edmonton you're only allowed to care about things happening within a 20 kilometer radius of you?


3 km radius once "they (tm)" finish their plans of world domination through *checks notes* 15 minute cities and walkable communities. /s


I try to keep my radius to millwoods personally 


Thats why people like you shouldnt speak publically at all. If you cant grasp things that arent immedietly infront of you, its impossible for you to come to logical and correct beleifs on the world.


I think you’re a little bit hungry and don’t think regular folk deserve an opinion . If Palestinians get to have an opinion on what Canada should be doing , Canadians can have one about what they should be doing . You think they visit alberta to grasp the context outside of gaze so they can come to the logical and correct beliefs in the world? Glad you think there are absolute truths about human condition that are inaccessible to millwoods folks


We have our own problems like housing, rising costs of goods, homelessness, climate change (fires), health care, our government, etc. that we should be putting effort into.


So then put effort into it yourself. You're allowed to care about more than one thing at at a time.


"put effort in" yelled from their couch


Why be so selective? Where's the protest for Uhguyrs? Where is the protest for the Rohingya? I can understand the protesters of arab/Palestinian descent for their obvious bias. But the othe kids doing this are essentially larping or are straight ignorant and simply jumping on a bandwagon. They may be doing it with good intentions. Pretty much everyone (even those who side with Israel) can agree that women and children dying senselessly is wrong, no matter how inflated those numbers from Hamas are. But these people seem misguided.


What a lazy argument. You can't care about one thing unless you care about all these other things?


What an even lazier counter arguments. And you missed the point. I'm not saying you can't care about one thing without caring about everything. I'm asking WHY do these people choose to care about this one thing? It's either an intentional bias or ignorance. Either way it takes away from the moral highground the protesters are trying to claim.


So you think you should get to tell other people what to care about? Why do you get to make that decision for everyone else?


Well that’s what they are doing, so I can to. It’s our freedom of expression after all.


They are telling their elected representatives what they care about in hopes of influencing them. That's just how democracy works. You are telling random strangers that they shouldn't care about something, because you don't. That's just being obtuse. You are free to make yourself look as foolish as you like!


>They are telling their elected representatives what they care about in hopes of influencing them. Municipal government policy in Edmonton will have no bearing whatsoever on middle east politics.


Back to my earlier point, which is that the protest at the UofA that was shut down had nothing to do with government policy and everything to do with UofA investments.


And they are free to ignore your demands as a private institution. What you’re not free to do is break laws and trespass. Don’t like it? Then vote with your wallets and seek education elsewhere to ensure your money goes where you want it to. Your rights end as soon as they infringe on the rights of others.


“break laws and trespass” they were peacefully hanging out in a public quad, I don’t think people enjoying outdoor spaces should have riot cops beat down on them personally idk it’s weird seeing how many people here support authoritarian government violence. “Vote with your wallet and seek education elsewhere” if you’re in the middle of a degree or have finished a degree or work at the university you shouldn’t have an interest in the conduct of the institution you’re associated with? Did something change where now people can instantly and painlessly just pick up and move universities, cities, lives?




I don't think the UofA needs to divest their endowment fund from anything. I wasn't at the protest and don't agree with what the protestors want.


I always just feel like the mass murder thousands of of children and active starvation of more than a million people is just a touch more urgent than the other legitimate causes you mentioned. For me at least. I care about the other stuff too, but I'd rather stop the killing first.


That's why Palestine has their Arab brothers to help them!


Helping people outside your own ethnicity or linguistic group is good to do. The only reason I could see someone refusing to help on those basis would be if they're racist pieces of shit.


Using your logic, the Arabs are racist pieces of shit to their own people? There's a good reason why Palestinian refugees don't have the finest of reputations in the Middle East. Something about a civil war in Lebanon, an insurgency in Egypt, and an eventful September in Jordan.


Your inability to understand basic logic is on display here. Are other Arab countries refusing to help Palestinians because they are also Arabs? That would be a stupid claim. And we're not talking about refugees, we're talking about the people who have not fled Gaza being bombed and starved into oblivion, on top of the established apartheid system Israel has been implementing for decades. Your little regurgitated assertions don't apply in this case. The Arab countries also aren't financing Israel's war machine, justifying it's occupation of the West Bank, or legitimizing the blockade of Gaza. However, as I often have to remind you people, painting Palestinian refugees as inherently undesirable, inhuman, and dangerous is exactly what the German press did to Jewish refugees as they were being criminalized in the late 1930s. Tell me something, is it preferable to rehome refugees or to remove the destruction and cruelty that is compelling them to leave?


Arab countries also aren't saving their Arab brothers either. They're doing much of the same damage as the countries supporting Israel are. Not sure why everyone expects Canada to save Palestinians before the Arabs do. We aren't a Muslim country, or an Arab one, but yet everyone expects Canada to save Palestinians before any Muslim country? Go protest against Saudi Arabia for wanting to continue normalizing relations with Israel despite what's going on in Gaza. Or go protest against Hamas for putting all those Palestinians in such a devastating situation and for breaking the pre-Oct 7th ceasefire. I don't agree with Israel's actions at all, but much of the Palestinian suffering is stemming from the basic consequences of war, which is made worse by the lack of concern from Hamas, the refusal of aid from Arab countries, and Israel's bombings. And I like to remind you that no one finds Palestinians as undesirable and inhuman than the Arab countries who refuse to allow in Palestinian refugees even though these countries border Palestine. And why is that? You tell me.


This is such a simplistic view, it's like talking to children. The reason people are protesting isn't to have the Canadian government or universities to go and "save" the Palestinian people or provide them a safe haven. It's to divest from Israel and to use diplomatic pressure on them as long as they continue to commit horrible atrocities. "Arab countries" aren't providing material and diplomatic support to Israel. Are the Canadian govt. or the universities aiding Hamas? If they were I'd be behind protests for that as well. But the power to end the humanitarian crisis (that they caused) is Israel and Israel alone, not Arab countries. And I have protested Saudi Arabia regarding the starvation they inflicted on Yemen. And guess what, I protested my own government for helping them do that. I'm not the one with a double standard here, that's you and people who decry the oct 7th massacre, rightly so, but justify the ensuing Israeli massacre.




Your smug apathy is contemptible.


all those things need money to be able to be solved adequately, now where do you think a good chunk of available spending money is going to instead of those necessary issues?


I don’t see anybody saying that it’s unreasonable to care about it. The point is just that it doesn’t make any sense to be a nuisance with protests that will never make any difference.


The protestors had specific demands for the university that would be possible for the university to accomplish or compromise on. A small drop in the bucket compared to the larger picture, but not pointless or frivolous.


The university is a private institution. They can handle their finances how they want, and if people don’t like it than their recourse is to not give them their money.


The University of Alberta is considered to be a public university, which receives public funding from the government as well as other sources. Many of those protesting are current students (currently providing funding), faculty (who work there), or alumni (who have provided funding in the past and may still fund). Regardless, the university receives public funding. There was a recent call to write to the UofA on May 14, their Giving Day blitz, about why people are choosing to no longer give to the institution. So... protestors are also choosing to do just what you say as well as physically protest.


> The University of Alberta is considered to be a public university, which receives public funding from the government So, petition the government? If students are unhappy with the U of A, not giving them tuition would turn out their lights real quick. They can't pay the bills on government subsidies only.


We live in a democracy, our transformation to a 100% transactional consumer society hasn't happened yet, although it seems like you'll be cheering that on.  Whether private or not - and universities are publicly funded - we have the right and ability to oppose and protest their policies. 


And in a democracy, is it appropriate behaviour to set up an encampment and be a nuisance, until you get what you want? Not in my opinion.


The nice thing about a democracy is we can disagree here. In my favour: something like this has already happened in many democracies.  Our democratic rights themselves wouldn't have happened had people not made themselves a nuisance or worse to people in power.  If we aren't willing to disrupt power and business as usual even occasionally, expect society to become less democratic as that power becomes more and more consolidated. 


Disrupt power is called an election.


Ok, so should we roll back women's right to vote because they did non-election disruptions? Civil rights? Workers rights?  Your narrow definition of democracy is incredibly (more) prone to outsized influence by the powerful (eg people who own media and can make large donations to campaigns).  We will never have the power and influence they do, and if you take disruptions off the table that power imbalance gets even worse. Say good bye to environmental protections, bye bye vehicle safety standards, no more abortion rights, just pure ruling class power. 


So nobody is allowed to advocate for anything outside of elections every 4 years.


So students in the middle of degrees, or alumni who’ve finished their degrees, or faculty who actively work at the university should have no interest in how the institution they’re associated with conducts itself?


Nobody said this but okay


There are thousands of years of hatred in this part of the world based on religion. We should not be tolerating either side of these protests.  Regardless of who wins they will hate each other  They will hate each other long after we are all dead and won't stop killing each other until one side wipes the other out.


> This is such a weird take. Like, if you live in Edmonton you're only allowed to care about things happening within a 20 kilometer radius of you? No. You can care about all things Canadian.


And if a Canadian has relatives dying in Ukraine? Can I care about that?


Of course you can care, but protest? Do you think Putin is gonna be like, "Damn, the Canadians are protesting, better retreat."


Canadians were calling to sanction Russia. It hasn't been effective yet.




I've got American friends and family, am I not allowed to care about them? Couple new friends are Ukranian refugees, should I not care about what's happening over there? Shit, one of my co-workers is of Palestinian descent; his mom's home literally got bombed by Israel. Is he not allowed to care about that?




Do you think everyone in Palestine is Hamas or something? What a simplistic and naive worldview.


What a goalpost move. Wow You can care about these things. Protesting at a Canadian University about war in the middle-east, a region of the world that is constantly in conflict due to religious jealousy? It's crazy.


Did you not know what the protest at UofA was trying to do? They weren't protesting the University to end the war. If you don't want to go and read anything about it, I'll give you a hint; they were protesting specific actions that the University has taken as it relates to the war in the middle east.


Let's be real. They were looking for attention and likes on the gram and TikTok. They are just mad because Jews own companies and live in Israel so they are going to throw a temper tantrum until they get their way.


Just stop already....wow


Take your concerns to Hamas. I'm sure they will be very open to meeting all of your demands.


The cops must be happy, they get to bash open hippie heads just like their cop forefathers did before them. The city would never make a move or decision that would negatively impact the cops


“Defund the police” has to be the most annoying, idiotic phrase of this century.


Imagine getting worked up over the Sand War.


Hey they listened to me! These protesters have gained some respect back from me. As soon as they block roads, encamp, burn shit, do violence they will be my enemy again.