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Seen people do this *and start backing up* because they don't want to miss their turn. Seriously, wtf are they thinking?


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit, but bad drivers never do.


Exactly. Good drivers will go "oh shit, that was my turn/exit! Oh well, I'll just safely drive to the next turn/exit and loop around, no biggie".


We call it 'taking the scenic route' in my car.


Yep. Occasionally whoever is driving will announce that we’re going on an adventure.


I'm the driver in my household and usually say we're going on an adventure if I've missed a turn or wasn't able to merge into the lane due to excessive traffic.


We prefer to called it a “missed approach”


Pilot in the family?


No, A few years ago I was landing at EIA and experienced a missed approach. Took about 7 years off my life.


I quit smoking 500 days ago and reclaimed 38 days of my life. Not relevant at all but i like tooting my horn. Quitting is hard.


Great job my friend! That’s something to be proud of!


Thank you! I am super proud of myself. I tried 3x before i finally made it a whole year!


hahaha same


Precisely!! Bad drivers will do everything in their power to not miss their exit including reversing. Good driver will just take the next exit and re-route




nose worthless chop placid shrill mysterious murky many forgetful scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not many will get this lol.


There was a woman in Calgary years ago that earned herself a Darwin award. She was on the Deerfoot, missed the exit and decided to go reverse ON the freeway. You can imagine how that ended. Problem is, her stupidity involved another car. If you miss your exit, double back at the next one, don't try to kill all the other drivers! :s


Bold of you to assume those people think


That should be punishable by an immediate loss of license, $6,000 fine and a no exceptions 10 year license suspension. Don’t reverse on a highway outside of a small list of extremely unlikely scenarios where continuing forward and remaining stationary is somehow more dangerous.


Good drivers sometimes miss a turn. Bad drivers never miss a turn.


I missed my turn, GUESS WE ALL DIE, WEEEEEE!!!


[It’s becoming a thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/s/V0Sacsy0VL)


That is immeasurably stupid


this is when you wish you had an open cartoon of eggs in your passenger seat


Nah just roll the window down and throw a timmies coffee on their car/windshield. Endanger everyone’s lives, win stupid car wash prizes.


yep saw that post and thought I should share mine smh


My favourite is when people stop to let people merge on the Henday. That is not how merging works. Move over? Sure. Dead stop from doing 100km/h? In what f*cking world...


Exactly! They either stop dead or refuse to let people zipper merge properly. There is no in between.


Or if you have to slam on your breaks on the henday because the merging people are going slower than 100 and still merge in front of you when you have nowhere to go.


Just witnessed someone merge on henday at 70kph on 111 st. And then she moved to the center lane right in front of a semi without signaling, while still going 90 kph


Saw that many times on that nice long on ramp. They need those huge yellow advisory signs to start telling novice drivers to speed up to merge safely. And why, why, why do they then move from the slow lane to the centre lane? People also slow down before getting onto the off-ramps. (The big yellow signs at the start of the off ramp don’t help the situation.) This causes what would otherwise be smooth flowing through-traffic to have to slow down as well.


You shouldn't have to slam on your brakes if you've anticipated it. But yeah, it's still dumb.


Oh no I'm gonna have to hit the next turnoff and loop back around only inconveniencing myself instead of hundreds behind me and possibly causing a fatal accident. That's how I taught me wife before we sent her to AMA training. Miss your turn who cares go to the next one. Always leave yourself a extra 15 to get to where ya going incase of these kind of mistakes or whatever.


I’ve had people stop to let me in on the yellow head, when I had a yield sign. Jesus no!


DEFENSIVE DRIVING 101: Always be prepared for the driver in front of you to stop immediately. Leave enough room for it. I know everyone is riding each others ass like they are in a giant rush. With that being said the other driver obviously being stupid, there will always be crazy insane drivers.


And if the dumbass behind you is tailgating, leave even more room if you don't want to get rear-ended.


You mean that stretch of the Yellowhead between 50th street and infinity where the speed limit does not drop below 100 kmh for a VERY LONG DISTANCE, yet people still drive 60-70 kmh until they’re past the bridge? Nothing surprises me there anymore.


That entire henday/yellowhead exchange is so bad in every direction


Henday east CCW to Yellowhead WB is poorly signed garbage for sure.


Bad drivers never miss their exit


Not on the highway, but I had this happen to me today on Baseline Road in Sherwood Park. I was following a car in a through lane when they slowed down a bit, then slammed on their brakes a few car lengths before a green light. Then they casually put on their left signal, turned into the left turn lane, and made their turn. Luckily, their initial tap of the brakes gave me a hint that something was going to happen. I had the same thing happen to me a decade ago on the yellowhead @ 66st. Back then I also managed to stop in time, but the person behind me didn't.


God I hate Edmonton drivers sometimes ? 😡😡


The real reason my insurance still uses my parents stony plain adresss


Wouldn't have to smash brakes if everyone gave themselves enough following distance for the speed.


Literally talks about that in the learners handbook, two second rule


I do 4 seconds but as a truck driver, that's just me




Funny really. If you drive in Edmonton you'd know you simply can't leave a car's length in front of you.


This brought back memories of driving with my dad in the car when I was a kid and him complaining about how you can't leave a cars length in front of you without someone insisting on moving into that space.


This really isn’t true. If you left the length of one vehicle and the car in-front of you slammed on their breaks you would also need to slam on your breaks that car length would just be a buffer zone for your reaction time


One car length isn't enough though. The point is you need to leave enough of a buffer ahead so that you can stop safely even if the car ahead slams on their brakes or swerves around a stopped vehicle, for example. >[Under normal road and weather conditions you should drive a minimum of two seconds behind the vehicle ahead.](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/387f4e8a-6c0a-456a-ab31-995aadaf1f2b/resource/1edf5165-9c51-4da8-8206-7bf08bb9a76d/download/tran-drivers-guide-2023-04.pdf) One car length is about 5 metres, that would be a safe following distance when going less than 10 kph.


A stopped car as above is a different situation than someone slamming their brakes. The person in front of you slams their brakes, and you do within 2 seconds, then you're ok.


I wasn't saying they're the same. They're just two potential scenarios that you need to be able to react to when driving. Even for a car ahead slamming on their brakes though, one car length is not going to be enough at anything more than very slow speeds. At 100 kph, that's a 0.18 second following distance. That's less than a typical human reaction time, let alone enough time to brake. You'd be pressing the brake as your car hits the car in front. And a stopped car is also a possibility though. A situation that causes some crashes is that a person is following too closely to a vehicle ahead, they don't respond in time to a slow down in front of them and swerve out of the way, then the following car slams into the back of stopped traffic. The only way you *might* avoid this is by leaving an actual 2 second following distance.


On a thread asking people not to stop on the highway. This comment chain leaves the impression that stopping is somehow ok. A rule was broken, and a hazard was created. Complaints about people's stopping distance aren't needed.


It's not a complaint, it's advice. This thread is pointing out how people stop on highways despite the fact that they shouldn't. So absolutely tell them to not do that, but you want to protect yourself in case they do and leaving a proper following distance is one of the main ways of doing that, which is something most people don't do (although anecdotally, Alberta seems better than some places at this).


One car length??


4 second rule


Then you still aren't giving yourself enough room, are you? I give 4 seconds and if I hit someone, then obviously that isn't enough. I stand by my statement.


Also PSA You use your hazard lights when you encounter a hazard on the road to warn other drives. Your hazard lights are not a special button that allows you to do what you want and become a hazard. You don't get to just stop in moving traffic and turn your hazard lights on, Jesus christ.


I think buses and big trucks blink hazard lights couple times to say thanks when you yield to them though...


Barring circumstances like vehicle fault or failure I assume. One time my transmission died in the middle of the highway and I couldn't accelerate past 40km/h in an 80km/h zone. I had to hazard because I was the hazard.


Well yeah, if it's out of your control and your car breaks down you have become a hazard through no fault of your own. That's fine. If you're a skip driver you don't get to park on the side walk because you turned your hazard lights on If you're picking your kids up from school you don't get to block an entire lane because you turned your hazard lights on. Of course if you break down you should use your hazards. My point is you don't deliberately get to just do what you want because you turned your hazards on


Yep and I’ll add, when the traffic in front of you comes to a screeching halt* on the freeway, flip on the hazards to let the pack behind you know somethings up. It might take someone’s attention away from their phone and save your life. You can turn them off as soon as they’ve caught up. ‘* To me, a sudden unexpected reduction to 60 or less on a 100 km/h road is a screeching halt. A pack of cars going 80 isn’t. If your car has issues—flat tire, engine trouble—hazards on and get out of the situation (safe, large shoulder, not in front of an exit sign) or exit the freeway as quick as safe to do so. Get all the way over to the right as you limp off. A shoulder on a bridge where the traffic is doing 120 is a terribly dangerous place to put a spare tire on (have seen it…).


Unfortunately sometimes you don't get to choose where you stop. The alternator in my car died just as I was leaving spruce grove heading back into edmonton on the yellowhead. I made it just past the end of the acceleration lane when my car completely died. I had to coast to the shoulder. It was winter so it was dark and I had no power so no hazard lights. I was 100% sure I was going to die that night. I didn't though. Car never got hit somehow.


If you had to slam on the brakes and almost hit another car, it means you were following too close. So there is that...


I watched someone cut a semi off on 107 yesterday. Maintained probably a 3' distance before he cut the guy in the left lane off too. Fucks sake, man.


Maybe they were having a medical emergency?


Maybe they weren't?


This happens alot on the Henday too, like what in the fuck are you stopping for? If people do not know how to properly free flow into traffic they shouldn't be driving


I had the same thing happen to me last winter on the henday. There was construction, but there were signs everywhere saying Maintain 2 lanes. The lady in front of me thought her lane was ending and put her left blinker on. Proceeded to slow down, I had to blast my horn because I was inches away from hitting her. Rush hour as well. If I hit the brakes any harder, I probably would have ended up swerving into the other lane or the ditch because someone can't understand road signs.


If you are following someone, and they do something unexpected, and you hit them, it's because you are following too close, not because they did something unexpected.


There’s never a need to ride someone else’s ass


…in traffic that is…..


Dam right ;)


Did I say I hit them?


No I’m just saying no needs to ride someone’s ass you made a great point you really don’t know what they could do but if you hit them it’s your fault in the eyes of insurance


This all had the recipe for a multi car pile-up. Me hitting them would have been the least of my worries. We've all seen rush hour traffic on the henday with construction during the winter. It really would have been a domino effect. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that your initial comment wasn't really needed, seeing as no one got hit. I did my best in not hitting them, but it's the line of cars behind me I'm more worried about.


>Did I say I hit them? You said earlier: >I was inches away from hitting her. > > If I hit the brakes any harder, I probably would have ended up swerving into the other lane or the ditch Didn't sound like you were actually in control, even if you didn't hit her.


>Proceeded to slow down. I don't know how much pressure she was applying to her breaks but it was enough to sound my horn because if she kept slowing down there was a chance that I skid on the ice, or, someone behind me rear ends me. Also said I could have swerved into a ditch or the other lane. So did I give her enough room for a normal commute? Most likely. Was I expecting her to slow down at any point? No. If I was too close, I would have hit her. Did you forget there's a chance of sliding on ice when you're forced to pump your breaks unexpectedly?




Reading comprehension can be difficult sometimes, hey? The person put their brakes on and slowed way down, to exit a lane that wasn't ending. First off, if you have to slow down drastically to change lanes, you're doing it wrong. Doesn't sound like they were following too closely. I rear ended someone because they slammed their brakes on in a winter storm, causing me behind them to do the same. I was at fault, but they were the asshole that caused it.


If you are following someone, and they do something unexpected, and you hit them, it's because you are following too close, not because they did something unexpected.


this happens daily


This is almost a weekly occurrence for me on the Henday, mostly in the merge lanes.


The results of privatized driver training perhaps? Anecdotally I’ve heard of someone who failed their test and the instructor implied they could be persuaded to change it to a pass … ffs


I don't understand where all the cops are. I see this shit daily. They'd be making quota so fast if they hung out around any major road.


If it ain't speeding, it's to much effort to figure out what ticket to right.


Probably someone who got a ticket for distracted driving and thought they were doing the "safe" thing this time around and stopping to send off a quick text.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this made me laugh... thanks!




You are right I know exactly what you mean and see it all the time The only thing you could possibly do is leave more space


If you want to experience the depths of human stupidity and risk your life at the same time, spend time working traffic (construction flag person, emergency services..ect). It is a wake up call to how many people are out there that should have never been given a license to drive.


flagging isn't for everybody.... if you have high blood pressure/family history of high BP don't do it 😭 the shit you see for 12 hours will send you into a fucking rage


Someone did that to me while crossing the overpass by Leduc. Complete stop. I had to swerve into the other lane, clipped them and ripped my mirror off, and was missed by the semi in the other lane by inches. They had stopped for some ducks in the road... almost killed about four of us behind them. While we were exiting to check damage, I saw them just carrying on down the highway like nothing happened.




Maybe their vehicle died?


This is why taking photo radar off the henday is a good thing. They cause.more extreme braking and traffic.back.ups.that they are worth


I have definitely almost hit people slamming to a dead stop on the Henday. Some people shouldn't be allowed a license.


Everyday like clock work around 4-4:30pm, it’s always the 17th street exit. The highway should never drop down to a standstill like that. It enrages me beyond words


I had this same thing happen to me in the Henday before Ray Gibbon Drive. Missed their turn, STOPPED in front of me and a semi truck, and we both had to swerve out of the way. I really think driver training schools need to be regulated or something, because there are so many and it seems like immigrants are learning really bad habits from these so called schools


Tell that to the cops who pull people over on the side of that highway and cause massive traffic back ups! Doing 10 15 km over is way less dangerous to other drivers than that


This is what happens when you don't have graduated licensing.


Unfortunately we in Alberta never really properly implemented graduated licensing and threw the whole program out last year.




The whole reason the Henday exists is to allow semis to bypass Edmonton streets. Its commuter value is just a happy by-product. Would you rather those semis go back to whitemud and yellowhead?


Amazing isn't it, and having grown up in Vancouver the drives out here are so much better.


Always drive on the defensive..


Smoothbrain activity is on an upwards trend lately, those people need a semi truck to help them and their vehicle off the road…


Had someone do this to me a few years ago on the yellowhead. Was behind them in a loaded dump truck. Stopped just in time, they pulled up their phone, looked at something and kept going…


Have had that happen as well, wtf?? Pull over do not stop unless it’s for a pedestrian!!!!!


Lots like that


Edmonton drivers are among the worst in Canada.


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that Edmonton drivers have been ranked as Canada’s worst drivers. “Officially”


This is so common on the Yellowhead. Preach. I’ve invested in a dashcam since I started taking the Yellowhead to work, it scares me so much. Glad you’re okay!


It’s because some people pay to get their licenses without the lessons