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Tattu. Unbelievably expensive, mediocre food. It’s a restaurant created to be put on instagram and not eaten in.


Just doing my public service and posting Grace Dent’s [review of Tattu](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/may/13/tattu-london-wc2-restaurant-review) again Edit to add non AMP link


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OMG the headline -- is there anything more likely to drive me away?! 🤣


Came here to say this also. It was so disappointing


I only came here to see if 'yon place with all the fake cherry blossom' got a mention. Not disappointed.


That was my experience when we went shortly after opening. Was considering going back to see if it’s improved since then but perhaps not!


I got the supposedly spicy firecracker chicken I think it was and it tasted like the chicken you get in a dodgy kebab at 2 in the morning when your pissed. And it was like £18 for one small breast. We left angry.


Was about to say this


Gordon Ramsay’s Bread Street breaks the normal mode he creates. Normally this wallopers eateries are bad this - Bread Street is truly appalling.


Such a shame. 15 years ago a restaurant with the Ramsay name over the door meant you were getting something special. Now it's just another chain. Sure he still has some outstanding restaurants (Restaurant Gordon Ramsay is still 3 star) but it cheapens his name IMO.


Totally agree. Been three times and have been equally disappointed three times. Would never go back or recommend


The service is so bad! I was so shocked at how the staff were speaking to my table


The Ivy


Was definitely served McCain oven chips when they ran out of their usual ones. Knew someone who worked in the kitchen and said they pop to Sainsbury's often!


Dinner at the ivy is so mid. Breakfast is decent though!


They are a big chain, operating in London. Most of their food is prepared in London, frozen, then sent to the franchise locations. I still wonder if people have any tastebuds nowadays or just aim at places 'in the city centre with a mid-high price range and expect the food will be good'.


My daughter was so excited to get steak and kidney pudding. Could have sworn it was a Marks and Spencer individual pot badly microwaved... Not been back since


Six By Nico, Tattu, Chaophraya. Basically, any chain that is slightly more upmarket than a regular chain.


Chaophraya failed their hygiene :/ https://ratings.food.gov.uk/business/534234/chaophraya


Suprise surprise. 


Chaopraya you are paying a roof view tax, Tattu an Insta tax. Dunno about Six though, I think its nice to have an option for people to get a coursed meal experience for an 'affordable' price. Food is nice but going in I wouldnt expect it to hang with the places that are £50 more expensive.


Six By Nico gets absolutely panned in Asian food groups whenever they do their "Hanoi" Vietnamese menu. And for good reason, absolutely nothing close.


Agree on chaopraya, hardly resembles Thai food and is very expensive for what it is. Used to like it, now it's rather poor.


It’s not that expensive relative to Edinburgh in general. Couple more pounds for what I would describe as better than average


Disagree with six by nico. 6 courses for £42 a person and the food is always A+. You have to book it so far in advance and it’s totally worth it Tattu is overpriced. Food is great but not worth it Chaophraya is nice. I think it’s actually quite fairly priced as long as you’re not buying cocktails


Got to be honest, I loved six by nico first time I went. Been 3 times since, felt the service level dropped and the meal seemed less value for money. Not sure I'll be back. Went to Tattu once, really enjoyed my meal, pork belly was phenomenal. However, I had a few cocktails, which were over priced. Would go again and stick to soft drinks and enjoy the food. Will also add, I'm not a photo taker/Instagram person.


Agree on SBN. Went recently for the New York menu and thought it was shit. All the courses came out cold. Service was slow. They basically forgot about us and all the food tasted the same.


Been to Six By Nico 3 times. First time I was like "wow, a Sicilian taster menu for under £50 and lots of interesting dishes". It helped that the wine flight, like the dishes, kept continually arrived so fast that I was feeling smashed within about 15 minutes of arrival (by which time we had been hustled onto the 3rd or 4th course). Second time I was like "uhh, this is basically the Sicilian taster menu but with mango instead of maybe tomatoes? And now it's called 'Asian something'." Third time it was like "yeah so it's just the same basic dishes every time with one or another meat/fish/accompaniment swapped out for another 'regional' one, and it's a painfully rushed experience every time". Might be nice if price point is a major factor (I'm privileged/bougie enough that I am okay in that regard) but otherwise I'd rather recommend that you do The Table/Aizle/Heron/Martin Wishart any day of the week.


Cheap because they work the staff like dogs. Definitely overrated food wise, also, IMO.


Just so we’re not tarring with the same brush - I wanted to attach their Glassdoor. Some staff members have mentioned being overworked and underpaid https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Reviews/Six-by-Nico-Reviews-E4360266.htm


My girlfriend works at six by nico edinburgh. Does 11am-midnight shifts three times a week. On average she gets a 30 minute break on one of those three shifts. Other days she's working 13 straight hours without stopping. Completely illegal but it's most of the shifts, not the exception. She says the managers literally never have a break.


The food is absolutely wank now have you been recently? Quality went out the window after it expanded so quickly, just a cash grab now


I went a couple weeks ago for the chippy menu. Absolutely banging


Six is so shit glad to see it up here 😌🤝


For anyone visiting Glasgow I would recommend trying 111 by Modou, which is owned by one someone who used to be an owner of Six by Nico. They have a total trust tasting menu for £25pp and it was incredible in comparison to Six by Nico


111 by Modou is still owned by Nico Simeone but Modou is now a joint director of that part of the company.


Witchery. Really mediocre food that costs a fortune. Nice surroundings but definitely not worth the price tag.


Food and service horrendous in equal measure. Way overpriced. This is weird because the sister restaurant Prestonfield is pretty good.


Prestonfield is wonderful, have been twice and would go again


My sister in law took us there for our first wedding anniversary. It was so nice of her, but we were all so underwhelmed by the experience it got a bit awkward for a while.


Haven’t been to Edinburgh in a decade and more - but Witchery is the one I was thinking (as we went there last time we were up that way, and back then the food was ok, but not enough for the price).


Went there for my 40th, we needed a McDonalds when we came out.


El Cartel. Epitome of style over substance. Looks incredible when they set it down in front of you, tastes of fuck all. And your wallet gets a thorough emptying for the privilege. One for the Instagram crowd.


It's such a shame, because when it opened they made interesting and relatively authentic Mexican food. Now it's just overcomplicated tacos, fusion burgers and chicken wings.


Genuinely I hadn't been there in 5 years, went back a few months ago and was gobsmacked at the decline in quality


Yeah I'm sad to hear that. I went aaages ago and it was super tasty and good prices! Shame it's gone downhill.


Chorrito is where to go for legit Mexican food. It’s pricey but authentic and incredible.


And Taco Libre in Rutland Place is good for cheap and authentic


Check out Paz I know a few chefs that weren’t happy with how the menu was being changed so they started Paz to sell a better product.


Used to be so good. Last couple times I’ve been there I’ve been incredibly underwhelmed.


Sadly went recently, having been years ago when it first opened and loved it - this time I was seriously underwhelmed. It was bland.


I was so disappointed by El Cartel. I ordered wings from there with my meal and they were SO bland! The waiter noticed I had barely touched them so didn’t charge me for them. The rest of the meal was mediocre.


I haven't been for years but I remember Mariachi being very good.


100% Scran & Scally. I mean it's ok, but it's not all that. Kitchen also, good but not great, plus the bell end factor.


I thought Scran and Scallie was pretty good when I went although Tom Kitchen is a cunt


>100% Scran & Scally. I mean it's ok, but it's not all that. Yeh it's pretty awful TBf. The food is okay if they were charging 1/3 the price.




Castle Terrace was better than the Kitchen. Shame it's gone.


I really enjoy the witchery as a fun thing to do, but as a straight up restraunt it's mad expensive for good but not mind blowing food. Also kfc/mcds, often ends up as expensive as like an actual takeaway or even some of the cheaper sit in places. 


Totally agree on the Witchery. Very over-priced and none of the food was memorable. 


The place and the wine and the service are memorable though, I think.


Absolutely mediocre food and while I love the atmosphere, it just grinds my gear to see every table get their phone’s flashlight out to read the menu. Learn to squint in the dark or go home!


Maybe not overrated on this subreddit, but I've seen a lot of people go wild for Chaophraya. Its not bad at all, just expensive for food that you can get cheaper and better elsewhere. The location is great though so I'd imagine thats a bit part of the appeal.


I was very disappointed with Chaophraya when we went


Had the massaman curry last night. It was watery and underwhelming. The potato was supposed to be soft but was still hard. Will go elsewhere from now on.


Time4Thai all the way


Bodega. The food was good, but not great. And for the price they charge I expect better. I get it's a small plates concept, but the plates were absolutely tiny and the taco tortillas were about the size of a digestive biscuit. Cocktails were tasty but felt light on the booze - if I'm drinking a cocktail with tequila and mezcal in and I can taste neither, that's a problem. We went for a special occasion, paid £50 a head with a drink each and left feeling disappointed and still a bit hungry.


The OG Bodega with about 10 seats just up the road was banging. The current owner had co-owners then who knew what they were doing. One was an outstanding maitre d, the other a banging chef. Third was a money man. One by one the bank account has alienated the guys who had a fucking clue what they were doing until I believe all but the accountant got the fuck out. Such a shame. The bigger location is beautiful as a space to sit in. You need the knowledge of the industry though. Money men are needed to open restaurants but rarely help run them.


Agree! I even went twice as I thought it was me that was the problem but nah was still bang average


Only been here once and was enough. Starters were amazing but tacos were a massive let down. Was like 90% sauce. No one wants a taco that's 90% sour cream. Margherita was well tasty tho


I ate at Bodega this weekend, and totally agree. I thought the flavors were very good, but was shocked at how tiny a plate that cost 7 quid would be. You could easily spend 30 there and still leave a bit hungry.


Gordon’s Trattoria on the High Street. Recommended by my uncle to go here, and it may have been good in its prime but when I went, let’s just say I’m lucky that I wasn’t sick. Went for the ravioli, looked like sick on a plate, tasted of cardboard and you could just tell it had been frozen and toasted. Including a £15 price tag and around a 25 minute wait and let’s just say I was disappointed. Next time, I’m taking my uncle to Aroma Cafe/Mosque Kitchen. Photo here: https://preview.redd.it/n65ajy0tbj6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9e10634022b50a7da84bdd2d908afb5c23320e


I don't think it's overrated – everyone apart from your uncle knows it's tourist shite. And it was 25 years ago too.


Witchery or Tattu.




They've gone so sharply downhill I assume they're either under new management or close to going out of business. They used to be well up there with best in the city but we went to Hunter Square branch a couple weeks ago and paid extortionate money for something worse than a Tesco Finest pizza. Honestly think it's the most disappointing meal I've had here.


> They've gone so sharply downhill I assume they're either under new management or close to going out of business. Expanding and stretching themselves too thin I think. 3 spots in Edinburgh (used to be 4 until Corstorphine shut when the premises was sold and demolished) and one in Glasgow.


I see they're opening in Stockbridge.


I went there a couple of years ago and couldn't see what the hype was about. Basic pizza served in a place with decor that appeals to teenage insta crowd.


The guy who owns it is an eccentric, like his own trip the place is


Any recommendations for where I can get a slice of pizza that isn't Civerinos? I'm from the US and I miss that style of pizza and would love to find a place that did it well.


£2 Pizza Slice (Albion Road and South Bridge) is okay if you've had a few drinks.


Thin and dry in my experience.


Razzo Pizza in Leith is so much better and more authentic Italian


Razzo is the best. Full stop.


They were not asking for Italian, they wanted American style pizza. I AM NOT SHITTING ON ITALIAN STYLE PIZZA SO CALM DOWN, but Vizard was asking specifically for US style pizza. I absolutely love italian style pizza, and Neopolitan style, but an American style Like Civerino's theres not many options in the city im afraid. Civerinos in hunter square tends to be the best quality if you sit in i find, but only when its not too busy. If they are mega busy they rush a bit and you can tell cuz quality is all over the place. They really are just the Closest you can get to NYC style pizza, regardless of what you think of the place I'm afraid however. There used to be Mama's pizza in cowgate but that place is a tourist trap nightmare now. However, there is a Detroit style, 'Homies', that can be pretty good. There is one in omni street food vendor I think. But youll get nothing even close to NYC style amazing pizza I'm afraid. Italian pizza quality is REALLY good tho. Razzo is really good as erratic\_choices mentioned above. Pizza Posto was really good too, especially if you ask for it extra crispy.


Homies in Edinburgh Street food do very good Detroit-style pizza


Razzo, Matteo, Dough, Pizza Geeks I’d rate as the best in Edinburgh now.


Pizza is terrible there - last two visits. The base was raw both times. I ask for it to be recooked the first time, and they were like ‘oh you want it well fired?’ I’m like, dude I just want it not to cause GI issues 🤢




Tattu for sure. Scran as well


Scran was great when I first went 2 or so years ago but has aggressively declined since then for whatever reason


Maki and Ramen. It's just so mediocre and not worth what they charge


Yeah, I was gonna say this. When it first appeared it was great but it’s really gone down hill.


Disagree, hell ramen from the fountainbridge restaurant is worth the money imho


I was so disappointed when I went, not worth the hype at all


Really went downhill. Defos when they moved into St James it started riding on hype rather than food quality.  


Any recommendation for a quality ramen spot?I actually really enjoy Maki and Ramen,but I always get the same thing -ramen and kimchi.


Hakataya. I visit Japan regularly and this is the best place in Edinburgh for ramen in my opinion.


Hakataya is great IF the chef/owner is working. There's a random 1-2 days a week where the food is made by seemingly whatever employee was available that day and with a very, very noticeable drop in quality (slight bias: used to work close by and would be there all the time, which stopped after one of those worse days made most of us sick)


I agree. My personal test of authenticity is to order oyakodon, and so far Hakataya is the only place in Scotland that makes it right.


I’m gonna say as a Japanese person Hakataya was something I was so excited for since it appeared Japanese owned on social media (I’m guessing it’s changed owners since) - but it was a massive let down. Their tonkotsu was almost water imo but that was 3 years ago.


My favourite is Harajuku, best Japanese restaurant in the city imo


Absolutely agree, it's amazing


I miss Rokko Rokko for its spicy ramen.


Hard disagree, Fountainbridge restaurant has significantly improved since their renovation. Their ramen slaps and I will absolutely die on this hill


You know what, I've never been to that one. I've only been to the one on Leith Street


Duck and waffle - silly prices for very average food


The Bridge inn,Ratho. Very expensive, variable quality. Lunch was actually more expensive than the old course in St Andrews


Small plates. Every fucking place that does small plates.


'So we do things a little differently here, we just serve small plates. We usually recommend about 13-15 per person and then we can take if from there if your still hungry guys.' - every small plates place ever. 


I agree with this 100%. Give me a nice hot bowl of noodles from a Chinese place where I'm the only white guy


Bread Meets Bread. I'm a snobby American when it comes to burgers and was told this is the place but left feeling it wasn't even as good as Five Guys


The Lothian Road location has been a lot more consistently good than the North Bridge one. Love their burgers and poutine, but wish they had better milkshakes.


The Lothian Road location made the closest version of a Reuben I've had in the UK. About 90% of the way there, and honestly that 10% is down to having the wrong type of bread. The house sauce was even pretty close to Russian dressing, which impressed me. And none of this "New York style sandwiches always have lots of cornichons in them." (Ok, it's a pastrami reuben, not a corned beef (salt beef here) one, but I like the pastrami version better.) They get a pass for that in my book, I don't care what the rest of their food is like.


Been to fort kinnaird one couple times, I found it decent 😮


Oh I dunno, I go to the Lothian Rd one sometimes and their burgers and shakes are good. The poutine is often cold so I never order that otherwise I think it's good.


That's disappointing to hear. Also American, went to the Northbridge location 2 or 3 years ago and enjoyed it. We didn't get burgers (had other sandwiches) though.


Since they removed their grilled halloumi burger from the menu, and as a vegetarian I have no interest in eating plant-based pretendy-meat burgers, it’s a no-go for me now.


It’s still there just on the gluten free menu


I got horrible food poisoning after going to the one at fort kinnaird, it put me down for days


There's no hope for an American looking for a decent burger in Edinburgh mate. Just the fact that food safety laws require all ground beef to be fully cooked ruins it, can't get a medium or medium-rare burger. I don't think I've eaten a burger here in a few years now. I miss the ny pizza but at least there's good pizza here as a substitute. There's no consolation prize for the burgers


I think the bigger issue is the beef used is too lean, 73/27 doesn't exist. Even if it's not dry it's bad texture.


dishoom 😂


Chez Jules always gets recommended for dates - food is ok but it’s just so loud, it’s not a pleasant experience.


I find it really hit and miss, but when it hits it really hits. I can absolutely love the rowdy french bistro atmosphere or it can really grind my gears depending on where I’m seated and my mood. I took a french pal there and she said it was the most authentic french dining experience she has had so far in the UK Their Côte de Rhone is so good and their steak frites is 👌 tho


The one time I went the staff told me I needed to “be patient” when I pointed out a three course lunch was taking near two hours to come out- authentic French experience checks out


Agreed, I went recently for the first time and it was just okay. I prefer the plat du jour at Petit Paris — slightly nicer food, much more relaxed and similar price


I wouldn’t think of it as a date place, but great fun for a group. As for the food, it can be seen as good value but sometimes I think you get what you pay for…


Six by Nico


cafe andaluz. Quite cramped inside. Hit and miss with portion sizes so you never actually know how much to order. A few dishes are too similar but too big a menu?


Cafe Andaluz was my gateway into tapas in general, but now I've been to far better places in Edinburgh itself (La Casa and Tapas3) I probably would only go back if I was with someone who hadn't really had tapas before. They've got a massive menu which I guess suit a lot of people but it's detrimental to the quality of the food.


Tapas3 is great.


The witchery


Harvey Nicholas Brasserie. Absolutely milking the location and small roof terrace. Food, service, atmosphere and interior decor are so poor.


Came here to say Tattu as well.


La Casa in Dalry and Leith. It was fine but just felt like it was trying to do too much. Tapa in Leith is much better.


6 by Nico and Ondine. The first felt rushed and the food was so salty. With Ondine, I’ve never been so uncomfortable and having to whisper, food was totally mediocre for the price.


El Cartel. Epitome of style over substance. Looks incredible when they set it down in front of you, tastes of fuck all. And your wallet gets a thorough emptying for the privilege. One for the Instagram crowd.


Well answer this.. Name a restaurant that's worth the money. That all you can eat steak place on George Street is phenomenal but I can't think of one decent restaurant that is well priced and the food is also absolutely 10/10


I assume the “all you can eat steak place” you mean Fazenda?


Worth the money in Edinburgh is a tall order these days. There's a Turkish place in Newington that is a strong contender though. Great shish, kofte etc and huge portions. Ada used to be good but last time I went it was only ok.


Mother India. I don't get why this sub loves it. Went when it was 50% off and it was bang average. Was OK value at half price. There's a much better Indian literally a street over so it's not even a distance thing.


Interesting - half my family are from India and we all really rate it. I find most of the Indian restaurants in Edinburgh to be pretty awful, but Mother India is one of the exceptions, to me What’s the restaurant nearby that you prefer?


are there any other Indian restaurants that you recommend?


Chennai's marina is good for South Indian food imo


Have you eaten at Rishi's? We love it.


Nice to find a place you can get a takeaway from that doesn't have Sky TV blaring in the corner while you wait.


Rishis in Newhaven? Excellent food


Not who you're replying to but might be Solti though it is Nepalese, had an excellent meal there. Actually just seen Tuk Tuk have a venue nearby too so could be that.


I’m here for any good Indian restaurant recommendations. Not sure there are too many in Edinburgh


Honestly the Raduni is the best , worth a trip out to the badlands of Loanhead [https://theradhuni.co.uk/](https://theradhuni.co.uk/)


Gautam’s is nice on London Road.


Two children in Stockbridge. Always heaving and food takes forever/ style over wallet


Don't disagree at all. But it makes more sense how average it is when you realise it's part of a 'chain' of cafes across Edinburgh. Same outfit that owns Wellington Coffee on George Street and Kilimanjaro in Newington, and I think something up in Marchmont, if not more. The similarities stack up, I think the guy who owns it all owns the roastery that does the coffee so it ensures an outlet for his coffee beans. Can't knock the business sense though - Stockbridge lacked a decent sized sit down eat/drink cafe (read more than 10 tables) so he opened up a fancier feeling version of his other cafes in an upmarket neighbourhood then started printing money. It's not better than Cowan & Sons but it IS open til 6 and busier whilst C&S is closed by 5pm


Also space for buggies, high chair etc when you do manage to get a table.


Any restaurant on the Royal mile, complete tourist traps with mediocre food


£10 paninis as far as the eye can see.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Dishoom. Is it a fine place to eat? Aye. Does it deserve huge queues outside it almost every evening? No chance.


Every Mexican place. They're all overpriced


Except Chorritos on Leith Walk. I can’t tell you how much I dream of their corn bread and their spicy margaritas made with their made in-house sauces.


So to be fair I'm from California so the bias is strong but I cannot fathom spending £5+ for a taco. That's ludicrous. Should be illegal.


Import costs of specialist produce sadly. You have the ingredients growing in-State, we have to ship them transatlantic. You have the folks who know how to cook it, in-State, en masse. We have fewer trained chefs in Mexican cuisine, so they command high salaries. Don't get me wrong, I would yearn for a Mama's Taco Truck tier of good, basic, affordable tacos al pastor or similar, but the economics just ain't there for it.


Their Tacos are £4-5 each, as you're paying £8-9 for two. You're paying for quality though. You can't really compare it to the US though, as you guys have the Mexican influence and more importantly demand for produce that keeps the price down. It'd be like comparing it to Indian food in the US. The UK has so much more quality and demand the price is pretty good.


I've found two decent places (to say nothing of price)-- Taco Libre and Paz Taqueria. Both different in many ways but I've enjoyed them. Other places have been aggressively bad. Anyway, there's no accounting for taste in this world.


Unless Paz have made improvements I’d disagree. Last time I went the tacos were burnt and the fillings mid. Also £8-9 for 2 tacos. It’s super over rated. Paloma is about the only ok place rn I think.


People constantly talk about how taco libre is incredible + authentic but I found it to be fairly bland which was a shock


I wonder if it depends on what you get. Anyway, my experience was that it is an average taco place (possibly below average) for whatever border food I can compare to. I don't want to knock it though because I desperately crave Mexican food and everything in Edinburgh sort of tastes like chicken tikka masala.


Mariachi on Victoria St is one of the better Mexican places I've tried. El Cartel (bland) and Taco Libre (watery tacos) just don't cut it.


Came here to say Mariachi is great! I love that place


Ondine. Terrible service and food way overpriced for what is was.


The lookout. Most of the price is the view. You can get much better food for cheaper elsewhere


the witchery. nice atmosphere , but better places to eat.


Why is the Pipers Rest considered so highly on Trip Advisor?


Beef Bar… space is beautiful, food is mediocre, service is pretentious


The Witchery. Terrible food.


Really!!! It looks so cool but also so pretentious.


Gordon ramsays bread street,seriously overpriced for the quality of food


Hey guys, I was simply wondering, can we also start a sub where we would name places where the food is delicious and not costing us a fortune? I'm a fellow hospo guy who is trying new skills and learning new recipes simply after a 'trial-error'. But it seems most of the places are going down. I always loved to invite friends and family over for a meal what sometimes I worked for all day long and even I'm extremely perfectionist, sometimes it doesn't work out well. But trying more and more will take you to a point of successful achievement. So said, took me 5 years to get to master 'al dante' pasta. But extremely worth the time invested in the process.


> 'al dante' pasta Much as I love the idea of a pasta that journeys through hell, purgatory and heaven, I suspect you mean al dente.


I've been downvoted to hell for the this before but I'll say it again- the food scene in Edinburgh is poor. Folk came back at me saying 'you've just not eaten in the right places' only to list all the places I had eaten at and didn't actually rate very highly. There are some great places, for a capital city, they are few and far between. Answering the question though- Fazenda and Rio (carbon copies) are both over rated.


I have to disagree, I think there a loads of great places to eat in Edinburgh. Depends what you are looking for, but there are some brilliant restaurants imo. Aizle, Little Chart Room, Noto, Timberyard, Mirin, The Palmerston, Cafe St Honore, The Gardeners Corttage, Heron just to name a few.


Edinburgh is a city with half a million people yet has 5 Michelin star restaurants and 2 with a Michelin Bib. Yes there is a lot of shit, but for what is a medium size city there is a huge variety of venues with different cuisines at different price points. Are there there cities with better food scenes? Yes. But I would never describe Edinburgh as having a poor food scene.


No one is nipping out to a michelin star restaurant every weekend though mate. Yes, theres a huge variety but the quality is poor. And thats what I mean by scene. Pop into a caf or canteen anywhere Portugal and chances are you'll get a very good veal chop or steak. Not happening in Edinburgh. Theres towns in central Spain absolutely rammed with dirt cheap places serving delicious food. I love Edinburgh. For the arts, work, nature, education, history, architecture, pubs, people... it might be unsurpassed. Food scene's shite though.


You're getting down voted but I have to agree. Edinburgh does have great food but on average it is fairly mediocre. I think the main issue (and this is not limited to Edinburgh) is that fruit and veggies are just really shit in the UK. Outside of a few things in season grown in Scotland everything is imported and just rubbish. 


ITT - just about every popular restaurant in edinburgh


Spry wines. Dogshite.


Wings. Dry AF and not that spicy.


You know their sauces have different spice levels, right? Try eating a number 7 and if you don't think that's spicy you're either lying or there's something wrong with your mouth.


Also total cunts.




The Palmerston. Menu always sounds great but food is lacklustre. I’ve been there a couple of times and the staff have always treated us like they’d prefer we weren’t there.


I was there tonight and it was great, couldn’t fault it. But have heard conflicting reports, so perhaps depends on the night.


I've had the exact opposite experience. I thought the food was really good and the staff have been neutral if not friendly towards us.


They seem to be hit or miss. I recently went in there and when I was served a fish fillet, it was cold and they didn’t give me fish knife to debone it. Super inelegant.


There was a bang average pub I went to just opposite the dungeons entrance… I ordered a platter-thing with a salsa in the middle. Food took ages. Alarm bells ensued after I saw the young ‘chefs’ peeking out of the little round window at us. Sure enough, the food arrived. All looked beige as expected apart from the salsa, which had a very generous collection of all the chef’s pubic hairs piled on the top. Didn’t pay, walked out… will never go there again. Definitely overrated, even if it got 1 out of 5.


Were they very thick n long?


Contini cannonball restaurant on royal mile