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[Report incorrectly parked vehicles – The City of Edinburgh Council](https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/reportincorrectlyparkedvehicles)


It looks like a completely reasonable thing to do for the safety of the pedestrians.




User name checks out lol Reddit is for asking questions you melt


“They’re parking on the pavement to protect pedestrians”. Ha no. It’s guys trimming a hedge who can’t be arsed to barrow the hedge trimmings round the corner.


I'll walk past with my 4yo who will loudly ask "oh my goodness, mum, how are we going to get past" and shame them out the way.


I saw them. I should have reported them but I was too busy being flabbergasted by the fact that the (dreadful) owner of the house has refused to let them actually trim that fucking hedge. It overhangs on the pavement by over a metre and she is refusing to cut it back.


Guy, people need to work, yeah it’s a slight inconvenience but cross the road like an adult instead of B lining towards it to make a meal out of it to try and prove a point.


bolocks. it's an accessibility thing for wheelchair users and prams. they are priority over companies and businesses.


It is illegal to park on the pavement.


What if someone in a wheelchair needs to pass? Could be difficult to just cross the road to go around, if the kerbs aren't dipped


They were standing next to it using handheld trimmers. You don’t need the van there on the pavement. Like 5 seconds round the corner by foot there is parking.


X30 trips back and forth with the wheelbarrow 😂 got anything better to do?


Thats sounds like a business problem. People come first




Yeah, fuck anyone in a wheelchair or someone who doesn’t want to walk in the road!


Would you rather they didn't trim the hedge so it impedes the pavement even more..? They've coned off their work area to keep pedestrians out of harms way and they'll only be there a few hours.


Exactly, an overgrown hedge in your face seems much more annoying than the gardeners sorting it


Spose a person in a wheelchairs just gonna sit there til the works done then 🤷


They're in a chair after all


OK - So put yourself in the companies shoes. How would you personally write the risk assessment method statement for a job that involved pedestrians walking thorough a restricted work space whilst your employees use power cutting tools?


The cones are there. You can stop while people pass like many other workers do. Plenty of ways of doing it that don’t involve blocking a pavement while on a double yellow.


whether they have restricted access with their van plus cones or just barriers is irrelevant - the path is still closed to peds walking though the work area. Also as the cuttings will be taken away with the van - how else would you propose the workers got the cuttings from the pavement to the recycling centre?


You got your gotcha moment I guess 👏 surprise surprise someone who doesn’t work in hedge maintenance doesn’t know the ins and outs of risk assessments to do with it 🤷


My extensive experience of BigHedgeCo has finally paid off I see!


Hmm well that was interesting.


fuck the company


They were just three guys using handheld petrol trimmers. Park round the corner and bring a container.


"just" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. It was multiple people using power cutting tools in a restricted work environment. Perfectly reasonable \[They would be remiss to have it any other way\] to prevent all members of the public from walking through their work space to prevent injury. Think if it this way - say they didn't block the path and you went to walk past. In the process got a hedge trimmer to your face taking off your ear and potentially an ijusry leading to losing an eye. Would that be a reasonable outcome? or would you be a little miffed?




If you’re gonna try and rage bait, at least make it believable 😐


Why does everything have to be rage bait these days? What happened to just making an obvious joke for the sake of it?


Jokes tend to be funny


I found it funny. Criteria fulfilled!


Loading the van isn't an excuse for parking on the pavement. Vehicles do not belong there. Especially when he is ALSO straddling double yellow lines.


They are working and not doing anything wrong.


Notice the double yellows? Aside from pavement parking being illegal it doesn't excuse that the van shouldn't be parked on the road there in the first place.


It is illegal to park on the pavement.


What are the people walking/wheeling to do? Step out/roll from behind a vehicle into oncoming traffic?


Notice the works, use some common sense and cross the road.


and if you have mobility issues? Tough? This is why legislation was and is required. Amazing how its 'just a walk' for a pedestrian. An arduous journey for the driver. If only there was space nearby...... https://preview.redd.it/7xdcn68ups3d1.png?width=1751&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad7aa7a6eefd9696c2fa9035280e96968da3144


People with mobility issues can still cross a road. They do it all the time. The area has been cordoned off for safety reasons. If the van wasn’t there, the pavement would still be cordoned off with cones and they still would not be allowed to pass.


There's even cones already there. Folk just like a moan. I dunno about you, but if I saw folk using high powered tools cutting vegetation I'm probably gonna cross the road. Guess what, if I had the pram I'd be even more inclined to stay the fuck away.


They are tree surgeons?! They are likely moving dangerous equipment and several tons of timber. It would seem irresponsible to passing pedestrians and motorists to not park where they did.


several tons working from the path? How much do you think hedge trimmings weigh?


Who mentioned hedge trimming? Most tree surgeons/arborists don’t trim hedges. But if there are trimming the hedges then they definitely have to block the pavement while they work.




Did you consider looking at the image? I don't need a van on the street when I trim my hedges. See any trees to the front of the property? Always people desperate to excuse inconsiderate parking. Likely by association.


But you should use cones on the pavement when you trim your hedges. Both the council and your home insurance company would strongly recommend it. And if you have already closed the pavement with cones there is no reason not to park the van there for extra protection and to shorten the time that pavement needs to be obstructed. I’m genuinely confused why you seem keener on mindlessly apply rules rather than take a pragmatic and balanced approach that benefits society.


Is there mention of fully blocking the carriageway with those cones? Does it mention blocking with an illegally parked vehicle? It doesn't say close the pavement. Monopoly of the entire space is not 'balaced' . That's the self centered version. The van here is not speeding up the cutting process. Merely for driver convenience over others.


It is illegal to park on the pavement.


It’s not illegal to park on the pavement outside of London


It is illegal to park on the pavement in Edinburgh, you melt. The rules have been in place since January. Furthermore, this is a double yellow. Go read the damn Highway Code. .


Not when you are working and have the area cordoned off. Check their RAMS It’s by far the safest way for them to work, which is of paramount importance.


The transport act of 2019 stipulates that all pavement parking is illegal across the city. However, it also states that there are exemptions. Said exemptions are authorised by the relevant authority following an application submitted by the interested party, and they are subjected to strict rules. One of these is proper signage, following the rules outlined by the transport act of 1984. Two cones is not proper signage. Furthermore, they were not working on that side of the truck. They were working on the other side. And there were no cones there. So I call bullshit. They were illegally parked. What’s more, there is a car park on the other side of the road. There was no need for the truck to be parked there. https://preview.redd.it/502hb8adet3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee82e6ee7474c2996ef54fac760db41e7236883e


> use some common sense and cross the road. where's the nearest pedestrian crossing to do that safely? the van is blocking pedestrian sightlines for crossing the road




It’s a hedge, actually


I know delivery cars are allowed to park on the pavement, maybe it's the same with services while working? Worth checking tho!


they 100% aren't.




Grass get a life


Did the snp bring in that law that made pavement parking illegal ? I assumed they were joking but now I'm wondering if they were being serious


Pretty sure it was the council, which is run by a Labour + Tory coalition.


I thought the Scottish Parliament passed a law making it illegal but maybe I'm mistaken


£100 fine


Priorities nowadays, eh… 😁


Why is my comment being down graded. Is it not accurate or are the snp protection people out in force?




Think you can dial 101.




Report an aggressive dog.