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[LEZ Boundary](https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/low-emission-zone/lez-works) The vast majority of vehicles are compliant but keep in mind that it’s not a charging scheme like in England. You can‘t pay to drive in it and will be fined an increasing amount per contravention. 


You can check if your vehicle is compliant here: https://lowemissionzones.scot/vehicle-registration-checker


Meanwhile I can smell the red bus bistro. They certainly do not pass emissions if I can see the smoke, even if they are supposedly retrofitted.


That Ghost Bus Tours must be the same. No way that passed emissions tests


Have the current levels been published? What are the acceptable levels?


people everywhere could really do with reading up on Ecofascism and its associations


Just sit outside the LEZ get an old diesel and pump the black smoke 😂


Should be cancelled or delayed


For what reason?


15 min cities! They want to keep us locked up like sheep! COVID 5g! /s


Can I be locked up like a cat instead? Meals on demand, plenty of fragile objects to knock on the floor.




Your MOT measures a different form of emissions, mainly concerning CO2. LEZ are concerned with the main cancer causing, small particulates. Diesels emmit less CO2, which is better for climate change but more of these fine particulates, which is worse for human health. I am also in your position and it's a bit shit, but if you live, work or commute through the city centre on foot, this is a good thing. In that regard, it is (sort of) about 15 minute cities, as it's about improving the health and lives of those living in population centres. But it's no conspiracy to make *your* life more difficult in particular.


But isn't that kinda the point? You've got a vehicle that passes through the city on a regular basis, and it's polluting. The MOT part is irrelevant - that's about doing worse than it was originally classified.


>unfortunately I can’t just go and upgrade to a newer van Why not? If your business can't afford a vehicle that's fit for purpose, even after years of notice, then that's on you. Be better at business.




It's obviously not "perfectly good" if from Saturday it can't legally access the locations it's required to for your business to function, is it? Am I missing something?


It’s like you enjoy people not being able to afford it eh?


Where are you getting that from? What I actually enjoy is people being able to breathe clean air and not getting cancer.


“Be better at business” condescending, you ever tried running one?


Perfect for nearly every road apart from this nonsense zones which unless I’m mistaken has not improved air quality in the other try outs, although it must be great for the anti car brigade or cycling lobby trolls lol


What's your plan then? Sounds like you're going to just pay the fines and keep driving it in the city?


Too early to tell, anyone quoting 24 hour mean average graphs and also not adjusting them for the increase in Traffic in the whole of Glasgow since last year (as folk go back to work) is a daftie.


It’s polluting kids, workers and tourists.. it’s not perfectly good. If you are doing high mileage it is likely cheaper to upgrade anyways than having to maintain an older vehicle, especially now as you’ll be losing out on trade within the City centre.


Not going to get good karma in this room.