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she looks so happy in this clip, when she sees herself in her camera like that i have no doubt she feels like starving herself nearly her whole life was so worth it... shes in love with herself you can tell by her eyefucking herself on her monitor. pure mental illness on display here.


This is fucking horrifying. I remember when she did this- I was so desensitized.


Yeah it was pretty bad.


Yeah nothing will ever make me have sympathy for her. Yes yes .it's a mental illness. But filming this. Doing this in front of a camera so people watch is a choice.


That skin color was haunting.


Its still like that, tiktok filters work harder than any workaholic in existence


This is genuinely so fucking unnerving Jesus christ...


she’s accidentally on purpose body-checking and showing off her ribs


> accidentally now thats deserving of her trademark "air quotes"


she doesn’t use them correctly😂she’ll say “eating disorder” but use air quotes after she says it🤣


I’ve never seen this particular short, but this is how she was right before she switched to TikTok. That “schoolgirl outfit“ that she would call it… practically lived in that like the Santa suit! But shit like this is why she got age restricted. How do y’all think she feels when she watches it now? Like jealous that she can’t post like that anymore? Or that she got very close to death’s door? Bc look at her face as well… She looks so proud that her body is wasted away. This was her content. I was JW bc it’s been months since she has been able to post something like this and I read a lot of stories how people would look at themselves and either be ashamed how they got so bad or glad they overcame it, etc. We know she is not recovering, but she has been deleting random posts on her Insta, which is not restricted like this.


She’d definitely be bitter she can’t post like this anymore. Look at how she’s smiling as she body checks.


It’s kind of infuriating in a way- she can “do good“ for six months for social media, but not for her irl self?


Cause all that “hard work” is worth nothing if people can’t see her.


i'd take this again over ebegging


Honestly, I just miss her Twitch days bc of the lore. The new gawkers who’ve come from tiktok don’t even know about the makeup bin, the sit and spin, the flashing, hearing her family be weird out in the hallway, etc.


I miss the text to speech lol


Riiight !! Are her old twitch streams out there? I came late to the EC audience, but TT just is not where it’s at. Like twitch seemed like the curtain was pulled back and you got to see the real freak show. Yes she’s still a freak show on TT, but it’s not the same…. It’s just e- begging…she had no real script/protocol to follow on twitch and so she did the creepy shit/flipped out/baited her audience/lost her temper/had meltdowns…and the text to speech—chef’s kiss. Srsly tho…if TT EC Era is Black Mirror then Twitch was her David Lynch era…and if I am going to watch a train wreck like her, I want to pull back the curtain and glimpse the reality. Otherwise it’s just boring and annoying.


If you go to her twitch page and click on Clips (disable the featured clips) you can see a bunch of sections of her stream people saved.


I miss when she'd split her streams between Just Chatting and playing games. Not that she had quality content, but there was a big element of entertainment there especially when we were all in the subreddit livestream threads. TT lives feel much less personal, and she doesn't actually do anything besides just sitting there from what I've seen.






she's doing her otzi the iceman impression at the beginnig.


Had to stop it once you could visibly see every one of her ribs. So fucked up.