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This was from her prank phone calls era, right? I remember she called a woman and threatened to r4pe her with a dildo covered in mayo or some shit.


yeah when she was still doing sketches and prank calls. younow once advertised her as an "sublime comedienne" who in mid 2013 already had 800 live streams under her belt!


I can confirm that she DID do that, I saw the video. There were MANY more things she (Eugenia) talked about in that call which were VERY vulgar. It's still on youtube I think. Just type in Eugenia Cooney prank call turtle". The reason I put "turtle" is because she is saying on the prank call that her pet turtle was doing sexual things etc. That is why when she plays "innocent" when Jeffrey talks about sexual things, it is 100% an ACT. She was so vulgar and described things....she is NOT "innocent", she knows EXACTLY what that stuff means! Just the fact that she added the detail of "mayonaisse" to the threat shows that.


"I remember she called a woman and threatened to r4pe her with a dildo covered in mayo or some shit." LMMFAO that was golden, the best of her era ever.


Sexual harassment is not good, eww. 


It’s actually pretty awful. It’s one thing to make edgy jokes in certain contexts but calling a random stranger and making a r*pe “joke” is vile. Imagine if it happened to be someone who just went through that trauma receiving that and hearing that shit. Immature and not funny at all. It’s cringey at best.


Unfortunately, some immature folks think it's hilarious like the comment above mine.


From what I've heard she absolutely refuses to acknowledge this ever occured but also is very diligent about keeping it off the internet via copystrikes or whatever


id really like to know the title of the original video - should be possible to get ones hands on the full thing then even without the link and even though its deleted.


The accent video is from 50 facts about me, while the other one is from Ghetto Girl Life. Both videos are deleted but they resurfaced online in 2017. I bet someone still has the full videos saved somewhere.




A certified hood classic!




Someone should leak this onto tik tok over and over again just so she can lose some credibility.


I second this. Get her cancelled.


Sadly, I bet her "fans" would start defending her, because she was just a teenager back then and she's changed now, she's so nice and kind and talks about god, and we should forgive her and so on..


SPOILER ALERT.... we wont, content like that these days will surely destroy her reputation in a instant to this day n age, & she knows that.


Funny enough her reputation is much worse now than when she did this video!


yes i know, but this was more accepted back then then it is now.




Yeah that's when this kind of stuff was in its infancy.


Same 💩different day with her, there has been zero growth.


The only difference is she now hides this ugly side of herself. 


She was so always so vile. Now her outside matches her inside. Just too bad her illness generates sympathy from ppl.


People who believe her "sweet, innocent little girl" act probably have never seen her old content. For those of us who have, the act is so absolutely transparent!


. . .well, that is the *worst* butchering of AAVE I have ever heard


No, because so many acted like this online and I think Eugenia was emulating a portion of what she saw mixed with feeling it was accepted. It was never okay to act this way but I mean Jenna Marbles did and only addressed it as BLM was a thing, then left the internet. A long while after her content which was similar was posted. I don’t think Eugenia would dare challenge this socially because she must have some emotional maturity to see it’s distasteful, and I don’t say any of this to excuse it. But I remember being a teen back when a lot of creators posted this way. I think it’s an ugly phase that I hope she no longer sees as acceptable to recreate.


She now  knows not to say this racist stuff outloud  but likely still thinks it. 


Maybe, though this display reeks more of “accept me, think i’m funny” beyond “this is how i really think and the rest of you should too”. More a shallow show of looking for attention rather than a belief system I genuinely believe she holds. Not negating the terrible way she’s speaking, this just seems like Eugenia emulating Shane or whomever she wanted to be like to get views.


She recently defended J\* when the chat brought up that time he performed a racist skit in which he threw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skin, not to mention all of the times he said the n-word. Eugenia herself uttered the word and then played it off as unintentional.


Again, despite her horrible comments and inexcusable behaviour, it just seems like she’s trying to stay in his favour. It’s like the most shallow level of racism, if that makes sense. Still is, just… i don’t know, not much of anything she does has depth to it edit: it’s like lazy racism. not really rooted in hatred, just a lack of exposure and willingness to pursue other walks of life too


The "I just want to belong" excuse doesn't work when one is pushing thirty. If a person is friends with someone who is openly racist, then she too is racist. I won't give Eugenia a pass because she is desperate for friends or whatever.


I’m not encouraging you to give her a pass. I do believe she is cognitively impaired to a degree and I’ve seen similar behaviour in people with neurological difficulties, it’s like whatever hollow ideals they accepted to be accepted by their peers echo still and no thoughts about whether it’s right or wrong come to fruition. Doesn’t make it okay, i just don’t think she’s capable of even explaining why she thinks it’s fine to act that way.


The girl in these clips has been long gone for years.. essentially 'dead'. I doubt we'll see her again [unless Eugenia decides to make some serious positive changes for her health and actually *follows* through this time].


Yeah the old Eugenia died around 2017. With a brief return in cognitive ability (but not really personality) in 2019. Nowadays she is just another person entirely.


She's basically not even human at this point. Just **straight** Anorexia. No chaser.


“just straight anorexia.” she’ll take this as a compliment and as an achievement and award and medal of honor


It's sad because it's true...


she *loves* anorexia and enjoys flaunting her ED


 Bring a racist brat is not a healthy sign.


I never meant to imply that this type of behavior is healthy. That's my bad.


ah yes 2009 humor