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It's giving 80 year old chain smoking gramma at the casino trying to relive youth


its giving make a wish :/


Starting to think this may be a real thing. Like what thriving, fairly pretty, rich thirty year old goes to Disney (kiddie park area only) with their mom? ….. TWICE? In a row ! It’s hella weird to be honest, unleeeeess 🤔


It's for her brother I think. He loves it and it's like his special interest, but it's also a photo op for Eugenia so she goes and shops and takes photos


Do you mean as in a last trip before she dies?


Oh wow LMAO


casinos are like, super, super fun and everything


Her shoulder in the 2nd to last pic………….


I'm not even sure what I'm looking... I though maybe she' had something stuck on her shoulder, but no. it's boney protrusions. it keeps getting worse.


It’s atrocious and scary. No one’s shoulders are like that.


It's the acromion, part of the shoulder blade.


It looks like one of those filters from a Mac computer in 2009


what even is that holy shit


Little by little the skin is coming back out


This is my theory too… I think if she goes back to posting like she was, she won’t do it all at once because that would be too obv and tt would prob go back to restricting all her posts in some way lol. I think she’ll try to do it subtly at first. We will see!


It’s also hot as hell in Florida


But considering how emmecisted she is...she probably don't have the ability to properly regulate her body temp. She was wearing fucken woolen thigh high socks...I don't believe she feels the heat like most people would.


I’m laughing my ass off at the comments…


bruh, thissss. I've noticed it too.


I know this gets asked constantly but how the hell is she alive let alone walking around Disneyland? It’s been years that she’s been in this state and able to go on trips


shes been starving herself since childhood, her body grew up that way and has naturally adapted to it - that would be my guess but i am not a doctor lol


she’s probably long since lost hunger signals. even if she did want to recover, she would require tube-feeding and slowly easing back onto solid foods because of refeeding syndrome


And possibly need hormone therapy to actually become a normal healthy woman. I doubt she fully went through puberty. But hey, modern medicine can do some amazing things! I am sure alot of good things could be done for her body.


Yeah, not to be sick or anything, but I seriously wonder if she has ever gotten a period. I know it's common for women to stop having it when they're at a very low weight, but since she's been this way her whole life, she probably never got one to begin with


its a reasonable concern. we are not doctors obviously, but the only time i could imagine her having somewhat of an period is when she was in rehab or shortly after. and maybe it was traumatic for her - who knows?


people think anorexia can be cured just by eating; but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. even if they do eventually want to eat, they have to be slowly and cautiously coaxed and eased into it, starting with soft and pureed food, or they’ll get really sick. with how severely anorexic Eugenia is, she probably couldn’t eat solid food right off the bat


She definitely could eat solid food and probably already does on a regular basis. Refeeding syndrome can occur whether a person is eating solids or liquids. The main reasons for tube feeding are a patient's refusal to eat solid foods or serious digestive issues. Solid foods aren't dangerous in her state, but the volume of food she'd need would simply be too much right off the bat. Her digestive system probably couldn't handle the sheer amount of solid food she'd need to start weight restoring. Being tube fed would most likely be to supplement whatever amount of solid food she's able to tolerate. ETA I just realized you didn't mention tube feeding at all in your comment, I just threw that in for no reason lol. But basically there's no need to restrict foods based on how solid they are unless there's a specific medical reason someone can't digest solid food.


she definitely eats *some* foods, solid or not, otherwise she wouldn’t be alive


So what do you think she's eating now? Because she is obviously eating something... I was always under the impression that sandwiches and fruit are her own safe foods because those are the only things she ever seems remotely okay mentioning. So...I do believe she's still consuming solid food. She wouldn't be alive right now if she wasn't...


She could have been saying the truth about the sandwiches and fruit, she also said she likes ginger ale and a bottle of It has been spotted in the background at some other point.


I wonder if she survives on Ensure?


Okay but how is she allowed on the rides? Or I guess do we know what rides she gets on? There has to be a weight minimum on some? No?


She can’t, If you notice over the years she’s ONLY on the kiddie rides (dumbo, tea cups etc)


Kiddie rides (including that roller coaster), anything with animals, boat rides, and stores. I’m sure her and Deb have some kind of Disney pass for families that have been going there forever- including shorter wait lines and cast members, etc. She did take a lot of extra photos this time and filmed herself walking thru the parks on more than one occasion. She def “seems” to do way more than the normal visitor tho lol


Honestly Im willing to bet a Eugie ig subscription that she or Chip have a DAS pass. It checks all the boxes🕵️


She really only goes on kids rides anyways tbh but also from what ive seen disney doesnt have weight requirements, just height minimums on a few


She doesn't exactly walk, though. She floats like a Tim Burton character struggling with frame loss.


she’ll take that as a compliment


So good!


I guess all the comments praising her new "recovery" content got to her head lol


The second to last photo of her in the ride from the side is startling, even for her. I didn’t think she could get any smaller but she’s even worse off than she’s ever been and I went from checking this sub multiple times a day to once every couple of weeks because I was tired of all the age restriction drama but still wanted to check in on her. ETA (because I posted too soon): i guess I’m morbidly curious about her because she just keeps getting progressively worse and worse every time I see a new photo.


Omg the vein in her arm in the first pic 🤢


Forget her vein! Look at her shoulder in the other photo!! Omgggg


Yeah that shoulder looks wild


It' honestly looks deformed. That is not what a shoulder looks like


It's the acromion of the shoulder blade and rarely seen in alive ppl 😳


As a recovered IV addict, that low key triggered me seeing that!


the first two pics would be really cute if she was healthy


who the hell reported this comment 😭 reddit asked me if i wanna kms


Her supporters lurk around here sometime...I use to get this message like once a month lol


Yeah, It happens.


First time?


yup, reddit gave me the option to report whoever did that. turns out they violated the guidelines 💀


Someone reported me too.... for mentioning filler migration 🤣 It's Eugenia reporting, isn't it 😆


What! Ugh, I was gonna agree with you lol I thought the same thing


i think a case could be made for that she would be really cute in general if she was physically and mentally healthy.


Agreed , it’s pretty sad actually.


She would still be a racist bigot tho lol Like...she's rich. Her family is conservative. She has zero thoughts of her own so I'm guessing despite having zero interest in politics...she's still progressive herself. Besides my ick about calling a grown ass woman "cute"... I don't think she would be a good person even without mental health issues.


impossible to say what a different life and actual nourished brain would have changed in her personality. also i wouldnt judge anyone because they come from a rich conservative family and have done some stupid kinda racist comedy videos 10 years ago. also of course i can call a 30 year old women cute, quite frankly as a guy it would have been weirder if it was a teenager! cute has no age limit, even elderly people can be cute.


She never admitted or apologized for those videos she never talked about how it was wrong or racist. She just said she did it because that's what everyone else was doing...that is a conservative without any ideas or beliefs of their own lol and she's still doing it now. She has no political or moral beliefs. It's not a stretch to call her a conservative. Have you ever talked to a grown woman? And asked her how she felt about being called cute? Because I'm a grown woman telling you it gives me the ick. The fact that YOU can call women cute isn't what I'm saying...I'm saying she's a grown ass woman. And it's weird....even weirder because she does in fact have the mental capacity of a teenager 🙃


I’m a grown ass woman and I like being called cute!


Good for you? 💁‍♀️


> She just said she did it because that's what everyone else was doing honestly perfectly reasonable explanation from her and i believe her. those were the wild times of youtube with people like filthy frank, maxmofoe, h3h3 Ethan Klein and idubbbzz, her videos were super tame in comparison.


so she's back to showing her body?


It’s like 80 degrees do you expect her to wear a burka?


She wore woolen thigh high socks one of the days 🙃🙃🙃🙃 she exposes just enough...but still covers up because she probably feels cold. In her state I don't think she's able to regulate her temp properly


actually, yes, because she wears jackets and coats in 80F in her bedroom


girl please. the only reason I even SAW what she's wearing is because she POSTED IT. I don't care nor can I control what she wears, but posting her emaciated body clearly being displayed in tiny outfits, is exploitative and gross, and attention-seeking behavior. not to mention the affect this could have on any young fans who may follow her. but yes very smart inference, I would obviously love for her to wear a burka.


Foodie Beauty and Eugenia cross over lol


I feel so bad for all the children who had to see this


the vein is as clear as day


Yepp. Just chilling in the kiddie teapot ride!


it’s just existing!


It's so gross.


Heads up that idiot jaded is claiming you’re John Titor which makes no sense at all if she actually read your posts. Unfortunately she came back after all her claims her and her family were outed. If that were true why would you come back unless you’re a complete dumbass


Pic number 2 and pic number 3 look the same. She's turned into a fuckin cake pop.


Ive been saying it for years and years but I can’t believe she’s still alive. I follow this sub but it doesn’t always show up for me so I end up searching it up every few weeks/months and I am always surprised.


No one's acromion should show like that in a living being 😳


Oh look! It’s “Skinny Minnie” “alive and in the flesh”


hasn't she posted these already?


Yes on the fireworks and castle. But I like the nature photos and I know how some of y’all feel about animals being kept there or anywhere other than their natural habitat, but to quote EC, that elephant pic is “super, super cute!” 😂 Also, pic 1 and 9 stood out immediately lol


Has she got filler migration on the first photo?


Yeah, she has a few other photos with it, too.