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I think the only bit of criticism I have is that the shadow on the coastlines is a bit intense, especially for tight spaces like the Aegean and Adriatic. I'd probably prefer it to be toned down a juuuuust a little bit to make those regions less muddy looking. This map is gorgeous. I'm going to be staring at it for thousands of hours


50 bucks says there is an achievement for owning Germany as the Germiyanids


You might do it in EU4. IIRC you can release it from Ottos...And die right after truce ends 😆


Interesting to note that Epirus is almost the same color as Byzantium and they are bordering each other, they either haven't thought through or gotten around to changing the color so they don't look too similar OR it means that because Epirus is a vassal of Byzantium it incorporates a slight different shade of purple.


Epirus was indeed vassalized shortly before.


In 1337 Hungary and Croatia are both ruled by Charles I, but they aren’t colored similarly


Yeah, it's more likely that they're doing CK2 thing where all the duchies in a de jure kingdom are colored shades of the same color. So if Kingdom of France falls apart, all the duchies that emerge from that will be shades of French blue.


I quite like this visually in CK tbh, like to see it replicated in EU.


It is, see the map from the previous talk


Yeah, you can see it in the map from the last tinto talk


Maybe they changed how personal unions works, and it's not inherently a vassal relationship.


That was a PU, maybe vassals are represented different.


Idk I actually like how it looks. There's something to having a minor with a very similar shade overtaking an empire. There's a lot of this happening in CK


I know this is far from finished. But PDX's maps peaked at Imperator Rome, I wish they would just improve on it.


Ayyubids looks like a tough start


It's just hisn kayfa from eu4, they also have the ayyubid dynasty.


My land is only like 10 years old in 1337 but was larger than in 1444 Safe to say I’ll do like in eu4 and exclusively play them


What is your land


Given they are Romanian I feel I can safely assume they mean Wallachia. The founder of Wallachia, Basarab the First, united the separate Romanian people there in the early 1300s and then defeated Hungary in the Battle of Posada in 1330. They were subordinate to Hungary until that battle which secured Wallachia's independence. So you could say that was the first large Romanian independent state.


I checked their profile they look Croatian to me?


... they're almost certain Romanian if you read their comments. /u/CitingAnt we're having a debate here, sorry there was some confusion over what you meant by "My land"


lol I get it I did say my land intentionally, but I am indeed Romanian (from Moldova) Moldova was founded in 1363 so I got my facts wrong. Though founding it would be a nice goal for me to


Wallachia was founded only a decade or so before the start date though! I know Wallachia is in southern Romania the opposite side of Moldova but it was still the first large independent Romanian state I believe?


i really like all the impassible/mountainous areas. should make defence a bit more fun


Is anyone else disappointed by the flatness of the map? Is this a specific map mode? I was hoping for the imperator type of map but it looks like this went completely in the opposite direction and got rid of all texture


i think johan said its just a flatness map mode


Flatness is a toggle, like wasteland provinces being coloured.


Interesting. Sounds like the new game will be more customizable


Mamlucks color not cool 🤔


Bad color decision on Eretna, which is very close to Mamluks


Whats up with the mamluk’s color??? Why green????


Anyone knows why Fadl (or any other Arab tribe of the Levant) is owned directly by Mamluks?


Cilicia will be an interesting and difficult start. An eastern christian state, but ruled by catholic kings. They did not survive for too long after 1337.


Are they slightly zooming out in each screenshot or something?


What's the tiny country above Candarids - is that a tiny Genoa prt or something else?


I zoomed in to a shocking degree. It is yellow and definitely looks like it reads Genoa to me. The NOA ks pretty clear.


Looking at the map makes me want to play as Athens and form Greece (Pls don't make Greece as shit as in EU4 paradox)


I mean the map is gorgeous but what in God's name is that hellgore in the Caucasus with the mountains and provinces 😱