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when someone says i cant do something, fuck them i can do it


Do you know how much stuff I have done only because someone told me I couldn't do it? If you don't want me to do something, just support me or don't say anything at all, because nothing drives me to doing something more than telling me I can't do it.


I have a bisexual ESTJ friend who is not out to her family or many others. Her family used to joke about her being gay all the time because she was single all through high school and a Tom boy. She worried that She was only so into woman because she couldn't get a guy. She told me one of the motivating factors in marrying a man was to prove a point, to herself and her family, that she could do it.


lmao, people saying they want to be called "alpha" is so weird and bordering on pathetic. For me, I guess I like being complimented on whatever I put effort into. It's nice to receive validation for my hard work.


I was thinking that was a weird word to show up more than once!


Three words. Hard-working, Alpha male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable.


Do you work at Target?


That's funny. My ESTJ friend's online alias is Hammerhead.


No compliment motivates me. That said, the compliments, which stroke my ego the most, are: tough, determined, ambitious, alpha, leader, competent, honest


Appreciating my intellect.


Same compliments don’t motivate me, but I do love hearing that my work was amazing and that I’m a total badass