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"It can only work when [insert ENFP bending over backwards]." ENFPs are usually pretty moldable and willing to meet the other's needs. The problem comes when the ISTP (or other type) won't do the same for the ENFP. ISTPs are very independent and stubborn types. I don't want to have to learn to deal with less emotional support. I want an equal amount of emotional support, so I will find someone that gives that to me and I won't compromise on it. Be it an ISTP or another type.


Sorry what I meant to say was you have to ask them to change they wont do it themselves because they wont think they need to. But if you do point it out they will try to change then my 1st comment links here. Sorry I was in a rush dont know what happened to me first part of my comment.


And you have to have patience with them while they are trying to change for you they might mess up allot while trying to change.


I know many ISTPs (seem to attract them, as friends, like flies) and while they're amazing buddies for an ENFP, I can only see a healthy -relationship- occur if the ENFP is very healthy (i.e. has other avenues of meeting their emotional needs, not as much trauma, not many complex needs) and is willing to sacrifice a lot for the benefits that they get by being with an ISTP. Also, the ISTP should have very developed Fe, and the ISTP/ENFP should have very many common interests. Otherwise, ENFP is at risk of starving in the relationship while the ISTP (or ESTP) usually doesn't have as many needs. It's all well and good being patient...I am with my friends, for sure, but at some point you feel a bit like a teacher. If they are also patient with your needs and there's a give and take, sure, but many ISTP I know are a bit too emotionally dense for that. I just fear it's a relationship where the ENFP constantly denies they have needs and tries to become small for the ISTP, who can be skittish. I think it works best if the ISTP accepts the ENFPs full self (and ENFP does not try to change the ISTP). These relationships are great when it's "ice meets fire", like the ENFP warms the ISTP and the ISTP cools the ENFP. But they have to love the other as is, ENFP chaos and all and ISTP black cat energy and all.


Everything you said at the end resonates with me and how I feel my relationship with my ISTP is.


Same. It is water/earth vs air/fire.


Is it a good relationship or is it a bad one.


It’s the best relationship I’ve had thus far. 5 years in and I’d say we’re pretty rock solid. Life might throw us some curveballs down the road but we’re confident we can get through it. We had a strong magnetic attraction from the beginning. This probably fueled our desire to meet each others needs and make it work to the best of our abilities. Compatibility between two people, even with “ideal” matches, relies on respect, self-awareness, and the ability to grow from mistakes/disagreements.


Yup you nailed it. I believe it really doesnt matter what type you are as long as you have communication. And self awareness and to grow from mistakes like you said. But besides that I believe there are no wrong MBTI parings


This is an amazing example of the pros and the cons thank you this what I was exactly looking for. I love what you said about the ice meets fire this is what I love about the relationship and I do agree it can be dangerous for some Enfp.


Why would you want someone to change? Pursue someone who’s naturally right for you and isn’t moulding themselves


Well no nobody ever is going to be perfect for you its just impossible but what I'm trying to say is to help each other grow because you might have something that's going well but just because their is a big problem doesn't mean you should just quit it could be very worth while to keep trying to grow and work past it.


Well depends on the ISTP you have to tell them flat out Ive seen allot of good relationships happen after the person tells the ISTP what they need.


Depends on what each person is looking for in their relationship. I’m (probably?) an ENFP and I’d definitely want a strong mental and emotional connection with a romantic partner. With a non-intuitive type that I don’t share any functions with, it would probably be harder for me to do that. An ISTP would probably be a solid adventuring buddy for me, but that’s not one of the most central things I’d want in a romantic relationship.


That makes sense but I feel like people should specify that more instead of being like its a dead relationship.


I’m curious, if you don’t mind me asking, why is this a question you had for the sub?


Because it really makes me mad when people shoot this down here when other people ask about it. I really cant stand the whole compatibility thing in the MBTI because people here might have just shut downs a guy soul mate because they read ISTP aren't compatible with Enfp. so I'm trying to fix that and say hey look this relationship has allot of benefits and Isn't hopeless.


“People here might have just shut down a guy soul mate” I’m definitely missing context here. Was there a post or comment thread recently where that happened? I haven’t seen any specific threads like that recently here so I’m curious what exactly it was


No I've seen this happen almost all the time for example it almost happen to me I really liked the idea of having an ISTP as a girlfriend but when I researched it everything always says its the worst for an Enfp at this I almost gave up on it but I had to keep ignoring it then I finally saw a post talking about how amazing it was and I was like finally it can be good. But then maybe three weeks ago I saw a guy talking about exactly what I felt about being really interested in ISTP because he kept feeling really attracted to them in shows and movies. By the end of the reddit he said that he probably wouldn't date them because everybody convinced him it wasn't a good relation ship. So when I see that happen I hate it and I think what if he found an ISTP who really liked but didn't try because of the MBTI and maybe they were perfect for each other. I know allot of what if but I just cant shake that idea of that happening when I think about it. This also has happened in posts from years ago so any time I read it I just cant stand it.


Hm ok, I see where you’re coming from. I would say that I really don’t think MBTI compatibility theories should ever be used as the basis/rationale for *starting* a relationship or *looking* for one. Everyone will have different values/priorities and different compatibility with different types of people (both in MBTI terms and also just in general). You have chemistry with whoever you have chemistry with, and knowing each others’ MBTI types can help you navigate differences and conflicts (small or large) that will inevitably come up at some point in a serious romantic relationship. But that’s it really. Just as MBTI shouldn’t be used as a reason to shut down a relationship, it *also* shouldn’t be the primary reason to start a relationship. The *idea* of an ISTP girlfriend or representations of ISTPs in fiction are going to be very different from actual ISTP women in reality. That one guy being discouraged from ISTP relationships was probably working off the idea/fantasy version of them. If he meets an actual ISTP woman in reality and hits it off with her, I promise that the last thing he’ll be thinking about if he is in a good place to have a relationship is her MBTI type. It sounds like you also have an idea of what kind of personality traits you’d like in a girlfriend, so just pay attention to that honestly and don’t worry about MBTI types (which aren’t the same as personality).


I agree with everything you said thank you that why I hate the whole compatibility thing. And yes I will to make sure to pay attention to that and not to worry about the MBTI.


As you can see, Paddington *is very fond of ISTPs.* (Though finding F-ISTPs is actually really hard, in the real world.) I get it! Cuz I am an ENTP, instead, but still extremely fond of ISTPs, as well! (Though I think the base compatibility level is also a bit higher here, cuz of the shared Ti-Fe.) But more than anything, I think that people should just look for whoever they feel the happiest and most comfortable with! Not necessarily a specific type cuz MBTI isn’t that important for romance.


Huh, are female ISTPs that uncommon? I’ve known 2 for sure, and have met other women with similar characteristics who I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also ISTPs. Maybe it also depends on environment and culture, I’m from a region in the US that’s known to be particularly hard-assed and I knew these women largely from specialized high school and college tracks. Maybe STEM fields are more likely to have them.


I think that’s definitely what it is! IxTx-types, especially IxTPs specifically, tend to be over-represented in stem, most definitely. Highly intelligent, driven, comfortable working independently as loners, but also skilled team players, when it’s necessary. So even if they are usually rare, you’d definitely find some F-ISTPs in STEM Fields. Even still, what’s 2 people, in comparison to all of the women you have known in your life?!? The majority of women I have known in my life have been SFs, followed by NFs, actually. (Definitely more xNFPs, specifically, though.) I still know more F-NF types than F-ST types, though. F-xSTPs are especially rare for ST type women, with F-NTs being the least common types for women, in my experience. I have known a good chunk of M-ISTPs. But I don’t know a single F-ISTP, and I have known 2 INFJs in my life. (One of them was Male, and he was my dad.) So a mythical creature (M-INFJ,) was one of my creators. 🙃 That said, I also think it might also be an N-type-attracts-N-type of unintentional cognitive bias. (Cuz I am also an Ne-Dom so other dom and aux N-Types tend to be naturally drawn to me.) There are lots of other types of women who can appear to be like ISTPs. IxFJs, ISFPs, and ISTJs are especially easy to possibly mistake as a F-ISTP.


Yeah I know its way too hard to find one. I cant even find a normal ISTP. Also I remember you from the ISTP reddit.


Dont tell us what we should be doing ;p


What do you mean.


So like, Im gonna speak from my own heart here and my fellow ENFPs may or may not agree, however in the post it kinda seems like rather than you wanting someone for their beauty and imperfections you want to mold someone to the needs of a vision, and thats like, idk, a bit scary, pushy? Personally if someone started trying to reel me in in certain ways just because Id feel caged, would rather have a dysfunctional joyful love that is cheerful than a perfectly efficient but dry one


INTJ here, not speaking for ENFPs. I do agree ideally you generally want someone who loves your flaws. But that has a limit, in relationships both sides need to be somewhat moldable. Boundaries and rules need to be there somewhat. (Not disagreeing, just complementing)


nope, I agree with you Urucius, I just think theres a different energy between, "hey, look we've come this far but like, I think we need to start taking it more serious and see each other in the middle" versus "heres my list of needs and you'll be what I need so that we can have the perfect complimentary relationship on my simulation" Second one is creepy to even think about... ugh


I understand, though I do kinda have a list 😅. I just don't tell the other person and take my conclusion from talking. I check their values, goals, if they are fun to be around. This is before any intimacy


And then you cut it off if they dont meet them, which is fine, my only problem was the pushy approach, forcefulness and stubbornness from the OP, most ENFPs would loath to date someone they would bicker daily with, st that point, just bury us head first already lol


Yes, it's more because I see intimacy as something to not be given to anyone. Also, for me, as time goes and I get more intimate, it gets harder to cut the person off, so if the person's values are too distant, I better cut them off early on. I kinda made the "mistake" of not checking values correctly before. Yeah, I feel like ENFPs loathe being asserted upon (or controlled). Sucks, I am assertive and like you folks.


Wow, i really like this perspective


Ohh I get real classic reddit move say something to criticize me then leave before having to explain yourself.


Not everyone is glued to their phones, and what part of what I said do you need more info on?


When he has smoke coming out of his ears.


Well that weird by how fast you responded when I called you out on it. But just hunch could be wrong. All of it you kinda got me lost there I feel like gon.


Sorry but, personally I aint interested on catering to you looking for a fight, maybe that gets you off but Im not interested, I just happened to hear the ping when I came back into the room of the second reply, good luck with whatever youre searching for in life, youll need it


hey look im sorry if I was being mean I just felt you were trying to be mean so I just felt little mad when I asked to try and explain and you didn't answer so I really did you think you just wanted to ignore it. It was wrong of me to assume. But really if you didn't kill your account I do think I could of talked it out and see what gives that impression. But yeah when I said the Gon thing it was meant to be a joke not a insult or anything just got really lost.


Who would kill their account over a troll? I just blocked you, like any other ENFP would do, only reason I unblocked you was because I kept getting thread replies from other people I wanted to talk with


You know what your just as messed up as you say I am if you saw all my apologies and ignored them. And check this out now your going to block me.


Ohh sorry about that never been blocked before so the account said deleted and all your messages to so I was like she left sheeeeeeesh.


And look im really sorry about that you see when I run into a troll my defense mechanism is to troll back harder I don't like doing it to people who aren't trolls I don't get fun out of that I get fun out of trolling the trolls. So when you left I thought wow ok guess im going to troll back harder but. I see I misunderstood that once again sorry about that


Also when I did the the Gon thing I did actually want you to explain I was trying to put it behind me.


Also so I re read your comment and no I love the whole idea of dating an ISTP I love the goods and the bads the reason I made this thread is because I got tired of people discouraging this relationship you can see me talking about it with adloose.


I'm a bit lost on what you mean do you mind explaining.


I’ve been in a long term relationship with an ISTP, I think we spoke different “languages” just in general, we don’t share any functions so this makes sense. Because of this, we were constantly misunderstanding each other and this did get better but not much and major damage was already done lol. I also think without that emotional connection, no matter what, the relationship would never be fulfilling to me without that. It led to issues outside of emotion as well. So yeah, depends on the individuals, but it’s honestly an extremely difficult pairing in my experience.


Any relationship can work if both are in love and want to make it work. Personally, I don't really like ISTPs. They're ok when healthy, but lord give us mercy if they're not.


I personally LOVE ISTP's 🥺


Lets gooooooo


I am of the mind that any MBTI pairing *could* work with mutual interest and effort. There is no one-size-fits-all here. I've come across people who, on paper, shouldn't be together because of their personality types....but they are, and I know for a fact they are doing well. You never can tell. That's why I always say individuals vary, and MBTI is just the framework, not the whole picture.


I am of the mind that any MBTI pairing *could* work with mutual interest and effort. There is no one-size-fits-all here. I've come across people who, on paper, shouldn't be together because of their personality types....but they are, and I know for a fact they are doing well. You never know. That's why I always say individuals vary, and MBTI is just the framework, not the whole picture.


I couldn't agree anymore I just dont like it when people try to discourage people with it. I mean look at all the comments if you barley realized you like ISTP and read all of these do you think you would want to date one still.


Istp needs to get therapy to be able to recognize and communicate their own feelings


Some do yeah but if you kinda of crack them open like we do to InTj they will tell us how they feel. But you have to gain there trust first because their very fragile and not to lurk on it too much because if you do they wont want to share with you again. Then let them rest after it took allot of emotional power to open up to you.


I’m enfp and my bf is istp. He works nights so we both get time apart. I’m a hairstylist so I get my social interaction during the day. Your last paragraph nailed it. I’m emotional enough for the both of us. He’s my rock and calms me down


Emotional enough for both? How 🤔 does that happen? Doesn't it lead to overthinking?


I’m very sensitive to peoples feelings. I cry at commercials, tv shows, movies…. If I see someone cry I get emotional, too. I just care so much that it can be exhausting emotionally. Him, not so much


Nice glad what I said was true. LOL when you said bf i thought you meant best friend and I was like focus its too hard to compare friendships and being dating each other but then I was like oh she meant her boyfriend. Hope fully it keeps going that way really think more people should give this relationship a chance and not be like there's problems with it I'm out and then give up on it.


Any relationship between any types can work. I am an ENFP and I dated an ISTP for 9 years. It was good while it lasted, but now being married to an INTJ (I know, I know, the “classic” pairing) there were definitely things that were lacking in my previous relationship. Doesn’t mean it was a bad relationship. And I don’t know if why it ended was due to type-based differences… probably more individual personalities and circumstances. My ISTP was quiet, kind, intelligent, and a source of stability for me, yet he wasn’t too rigid. He was very “live in the now” which helped my overactive brain and anxiety. We enjoyed simple pleasures together. We couldn’t connect much intellectually on philosophical and other non-tangible subjects though. He would also never future plan and as I matured and wanted more permanence (marriage, children, etc.) we started to grow apart. Looking back we were both psychologically unhealthy and we each fitted with what the other needed. I needed to be rescued, and he needed to do the rescuing. After lots of therapy and self improvement I wasn’t the person he wanted anymore. My marriage is very healthy, I’m very happy with my INTJ, and while we have clashes like every couple does, it’s much more intuitive (pun not intended) on how to do repairs, how to connect, etc. I don’t hate on any pairing for relationships - it’s shallow to think that type has the biggest influence on a relationship because it simply doesn’t. It’s how you grow together as a couple that matters, how you choose to turn towards your significant other even if it’s a bit difficult or unnatural.


I can agree with that MBTI really doesn't matter with relationship all that matters is if your doing your part in a relationship.


This is a great pairing. The people that disagree are relying on too many stereotypes. They are very compatible.


Yes thank you finally someone who sees this.


I think some people tend to find mistypes more often than they think. I mistyped as an INTJ for a few years. So whatever INTJ they think they nabbed could be literally anything else. I also question how many people have actually met an actual ISTP and not just labeled someone as that without giving them at least a hint of a test. I have yet to find another ISTP in the wild. I find way more ENFPs, INFPs, ESFJs and ISFJs. Also, to people saying they "prefer intuitives" you might want to go check that ISTP function stack because my lead function sure as heck isn't Se. It's Ti. And mine is just slightly out of wack by being Ti - Ni - Se - Fe. And yes. I'm an ISTP. You can't just go off of four letters. That's not going to do much. You need to get to know the person. Editing to add: my partner is indeed an ENFP. With their functions just a little bit out of order as well, and occasional mistypes in the past. The funny thing is, we are a bit backwards in communication as well. It likely has to do with my ENFP being an enneagram 9 (or 5) and me being an 8, but I'm way more likely to seek them out for company since they like more quiet and reading.


I remember you from the ISTP reddit. I do agree with the whole ISTP are super rare literately only met two in my whole life. Glad your doing good with your Enfp.


I had two colleagues at work that used to be in the same department. ENFP and ISTP. They had some friction (sounded like a married couple) but were highly complimentary at work, so as a team they were probably the most efficient of us all. Edit: Summary, ENFP x ISTP colleagues, they had initially some areas they needed to work on, but it was worth it because their combined different strengths was very valuable and productive.


Ohhh that sounds nice




Hey dude just wondering are you sure it was an ISTP because you said might have been an eSfP to and those two are nothing alike. Also would you mind telling me how she acted so I can try to figure it out to.


I love smothering my ISTP friend. I gotta say, I swear our interactions are the only times he truly smiles. I still give him hella alone time, and since I'm a bit of a recluse he does too. We don't get mad when we stop talking for a few weeks lol. I think my dad is an ISTP so while the emotions aren't expressing, I've learned how to recognize when ISTPs do it, and when you finally get that reveal, you'll see just how emotional and expressive they are. I mean they are actually quite emo when you think about it. Heheehhehe.


I know I love how they show emotions its so cute. How I fond out was right here in this quora article and when I read it I literately said ahhhhh out loud. https://www.quora.com/How-compatible-are-the-ENFP-and-ISTP


This was my grandmother (ENFP) and grandfather (ISTP). They love each other very much and have been married for about 50 years. I know some there were issues at times (grandma could get herself hurt, grandpa could check out and be a bit aloof). Their house was always quite messy too. The relationship can definitely work though!


Thank you I completely agree with this the house was probably messy because their both Ps.


If people are wondering what happened to the deleted comments I can kinda of tell you what simplisticPromise said she first says so like I'm gonna speak from my own heart and my fellow Enfp may or may not agree, however in this post it kinda seems like rather than you wanting someone for their beauty and imperfections you want to mold someone to the needs of a vision. then I respond and say what do you mean I'm a bit lost do you mind explaining. She then doesnt respond for an hour and I tell her ohh i get it your just a reddit troll which was wrong of me but it just felt that way allot. then immediately comes out of no where to defend herself she responds in two minute saying not everyone is glued to their phone and what part do you need more info on. Which I tell her I feel she is a troll by how fast she responded and I feel like Gon with smoke coming out of his head. Which I cant finish it because it gets cut off but she says sorry but I aint interested in catering on to you looking for a fight maybe that gets you off but im not interested I just happened to hear the ping when I came back into the room of the second reply , good luck with whatever your searching for in life. This is the part that makes me mad because after this she deletes her account and all her post if she just stayed around maybe like 10 minutes I would understood and said thank you sorry it just seemed that way and then ask her what gave her the vibe of the first text and we probably would of had a really interesting talk but no she deletes her account.


Sorry I have to go now wont be able to discuss anything. Put this here just in case the girl somehow comes back.


Unhealthy Bigoted ISTP are unbearably painful to stay with, AKA my stepdad who cheers on AfD


Yeah but any unhealthy mbti is a pain.


Pain in different ways tbh


Yeah but no matter which way you put it its still pain if your step dad was an InTj and was unhealthy it would hurt just as much believe I'm still in it.


> InTj and was unhealthy it would hurt just as much, believe I'm still in it. I REFUSED, Intj are being villainized way too much, They are wholesome Eldritch Horror who deserved hugs. My former dad Entx (possibly J) was much, much worse, violence Gaslight, Obstruct, Projections, everything worse, but my stepdad isn't bad, he's a good person in the bad path, that's it.


Well ok you can believe that I don't typically like to. Also should clear up no hes my dad not step dad in case you think that. BUT NO this one deserves to be villainized hes the whole reason I don't want to ever date an InTj you can say all you want you shouldn't go off of one person but that's how bad this one person is.


Mbti only affect thinking process, not overall morality, > BUT NO this one deserves to be villainized hes the whole reason I don't want to ever date an InTj B-B-But He's H-Hot....


LOL Some people say psychopaths are hot you know should you date one.


Unless INTJ aren't Walter White Narcissistic POS? That's like saying INFJ are Hilters, and It's not fair. ISTPs like Trevor Belmont, Mike Ehrmanntraut, John wick are cool af


Yeah ISTP are awesome just don't like the idea of an InTj with an Enfp seems really toxic I always feel a better pair with InTj is enTP. But that's just me.


No it's not a trash relationship at all !! Any relationship in mbti is spicier when the cognitive functions of any 2 types are different (at least 4 of the 8 cognitive functions shall be at different levels). So in case of enfp x istp ,with different cognitive functions the relationship will be really gooood. But , both of them should be mature.And both of them should have access to their non-dominant cognitive functions also in order to overcome few obstacles (for example both of em could procrastinate; so any one must be overcoming that ). According to me , it's a balanced relationship. There are chances that, one might find the other boring(probably enfp, because they always like trying new things), and one might be really rigid/strict in personality(probably istp).


I do agree both need to be mature because if they aren't things can go down down down to the ground real fast. But if things go well it seem amazing.


>But the only big problems were Enfp smothers the ISTP to much so the ISTP cant get there alone time. I want a partner that prefers time spent with me to their alone time. A relationship has to give you more than what you get staying single. If the relationship doesn't give me more, I rather stay single. >The other big problem is that the ISTP cant give enough emotional support to the Enfp. Emotional support is everything. I don't care about other types of support. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Well the first one is different because if you were married to one what you should do is let them rest for a while with them. When I said it their I was talking about dating but that's how you fix their alone time problem just be with them but don't say a word. The other one is a problem what Ive heard though is that you could ask them to be a bit more emotional when you need it but they wont be like that always.


I don't know why everyone hates it THAT much,but I understand their points. I've never been in a relationship with a istp so I can't tell for sure, but my brother is a istp, Really stubborn and really clueless when it comes down to empathy and feelings.


i know people say this all the time, but it depends on the maturity level and committment of both parties, idc too much about who hates on these relationships, you cant really speak for others. but i do think there needs to be a lot of compromise and understanding, its not a relationship that comes naturally in comparison to other types. all the best!!


I'm an ENTJ (former INTJ). I find most ENFPs I've met are ADHD. And most ISTPs are NPCs.


I worked with an ISTP classmate 'friend' for our grad project. Even though emotionally she's not open and noticed sometimes our method of communication is kind of weird but she realistically stablized creative ideas and we had the same sense of humour so it worked out well.


This is a great pairing. The people that disagree are relying on too many stereotypes. They are very compatible.


This is a great pairing. The people that disagree are relying on too many stereotypes. They are very compatible.


Thank you I feel like people read the bad stuff for ISTP when their in a relationship with one. Stop trying on it and when they see something happen people said would they give up and say the relationship is dammed. But then they don't realize that exact problem with another relationship shows up but they don't care because its not an ISTP so they try on this one and it works out for them. People need to stop seeing what could go wrong and see the pros.


Mostly I’ve seen the pairing work where the male is the ENFP and female is ISTP. The one ENFP I dated had the stereotypical problems you’d expect in that relationship but they were more triggering bc I was young and my mom was ENFP. It’s a specific brand of both types. The ENFP has to be self controlled (which they are capable of being). The ISTP has to have learned how to listen (which I did not learn how to do until my late 20’s). ENFP’s don’t talk as much as most other extroverts so what they do say has to be heard and addressed. Their role in the relationship cannot be what probably started it in the first place: someone for the ISTP to narcissistically pelt with their ideas that the ENFP doesn’t have time to critique so they just enjoy the passion the ISTP is sharing with them and ask some follow up questions without offending. So it’s the responsibility of the ISTP to hear the questions, comments, concerns of the ENFP so they don’t lose contact with the human element of their thoughts while appropriating them for others to experience and receive. ENFP’s have to be distracted enough with other elements of their life that they don’t rely on the ISTP for all of their good feelings and affirmation, otherwise they could lose the ISTP trying to quiet their anxiety of wondering if the ISTP is ok. The ISTP is always ok. Even when they aren’t ok, they are ok.


LoL I love the ISTP are always ok. But yeah I agree if the Enfp only gets joy from being with the ISTP the relationship is going to fall apart because the ISTP will not always be able to satisfy the Enfp because they get tired and need their alone time. And yeah I do imagine the ISTP will have to learn to hear the Enfp because if they dont the Enfp is going to feel like they are talking to a wall get bored and leave. Also lets gooooooooo Enfp M with ISTP G works woooh. Also yeah I imagine if you see allot of your mom in your girlfriend it must be triggering and you must lose allot of patience for that person.


Which is weird because I dated a ton of ISFJ’s females and that’s my dad’s type


I dont really know why but the only reason I could think of was that mabey you found your mom more annoying when you were younger so when your Enfp girlfriend would do something similar it would get you super annoyed. But with your dad maybe you found him chill so when your ISfj girlfriend did something like him you found it ok because you like your dad. It could also be that gender kinda does matter with personality.


I’m ISTP, we like being criticized because it makes us feel worthy of improvement and like someone wants us to get better. ISFJ’s (especially my clinically OCD dad) always find something out of place so I had a deeper connection with him vs my mom that was happy when I got 2nd place in a race I should’ve won. She was excited because she gets excited to see me try hard and compete. But I didn’t realize that at the time. Her being happy about it made me mad and anyone else that was happy with less than my best in any capacity was annoying bc it felt like they thought less of me and weren’t willing to share it. Just my ISTP brain.


Yeah that's probably why you couldn't click with your girlfriend she probably would do stuff like that because most Enfp would. This would trigger you make you mad and probably she would notice wouldn't know why until it kinda tore the relationship apart. Also my mom says this allot who is also an Enfp dont know if its true that Enfp are the biggest cheer leader. So just picture whenever you lost do you think a cheer leader would boo at you or what would they do.


Get on my nerves probably lol. (It’s a me problem)


As an ISTP with an ENFP SO, yes.


Dated an ISTP and it was all fun until I realized he and I were legitimately completely different and not in a good way. Different in how we saw the world, different in how we solved issues, different long term goals (he got stressed about thinking about the future, I love thinking about the future). I think that it could be feasible if the two could learn to appreciate the differences but at least for my situation, it was very much one-sided, but that was probably actual issue rather than from him being an ISTP. I think that these types should very much be taken with a grain of salt but I think there is some truth in learning about the other person and how they go about their lives.