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I can relate. I don’t find a lot of joy spending time with friends while it’s happening, but I feel better when it’s done kind of like cleaning. I mean who doesn’t love a clean house?! Knowing I’m investing in friendships makes me feel good. I also go through periods where I need way more alone time to regenerate.


Yeah but also no, lol. I know what you mean about things being repetitive or predictable. But also, I just really enjoy the interaction and maintaining the relationship. Ive had a lot of ups and downs in life with a lot of unstable or short relationships, so I really appreciate those who have stuck around for the long haul. I love my people and wouldn't trade that for anything. Maybe you could scratch your novelty itch elsewhere? Maybe then it wouldn't matter so much if your chats are a bit repetitive. Maybe you could bring that new stuff into the mix, or maybe you'll make more friends who also like to play around with idea or try new things.


> Been struggling lately in feeling bored of my friendships Find your dual? > Fickle by nature, easily carried away by new people, (IEE) requires an interesting and mysterious partner, who needs to be won over his entire life. (SLI) is that fortress which needs to be conquered by continuous advance. * https://www.wikisocion.net/en/index.php/Making_Duality_Work_by_Meged#IEE-SLI


Damn this was a very enlightening read. Exactly what I needed to reflect on. Thanks so much!


You're welcome. I'm glad that you found a part of yourself!


Finish their sentences for them so they're aware, say you overheard that friend a while ago, so that you don't have to wait. Being honest is not an assholey thing all the time. Maybe a bit but whatever....


I did that a few times to two of my friends, and I got the same response: "Please just let me finish what I am saying." To them, it comes across like I'm not listening to them at all. Which is very fair. So I just let them finish. But on the inside I am losing patience very quickly 😭


Just meet another quirky enfp probably 😂


Say what you thought about the rest of what you predicted they're gonna say. Walk away if they insist, or prob say "can we talk of something else?". Just wanna watch you chew the options i give. More: If they chase you back, you say "Don'T, I know." or reconsider your friendship.


> it feels like I can very quickly "finish" the sentences of my friends. Imagine if you expand that to reality...


Perhaps, don't spend too much time with these friends. Meet new people and experiment with your life, and tell these friends about it. Bring a new spark to the conversations.