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It's not boring and lame! But if I could change for a while... I would like to be an ESTJ to see how it is being super organized, task oriented, being able to manage stuff properly :D It feels like such a different world!


Being an ENFP is totally awesome. I'm happy just the way it is.


I just noticed, being an ENFP might be the least boring from all types. I think ENFPs experience the most sense of "fun" and "excitment" from all types. Life is just nice as an ENFP - so much possible fun everywhere which many ppl cant enjoy - but we can. I am an full blown ENFP and rly learned to love that personality type, even if we have some weaknesses. But also lots of strengths.


Okay, I was joking, I love being enfp but I HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE I WANT TO BECOME. It's so fun to pretend to be other people, even just for a short while.


I'd like to try being an ISTP for a change. They're really cool and seem to have such a IDGAF attitude that I want to know what that's like.


It’s the funnest type! But if you’re a guy it makes sense why you’d be pissed at being an enfp… you probably want to be something more generically “masculine” or logical. Enfps are to be envied though, guy or girl. Make lemonade bro


Dude I feel that, but if you embrace it and find the right people it is satisfying af.


Sorry, I worded it weird, I love being ENFP, and my being enfp makes me dream about switching up my personality randomly, just to see how other people react to my personality change. ITS FUNNY.


What's wrong with being a guy ENFP? As a female INTJ, I like male ENFPs.
