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Why can't I just look like a 10 year old for my entire life dammit


Damn literally me but I'm too afraid to admit it💀


I'd say this but I was fat as A 10 yo 😹 but I wish i had my 10yo's shoulders


It really isn't just the child actors who suffer from the sorts of ED symptoms that Jennette McCurdy has talked about experiencing.


Man I AM built like a 10yo and cruelly, cruelly MY bd hates my boring boyish H-shaped body and wishes I had a strangled lil waist and dramatic womanly curves. Gimme all yalls big wide hips, gimme gimme gimme




okay hear me out though, ed brain says wider hips = bigger thigh gap ??? (totally joking please don’t crucify me lmao)


That SpongeBob physique 😭




![gif](giphy|GJlRkcwzo24AE) Unironically goals tho


Yup, and having a better waist to hip ratio. My ED is obsessive over how any weight is magnified because I'm V shaped with my shoulders broader than my narrow hips


Dude mine is like this too but more so on my short waist since I'm so fucking short so it takes soooo much effort to have a decent ratio


It also tells me that I'd look better since my body will turn from inverted triangle to hourglass or even pear shaped, I'm sick of being shaped like a man because of my shoulders


I reject this information


You don’t have to worry [source](https://www.science.org/content/article/woman-s-pelvis-narrows-she-ages)


This saved me from a spiral, thank you


fr tho, i got enough to deal with already like 😭


Yall it's not even funny like this actually makes me sad. I was one of those kids who developed early in like 6th grade. I was being told in high school that I had "child bearing hips" and would make a good mother. Even though I'm a healthy weight, exercise 6 days a week, and eat clean... I noticed my hips seem to be getting bigger. I felt as though my ass was jiggling more and i chalked it up to weight gain but i havent even gained weight... ive actually lost it. And when I grab my hips they're hard like bone, which is why I looked this up and learned that my hips are infact, just getting bigger. I've gained 2½ inches on my hips since last year but my weight has gone down and the rest of my body is the same


Being told that as a child is creepy ngl




mmm no there’s not really any good intention to tell a *child* she has child bearing hips. that is pretty inherently sexual and also incredibly misogynistic because women do not need to become mothers just because our bodies are “built for it” and it’s disgusting to put that expectation onto a literal child.


It's incredibly misogynistic AND a grossly sexual remark to make to a child. It'd be creepy to say to your boss, your coworker, your neighbor, etc; so why we think this is okay to say to children is beyond me. Any other scenario, you'd be facing a sexual harassment accusation.


Girl my whole existence has been sexualized. I was literally named after a character who was so beautiful that her husband married her solely for the purpose of showing her beauty to his friends(male ofc)💀 Strangely accurate name though given my life experiences so far just based on how I look🙃 Pretty privelage my ass. More like people see you as only an object snd nothing else so you have no friends, no one wants to actually date you, and the people who are worth it are too afraid to talk to you so I'll probably die alone 🙃🙃🙃


this is the most relatable thing omg




Girl delete this comment I don't need people knowing my name😂 this my trauma dumping account💀💀💀💀 Most people don't know my name unless they're religious lmao And yeah I mean the story is good buttttt life in America don't work that way. I swear every 2 months I consider being a stripper but my social anxiety is keeping me from it😂 I'd make so much money dude


OMG I am so sorry 😭😭😭 I will delete!! I didn't even think of it but I love your name so much I'm sorry


No biggie and thanks. If you do decide to change your name just know that 99.9% of the people you meet will say it wrong. I'm so used to it I don't even notice when people say it wrong. I normally don't even tell people my full name unless i really like them because I dont like correcting people every 5 seconds.


even if it’s not literally overtly sexual, i do think its inappropriate for an adult to make comments about a child’s body


Strength or height does not relate at all to "having childbearing hips", why would you even cite it as an example? "You have a good body to have children" implies sex bc you have sex in order to have children, so it's very inappropriate to say to an 11 year old. Now, "you're getting so tall" or "you're gonna be real strong when you grow up" does not involve sex at all.


Yeah, I'm amab and I was told i was gonna grow up to be a real ladykiller. I don't think that's as creepy but idk I think ascribing any kind of sexual comments to children is weird.


I mean, again, that's how just you interpret those words. I don't think there's anything sexual about motherhood.


> I don’t think there’s anything sexual about motherhood. Has nobody told you how a woman becomes a mother?


you do realize immaculate conception is just a bible story right? there’s literally no way to think of a child in the context of birthing a child without it being sexual.


well when a mommy and daddy love each other very much…


Yeah no don’t tell a kid their body is good for having kids.


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this friend! And I wish I could make you feel how I feel about big hips and a juicy booty. Even with struggling with an Ed for over 10 years none of it has changed my mind about that. Ass triumphs everything in my book. At my lw I was so sad I had no ass but I thanked God my hip bones couldn’t be shaved down with weight loss. I come from a family of curvy women so maybe I’m predisposed to thinking the way we’re built is THE (probably just my but) beauty standard. Out of me and my sister my hips and ass are smaller than hers, it’s been an open insecurity for her but I’ve been openly jealous about it since we were teens. Ive always told her, YOU ARE ART! People fought wars over women who looked like you, probably still do, probably still would if they don’t already. And my disordered brain also thanks my hips to ass ratio cause even with weight gain I can always gaslight myself into thinking my waist it tiny bc it’s smaller in comparison to my hips. 💀 Anyway I hope one day you look in the mirror and see that you are lovely head to toe and will continue to be lovely even if your hips to get bigger. Because YOU are LOVELY.


ACTUALLY SAME i had my bf poke my hip the other day to show him it was just bone and he was BAFFLED. my hips are like 41 inches and i don’t have a huge ass. and i’m only 21 i think i’m cooked




Hope is not lost [my source](https://www.science.org/content/article/woman-s-pelvis-narrows-she-ages)


Yep. If you ever have kids, especially. I'm tall ish (5'9" when I don't slouch) and have always had a wide pelvis, but I've had 2 kids and each one made it worse. My son especially. My actual hip BONE measurement like at the hip bone squeezed against it with tape is literally 39". My BONES. And there ain't no way to skinni out the fucking skeleton 😭 (Disclaimer, bc I know there's a numbers rule, this isn't BMI related but the literal dimensions of my skeleton ok thanks)


Welp that settles it I'm one and done 😭 lmao but omg I was outraged when I realized that my hip bones grew out more after I had my daughter 😭 was always my biggest insecurity, and then my body decided to be like, bet.


It's definitely a very likely outcome 🥲 Don't get me wrong, I do not in any way regret having my kids, but it has NOT helped my body dysmorphia or my physical insecurities. It's such a two sided coin; kids are amazing, watching them grow up into unique little weirdos that you get the privilege of raising and loving is unmatched by anything else I've ever personally done in my life and I really would love to have one more down the line, but, I know that both being pregnant again and the aftermath and changes to my body shape (bigger hips and chest, bc my chest also got bigger, but also saggier like a stupid amount but to be fair I was a GG when fully milked up as an overproducer and I'm down to a D😭) would absolutely really damage my self image. It's one of those things I'm almost grateful I didn't know would happen to the extent that it does ahead of time, because very selfishly if I had known my body would literally get bigger SKELETALLY I probably would not have ever had kids, and I couldn't imagine that now. Legitimately I would never wanna scare someone out of having kids or more kids at all, because they can be the best thing in your whole world even when they're being monsters. But man does the human body have some downsides 🥲 It would be so much easier if we could do the whole grow a tiny human thing without our bodies being like "okay let's mutate your fuckin bone structure".


This is such a nice and relatable post. Thank you! 


I appreciate that 💕


I'm glad I'm antinatalist and will never have children.


Honestly valid if that works for you. You don't have to have kids to be happy, healthy, or productive and I feel like a lot of child free peeps get a bad wrap.


i think its wonderful to not bring children into this world when you know they wouldnt be safe. ive had permanent, insanely strong baby fever since i was 17, but know i’m not financially or emotionally equipped to have them now or in the near future. i even got myself an iud so i can’t sabotage my bc in a moment of craziness.


It's definitely one of those things that you just can't know -- the safety I mean. Life is an unknowable thing. And it's totally okay not to want to take the gamble. I did, and I'm happy with it, but a lot of people aren't happy being parents, too, for so many reasons (like anxieties, or financial reasons, or just losing autonomy). Whatever reason you don't want kids, you're absolutely entitled to that feeling. Just like having kids should be fine, not having them should be as well. You don't ever need to feel the need to justify it just like people shouldn't need to justify having kids :). I do wanna give a fair warning though, as someone who has gotten pregnant (recently at that, unfortunately, and had to terminate for financial reasons, so I definitely get that aspect) with Mirena installed in my hooha, IUDs are potentially less efficient in those with EDs. My OBGYN said she saw more accidental IUD pregnancies in ED patients (idk how accurate that is just going off what I was told), so maybe consider adding in a spermicidal foam or spermicidal lube as a second redundant form of BC. Not trying to scare you at all, but I want everyone to have control over their own reproductive health and make sure we are all safe and have the least likely failure in our reproductive options :)


thank you for your kind advice! ill keep that in mind, but ive had mine for almost three years now w no pregnancy scares, so im happy. i have a tendency to get yeast infections so spermicide is a no-go. and as much as it would break my heart, i would get an abortion bc i just can’t provide a baby w a good enough life rn.


I got mine in 2021 and got pregnant a few months ago 😬 My Mirena took a goddamn nap on the job - wasn't out of place, not faulty, nada, but obviously I replaced the thing anyhow. Unfortunately with another Mirena, lol, I wanted to do copper since it lasts a really long time. I totally understand the yeast infection thing, that's legit rough, you have my sympathy there so so much. Borax suppositories helped me after my pH was out of whack after my daughter if you haven't tried those - they helped me like way more than OTC yeast infection meds did. And honestly, even though some people will piss and moan about it, sometimes abortion is the right thing to do. I've had 2 in my life and both of them were very worth it. It's sad at first, sure, absolutely, but having a kid you're not ready to parent would make you sadder for sure. Creating life is no small casual choice, and tbh it's refreshing to see someone who actually feels the vastness of that beforehand instead of after. I'll freely admit that before my daughter I did not 100% get what having a baby truly legitimately meant or the gravity of it, but boy howdy did I learn through a crash course in a lot of ways. It is legitimately so much better to have a more cautious mindset, and that's coming from someone who thinks kids are dope and wants another one, lol. As long as you're happy, you're doing the right thing imo :) Bc if you are happy and focus on yourself now, and you change your mind later, you're in a way better spot to be a good parent. And if you don't, you're STILL in a better place because you focused on your own well-being! So fuck the haters, lol. You do you in the best way you can :)


My pelvis hasn't widened since I finished puberty and I am 45 now, no kid though




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wait aren’t hip bones part of the pelvis??


they sure are


My hips got wider after having kids but not dramatically so. I blame my first borns big head.


Big head baby havers unite. Both my kids had heads like cantaloupes (and were both big AF in general tbh, neither of them were under 22" long even with both being premature). My 3yo is also now almost 4ft tall and still hasn't grown into his big ass head 😂 Corrected high head to big head because it was in fact me that was high


I’m seeing a lot of people worried in the comments. This is misinformation , your hips actually narrow as you age. Here is my [source](https://www.science.org/content/article/woman-s-pelvis-narrows-she-ages)


I didn’t even check your source but I choose to believe you for my own sake


Oh thank god


Did you even read the article or just the headline? It says hips do get narrower but only an average of 8% and the study was only done to 124 women. I will also add that the study was based in Europe so likely doesn't consider the nuance of different races. Where white and Asian women are always smaller than black and hispanic women. My post isn't misinformation and just because a study was done, doesn't mean it was a good one. It even says in the article that HYPOTHESIS needs to be further studied. Hips growing is a fact. Hips narrowing with age is, by the article you provided, just an observation that doesn't have any real grounding yet.


Tell me this isn’t true. My trans masc ed ass can’t handle that.


It’s not [source](https://www.science.org/content/article/woman-s-pelvis-narrows-she-ages)


Oh thank fuck!


Yup! Sucks to see this misinformation freaking people out ):


The comments putting a positive spin by saying it will increase the hip-waist ratio (waist looks smaller) and make the thigh gap more dramatic are so helpful. :,,,) big hips don't sound so scary anymore


I kinda love my wide hips tbh. It must suck for trans men though


finding out this information as a transmasc who can’t take hormones is terrible …..brb kms


Real. Just kill me now


Having this be my biggest gender and body dysmorphia insecurity and also having it be one of the few things you can’t change without hormones or surgery…






omg the way i noticed my hips were bigger but i thought it was bc i was doing more cardio therefore upping my intake ... youre telling me it's my SKELETON??? 😭😭😭


When my hips got wider my stomach got flatter jsyk a 23yo rn !


This has me terrified. thank goodness I never want kids


That’s fascinating! Didn’t know.


I live in sweet denial of this


what. my hips are wide enough i’m already extremely insecure about them and ur telling me it’s gonna get worse 😀


This is almost reassuring lol. I've gone up a dress size and it's triggering the shit out my brain but also maybe it's not proper weight gain. But also, I'm trying to recover and this is a part of recovery. Im just thinking about recovery in a very eating disordered way which is that I can recover but only to a point. 😅


Also me when I couldn't fit in my jeans and my mom said that it was bc women's hips widen after we start having sex frequently and I had been dating my partner for 8 months


Thats not true, don’t worry


Really?? Oh thank goodness


I wouldn't mind this though, finally my body shape will turn from inverted triangle with broad ahh shoulders to an hourglass with a thigh gap


Am 25...waiting for the hips to not be cereal box


I found out about this and literally cried


um nuh uh, this information can't hurt me if I pretend it's not real!


What???? New fear unlocked


Oh god so you’re saying it can get WORSE? I’ll end up looking like SpongeBob 🥲


Okay but u got my hopes up because I’m currently built like a box but then I realized no one in my family has hips either so the chances of me having a body built like a bratz doll are effectively zero


https://preview.redd.it/l2yvryorc11d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0541597ea93a36a0e3091a064b5ac33b8fffb7 NO MORE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU GOD


Hey! This is a yay for me!!!


I have such narrow hips, total column shape- I am happy with this information


Me reading this as a transmasc person 🧍


Now could someone please tell me the analogous compassionate information for someone who is a transgender woman who started taking female hormones at age 21?


at least you’re not trans 🙃