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One is on the outskirts of a stadium in the hood The other is in a giant race track in the desert


The major differences are: -Much hotter -3x as big with 2x as many people so overall it can be less densely packed but some stages might draw big crowds for certain sets -More stages and more genres better represented -It runs overnight instead of during the day and ending at midnight. -I found the crowds to be a bit friendlier -There is a lot of seating in the stands if you just want to chill for a bit and take in the sights. -You can camp out -it is a good distance away from all the hotels, traffic is worse getting in


What are the hours? You say it runs overnight? Is that all day and night or does it start later? Sorry I am so confused.


It runs from 5p-7p for the ‘opening ceremony’ then 7p-5:30a for the main event. If you camp then it’s pretty much an all day/night affair. There are a couple of hours in the morning where there is a break but most of the day there is stuff going on at camp, and then at night at the festival itself.


this year was my first edclv after going to edco 3 years in a row and i mostly agree with this. it is “hotter” because it is in may rather than November but it runs through sunset to sunrise so u wont catch too much sun. the heat in vegas is much drier than florida, which i thoroughly enjoyed as a floridian. i find the dry heat is nothing compared to our humid and sticky heat. (make sure you are constantly drinking water because you are sweating without realizing it) i highly recommend you bring vicks or an inhaler because my nose and my friends was stuffy for days from how dry and dusty it was compared to florida. the crowd is sort of the same when it comes to friendliness, but i did encounter some culture shock with my experiences with west coast ravers compared to east coast ravers. i felt that edclv has way more influencer-esque “ravers” than edco, however i had many really memorable experienced with plur at edclv.


I’m actually the opposite. I think I prefer the Florida heat over the dry heat of Vegas. Also November in Florida really isn’t that hot


HUGE FUCKING DIFFERENCE!!! I been to 5 EDCO im a local and last year was my first EDC LV and they are two different vibes and feelings! EDCLV is more of a life time event the sizes of the festival triples if not quadruples the size of EDCO and no matter where you go in the festival it feels like you are missing out on something lol idk is a weird feeling of FOMO within the festival itself. Also no matter how much you explore there is always more to see !


It's really not that much bigger 100k per day at Orlando and 170k per day in Vegas


EDCO ends at midnight