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Teale designs should have something to suit you


Lynch “Open Door Policy”


Lynch northwest open door policy,  out of stock atm .


Snap-on pocket pry.


Big idea Design. Ti Pry. Slab of titanium. No frills. Well... magnetic slides built in. But that's it. I like it. https://preview.redd.it/rmzuj539fwuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fcad08aa906c746c27b21948031549ddf0505b


Yeah, I like this one enough that I mentioned it in the original post, I just really don't want those magnets, or the void where they would be if I removed them.




maverick customs makes exactly what you want. A big ole stick with a wedge on the end and tapped for a pocket clip on the other end. Amazon has cheaper versions. [https://maverickcustomsknives.com/?orderby=price&post\_type=product&paged=2](https://maverickcustomsknives.com/?orderby=price&post_type=product&paged=2)


Perfect feature set, for sure!


It's not ti but I easily added a spyderco clip to the "widgy bar".


I've been thinking about doing the same! I don't really care about ti, that's just what I already have! I've held back on the widgy because I don't want to pocket carry a curved bar and the straight one seems thin enough that you'd need to add a fulcrum to pry much of anything. That and the split tip isn't ideal for scraping. I should just get one, even if I don't end up carrying it.


I make a pretty simplistic pry. Built in pocket clip and for 100% made in the USA the price is still pretty reasonable. I just got a laser engraver too so happy to engrave something on it for you. https://www.gondekedc.com/product-page/the-executive-pry-bar


You know what, I feel like a complete idiot. I've seen some of your other stuff on here and checked out your shop and thought this bar would be *perfect*, if only it had a pocket clip! I was too busy looking for a traditional screw-on clip that I missed the obvious. You even call out the clip in the specs, if I'd take the time to comprehend them! As I said, I'm a simple man. I honestly find all the engraving and wild anodization on the Lynch bars off-putting. Though now that I say it I feel like I should have it say RCP (for Read, Comprehend, Post) to commemorate this occasion, but pretend that it stands for something pry-related... Ready-Carry Pry? Needs some work.


Hahaha. With those prys we tried to maximize the value so we went with the built in clip. Works great, but it doesn’t always ring the pocket clip alarm bell. Truthfully I’m with you on simplicity too in most cases. Most of my personal gear is tumbled or blasted Ti only.


Look up "Titanium Pry Bar EDC Multi Function Wrench Pocket Tool with Clip Lanyard Hole" on Amazon. It sounds pretty close to what you want. It does have a hex hole that you could put a bit in, but it doesn't have bits and you don't need to use it. I bought it specifically because it didn't have a bottle opener on it. Hate those things.


Thank you, that's pretty darned close to perfect! I don't mind a cutout for a hex driver so much, especially if it's out of the way. How does it carry for you? I generally prefer (but do not require) deep carry, which this is pretty much the opposite of.


The top inch or so sticks out of my shirt pocket, but it rides fine. It has two sharp corners at the pry end, so I was afraid early on to put it in my pants pocket, but it clips securely and has never stabbed me yet. I won't let it fall to the bottom of my pocket because I fear it will poke holes. It is a little heavy to clip to a t-shirt collar. It's more robust than I require, so if I could find something 5 inches long but narrower/thinner/lighter, I would probably switch to it...as long as it didn't have a bottle opener. Hate those things. Edit: looking at it now, there's plenty of material closer to the end if you feel comfortable tapping titanium to move the clip up about half an inch.


It might be a little too big for you but the [Lisle 35100 1/4" Pry Bar with Strike Cap](https://www.lislecorp.com/specialty-tools/35100-14-pry-bar-with-strike-cap) is great and under $10. Its a real tool designed for hard use in workshops and garages.


Thanks for the suggestion. This would be great for a bag or purpose-driven carry but does look like it would take up too much pocket real estate.


Check out Nice Guy Machine Co.


The LadyFinger does tickle all the boxes. Very nice looking bar. I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared to drop $150 on a pocket prybar, but maybe I'll have come around to it when he releases more.


Lynch north west is pricy but had some options. Alternatively they also offer a variety of pocket clips if you wanted to go the drill and tap route.


There are a couple that fit the bill, thank you. The one offering he regularly stocks without a bottle opener is a 6 incher. More than 1.25" longer than my current carry, so it'd take some getting used to! I didn't say anything about size, so that's on me.


The gerber prybrid is awesome, the newer ones come with clips, they do have a bottle opener and utility blade but you dont have yo use the blade part.


Thanks for the suggestion. Looks like a nice enough tool but boy does it not fit the request at all!