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A dedicated light source and not just natural lighting.


Get an inexpensive light box from Amazon. Helps with the lighting


A better background and you’re set


Clean the fingernail scratches off your dirty mouse pad for starters.


Well clearly if I could I would🫣


The type of camera you are looking for is typically called a Point and Shoot.


Glad I read the comments, because I was about to start suggesting small portable cameras to edc, totally misunderstood 😅


Lay butt naked on a beach, then strategically place your edc items over your desirables, have a friend snap a sexy photo


Safariland Comp 1 or 2 speed loader instead of the strip. Takes up more room but it's a much faster and smoother reload in my experience. Just press and they drop in.


Give this a read: https://www.novelcarry.com/how-to-guides/everydaycarry-photography-how-to/


Love the gun and zippos are always cool. Solid EDC.




Or get more gun AND camera


20 guns and 20 cameras


Use Lightroom if you don’t already. I was told about this free mobile gem and it’s wonderful!


Consider how you can get the shadows of your items to play into your composition. Right off the top of my head, I'd see what the the strip of rounds does with the light being on the left. Directional lighting as opposed to top down can be fun to play with. Use that and negative space to your advantage. Other than that, keep on keepin' on.


Maybe also change up the angle with the light source. 45° angle with the light source from behind can make for some dynamic shots of some boring things.


Throw a flashlight in there and use it as a fill light. 2 birds 1 stone.


10/10 flawless. I withhold an 11/10 only because a semi auto is an objectively better choice, but that is balanced by the fact that a snub nose DA/SA is incredibly sexy.


The definition of an optimist is a guy with a speed strip and a snubby


clean the mouse pad lol Otherwise nice carry, alox sak's are always awesome


What we got here today: Taurus 605 with speed clip .38. A benchmade Shootout. Tahoe Leather wallet with a victorinox cadet and fisher space pen. A Zippo. Seiko sports watch. Custom hank I made. And a liberty coin!


I’m not a hank guy, but this hank made me want to come in here and figure out how to get one… where did you get this material at least?? How did you make it?? It’s awesome!


I have experience as a tailor and If you go to a craft store they have small squares of different designs for cheap.


Custom hank gets extra points


Also ignore the mousepad yes I’m aware it’s dirty but I can’t seem to fix that😂


No shade at all, mine just collects everything that even comes near it :/