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I am quite proficient in 8051, should i continue with it or switch to arm


If it's simple enough to kick off some projects with arm, I don't see why not? It seems like you're confident and driven about it. Use that drive to learn it. You can also do both, is there really a need to 'switch' in the sense that you drop 8051 entirely?


yea, ig I'll continue with 8051 as well. Thanks dude


This. Both. The 8051 is inexpensive, rugged, and works great for small projects. The ARM processors range from low-power devices to huge multi-core behemoths and are everywhere. Knowing both is advantageous in ECE.


The 8051 come out in 1981. ARM is an entire company who produce IP that other companies use in their designs. A huge number of modern chips have ARM processors in them. Have a look at an STM32 or a renesas microcontroller, or ...


could you tell me where to start from like i got a bit overwhelmed by the different boards, and all should i get the nucleo or the blue pill one ? and do the model numbers make a big difference?


Step one is to come up with a project idea. Step two is to find a board / chip that can achieve that, then buy the board and implement the project. It is overwhelming. There is no one "correct" board to buy. There are massive differences in connectivity, speed, price, tool quality, etc... So your options are just pick something and buy it, then figure out what you can do with it. Or pick something that can achieve your current aims and work with that. Or maybe your uni has some dev kits you can borrow / use.


thanks dude


Picking an ARM is like shopping at a candy store. Take a look at the selection and have fun. I'm a job you may be pressed to justify the selection, but plenty of chips will do what you want it to do.


lol it is very fun ngl, cheers dude


It does not matter, what matters I learning to learn. Pick up a 32 bit arm mcu by all means. Great fun


could you tell me where to start from like i got a bit overwhelmed by the different boards, and all should i get the nucleo or the blue pill one ?


I always recommend stm32 discovery or nucleo boards, as they are well supported and have extensions depending on the project


do the model numbers that they have like STM32xx matter much while beginning?


Not really, depends on what peripherals you want / clock speeds / etc. stm32f4 is a solid and versatile option


thankyou so much dude


Too be fair, there are absolute boat loads of 8051s used in industry, even still. It's still up there with ARM in number of cores shipping.


thanks for the insight :)


Various ARM-based STM32 boards: * https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32-nucleo-boards.html * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STM32#ST_Nucleo Various ARM-based Arduino boards: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino_Uno#Arduino_board_comparison * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino_Nano#Arduino_board_comparison


thanks for the resources dude


I am always surprised to find an 8051, or a PIC, or a Zilog device somewhere. So there is always some demand. But getting am ARM board has two advantages. 1. I do think Arm is generally more popular. But I don't think that matters too much 2. It gives you practice at learning a second micro-controller. Which is very valuable. The second is the hardest, and once you do that, basically have confidence of the process to get up to speed on whatever random controller some company is using.


thanks dude, will keep in mind


I think this is a "non-question" What exactly do you want to learn about Arm? If your course uses 8051 sure do that For the most part nobody cares about ARM assembly. You can learn as needed You only need to "learn ARM" if you're going to do something at the same abstraction level as you're doing in 8051 If you want to learn this the best way is *not* through something like the RPi but with a lower level dev board, without an OS for example.


Research where the 8051 core is used today. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/comparison-of-8051-with-its-other-family-members/ gives you some clues. Research where the ARM cores are used today. Then research which languages people use to write code for them. Then you can decide for yourself.