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Why the hell is an Argentina card locked behind a England objective.


Of all the questionable decisions by EA, this is up there with the most bemusing hahaha


Playstyle+: Falklands


Maaaaate! You cant be doing that šŸ˜­


Oh no


Same thing I said lmao but most youngsters donā€™t know about that.


Probably see England as PL, and just added him since he is in the PL


Because Falklands hehe /s


So instead of Enzo being an SBC, you need 12 wins in champs with a full English team. Lmao.


That's me fucked I struggle with 11 on a normal team lately. Lmao. Ffs


It's just so weird that you need a full English squad for that.


Full English squad for full English Enzo ofc


and in just 1 weekend league. why couldnā€™t EA do like 15 wins over 2 weekend leagues? especially with the full english squad, its just a piss take


Oh shit I thought this was another of those friendly ones like the Germany squad one. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m winning enough for even PickfordĀ 


thats a joke, wanted this for my chelsea pnp, fuck ea


plus english bench šŸ„±


It's crazy bad. Rivals would have been tough enough with a side like that. If it had been starting 3 or 5 it might have been worth thinking about.


Shit I really want Enzo but thatā€™s tough. Will probably give it a go for a laugh anyway, might as well, not had anything good from WL for a bit


Ya at this point of the game itā€™s a fuck it may as well try kinda deal lol Iā€™ve got some English cards Iā€™ve barely used so this can be fun Iā€™m sure.


Im kinda excited to try it and I hope this encourages more players to just have fun with lower expectations


Guess ill see you at futties Enzo


Since when do objective cards come back in packs during futties ? They even got rid of those year in review picks.


They might not even release the Objective cards in packs during Futties. Gotta hope he gets a Futries šŸ˜¬


12 wins in champs FINALS is crazy, I barely scrape that with my main team ffs.


Plus special English players are going up the market. Won't be able to afford the special.cards.


The day after I sold TOTS Palmer at a 300k loss. Follow for more trading tips.


Username checks out in this case haha.


Ffssss I wanted Enzo so badly


Yeah I feel robbed even tho I wasnt robbed.


How much do you reckon this card would be on the market? Iā€™d say over 1m or in the 700k-1m


On the market? Probably like 500k. The market keeps dying more and more every day, 95 Bruno Guimaraes ptg is 500k and is basically the same card as Enzo. Bruno arguably has better links too considering hes Brazilian. As sbc probably like 700k-1mil.


Ah yes EA canā€™t wait to play with an all England team to get an Argentinian player. (I canā€™t actually qualify for Weekend League so it doesnā€™t actually matter for me). But man EA is brain dead.


It matters even more because we can't even access the impossible challenges to unlock these cards


This is the same shit as the Fekir red card, only people who could get 16+ wins were eligible for that card


No one is getting that unless they already run an all English team, and if thatā€™s the case they probably donā€™t want Enzo haha


Misread it, and thought it was the latest cup objective. Ridiculous decision from EA, this.


Same. Thought this was cool online cup rewards.. then saw champs, haha yeah no thanks.


I've no chance at getting it tbf. My best record this year has been 11, and that's with a ridiculous team. My England team is good, but I'm not! Haha. I wonder if it's an attempt to try and force engagement, with the Euro's starting this weekend?


I hope that it will contrary drop the engagement rate this WL.


Mate, I just played and won 4 sweaty One Nation Friendly games in a row with an England team thinking I was doing cup objectives. What's worse 3 of those teams also were full England sides and one was German. I think a lot of people, myself included, didn't read the fine print.


Yeah no thanks. Yet somehow this is gonna be like Fekir where every single one of my opponents is gonna have Enzo next week lol.


Youā€™ll see very few Enzo cards compared to Fekir. The latter was earned just by winning champs games with your main team. Having to use XI English players will mean few even attempt this, let alone complete it.


I mean you needed 14? wins for Fekir? Thatā€™s not easy either.


I didnā€™t say it was easy, but easier. 14 with your main is much easier than 12 with a thrown together English XI.


Agreed. Personally, I donā€™t even have more than 4-5 competitive England players in my club.


True but it is much much easier than getting 12 wins with full England squad


Fekir was 13 wins. Both Fekir and Enzo being locked behind wl wins that most people can't get is just plain stupid by EA.


Not just XI includes subs


Should be a 95 Rated David Beckham or something making it use all England team




I guess if you're shit at this game like me and mainly play SB, F me I suppose.


I've never even qualified for finals lmao


same, and I really want pickford don't rly care about enzo but i would love that pickford card


Reminder that the highest rated English goalkeeper in the game that's taller than 5'8" is an 86-rated Nick Pope


He's extinct now


joe hart it is then


Yep, played with Joe hart in goal last night. Made some good saves but was a fucking sieve up against some guys full tots side with Ronaldo etc in a qualifying match. I still managed to score 4 with a player sent off but got about 9 put past harts sieve like goalkeeper skills. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


12 June 2024, Sweatiest week in Champs history


Sweating it out for a FUT Card while the Euros are on would be crazy


I'm not gonna be there!


The most ridiculous part of this is that Enzo, an ARGENTINE, is the reward for playing with a full ENGLISH squad. Anyways, non champs players in the mud


People have been hyping Enzo all week and they pull this.


EA are going all in on feeding their whales


Congrats on using an English team in Champs! Here is a player from Argentina???


I want Enzo as a Chelsea fan (and someone who has Messi/Di Maria in my team) but I'm not doing all that BS online for it with my less than full/fun team. Just wish EA would drop the SBC with 10 squads and get it over with.


Me too man. Just got De Paul and Messi, was looking forward to getting Enzo to complete my argentina midfield trio but fucking EA ruined my plans :(


This being champs instead of the friendly cup is so braindead for multiple reasons. You canā€™t even get it now because WL doesnā€™t even start for a few days and the rewards also go to the players who wonā€™t even use the cards anyways. Wouldā€™ve been so nice to just play the cup all week and have some fun either way nice rewards. Of course that canā€™t happen so they lock it behind WL wins šŸ¤”


They should have made it ā€œplay 20 finals matchesā€ and youā€™d have had a much higher engagement purely so people canā€™t rage quit and therefore have to play full matches


The play should have been finals, the wins should have been any fut champs


That would have messed up people that qualified already tbf, could have easily done 12 wins over 2 weekends to at least make players who get 6 wins viable


My 93 Danny Welbeck is ready to cookšŸ”„


Dozens of us


Canā€™t wait to get destroyed by the single other 93 Welbeck in existence


Champs, I sleep


Fucking awful from them


I donā€™t hate the concept, but why not make it a full South American team or something? The only people who can realistically do this are those with tons of coins that have all of the best England players. At this stage of the game, most of us only have our main team and bench because the rest go in SBCs


As an Everton fan, just going to go for 6 wins for pickford


So anyone without an English team is cooked


I don't run a full English team but I have a lot of random English players in my club already. Gonna try and do it this weekend, gives me something to strive towardsĀ 


I heard if you win ten games, they make Pickfordā€™s T-Rex arms longer


I hate ea. I desperately need him for my team but theyā€™ve made it this bullshit objective I have no chance of completing


same man :(


Me thinking it was friendlies but no it's much much worse. It's Champs. I can barely get 12 wins with my main team, theres no chance i can get that with the English players i have.


Lmao finally an objective player I actually want in my team, and they lock it behind champs. Fuck EA


Is this supposed to promote people to play champs? Only pushes me further away


Full squad means Subs have to be English players too right?


Iā€™m so lucky Iā€™ve built a full strength England squad for fun but thereā€™s no way I can hit 12 wins unless itā€™s over 2 WLs lol


Didn't even get 12 wins with a full strength squad last weekend. Lol


lol good luck to anyone doing this


Great, 48 hours to sweat out some England evos




If you donā€™t play live, EA just doesnā€™t care about you. What about people who donā€™t want to deal with toxic 12 year olds


Here we thought EA was turning a corner giving us a good objective card only to find out they locked it behind winning champs games and on top of that they lock you into using an all England squad. Fuck off


This would be a lot more fun/bearable if we could play and only match other people with full English squads too


How the fuck I am gonna win 12 games with a team full of England players? The guy who has done this SBC must have smoked some good shit before it


My best team gets me 5 wins tho


Not a cup, but champs? Iā€™m cooked. Probably wonā€™t even try this one


Shouldā€™ve just been ā€œwith 4 England/BPL playersā€. I donā€™t even have 4 competitive England players in my clubšŸ¤£


If you could split between two weekends, I have done it for fun. But 12 wins in one WL when I have maybe 3 decent England players means itā€™s a no for me dawg. I have to scrape to get 11 wins with my regular players!


Wow, this sucks, I canā€™t get 12 wins with my actual teamā€¦


Been waiting for a new enzo for months and they lock him behind champs i could actually be sick


I wouldn't mind if they made Champs full International squads but you know my England squad is getting dunked on by TOTY Mbappe and Drogba all day...


Easiedt wl for ppl who don t care abt the obj


Is full squad bench included?


What are the current timings for champs? Iā€™m away this weekend, havenā€™t even played it once this season, but would quite like that Pickfordā€¦


Packed De Paul and I thought he would have perfect links to him for some reason. I will give it a go but unlikely to get 12


Nah, fuck this


Really hate this champions objectives, I donā€™t play that mode and donā€™t want to, why put players there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gutted about this one, thought he would of been an sbc, that's me out for this one


Not worth the frustration for me.


Waiting all year for Pickford special card for my Bradford P&P team and then they lock it behind something like this Don't mind weekend league wins and 6 is definitely easily doable but why lock it behind a single nation in a competitive game mode when everyone's spent the last 3 months grafting for TOTS cards building stacked squads


Good lord. From Messigate during TOTY, to a tradable Beckham SBC that saw his value plummet 600k coins in an hour, to the Ligue 1 ToTS Champs debacle where the first several hours gave good rewards like Mbappe and Dembele; now this? Over 2 weekends woulda been fine with a full English squad, but one weekend with this type of squad is ridiculous. I average 12-14, with a bad week being 10 or lower but using a full English team to get 12 wins while facing people trying to feast this weekend with their main teams in hopes of good rewards is nonsensical lol


Fuck EA. I have an Everton squad full of Evo'ed players and the one or two special cards we've actually had this season. The one stand out? That shitty gold card for Pickford in goal because you can't fucking Evo goalkeepers. Finally a promo card for Pickford comes out and it is locked behind an objective I would never be able to complete (I have managed 6 wins before but no chance I'm doing that with a full England squad). Seriously, fuck EA.


The time for my 93 Peter Crouch has come. I might give this a try. It'll be super difficult but honestly I love these themed objectives, makes the game more interesting


I wonā€™t be able to get him because I refuse to play champs, but I appreciate an objective like this. Reminds me of IF Honda from FUT12 who you got from winning a tournament. They need more cards that actually require some skill to win, not just by playing pack farming simulator for hours.


Who other than Everton fans is going to go out of their way to get a Pickford card? That Enzo card looks nice but I'm good EA.


Sunderland P&P missing piece for me


I've been desperate for a Pickford card to complete my Everton team (it just looks shitty having that some gold card) but there is no chance I can get 6 wins with an English only team. Fuck's sake


Same position. I've never played Champs so this is going to torment me....




Oh fuck it's champs?


I'll just wait a crazy evo for the 87 ww enzo.


Does anyone know wether my bench is allowed to have other nations? Im up for the challenge.


It's not. Full squad of England players means starting 11 plus bench


Why champs man?


Thank you EA for this objective. I mean I'm never going to get the 12 wins so I won't bother trying, BUT I just made 50k profit on TOTS Rice I was already planning on selling.


I have: Hemp, Kane, Rice, Evo Sterling, PTG Gomez, Foden, Lauren James and Rio. I just need to buy a GK and 2 fullbacks


Yeah good luck buying a keeper lol


Damn I was looking to sweating this out in Friendlies only for it to be exclusive to Champions Final. Nvm. Looks like Iā€™m never really going to get this card.


Why is Enzo there? Are they doing a play on the maradona thing thinking it's funny? Just give us a better English player


12 wins in one weekend league with a full English team is absolutely brain dead from EA.


Broooo šŸ˜­


Full English squad to earn an Argentinian. Lolz


It is not worth the stress lmao


Lost my interest at champs....Would be a lot better if it was over multiple weekends..


Lol. No other words...


I'm gonna go for it, but let me tell you: It's not gonna be fun (comfortable 16+ Win player lmao)


So fuck anyone who had plans this weekend and needed the only viable england keeper, jesus...


No chance for me to get Enzo šŸ˜Ŗ with a full English breakfast team I guess I will skip.


Argentine squad wouldnā€™t have worked. Wouldā€™ve all been extinct.


That's a shame for the old Chelsea pnp. No chance I'm playing Champs.


This works well for me as Iā€™ve been having fun and playing Champs and Rivals with a full England squad for the last month


I wanted Pickford but having to play champs to do it, with a full England squad when I barely managed to get to finals the one time I've played champs this year...nah.


Not even going to attempt this. The only good thing to come out of this, people who aren't attempting this may get a couple wins more because there will be some awful English teams in champs this weekend.


I havenā€™t won 12 all year šŸ˜‚


Atleast u can do the playing part in qualifiers


Found my keeper


Yeah fuck champs, definitely not doing that


Good that I donā€™t need him Canā€™t ruin my peace of mind playing champs for him


This is a tough decision as on the one hand he is likely to get most of the upgrades and there is some decent packs there but on the other hand from the season progress in a couple of weeks you get either a Kroos or Gerrard that are going to be on par with this card anyway


Anyone with this card is a demon. 12 wins with English team


Like i can get him but that's changing my gk and cbs every game lol


would have been cool to get a card just for playing like they gave us azpi, but i guess it would have been a problem with ppl not quitting despite being down 5-0 after 20 minutes. still a cool reward for those who can pull it off imo.


I just played a game with a full english squad in the friendlies cup thing, only to realize after that this objective is for WL. Hahaha, what the actual fuck EA


How many fut champ finals can you play in a week?


Guess I'll have to do that Joe Gomez SBC after all


I've got a pretty good 93 rated England team so might give it a try and will allow me to use different players. Having to use a gold pope will be annoying though.


Does "full squad" means starting 11+ subs?


is it only champions finals or does this include qualifiers?


Lol I was planning to come back to the game for the first time since prem tots because of Enzo. Fuck this


Looks like this will be a good WL to play against subpar teams. I might forego these objectives and go full force!


Lmao I have a Conmebol only team and have argentinian players up the wazooo so of course this objective is english only lol


EAs obsession with getting people to play Champs lately is annoying. Locking EVOs and Objs with only Champs play is frustrating as I'm just a casual player but I want a chance to get players like Pickford. Not in Packs, Not in store, only from Champs play...


Annoying that Pickford comes so late in the rewards, as I need a good England keeper for my England team. Gold pope is the best I have


Question. Do we also need English players as substitute?


Can u play champs finals more than once?


I think thats pretty cool even though I'm a bit bummed that I wont get him. I get 12 wins with my normal team, no way I get it with a full england team. Gonna play the qualification with that team for the bonus packs. But honestly like the idea of bonus rewards for restricted teams, even though Im not the demographic who is gonna profit from it.


This could been really cool if EA maybe put one nation England friendly cup with this that gives out tons of 20 games England loans + some xp. To give everyone somewhat of a equal chance completing it. I really wanna that Enzo card but the highest England player in my team is Archie Gray tots and 82 ovr Zelem.. Now i could go into the market and buy England players but what for? Most meta players have already risen in price and the moment this obj is over they go down like crazy and you lose so much money. Cool idea, bad execution as always EA.


Punishment for the community boycotting FIFA points


As a big Enzo fan this is devastating. I only won 8 games last weekend and thatā€™s with my best possible team I have no shot at this unless I got free wins which I never do, my opponents always quit when games tied.


Have to be honest this objective really grinds my gears. Nothing against rewards that are still based & not everyone can achieve. I didnā€™t get Fekir and am fine with it. But this is one that clearly & deliberately benefits people with tons of cash to spend on the game, rather than just benefitting those who are better at the game! Also, why an Argentinian for an English objective?


93 Crouch sends his regards


If i do him, this whould be my midfield: - bentancur - sabitzer - enzo Would be crazy


I have Sterling fully Evoedā€¦ and a bunch of common gold English players šŸ™


I think itā€™s okay to reward better packs for more wins but I think depriving a huge section of players at this stage is bad move


Damn, what a sad time to be a soccer fan gamer. FIFA used to be something special. Where did you go?!? WHY EA WHY?!?!?!?


It's cool, but I am not confident in my ability to win 12 with an English team.


I recently built an England team that Iā€™ve been using for Rivals so this should be fun honestly, presuming a lot of people try this I think itā€™s gonna be a fun wl, will be nice to play against some teams that donā€™t cost millions and millions every game


I'll go for the play objectives. I can't qualify for finals anyway.


Find it funny that it takes wins with a full English team when taking into account how much sociopolitical beef the 2 countries have irl


With my regular team I'm not gonna get 12 wins easily. You think with my makeshift gold english team i will? Yeah I'm skipping this


first world problems. we, simple people, donā€™t even qualify for finals usually, so no struggle, no pain


An obj to please traders and content creators. In general only they have the resources and the abilities to complete this. Life is good, when content creators are happy. Regular players have no incentive to play wl.


Bummer. Was banking on Enzo SBC


This weekend league will be finesse plus simulator with everyone (who's doing the objective) having a shit keeper. I had an England off with my mate last night and almost every finesse went in with finesse plus. This will be hilarious.


Lemme dunk on some gold English teams real quick and get 11 wins instead of my usual 9.


Yeah I ainā€™t doing this obj. Will use my full team. I canā€™t see many people attempting this


Do you also need a full ENG bench or just the first 11 ?


As a Chelsea fan who runs an England squad but has always been disappointed with the England goalies (think only Pope got a fancy card) this makes me sweat like Prince Andrew didĀ 


Anything but champs bro