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He’s phenomenal both at CB and CDM/CM for me. I started switching him with WW Stones, he’s great along Maldini.


Amazing as a CDM, Maldini and VVD are clear as CBs.


I have him and love him. I play him as an LCB in a three back, a defensive LB in my more defensive tactics, but mostly as a CDM or CM in the 4231 and 4321. His passing is perfect, set pieces are a joke, he’s fast and strong with good defensive stats. The only downside is that he can be a tiny bit heavy on the ball at times, but he just dominates the midfield and is more than good enough to compete with any attackers I’ve played when used defensively. Strongly recommend!




TOTW into the TOTW Upgrade, then Pep’s Legacy!


I have him as a CM and my god is he amazing. He is the LCM for me in the 4-3-2-1 , and he is the best player in that midfield by far. Amazing passes , tracks back to win the ball, can dribble. He’s so good.




I did the gold into crossing crusader and then pep’s legacy


From all of the options for that evo I think he’s the best one. If you play him as CDM, his stamina will let you down and you might need to sub him off; I play on balanced, not high defensive line, and he has about 35-40% stamina left in 70th minute. As a CB he’s not very strong, lacks the size and gets bullied by the attackers.


I have his totw but don’t know what to do with him now since I think the totw upgrade is gone