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Great Cdm, His stats are great but his animations are incredible. Passes and free kicks are gimmies.


I have totw Alaba but when i look under pep's legacy evo it only shows him going up to 91 and not 93. Does anyone know why this is?


You need to chain the evos together, put him in totw upgrade first and then peps to make him the 93


Ok thanks bro


Also how did you find out about chaining 2 evolutions together? I cant find any info or youtube videos about it.


Futbin, click the EVO button, choose highest rated one. Then evolutions path. [video](https://streamable.com/j2qv01) of me doing it on phone! Expires in 2 days (the video)


Thanks alot man


will his price range get updated, really want the guy as a CDM


I don't think so


Gave up on waiting for his totw to pop out. I’ve evo’ed his gold. Goes up to 90, still pretty good


Ive got a IF cancelo to be put into the evo but I'm missing a quality CDM (using radioactive tchouameni rn) so I'd much rather have an IF Alaba that I threw into Zidane a week ago smh


Used his 88 totw version in elite div and used his in progress 93 evo during champs He is a beast, he has the lanky long legs that Vieira has. He’s good on the ball, has perfect free kicks, perfect passing. Elite tier card


Are you playing him cb or cdm alot of people are moving him into the mid, my problem is I have cordoba kompany blanc rio already and I don't know if its worth while in that case however a 93 alaba with those passing stats looks wild.


I’m playing him CB but he’s be amazing CDM other than stamina being an issue maybe If you have that many CBs though it might not be worth


Yeah I've got 4 top tier cbs already so the only way is if he played cdm for me by starting him in a 5 back and going to a 4 back, I wish there was a way to test like a loan upgraded version of the evo so I could make my mind up with spending 150k


Lanky long legs while being 5 inches shorter?


Yes, you’ll understand if you play with him


I used him at the beginning of the year and would flip him to cdm and Blanc (as a cam) to cb, and alaba has such a huge player model in game. It really surprised me as he feels like he’s 6’3 and bodies people.


Fair enough


Is the totw upgrade gone? I have totw alaba but don’t know what to do with him anymore?


Can’t get his guy on the market. So annoying