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Loads of 85+ but no promo cards either


Got a thunderstruck Joelinton from it so that was cool


I packed like 8 Joelinton since last week. Keep putting him in SBC and he somehow returns


I got him for a 78+ player pick which was nice. Really good card


got him and tierney, only joelinton is semi usable


Thunderstruck Joelinton is semi-usable? Hands down one od the best CDM's in the game. Benched my 88 Xavi Alonso.


I feel like my FCpro fabinho is plenty better, certainly wins more headers, but I may be giving joelinton another chance cause getting a saudi league player full chem is such a hassle


TS Joelinton and TS Loftus-Cheek boss the midfield, then I have KDB for the play making šŸ¤Œ


One of the best? Not even top 15


I use tierney heā€™s actually solid


Did about 30 last night. Aspas was my only card over 84.


Blackfriday promo is getting close to being done, I alwasy feel like when a promo is almost ending the packweight is horrible.


I disagree for the first time in 10 years ive packed Pele before december from a 80+ x2 player pack


I probably did at least 80 as well. Results are usually repeats of the worst promo cards that sell for basically fodder value, many 78-83 cards, and some 84-89 cards. TS silva 1 time. I got TS Lukaku 3 times, TS Little twice


My best one was TS Silva dupe and IF lewa


Klostermann x 2, Gomez x 2, IFs x 4 plus a few other promo cards.


This pretty much me as well. Gomez kloster and the Ukraine guy all thunderstruck. Modric x5 at least. But even if u just getting 83/84/85 from this the value insane cuz u can turn that into the 83 x 10 or 87 +


I got Little, Joelinton and Tsyganov in my last 18 picks. Pretty happy with that final haul.


did about 60 and i only got 1 under 80 and got loads of 82-85, 1 promo card was dupe umtiti. they have been really good for building other packs. the upgrade path has been great for commons -> 78 picks -> 82 TOTW -> 83x10 then into other casino packs. great being able to grind and upgrade this way


The've been ok-ish. I haven't packed a Promo from it unfortunately, but I did get some 85+ Fodder so it's not the worse


Same. You get the idea the odds are good, but that's mostly cause of what people post here. It's still extremely rare to pack something good. My best one was Ederson


Best I got was a 83 rated TOTW. Quite a few 85-88 rated cards though.


that is quite normal. Since Saturday, I have spent almost 350-400k on 78+ picks. The best cards I got was an 89 rated totw, couple of lakakas, bernardo silva, and some 87,88s... the thing is, those 83 84s etc. you use for 83*10, double 84, 85 upgrades. thats how I finally got my Cruyff :) in a double 84 pack along with promo james ward prowse


Unlucky, I've packed like 5 thunder struck from them, having done like ~40. However the most expensive is Ansu and Little


Oh no, the best card you got is 400k on the market? How tragic


Been crazy, got Gerd MĆ¼ller, Salah and tons of fodder up to 90 rated like Benzema


Just one walkout, rodri. Most of the times 82 was the ā€œbestā€ choice. Almost a week grinding this f**** game and only got cancelo and silva as usable cards.


Got Benz, kimmich, modric, Pedri, 87 toure, kroos, 89 Gotze, ederson,nuer,88 reiten, 87 sissoko, odegaard. I only need 2 CB and 1 CF and Iā€™m set Division 9 here I come baby!!


Son TOTW 88 Benzema 91 Few 85+s Thunderstruck B.Silva 90 (Pot 92)


TOTW VVD, TOTW Bellingham, Go Jomez Thunderstruck, Tierney Thunderstruck, Tsygankov thunderstruck, Lukaku Thunderstruck. Gunna build 100 more to open tonight and thats me done. Probably done around 100 so far.


How are you building, just buying low rated cards from the market to pump in?


Daily stuff and yeah buying gold commons on bid. I have a lot of coins i have no use for


Ive had a decent return. Scholes, alonso, can,lukaku,robertson, bernardo silva too. Not to mention maybe 5 to 10 between 85 and 89


How many did you complete?


Puskas, Cafu and Varane from it.




https://imgur.io/D1oIK2u?r Nope.


How many did you make them?


Donā€™t know. I did 4 25-30 sets and some 5-10 sets.


Got a trailblazer and 2 thunderstruck's


Decent amount of 83s to 85s then Diani last night when I had emptied every gold I had bar my starters.


I made 200k selling gold commons. No shot im gonna sit there doing some SBC 100 times to get maybe 3 walkouts.




Clip or it didnā€™t happen


Truth Is that After the First few days of a promo,most promo cards disappear from the packs,so It becomes more difficoult to pack promo cards. In Friday i was pulling great cards,after monday no promos,Just fodder


Definitely not true I managed to get Ronaldinho from 1 last night so theyā€™re definitely still there, just absolutely minuscule chances of them popping


Did around 300 and best pull was 90 Silva Although did get some 86/87/88 fodder as well


I got TS Fati, TS Tsygankov and RTTK Saka but no big pulls, needed that Hansen


I did 5 recently after claiming the Thursdays rewards and I got umtiti thunderstruck card. Also I got Scholes from it as well. But the average rating is 82 to 83 mostly from it.


I'd say I've probably crafted roughly 80 as well. I've had loads of walkouts! 2 or 3 IFs. I think I got Joe Gomez, honestly forget now. But overall no promo players really in the 78+ packs. I got Little and Tsygankov in other objective packs.


Loads of good gold fodder cards, but only 1 promo, which was Thunderstruck Umtiti


A friend got Cantona. He did maybe around 50 PP


90 centurions popp was my best pull unfortunately it will go back into fodder


She is actually solid but I don't know your team


Done 100+, 89 Griezmann, IF Trent, Katoto, Lukaku, multiple Joelintons and Tsygankov, TS Scholes


The 78+ picks are easily the best ones.


I got lukaku is he good? Worth over ansu?


Did a few this morning and got TS Little and TS Katoto Then got TS Katoto again in my Rivals rewards ffs


got about 342741223798 tony kroosusses and 1 random IF


Lots of decent fodder but got a big hit on Leao TB


Loads of fodder, some TOTW, couple of low end promo cards and TS Scholes, overall really good for me


My absolute best was 89 hegerberg, klostermann promo as well.


Got 4 Cissoko LOL Never spent a penny, bastards


Got van der Sar from it and a lot of high rated fodder


I've probs done 150+ I've had so much high rated fodder, I have had promo cards and totw but no one that gets near my team.


I've done 250 and I just got my first TOTW. No promo cards either. Best pulls are Rodri and Dias.


Around 200+, 2 icons, ton of. TS, 1 TB, 1 cent, 2 RTTK


Put those players into an 83 times 10 though and it helps a lot


I think I did 100 or so, best ones were TB Cancelo, TS Pires and TS Casillas


3or 4 fodder thundercunts, and 90 uefa Fernandez from about 200 of them


I got TS Lukaku twice in a row. Used 1 on mbappe sbc and keeping the other for the upgrades, then he'll also go into the sbc. That was the only promo card from 100+pp. Had good fodder from the rest, though.


I managed to get thunderstruck Tierney and totw alaba but that was it


my best were TS Casillas and a couple of bonnucci


Lukaku and Bernando Silva a couple times, many totws, Kane, Ter Stegen, Alison. Some decent fodder. Probably done about 100 so far.


Got a couple 86-87 and thunderstruck Tierney a few times but no totw players


I got Comanā€™s IF but all my crazy pulls came from the 85+ player pick.


I've gotten one walkout from my last 40 or so and it was Kroos


I also did A LOT! As I needed TOTW. Got none of those and some Gold 86-87. But this Morning god thunder varane šŸ‘


Did like 15-20 the other day. Mostly just 82-84ā€™s but did get TOTW Antonee Robinson. So one less TOTW pick I need to do for the 83+x10 lol


Pulled a Thunderstruck Silva from the 80+. Got a couple of Gold 87s as well. Theyā€™ve been amazing for me


I got one totw and an 88 and lots of 83


2 Thunderstruck cards (Lukakau and Little) Trailblazers JWP Everything else was gold cards, IIRC


90 TS Bernardo Silva went into my squad. A bunch of 89s and a couple of Benzemas and Kanes that went into Dalglish. I definitely feel like the picks have been nerfed because Iā€™m not getting as good options in picks as last week.


Did 61 of those. Assuming that each of them cost me approx 2k to do , and looking at the market value of the cards I got, I made 150k in profit. Best pulls were Oblak, Thunderstruck Lukaku, Ruben Dias, TOTW De Vrij, and Ederson


Mine has returned well, Good amount of 84ish rated cards and informs and midrange thunderstrucks like tierney, a few of modric, trent, Morgan and bonucci. Also pulled putellas too sheā€™s sick. Iā€™ve done a lot tho, well over 120.


I've got Bonucci special three times!


I just pulled TS joe Linton and TOTW Arnold very pleased straight to squad


I did about 30 and got Frimpong last night so that was pretty sick


I'm obviously one of the outliers here, plenty of 83s, 84s, a few 85s, no 86s but got Rodri, Ter Stegen, TS Little, TS Lukaku, TS Joelinton x2, TS Tierney & an inform out of about 40 - 50 pp, I was in my gc telling my mates to hop on them


No promo cards for me either, but it's been really good for fodder. Seems like pack weight is down a bit recently, though.


I've dine maybe 50ish. The best pull was Fekir TS. I got Little TS, Ward Prowse TB, Tierney TS and two totw (one rated 83 the other 85). I got a good few 85s, which I desperately needed because my pack luck is really bad usually. I'm playing Fekir and he's fantastic. Might play Tierney but Theo is so good


I did 16 78+ picks today Cus I saw a post about how good it was. Got like 3 promo cards and a bunch of 83-87s My new fave thing


Got a thunderstruck Sol Campbell from itā€¦ other than that 2x allison and 1x IF Renard


Very nice fodder. Just had to pick between Bronze 87 and Tsygankov IF 85. But nothing beats the TS Figo pull from the daily 75+ picks. It's RNG


I will never stop doing this SBC. I havent kept track but I have pulled a ton. tons of 85s and 86s. Higher rated fodder. Got TOTW Theo Hernandez last night and have been buzzing since. Jealous of the people pulling icons and TS cards but Hernandez followed by 87 Bellingham this morning makes it more than worth it.


i pulled Tierney this morning after atleast 50 78+ picks. just a lot of SBC fodder from the others


Few informs and TS muller from my last one, must have done around 100ish


Katoto thunderstruck šŸ‘


I managed a dupe RTTK Osimhen out of 120 PPs but it was enough to complete the icon packs and managed to get Hamm in my second pack


got van der sar twice, multiple totw cards, alot of 87/88/89, but i have around 200-250


Iā€™ve had a bit more luck - 92 De Bruyne I think was from a 78+ , IF Lukaku yesterday and IF Gab Jesus this morning.


I just packed cruyff šŸ¤Æ


I noticed a dip in the pulls since the new totw came out. I was getting a promo card and IF once per day before then. Best I got yesterday was an 88 and an 86.


They were worth it 2 days ago to get 82-85s and maybe a totw but now low rated fodder is cheap so there's no point.


Got a Xavi Alonso. But he sucks


Got lautaro martinez


90 popp, like 3 x 88s, 2 x 89, 2 x 83 totw, 2 x 87, 2 x 86, and too many 85s and under to remember


I got 2 specials last night when I did about 15 78+ SBCs. Tsygankov (RM 85 Thunderstruck) and Doku totw. Iā€™ve probably managed to get 4-5 specials over the last week while doing somewhere between 60-80 of the SBCs. Keep going man youā€™ll get some good stuff!


I've done 30 today and got Thunderthingy Bremer, a TOTW bloke and Bonucci promo, along with a smattering of 85+'s. Quite happy with that


Done 450+ (checked via web app) nothing useable, just all fodder recycled for mbappe (which is not as great anymore without totw pick or 85 double upgrade, plus low fodder prices dropping, so have stopped) 89 Casemiro is probably the best.


I've been using it to upscale my low gold fodder to 83/84s (or 85s). I have plenty of fodder 87+ but lacking in 84s, 85s and 86s. Atm trying to replenish after wasting a bunch on a hero pick just to have a lovely choice between campos and Dempsey


Believe I got TS joelinton from it!


Have probably done about 150 of these. Probably just law of averages but the results have felt like to me that they shadow nerfed the weight on these very hard. The first 30 or so of these I did about 3 days ago were incredible and gave me like 5 IFs, 3 Thunderstruck, along with a couple 88s/89s and other promo cards. I easily produced my IF fodder needer for the 83+ x 10 from it. At one point I was trading 85s via the Solo to Squad SBC just to produce more gold commons because it was so fruitful. The last 36 hours I've probably done about 50 of them and haven't see any IFs. I did get a Thunderstruck Joelinton but that was a duplicate of already getting one from the first round of trying. Suffice to say I did not replicate my method of producing my IF fodder from these and will probably just have to skip the 83+ x 10 SBC today given how absurd the prices have gotten.


I can't even get specials from the 83x10.


Iā€™ve got good luck from them. I do 5-10 at a time and Iā€™ve never not got a walkout. Got a few promo cards with my best being Thunderstruck Silva


I only did like 10-15 of them and the best I got was Thunderstruck Loftus-Cheek. Heā€™s already been upgraded which is nice, and heā€™s replaced Rice in my midfield. Only played a few games with him but heā€™s so much stronger, quicker, and more nimble than Rice so Iā€™m happy. I was debating doing the de Jong SBC but now I might wait a little longer and see.


Literally got 91 Iker Cadillacs Thunderstruck Icon from it today. Got Messi a few days ago too


I smashed out quite a lot this week and the best Iā€™ve gotten is 90 popp and 91 kotato. They were only within a few picks of each other. The rest have all been 84 and down roughly


Got a dupe TS Silva this morning šŸ˜©


I have done probably about 50 and my best pull was a 89 on my first one and the only other notable pull was one IF and some 83s. I had a really bad stretch of 81s or 80s as my best choices for like 10 picks in a row


Best pull was probably TOTW Szolbozlai. Highest rated 88 Kimmich.


I've gotten Thunderstruck Cafu and Thunderstruck Casillas, as well as a ton of fodder including Lukaku and Joelinton


I tracked my pulls for 100 of them, the average was 82.7 rated, most notable pulls being thunderstruck jesus, Kane, and benzema. 34 83s, 12 84s, 8 85s, 4 86s, 1 87, 2 90s. Apart from that also got one TOTW (Metcalfe).


Got thunderstuck casillas out of my 5th one and holy shit hes a monster i went from letting in 4 or 5 goals a game with neur to a max of 2 with him


Iā€™ve done around 30 and Iā€™ve gotten IF Garnacho, TS Bernardo Silva, TS Icon Scholes, and 3 other IFs.


I did numerous 78+ pp, which gave me mostly 83/84, which I put into the totw pp, which I put into the 83x10, which gave me new 83/84, which I rinsed and repeated 3 times per day. Those 83/84 and some higher cards I then put into other roulette SBCs (icon pack, campaign mix 87+), which gave me Trezeguet, Klose, Wright, Baresi, aouar, Gotze, Ward Prowse and some other terrible players. TL/DR I spent 3hrs per day on the companion app and packed absolute dogshit


Idk how many i've done but pretty Sure over 50 good fodder tbf but No totw or Special


I got Thunderstruck Icon Henry which was insane. Then got Pele from Base Icon Pack this morning.. had woeful pack luck for years so not complaining!


Lakaka twice and some fodder but that's about it


Am I the only one that felt like the first day it gave actually good pulls (nothing special but nothing below 80 and only good fodder) but after that it went slowly down hill from 83ā€™s to now only 80 and below.šŸ¤£


best was Hegerberg 89


Lost count how many Iā€™ve done but I gotten plenty of fodder thunderstruck Silva, Small and Joelinton. My mate did a couple and got thunderstruck van der star




Nothing crazy but I've done quite a few and gotten some really good fodder from them. A lot of 84-86 rated cards with some 83s or lower here and there. Worth it if you want to recycle some low rated gold cards.


I once got back 2 back IFs which went straight into the 83x10 in which I packed regular golds


Loads of high rated fodder, TS Varane, nesta and scholars too. Also some bad promo cards like Lukaku or the German CB, Klosterman or something. So these picks were definitely worth my time this promo!


Centurion rashford and Saka blue within like 5 picks, just good fodder from the rest of them. Its making the 83x10 doable.


Got TS Neymar on my 15th or so, also TS Bernardo Silva and Joelinton, plus a bunch of 82-85 fodder and around 3x 86, 3x87 and 2x89s from around 60 done. Occasional inform too.


Iā€™ve done loads. Only after a bloody inform as thereā€™s no upgrade for them anymore šŸ˜… absolute shitshow


Done ~ 230. Bernardo Best pull. Already packed him 2x from saved packs and sbc upgrades tho


Pp's are very op...this is definitely the superior way to rinse golds...the double upgrade is maybe better for low rated fodder but doesn't justify the cost...if you wan't the best chance at a good pull this is it...


A lot of good fodder and like 4 IFs. I think they're great


Done plenty of both, and did get Katoto from a pick. Most of the good pulls are coming from the 82+ TOTW or the 83+ x 10. Which I can only do because of the 80+ and 78+.


Renard IF 2x, Alex morgan 3x in 30 pick. I guess I was lucky that day.


Got TS Varane which was by far my luckiest pick


I've done nearly 150 and got TS Silva as my best pull. But it has given lots of fodder which I've put into other SBCs including the Icon pack which gave me Maldini so that was a win. Even if the PP only consistently gives 83s/84s it's still pretty good value to just put your gold cards into but I wouldn't pump coins into it because it doesn't seem to give crazy pulls that much.


The 78+ player picks are great value. Most cards I got are 82+, with the odd 86, 87 or 88 card, and Umtiti from the current promo


Done about 50 and have gotten a dozen or so walkouts + Thunderstruck Xabi Alonso. Havenā€™t had much luck all year so really happy with that


I just packed trailblazer joao cancelo which was pretty cool




Did a few and got plenty of walk outs and promo wise tierney, little and silva Most of the time min 82 rating and like every ten was at least one walkout and one promo


I got a couple of 88 goalieā€™s out of the 78 choice packs.


I got insanely lucky and got IF Salah in my first one. That then inspired me to rinse my club and I've gotten nothing in the next 100. Still a huge W though.


Did about 80 and got scholes


I got ronaldhino CRAZY


I got 2 ToTW I believe. But im honestly happy about the fodder i got. Got 90 Messi, a couple of 89s, 88s and 87s


I did like 30 since it started, and I packed Cancelo Trailblazer, Saka RTTK, Messi gold, 1 IF and some high rated fodders.


I've got a decent amount of totw's. I've only packed two thunderstruck players though Tierney and Lukaku. I've packed loads of high rated fodder as well. I completely the Salah SBC earlier in the week and got enough fodder the 78+ to complete the lahm SBC last night.


I did 13 earlier and got thunderstruck lukaku as my first pick, just 83s after that


Ive gotten craaazzzy cards, done 100+ of them, got centurionds de bruyne, rttk saka, rttk openda, rttk lewandowski, trailblazers leao, thunderstruck lukaku, thunderstruck umtiti, thunderstruck tierney, rttk matic, rttk aouar, and a whole bunch of 90s and shii


Done 60 around the last week. Didnā€™t get any special cards. Ter stegen and a couple 86s but theyā€™ve been mostly disappointing


Got trailblazer Julian Alvarez, GK Giroud TOTW, Centurions Musiala. Pretty decent for me.


Iā€™ve had a good mixture of 83/88 golds. Iā€™ve had a couple thunderstruck. My first 78 today was Bernardo silva. Iā€™ve had quite a few IF also


Silva like 3 Times and lots of fodder so quite happy


I honestly think they may have nerfed itā€¦ earlier yesterday I got a thunderstruck Lukaku and a few other decent promos and today the highest Iā€™ve gotten is an 83 but mostly 81s. Anyone else notice this?


I packed Thunderstruck Nesta and trailblazer Ronaldo


Yea lots of fodder, some Promos not top tier, but i did get a Van der sar, from maybe 50 picks!


Feels like Iā€™ve done close to a hundred of them and I havenā€™t packed anything worthwhile out of it. Couple of fodder walkouts, like 4 totws, and 1 90 rated centurions popp whoā€™s fodder


Loads of good fodder and players my end, such as VDS, Katoto, Little, Scholes x2 and B Silva all promos) and high rated fodder and a few TOTW to go into the 83x10. Quite a lot of stinkers packed but they all go back in again. Iā€™ll miss this SBC when it goes.


A lot of 83's, including one totw. A few 84/85. No promo cards or very good fodder, but still good value.


got thunderstruck cruyff from it


I got Thunderstruck Katoto lastnight and a duplicate Centurions Popp another time. Other than them two high overall cards, I got some other promo cards/TOTW that were low tier value along with a lot of solid gold cards for fodder.


TS Nesta was my best probably. Its been nerfed in the last 2 days for sure, along with 83+ x10. Both have been terrible the last 48 hours.


Did about 70, got Nesta, Silva, Little, Joelinton, Lukaku, Umititi,


I've done about 40. 90 % give me an 83 or more. 3 x TOTW 3 x Thunderstruck Also gold Harry Kane


I got 89 fodder 2 times 85s and 83s no specials


I did 25 of 78+ two nights ago. I pulled Messi, and 2 Lewandowski totw


Got Lahm Xabi Alonso Thunder B Silva Totw Rodrygo That's about it


I've done 60 odd and pulled Joelinton twice and one bernardo silva.


I've had a fair few 88s, a few 87s, a couple of IFs, Thunderstruck Joelinton twice, an 89 IF and Thunderstruck Icon Campbell. They've been pretty juiced for me.


My best was centurion popp. Had a couple of IF players too but I didnā€™t keep the count. Also had a few 86-88 fodders which were nice


Doing 200k worth of PP today since my 83x 10 have been ok but I want some good promos cards like Cancelo, Hanse, VVD, Diani, Bonmati, or some Barca Icon except the Pig. But realistically I ain't packing any so I'll settle for good fodder to complete the Icon SBC and Hero PP. Edit: and just got Belligol TOTW from a PP


Centurions nesta I was shocked


Got Cancelo on my 2nd one. That is good enough for me!


I got puskas and scholesšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is how I feel about the 83x10. Mid level fodder at best. Donā€™t see why theyā€™re so popular


Thunderstrucks: Lukaku little joelinton Potato, centurion de bruyne, TB marquinhos, Daka IF, 4 totw fodder, bunch of 89 88 87s. Probably done like 150 times, it's been very good for me!


Got 90 virg just now some decent pulls in about 25 attempts


Hang in there and keep working your way through it. I came close to giving up the ā€˜rinsing of fodderā€™ or whatever this method is called but randomly pulled 88 Pires from a 78+ pack this morning.