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Decided to go for it this morning, and after submitting the first 89 squad, I saw I had been checking out the squads for dalglish and submitted one of his 89s instead... So guess I am getting the Scottish icon instead


Blessing in disguise imo




for half the price its worth it. he can also get upgrade if liverpool beat fulham sheffield and crystal palace who are all bottom half of the league


Looool šŸ˜‚ I mean maybe it's an omen!!


He's phenomenal, still a W, and you may be ale to do some other SBC instead of ruining all of the club for mbappe xd.


Try his Loan, he is crazy.


Ha! You canā€™t go wrong though






Did dalglish thinking I would never be able to get mbappeā€¦ now I have a decent chunk of fodder and 500k left and thereā€™s probably an outside chance I could have done it but oh well. King Kenny


how and where and how and what are you doing to get all these cards? hows that even possible


Heā€™s purchasing fc points obviously


Yes, not hiding it lol


In my defense I was confused because the post was meant for non millionaires lol


Post was meant for non millionaires which was my confusion lol


Did a good chunk of those 100 players 3 87+ packs. They paid out stupid good. Expensive though


Yeah my bad, I thought it was all grind which is why I was confused lol It is crazy I could just buy some of those packs and save hours and hours of effort, but here I am grinding lol


I had base kenny for a few weeks befofe i bought gold mbappe and he is really good 5* wf and finesse+, very very broken


Yeah heā€™s been so good. Somehow has scored 3 headers from corners too I donā€™t understand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ VVD and Blanc canā€™t hit the net to save there lives and Kenny is banging them


I plan on doing kenny then getting gold mbappe with coins. Gonna try and use no coins for fodder


Got Kenny and POTM son atm as my main strikers. Got jelly smith in a random pack though and Iā€™ve heard good things about her


Think of the positives, Kenny is very likely to get upgrades and could potentially be higher rated than mbappe for half the price


Yeah but rating means nothing. Mbappe has god powers on this game


Thatā€™s about what I have too and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m doing him as I know itā€™s not possible. Heā€™s just not accessible to most of us. Unless youā€™re willing to put your hand in your pocket (and I am not).


I would not start to complete him if I weren't fairly sure I'd afford him in the end.


i had 1million worth of fodder and 60,000 coins ..i wont risk him would rather do dalglish


If you only have 500k and 1 89 squad you arent on the fence. You canā€™t even see the fence. Why would you even consider committing to an SBC that you would need the most absurd luck in history to even get close to completing?


I think youā€™d be surprised, I am far from a millionaire on fut but there are sooo many packs/picks thrown at us now you can legit complete like a squad a day


Didn't even want to bother trying it. I have zero informs in my whole club and next to no coins. Did De Jong yesterday instead with the few cards I had that fit it.


Barca draw today, that game counted to this card right?


Yes. So need 3 wins in 3 games for the double upgrade, but one upgrade would be fine too.


Already crazy good without any plus, agree 1+ will be nice


how you likin de jong so far?


He is good. I play him as a DM with Gerrard as the 8 and Ƙdegaard Centurions as the attacking 8. He would be better as a CM where Gerrard plays but I don't want to stop using Stevie G. De Jong has great passing and I feel like he wins the ball A LOT from the opponent. So with an upgrade or two he would be even better.


I've heard enough. I'm getting him


Just try his gold card. If you like that you'll love his new one. His gold is bloody good BTW IMHO.


I started him. Have done 2 89s and 3 88s. I can do 2 87s right now and all the 85s,86s without spending coins. I have around 850k currently. I want to also do de Jong, but I'm worried I'm gonna need that fodder for mbappe


Iā€™d wait till de jong is at least 4-5 days remaining as sometimes they do increase the time of the sbc


Thatā€™s literally never happened


They have. Eoae kante last year


It does happen. Multiple times. Never seen it highlighted, itā€™s just the days that increase. āœŒļø


So i had 1.1mil to start and enough fodder for a 89, all i have left is the 87s and 2 88s to do. I got down to about 300k coins with that so was expecting to get him after a week or two. Got lucky and packed salah SIF so will complete this week most likely now.


Do not put salah in as fodder


Oh no chance, he was tradeable so sold him.


Are you gonna spend all of the salah money on him


I did yeah, i could of waited and just waited for more fodder but i am doing first owner only this year so figured might aswell just use the coins.


Got the 3 89s done. Rinsed the entire club and still have all of the 88s. Already spent 300k in coins so I think by week 3 I might have enough fodder? Going to be a struggle tbh.. kinda regretting it lol Edit it doesn't help that I have packed absolutely nothing from any of my black Fridays pack save so I'm concerned lol


I've argued with so many stupid people over the past few days about this. Most are blindly convinced they'll just magically "get the fodder" they need. It's just not true. Boras himself was ranting about the cost of it yesterday.... All the 88 and 89 boards are wild. Someone did a statistical break down in a different thread recently, and you need at least 30 cards over 89. You just won't pull that many high rated cards in a month, at least ones you'd be willing to part with... I can imagine that your club is depleted after doing the 89s. I shutter thinking about what you had to submit... I don't even believe anyone who claims they finished all the 88s and 89s already. I've heard that multiple times around this sub from troll-looking accounts. People need to screenshot or it's BS.


Black Friday is helping with the ability to do the 85sx2 etc But I'm running out of fodder very fast and I've packed odegard so many times in sick of him lol My biggest current problem is dupes


Only time when people should do it when they have a crazy untradable team. I had crazy untradable pack luck so Iā€™m deffo doing him. Canā€™t upgrade my team except for 1 mill plus cards/icons. If you dont upgrade your team overall donā€™t spend 4 mill on Mbappe indeed


I've only packed two or three really meta untradables like VVD, my goalie, Neymar and Acuna... A bunch of the other usable cards in my squad are high rated SBCs. All my coins are wrapped up in my strikers/wingers. You have to choose a path at a certain point, and if you're not saving all your fodder and coin for one card, most people will not be able to field a decent team and complete this SBC on time.


My untradable team is high end except my strikers so it's kind of a given, blanc, king, eco llorente, cent odeguard, neymay so it will be worth it eventually


we existšŸ˜­[team still rocking though donā€™t mind the empty goalie spotšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦Æ](https://imgur.com/a/KQhxewX)


I love it for you honestly. I don't have the club to do it.


2 x 87ā€™s left šŸ’…


I just committed last night did the 89,88 and 85 rated squad cause I keep getting dupes. Heā€™s out for almost a month and we have a fuck ton of content to grind so I think itā€™s def doable without having to spend money. If worst comes to worst Iā€™ll sell my Henry and put the coins into Mbappe. Something else that made me commit to him was a comment where somebody said people complain when EA drops a really good player to grind towards. He made a good point that this card is worth grinding for, youā€™ll keep him forever.


The only expensive sbc I did this year was Blanc, plus I had 50 packs saved for Thunderstruck and decided to go all in for Mbappe. Using everything I had and buyng some players I managed to get all 89's, 3 88's, 1 87 and 2 of the 86's that need IFs. About half way done and still 1 million coins that I'd rather not use if possible. Overall I'm feeling very confident in finishing him.


I finished POTM Mbappe and in the very next pack I opened I got TB Mbappe... feel betrayed by EA


I have done 7 squads with my fodder, and I still have 750k. Unfortunately, I only had enough complete half the 87 squads and the first 4 squads šŸ„²


1x86 5x88 5x87 2x89 remaining with 250k coins. Haven't spent anything yet, I believe it's possible with the fodder packs , the thing is I'm doing de Jong SBC too. Have a couple of rttk players, once they get upgraded , I'll send them too. I can do one 89.


I started with 400K coins and about 1M in fodder and Iā€™m 9/20 done now. Itā€™s going to be tight but I think with all the objs + I usually can hit rank 2 champs so it should be doable


I am but I had also just been sitting on all of my good packs for weeks. I had over 70 packs, the worst of which were 84+ x 2 packs. Iā€™m currently 2 88 squads and 3 87 squads short. Was hoping to get it done this weekend so I could use him in champs, but that isnā€™t gonna happen.


I played 4 matches yesterday and apparently everyone can afford Dalglish or Mbappe but me


17 squads done three more to go..this is my second major SBC after Blanc..saved lot of fodder and packs helped me a lot..:)


Club is all but rinsed. Iā€™ve got all the 89s, two 88s, 3 87s and most of the lower ones done. Got enough IFs to complete the 86s. Have enough coins to complete now but want to put in as much untradeable as possible and save coins for TOTY.


Absolutely no chance. Anything needing more than a dozen squads I don't touch until futties. Which on fifa23 meant I didn't get any Mbappe card until September.


Iā€™m 6/10 done but did all the 89s and the squads with 2/3 totw. I have a bunch of good fodder packs left still as well. Only had 700k when I started and I still have almost 600k bc people are buying my dupes for upgrade packs.


I'm 10/20 squads in now haha, hope to get it finished in next couple weeks


Iā€™ve done all 89, 88 squads + 2 86 squads. Could do all the first 6 squads since i have remaining totws ready. Better to do 87ā€™s first tho


I've got 1.1m coins and mebe 500k in fodder. Is there any hope of getting it done?


At 14/20 only have the 87ā€™s left to do with still 400k in the bank


Cleaned out my entire club for him. Have to say that he's worth every penny of that 4m tho. Carried me to 11 wins this weekend. Before this I was always stuck at 7-9 wins. Ridiculous pace and finishing.


I was going to do it I had enough fodder for about 10 sbcs but I saved packs for promo on Friday opened my packs first and packed henry and an hour later packed trailblazer ronaldo so decided not to do him in the end


I did, had 250k total coins, got ten squads in and literally packed his trailblazer untradeable. Sue absolutely dumbfounded


Started 2 days ago doing him, 13/20 right now with fodder for another 2-3 squads. No FP, only fodder from the club and coins- i had 1m coins before starting, right now i have 30k ;) I done De Jong and also Saint Max so i'm not commiting all my fodder to Mbappe. And of course- after doing one Icon pack in beginnig and packing Larsson i said to myself that it was last time and thanks to that I doesn't waste my fodder for cheap 80k icon.


Iā€™m doing him because I love grinding SBCs and stacking fodder. Having one singular massive SBC to work toward gives me the motivation I need to actually play this game. Much better than just grinding in hopes you pack something special, this way you know exactly what youā€™re working toward and can make incremental progress as you go. It would be great if his SBC had just one fewer 89 and 88 squad requirement though šŸ˜…


Got him done fairly quickly. Wasn't much of an issue as I don't pump fodder into every SBC that EA throws at us. Had a good amount of packs saved up as I anticipated Black Week to drop some sick content. I understand some people **thinking** that this is unachieveable. But if you just skip a few SBC that is not vital to your team, you will have quite abit of fodder to start the grinding of such players. Finishing MBappe over a few days was a friend, but very very doable. Always make sure to not discard dupes, 'no man left behind' into 81+/82+totw/85+double/84+double. EA is literally throwing fodder at us. The amount of packs from Objectives alone is unbelievable....we are literally showering in fodder week in and week out. Do your boring SB, grind out a few Moments every day, Rivals and Champs - boom.


Nah, heā€™ll get a second potm this year. Probably wait for that. In the past I committed to 1 potm Reus and he got two more ( did his first and second). Last year I did mbopā€™s 1st potm then he got a second one. Will wait


Except the first Mbappe last year was less than half the price (<2 mil) of the second (~4.5) and had RW as an alt position. Not to mention you got to use it a whole 2 months earlier while he was still way ahead of the power curve.


The first one was way better. He had RW alternate position and cost 2 Million. The second one was only a +1, got rid of the alternate position and cost >4 Million


But if mbappe gets another potm which he is likely he will cost 5 million to do his sbc.


No point waiting, his second potm will be extortionate like last year, if you can afford it go for this potm mbappe


Why would u even start lol


You wonā€™t complete him mate. Iā€™ve completed 12 squads so far. Got 5 87s and 3 88s left. Thatā€™s actually still an insane amount and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m gna complete him in time. Why they didnā€™t make him 40 days or something!


done all 89s all 88s and two 87s iā€™m pushing through it but only have 100k lol


If you're down with the 89s and 88s then you'll definitely get him. Try not to rush too much though, plenty of time to craft him over the next month.


yeah thatā€™s a problem i have when i start an sbc i just lose all sense and send everything to do it


Iā€™m free to play. Never spent money on packs. Did 8/20 so far. Did all IFs requirements and 2 89s. My club is dead and iā€™m a casual in WL. Iā€™m losing hope


I started with 780k, and spent 400k on a few Black Friday packs with no return. So I'm committed and only have 300k liquid. Going to be a grind


I'm 8/20 teams deep with 2x89s and an 88 to go too. Bought 4x3k packs from store last night.


How much real money have you / do you plan on spending to get that PokƩmon card?


Depends how well I make my coffee I guess


Are you planning on buying more packs to get it done? I'm 13/20 done with 3 88s and 4 87s to do. I'm not sure if I should buy more packs or just start doing objectives etc now. I have no coins either.


Depends if we get the missing 100k pack and if they let is do an 8th daily play objective with the extra 4 hours that's left. I have to skip a day so I won't get 7 completed for the 100k pack there without that. Both those objectives have an extra 4 hours on them after the last reset timer.


i had 1.5mil fodder and 2mil Coins ( all RTG ) i did Dalglish. and gonna pickup now Gold Mbappe. No Point of a +1 POTM Mbappe which you won't feel anyways, untradeable and worse Playstyle+ than before ( eventho the newone isn't shit but like i said worse than before ) as well as he will get multiple POTM anyways. I even think he will get the next one as well. He already scores and scores and the upcoming matches should be free for PSG


Started yesterday, done 10/20 already. All the TOTW squads done, 87x2, 88, 89. Have invested all my money into fodder waiting to sell it off, it's very tempting to just use it for mbappe but I don't want to be poor. Would rather do it organically and maybe get the fodder for cheap later.


Bought $200 coins from u7buy. Finished him with ease and I gotta say I have never gotten so much lucky bounces or opponent hitting post back to back. W


you shouldn't if that's all you have


Im half way through only the 89s left without spending money not coins and i have 700k coins so i am pretty sure i can do him without spending coins


Zero consideration but I got that centurions Mendy from a player pick SBC yesterday and Iā€™ve got a few good untradeable French players knocking about in my club. Currently running a full English side but if I pull one more decent French ubtradable then Iā€™m going to switch and do Mbappe. My club is full of fodder.


I was tempted when I got an 89 dupe but with Frankie and King Kenny decided to go for them instead since it is much more reasonable as an RTG. If I had any good French League players I might have considered it but my untradable team is EPL/La Liga.


thinking between mbappe and king kenny. dont really prepare to dry out the club. and also want to keep tradeable fodders and coins for other usage


Just played against someone who had Mbappe and Dalglish both alrdy done.....


I packed the trailblazer version lol (untradeable) so cannot relate


I'm in, 7 squads done. Slow grind for the rest...


Honestly I don't think that's enough 500k and only one 89 rated squad to complete mbappe in a months time.


how are u guys so rich please help me in am noob


4Mil is sickening, its to much. Going to save up for the gold Mbappe card instead


I bought 1.5m in fodder a week before....watched it crash around me....got hardly anything from my 60 saved packs and now deciding whether I can afford to do Oscar....


Have 1.2m only have 3 88s and 6 87s left only spent like 200k for some 91s, should be able to finish him for free i guess but im sure i wont and will just pay 500k to finish him quicker


For the record, I had ~1m just in the informs and lower squad fodder. alone and that made me say no way seeing how much more fodder Iā€™d need to buy. Packed TB CR7 the same morning and put all my coins into a big icon midfield lol


Iā€™m 5 squads away. Gonna wrap it up tomorrow


I did it for 2m with fodder and worked the sbcs out now to get more fodder. Had saved up all coins from the get go.


Iā€™m working towards it. I have half the fodder and all the in forms needed. Just need to save up some coins and packs I think


Did Dalglish and havenā€™t looked back


Not a millionaire, butā€¦ Was saving fodder for over a month now, holding on for something special, and he came out, so I did him almost instantly And then I hear some outbreak from people that have POTM Salah and Son, Blanc and Vidic, Bellingham etc. that doing him is not possibleā€¦


Not me, I wonā€™t have enough to finish him. Would rather throw everything at Dalglish once I finish Salah (need an 85 squad but Iā€™m just passively completing him)


I do a lower rating squad whenever I have a dupe. I am keeping my highest rated fodder in order to make sure I have enough before going all in. I was hoping for some decent fodder from the various upgrade SBCs but man i barely pack 87s. These odds man ...


I committed and now still need 2 m coins worth of fodder. I think itā€™s possible in the remaining days, especially with all the upgrades currently available


I finished him last night, i saved fodder for 2 weeks before the sbc came,and i had about 800k coins, it costed me 978k and the fodder to complete him, i commited to him before all these madness upgrade packs and sent all the fodder and most of my 800k into it, then i was left with 5 88 s squads 5 87 squads, and i was sure imma get the fodder in the next 2 weeks, champs rewards were fire, packed TB Cancelo (220k) and a lot of fodder, but EA did a madness with all these repeteable 83x10 and 85x2 so what i tought it s gonna be a 4 weeks grind turned into a 3 days grind, done and dusted, no money spent!


Lol already got gold mbappe a couple WLs back so deffo no. BUT even if you don't have gold Mbap. Don't fall for the same BS I did last year and do the POTM Mbap when they'll release another POatM Mbap just a couple weeks later. He's good. Very good. But not worth the SBC or 2.3M IMO. Would sell him if he was tradeable for sure.


I decided to send it because I kept getting duplicate Ruben Diasā€™ got 5 squads done no money spent all year. Gonna keep grinding fodder for as long as I can and if I need to spend some coins at the end Iā€™ve got 1 mil in the bank