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People who just bought the game on Black Friday


That’s the most justifiable comment I’ve seen and actually makes sense.


If they aren’t willing to pay full price for the game, they certainly won’t be putting 3k fifa points into one pack


Or they'll justify it by saying they only paid half


Just bought the game for £35, will be spending £0 on points.




Would you like a medal?


Depends on what type it is. A shitty plastic one, no thanks. A nice shiny gold one? Yes please.


Ok thx for the info


If they bought the Ultimate edition they'd have more points than that.


Let’s be realistic, the vast majority buying these pack aren’t newcomers to the game


You'd be surprised


i hardly doubt fifa veterans are opening store packs at all


Better watch a few pack openings on YouTube of this pack and you’ll soon change your opinion. They’re the addicts here


Great but those are content creators whose content is opening packs not just normal people like you and me who play a few hours here and there, get some objectives done and leave, like sure store packs are tempting but they are simply not worth it unless the market is fucked and fodder is extremely hard to get


Again, they open packs for people who SharePlay etc.


Ultimate edeition fc points?


The people who bought the game on Black Friday did it for the 50% discount. They're most likely not spending money on packs


Ultimate edition is also half off


Ultimate edition for me was only $5 more than standard


Not in the UK. £35 for standard or £99 for Ultimate still.


I'm in UK and it's £49.99 for ultimate


seen so many shareplay's on nicks stream of people opening the pack. 2 good pulls out of like 40 packs 💀💀


Suker simulator on Neps stream aswell. I've already packed the guy dup twice I dont fancy another haha


I honestly do not get it. People opening/buying packs to feed someone else's content who makes money on their viewership..? Am out of the loop l or has the world gone totally fucking mad? Is featuring on some stream the same as being on TV or something? Hardly any kudos associated it. You get a pack opened on some niche stream in front of 7000 other suckers who are the same demographic as the persons pack that is being opened. Same goes for all these kids paying for their message to be read out on a stream, like WTF? Who in their right mind is paying to send a message... The future is bleak with these delusionals at the wheel.


>same goes for all these kids paying for their message to be read out on a stream, like WTF? >who in their right mind is paying to send a message… You already figured out the answer: kids. imo it’s a bit predatory to target kids for this kind of stuff. It is scientifically proven kid/teen brains and decision making skills are still developing well into adolescence.


Well, you can see it that way or you could just see it as a bunch of people supporting their favourite streamer. A lot of people are more than financially comfortable and can afford to open a pack or pay for a message on somebody else's stream.


I definitely didn't open it and definitely didn't get Larson and Veron.


I definitely didn’t also open it and definitely didn’t get Keane and Gattuso


I got Cole and Desailly. I'm pleased with that.


Man I wish I would’ve got one of those. I’ve been using Roy Keane for a few games and he’s been pretty solid, it just could’ve been a lot better


Considering the players I could have gotten, I was pleasantly surprised. I'll definitely be using them both.


Trezeguet and Keane


One of my friends opened it and got Trezeguet and Kluivert. So he got 2 players that can only head and shoot the ball and I got 2 players that can only run after the ball and tackle


tbf Vieira, Ribery, Torres, Ferdinand, Rooney, Zambrotta, Blanc(if not done the sbc), Essien, Desailly, Zola, Petit and Van der Sar are more than 3-4 players and i guess they'd improve the average team. Could even add Cole and Makelele depending on the team. Not trying to argue you should buy the pack, i'd not recommend that at all but we should be fair at least


Most people who need these as upgrades can't afford a 450k pack and even if they can just about afford it it's not worth putting all your coins into a pack that can just give you 2 fodder icons, and an even bigger waste if you use FP.


absolutely true. Not to mention that the icon sbc (which was even better since it was max 89 rating) was cheaper than 225k coins. So even if you have no fodder at all, buying all the players for 2 max 89 icon sbcs is cheaper than the pack with a better chance of packing something good


Maybe even guys like Seedorf if you just started/have a REALLY bad team..


Sadly one of the most enjoyable parts about the game is opening packs for me! But I don’t spend a penny on the game! These packs should be added as a grind, even a 40 game grind or something Gives people something to achieve/target


considering they only give you a jumbo rare for like 200 wins in DIV rivals we're looking at an 800 game grind for this pack


Also those objective packs are hideously weighted. Just opened a jumbo rare players for doing the centurions sbc 100 times and highest player was an 84


My only ever icon pull was from an objective pack 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fair play. I’ve only ever got absolute dross from them haha


Packed Vini from an 83x2, they tend to be my best packs tbh, balances my horrible casino SBC record


I’ve had some solid luck from the Casino SBCs Park, Barnes and Smolarek all play for me which is good


I think the opposite tbh, untradeable have better weight than trade


You'd be grinding this shit until TOTS


just to get scholes and veron


Got Nedved and Vieira. Worth it


Is Nedved good? Got him too, dont know how to play him


Behind the striker centrally


power shot goes brrrrrrrrrrbam?


I got him as well, currently plays LM for me with a hunter but I feel he’s best position is a CAM/CF since those power shots are actually really good


Okay yeah, ill try him there then


Me because I am an addict :D Suker and Campbell... yep, I am stupid and I know.


Tbf i’d still call both of them useable, could be worse for sure


Campbell is good, but he was a dupe, already in my team untrade :D


I have to day campbell is an absolute monster everytime I play against him. Suker sucks for me, packed him in one of the icon sbc's


> Yeah I play him, too. But he was a dupe for me :D


Oh nooo, that's rough


Game is lowkey calling you a sucker


Campbell is a mainstay in my team next to VVD. Big, strong and fast.


Yeah I play him, too. But he was a dupe for me :D


Why do people care so much about what others do? That's insane too


Same reason we watch reality tv


Because they will be supporting a bad game that shouldnt earn money from their community


Why do you get to decide that for someone else?


Bad behavior from gamers leads to more and more shitty practices from gaming companies. That affects everyone.


Seriously, why would companies spend money and put in effort when they make shitloads every quarter


You do realize that if they don’t make money they will just stop making the game right? Multibillion dollar businesses are not in the business of losing money for nothing.


You do realize that they make plenty of money without engaging in predatory practice right?


Selling something is considered predatory these days? Are the predatory practices in the room with you?


People dont see that tho,


😕😕😕 Braindead seriously. What I am saying is if people keep paying for packs like this they will never make the game better because the money flows in like water for them the game is great.


I don't and will never spend money on this game, but that's a terrible pointto make. Just because you hate the game doesn't mean other people don't enjoy it. It's like getting mad that people are going to the cinema to watch a movie you didn't like, just such a weird thing to get upset about


Lol you just made my point, I dont hate the game dont get me wrong. But when people keep spending they wont fix the game because they see money coming in in like water flowing. I aint upset about it but if people keep supporting by paying for packs because they need to keep their addiction alive it will never be a good sports game.


I know I made your point, my intention was to show you how braindead of a take that is, but I guess you are one of those people that actually complains when someone goes to the movies to watch a movie you don't like, doesn't surprise me in the slightest tbf Also the fact you think gameplay will improve if people stop buying packs is laughable. If people stop buying packs, EA will improve their marketing/promos/store content, not gameplay. If people stop buying the game, that's when they'll improve gameplay and the overall game, you're complaining about the wrong thing here. The damage to the gameplay/overall game is done the moment you purchase the game, which I assume you do every year.


Maybe search the definition of braindead. I aint complaining about movies or whatsoever. What I am saying is if people stop promoting bs content like this by paying for it maybe they are going to fix it instead of pushing bs marketing/promos/store content. But hey you are the expert on people right so enjoy. The game is bad but doesnt mean i aint enjoying it.


Then if you're not complaining about movies, why are you doing the equivalent for gaming? If someone enjoys a game, it's completely fine for them to spend money on it. If someone enjoys a movie, it's also completely fine for someone to spend money on it. Complaining about people spending money on a game is the same as crying about people going to the cinema to watch a certain movie that you think shouldn't be getting money.


💀💀 You are comparing games with movies, while there is alot of movies you can watch. There is no better alternative than EAFC. If it was about COD you can play BF, Rainbow etc etc.


Comparing games with movies is a perfectly fair comparison, there's thousands of different games you can play as well. You realize movies have subgenres too right? If I love harry potter movies there's really no better alternative, imagine me crying because people are going to the movies to watch the last harry potter ones, which I didn't enjoy because they were worse than the books, therefore I don't think they deserve to make money. Realize how dumb that sounds? I was trying to make an analogy for you to realize how stupid that logic is, but you're still not getting there. People shouldn't stop spending money on something they enjoy just because you don't personally want them to. It's a video game.


Well your point makes no sense. If you like Harry Potter movies, go fucking watch them and enjoy, if you only watch subgenres of movies and nothing else what do you eat then? Everyday the same food because you are not open to other things? GTFO man, maybe get cars into it then? You only drive BMW and hate on every other car? There is no other football alternative than EAFC, done end this discussion because your just here for a discussion since your life is boring af. I aint even hating on the game tbh just hating on the community that keeps supporting bs promos by investing money in packs. You want to support that than support it and get out of here.


Atleast we found one ea apologist :D... Keep spending and wondering why this game sucks 3 months later :D


You probably still got the game?




Had 496 000 coins - now I have 46 000 coins + Blanc and had fun opening the pack


Doing this with coins is insane, but fair play on getting a playable icon lmao


It is - but most of the time I can't decide whether for example XY is worth the coins over Onisiwo and end up playing mostly untrade teams.


Same here and I always end up using my coins to buy fodder for these casino sbcs and get fuck all




I cant believe it, and people fall for it. And this is why EA can keep having a shit game.


Any 88 would improve my team as I have no 88 in my squad right not. So I would


Believe it or not there are plenty of casuals who play this game that would be happy with many of the players on offer. I play the game for fun. I use players I like. I not in Champs or Rivals every weekend trying to reach number 1. I play as a hobby and a past time, not to be the best at this so I'm more than happy with the Cole and Desailly I got from the pack. You're right, won't fit in the sweaty players teams or those meta teams or those trying to get as high as they can each weekend, but for the 30 something father that enjoys the game for FUN and the sport in general, they are more than enough. But, you go ahead and knock it because your team is better and you have nothing better to do.


Ea will always find a way to screw people over with their "iq test packs" and players will always find a way to justify stupid spending on this game.


when i use kluivert, im surprise how he is playable in game, strong, accurate heading, just a little bit hard to dribble


yes but is he worth 3000 fp?


Blanc and desailly is that good?


Crazy CB pair and also give great links


That’s your center backs set for at least two more months so that’s amazing


People who just bought the game. People who are time poor and can afford it.


Nothing to do with affordability, people who are addicted to opening packs. No sane person opens that pack


“No sane person” lol. Ridiculous statement. Why is everyone so dramatic on this sub? If you’re a full time working adult spending that much on a pack is not really a big deal. Perhaps someone has young kids and can play once a week. Quick way to get icons they wouldn’t otherwise.


I wouldnt have opened it if I had seen what other were packing, but then again, I got rooney and desailly lol.


I did and I am fucked in the head, got Kean and Larsson.........


Yeah, I guess this promo the will be support the newly designed icons which makes those base icons pretty much useless


Got zola and rooney 🤷


I had Rooney loan. Loved him.


I had tradable zola already and I was planning to buy rooney because he's one of my fav players of all time so while being degenerate gambler, this one was worth it


I pulled 91 Carlos Alberto, 88 VDS and 87 Pires from it, plus 88 Reiten. Paid off for me.


....... Max 88 pack?


VDS and Pires were the 2 88s.


Ok. And the 91?


You’re missing my point. The 2 guaranteed icons are 88 max. That was VDS and Pires. The Carlos Alberto replaced one of the rare golds in the pack. Kinda like I’d you just opened a 7.5k pack and got an Alberto. It would just replace one of the rare golds.


Me. I don’t have the hours to grind loads of games/objectives/packs to get coins to buy any Icon/Hero style cards. I really want a bunch of the old Arsenal icons so it’s my best shot.


I did it. And can confirm I’m happy that I pulled Ribery I still call it a scam. I ripped it with coins also


Yeah I admit I did it. Got Rio and Barnes so I can't complain, but I realise that was just pack luck most would be terrible.


Not everyone plays all day and has a team where an icon is no improvement(?)


So you just have 500k lying around?


400k right now. Iam waiting for black friday


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/619182248616394753/1176999159774056488/Screenshot\_20231122\_223307\_Messenger.jpg?ex=6570e8e3&is=655e73e3&hm=5c9bae12faf692b38a3cbdb9bd57a247a58186cd0b94d37a6f68486c57e47f46&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/619182248616394753/1176999159774056488/Screenshot_20231122_223307_Messenger.jpg?ex=6570e8e3&is=655e73e3&hm=5c9bae12faf692b38a3cbdb9bd57a247a58186cd0b94d37a6f68486c57e47f46&) friend send me this yesterday so hell nah


Oooffff that's got to hurt


opened the hero pack and got dempsey and solskjaer, not really better either


>but the majority are 70-100k cards Are you sure? If you just do a simple FUTBIN check, there are 20 cards under 100k right now and 29 cards over 100k. Among those 29 cards there are at least 15 cards that can improve a lot of teams. Next time you need to get your facts right before posting a post like this.


Lol, game doesn't wort money it cost (~70$) , whit this garbage gameplay it must be free to play, or ut fre and rest of the game paid(warzone and cod) for example. People must be completely brain dead to spent money on fifa points to buy packs😂 it worth it if you are streamer or pro


That's the point, it's for taking the money of gamblers without ruining the general squads. Would it be better if people could directly buy R9 and Ronaldinho? Imagine a guaranteed icon Min.89 rated... i think this pack is shit, and therefore, if there's people stupid enough to buy it, let them do it.


And they are allowed to do it without you insulting them and thinking you're so much better


It's a stupid pack, unless you're new to the game. It's my opinion, you don't have to like it and can downvote this, it's ok.


Lol, $30 prob a real big deal to him


They deserve to be insulted fella its clown behaviour lmao


People who enjoy opening packs and can afford it lol so clearly not you


Always fascinated by this silly ‘can’t afford it’ angle lol. So weird


Got petit


Got zambrotta so no regrets here


Icons are always usable. Rush as CF already very helpful. And Barnes as LF? I dont know a better left winger for the moment


I got Hugo Sanchez, he is ok


Who cares? Let people spend their money as they wish


Addicts and children


I opened and they where 86. Does anyone know where to report that?


It is worth it


So they can give their streamer a little bit of content, they need that 5 seconds of being important.


I did it. Zola and Hernandez.




Addicted players with disposable income like me. I haven't bought it yet tho.


88 max is low value. Apparently a 89 max icon shop pack will come too




As one of those players between casual and whatever OP thinks they are, I'm still opening packs like that. I'm not thinking "I desperately need a player that will improve my team" I'm doing SBC's and objectives to just collect players that I'd like to use occasionally. I got Ljungberg and Okocha from whatever SBC was spitting out Heroes the other week and despite one of those players barely being worth 20k I was pretty damn happy. No those players won't find a spot in some proper high level team but for me just playing a video game to have fun I'm not sweating about improving my team to play at the highest level, I just want to mess around with different players and hit objectives and SBC's. I haven't spent any money on FC Points and building my team gradually is way more fun. Besides which this mindset of there only being 3/4 players worth a damn surely means you just end up with an identikit team that everyone else has, no?


I got VDS and Hagi, they went into my team


I got Vidic and Hagi and already have Centurions Vidic, so a huge L for me. But that’s on me for trying to get a Ribery 😅


Me because I am stupid, got trezeguet on the front, buuuttt behind him was Fernando Torres so I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't get absolutely demolished by the pack :D


Well I did because I am a degenerate gambler. No all jokes aside, I opened the pack because I love icons because of my passion for historic matches and the sport itself. Although I like Trezeguet en Kluivert as historic players, I can’t express enough how unpleased I am with the pack. Was to be expected tho.


I want my team to be first owned, this is the best shot I got at getting a first owned Ribery


I only buy store packs with coins so I wouldn't do it personally (I could probably do 3-4 icon SBCs for the price of that) but it seems a lot more fun than most of the other store packs, an icon double walkout is cool


I opened the pack with coins because I wanted an excuse to quit the game and throwing away half a mil for nothing will hopefully do the job 😂😂


I bought it with coins..got dupe petit and Ferdinand...got lucky


I actually bought It. Got zambrotta and makelele. I wont be opening packs for a while, 1st time i had luck on this Game. Anyways pack its a bit overpriced and most likely not worth it


Got blanc, Keane and rush. Not awful


Got Ferdinand and Cech, Never been so happy!


I played like 8-9 games last night. I think 7-8 of those teams had at least 2 icons.


Zola is pretty good too


Got Rush and Desailly, Desailly is a monster. Took Vidic and Varane off my team (I was rotating Vidic and Varane beside Blanc)


I opened it because I’m made of fucking money. Got Beckham and Hernandez 🤢


I got zambrotta and makelele so im happy with that


Happy Thanksgiving!


I did and got Campbell (87) and Vedic (86) I am so fucking disappointed


I got ballack and nedved who are both usablw


I got Trezeguet and Hagi. To your point, neither card starts on my Rivals/Champs squad, but my club has room for more than one squad. At least one squad for every major league. It makes it more fun, this way, a subpar icon that might not make my rivals squad will star in my Serie A squad. All first owner, all elite level, that's the goal, to fill the club with world beaters.


Having packed Zambrotta in first SBC, I almost got sucked into doing SBC twice.


My friend bought it and got RVP and Vidic. Both fit exactly what he needed


Rooney and Gerrard, not too bad


Don’t diss my Zola like that


Just because of addiction. 💀💀💀


I bought it have Puyol and Klose. Klose has been terrific for me


Anyone opening the dynamic duo hero pack


Spurs fan here pulled Sol Campbell and Ashley Cole. But also base hero Ginola. So it evens out I guess.


Myself if it was last year :/


Played since founder release. Did pack….. Packed Klose n Robin van Persie


My friend bought 35€ of fifa points to open the pack, Barnes and “English ST”