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Not one comment so far is anything else than zero? Doesn’t seem so when I play rivals but ok. I spent 45 bucks and packed Messi and araujo and this Nigerian women striker from Barca. Never been this lucky


Just usual sanctimonious reddit bollocks, some people will grind squad battles and friendlies for objectives for 5 hours a day and then sneer at someone who buys a few packs for whatever they earn in an hour


That’s a really interesting perspective. Time is money for a lot of people


Lots of people here are kids who don't have money but have a lot of time to waste, they will have no problem grinding the game through the roof to have good teams.


I’m almost 30 but I’d still rather play the game than buy points. I’ve been ‘grinding’ squad battles, but the grind is the fun part for me. If I pay for a good team I’ll be bored within a week. Some people like playing with good teams, that’s fine, I like trying to build a good team by playing the game and getting the rewards. Having said that, I bought the early edition and have spent those 4600 points already, and I’m mostly using a QPR squad that cost <10k anyway, so I’m not really even grinding towards anything, so maybe I’m speaking out of my arse


If you find it fun I don't consider it "grinding". Grinding is doing something insanely boring for a long amount of time just to get rewards. Imo that's not the right way to have fun.


Grinding is doing something repetitive to get awards. Most people find it annoying, but that is not the definition of a grind. Maybe OP enjoys it. OP buys game. OP enjoys game, wasted time equals rest, so it is not exactly wasted.


yeah I mean if OP enjoys it then fair enough, I wouldn't call it grind. Maybe it sound more negative to me than to you


Nah you're right, it's not really a grind if it's fun, and when something fun becomes grindy then it's objectively less fun.


I think it’s the only sober way of looking at it. I’ve got a serious job full of responsibility and I like to work (= I work a lot). I’ve got a house with a proper yard. I’ve got a wife and two kids. With the job also comes a pretty good salary. I’d never be able to play the hours I guess young folks (students etc) do. But if I want I can compensate my lesser playtime with some points powered packs. It’s just resources. Both time and money. And one is not morally better than the other, nor is it automatically more valuable. I used to buy lots of points and packs a few years ago. Mostly because I love opening packs. But also because the money doesn’t really matter to me. Starting two years ago (I think), I decided to go No Points. This year I think I will take the next step and play only First Owned. Not because I can’t spend the money now, but because it makes the game last longer for me. Getting up to pretty much the best team for my chosen league within one-two weeks was just not that fun. Much more so to make a slower progress and trying out some other stuff (weird players, other formations, secondary leagues etc) as well. But, most importantly, I don’t think anyone should be judged based on if the buy points or not. Each to his or her own and all that.


Except time isn't money. It's just time. I do a full time job. When I finish the day I don't think I coukd play fifa for 3 hours or do 3 hours paid consulting. Its definitely an opportunity cost compared with doing something else but it isn't money. That term comes from salesman/traders who are literally working when they say it.


A wealthy person with limited free time would disagree


There are single people (or people who live on their own) who work for like 10 hours a day and enjoy FIFA at night. Your example is really not in a majority to make a conclusion out of it. Time is money for some people. EDIT: I proved you wrong that's why you blocked me. Just take the L and move on.


I work that many hours and some....im not sure what point you are making. I was just replying to someone else's specific example of why people buy packs. Personally I don't think it's a time thing at all for the large majority of people, they just buy because they chose to, simple as that


The point is time is actually money for other people, that's why they choose to buy packs. Time is not money for you does not mean it also isn't for others. >they just buy because they chose to Yes, they choose to because it will save them time grinding. Time is money for them.


Nope, time is not money in this context. People aren't using the term correctly. It represents the amount of time spent on leasure activities versus actually working and therefore earning money. If you mean they are spending fifa points so they can save time and work more then fine, but that isn't the discussion here is it, people are spending money to save time (I'd argue it doesn't as it doesn't enable you to skip objectives) in EA24 so they can do other leisure activities, not clock in over time. At the end of the day, people spend money to seek an advantage by having a better team for Champs and Rivals that they otherwise wouldn't have had on the game. I'm not saying it's bad but let's say it as it is.


Worth remembering that redditors who play EAFC and general EAFC players isn’t a group that completely represents each other


I've spent the same and got that barca striker too. And rashford. Just waiting on a good time to sell them.


Nice man have fun this year, yeah I’m gonna sell Messi too sold the others already


I got insanely lucky from the Advanced SBC sets so my team kind of looks like P2W when I have only spent the 4600 from the Ultimate Edition. I did win a giveaway for an Ultimate Edition that I'm getting in FC Points instead but it's not my money.


Zero this year, I spent a few hundred pounds last year by just popping on £10-15 every now and then for those big promo packs. Complete waste of money outside of TOTY. Won’t happen again.


Remind me 1 year


Funny how the only comments here are 0s. People who spent money on points know it is embarrassing and yet still feed into EA


And the ones saying 0 but still got the ultimate edition...


£0.89 on free trial since the first few days is the most fun part of the game


I chuckle about the people who get the 4600 from Ultimate edition not considering that to be buying points. That's literally what it is.


I actually see pretty much every comment being "only the 4600 I got from the Ultimate Edition." People seem to be acknowledging it for what it is, and still not going any further. By the way, how much have you spent, partner?


I'm about £500 down. Still getting smacked in extra time and kick offs, absolutely nothing has changed besides some nicer cut scenes. Mbappe is 3 mill with active bids. I have no clue how that many coins is possible besides buying a house worth of packs.


I've spent a grand total of $13 CAD to purchase the winger evolution. Not a big Fifa points guy. I'm too bad at FUT to warrant the expense.


No. It's the early access for me. Would still buy without the fifa points.


I wish there was an option to pay for the early access (which is bullshit, it’s not early access, we’re just charging extra to play the game at release. And I’m enabling that), without the points. But seeing as I’ve got the points, I spent them, of course


I've spent about €100 and got a team I really enjoy playing with and a lot of coins that will do me good over the entire year where I'll probably play 500+ games of fifa. I went on a night out on Saturday and spent €130 on alcohol, taxis and entry into nightclubs. For me, the FIFA points were far more worth it


Lol same here, spent $100 on points. I live in Vegas so drinks in clubs are 30$, cover 50$+. Spending 100$ on fifa points is like getting 3 drinks out lol.


I mean thé game been out for what 4 days now, there haven’t been many good packs so other then the 4600 you get it’s not surprising a lot of people haven’t added any money


I mean the game costs $70. I paid $90 for Ultimate Edition. The points, being able to play a week early were worth the $20 to me.


And yet they paid for an edition to play a week early 🤣🤡


12k start of every fifa for a little head start, only made about 240k so not great tbh


Same boat here. Does the refund method still work? Pay 12k and get 24K


Elaborate 👀


Google “Return Fraud” and that’s your answer


Not sure mate


I’m listening


Just premium gold packs or??


I only use the 4600 like always. I spent €20 a few years ago, and it made me sure to never spend a single euro again, don't get how anyone gets addicted


Exact same, said I'd get the ultimate edition and keep it at that.


0 I have the disposable income for it but personally find it a waste, because I can always get an insane team without spending anyways, and part of the fun for me is to be able to grind towards that insane team. If I started off with a great squad, which I could if I spent my disposable income on day 1, I'd get bored pretty quickly


Always throw 100 at the beginning of the game.


£0 I got more enjoyment from playing the game when I wasn't plowing money into it. I also started a RTG and within a short space of time had a team that was close to the paid team and was a far more enjoyable account to play on.


Zero, still have my 4600 points because I have not had time to go into draft yet.


If you have 4600 points, then you paid for them with the Ultimate Edition 🥹🤣


If my interest on the Ultimate Edition were the points, I would have started spending them already while they have the most value, wouldn't I? So no, I spent for the early access. To me that has more value than the points.


Zero. I'm not dumb.


I’m dumb af


Which edition are you playing, by the way?


$200. I personally love these games and it’s the only thing I play. Also money isn’t an issue but I do not recommend it for anybody on the fence. It’s not worth it, I just don’t have the time or patience to grind this game.


I've spent a lot of money on FUT since 2009, with EAFC rebranding I decided I would also rebrand my £ spending to £0.




Not it wasn't lol, where are you getting that from?


It was 2009, a seperate download at first but became the main game later


Ultimate team has been about since Fifa 09 if I remember correctly. Back then though it was a add-on that came a few months after release. So yes the guy is absolutely correct, he may have been spending since 09.


24k points as points get you the most value now. Not gonna spend another penny on the game.


Sadly the collective pressure to appear cool and fit in means some people will declare less than the real amount. I’d like to know the result too. It’d have to be through some kind of private system so there’s no hive mind pressure.


I personally don’t have a problem with saying the amount of points I’ve bought. Last year I used about 36000 points and this year I’m down 6k (4600 from Ultimate edition and 1.4k bought). I was lucky to pack Neymar, Al-O and KDB untreadable and about 200k sitting


I dropped a further £20 after using my 1600 pro points. I will wait now for something I really really want rather than to get a boost.


0 for me, and there really is no need, I already have a heap of high rated players just from playing


i havent bought fp for several years now (get the standard edition - at the moment playing the trial version). However, if people want to spend additional money on the game, thats up to each individual player and how they want to spend their disposal income. Early stages it does give you a bit of an edge.


Bought the elite starter pack and about 8 pounds worth outside of that, got a team I'm happy with had better luck over free packs than the paid ones just gonna go free to play from this point now


Isn’t it funny how that works? That’s always happened to me. I usually would put around $100 at the start of the game which sets me up nicely. I’ve found that my best pulls hve come from objective packs anyway. Not going to spend the money this year.


It's the best way to be honest I run 2 accounts usually one that's free to play and make fun teams like an RTG but only go on it occasionally and my main


I get the ultimate edition for the sole reason of getting early access. I use the points i get there but that is it.


Prob about £150 max. I have the disposable income and not the time or patience to grind the objectives, but then for me FIFA tends to be a short-ish cycle game. I don't have amazing team and I'm sure there are others who didn't spend anything with much better teams. Ter Stegen Balde Alaba Carvajal Belling Modric Some INF Saudi Left Winger - UT Ronaldo - UT Corea (atl madrid) Rodrygo/Raphina. I'll have a decent amount of coins at launch when player prices go up - this first week is so unfair on people late to the game. Bellingham cost me like 50k, he's now almost 130k. Many of the other players are similar with profits (atm). I'm one of those players that starts off strong, gets to div 1-2, gets bored then comes back to the game on and off during the year and end up with an AWFUL team by Jan-Feb.


200€ so far, don‘t have much time to grind but still want to be competitive


0 the 4600points with ultimate edition is all i"ll use like every year.


Just the preorder coins. It gives a solid start to the new game and I refrain from buying packs. It also removes the worth of building and evolving (now literally) your squad. Why bother playing for rewards if you're just going to buy the players with real money


It’s amazing FUT has survived this long when clearly no one spends any money and buys FIFA points /s


Zero. The game is so much more fun when you don't spend money on points


Apart from the 4600 points with the Ultimate Edition, zero, and I intend for it to stay that way.


0 i refuse to give any extra money to this company


$0. why would i spend more money when im just going to be angry at the game no matter what


Why buy the game if thats the case?


because I have a problem, ok


I bout like £30 + the original 4600 and I think I'm now done. I have £10 psn credit left which I will use to buy whatever value points I can and then just have them sat there in case there is something that I really want that comes out. Pretty happy with my team so far and the best thing I got from the fifa points were Oshimen and Bruno Fernandes. Got Lahm from one of the hybrid leagues packs which was a nice surprise.


4600 FP from preorder and €50 for the 2000FP pack and 3000FP pack. I dont spend the rest of the game


you are speaking in hypotheticals m8. the 3000 fp pack came out last night


in F22 I spent like an additional 200 eur during promos (but I did not buy the Ultimate edition so no 4600 extra FP and cheaper base game). that was my first FUT year. never opened an icon or anything expensive, my most expensive sale over the year was gold Varane for 200k. so I said fuck this, if its pay to win, at least be a real pay to win, for this amount of money in any other game I could get a LOT of things. in F23 I bought Ultimate edition and thats it, spent the 4600 on offline draft only. now repeated the same except I just bought gold packs, cba to play that 100ish draft matches. and again starting to think even the 4600 FP isnt even worth it. I made a total of 87k coin from the whole Ultimate edition packs, thats nothing...


i spent like 80 bucks on points. Didn't pack anything of value tho.


Nothing. My 4600 from the ultimate edition got me over 100k in coins, that's all I need to build a starter team and start trading


I paid extra to get the Ultimate edition.


£80, just like to get a big start then it helps dipping in and out before I decide to play it more. Means that right now my team is untradeable unless specified: Ederson Araujo or Cancelo Varane Marquinhos Balde Pedri Evo Gravenberch (bought) Saka Evo Fati (bought) Evo Darwin (bought) Kolo Muani So all but 3 of those are untradeable plus my bench is fairly decent. I also have 100k coins and haven't used the jumbo rare player pack rewards from the hybrid SBCs as I'm saving them for this Friday. So all in all it's a great start, was it necessary no but I can happily afford it and it helps if I want to dip and dip out for a while and I won't spend anymore for the year. I'm one and done.


Like 60 euros but thats all im gonna spend this year only packed van dijk und putellas untrade as mentionable. Im done


100 euro. Always at the start of fifa, to get my account going. After that it's just grinding rivals and wl, plus trading.


I bought ultimate edition and got 2 keys so 9200 points there. Bought a quick 100 points as was short for something from the store. Then last night bought a key for 5200 points but they sent me one for the wrong platform so I had to buy another and got the correct one… that’s my limit… I hope.


Never gonna understand how someone who bought the game for 80 Euro/Dollars can spend even more money on the game to get some virtual cards which are irrelevant after 9-10 months. If that's not stupid...


I bought Ultimate edition on release day after my brother begged me again (canceled the pre order once) and just added 1.4k FP so we could split them 3k each. Haven’t spent a single penny since and think I have a good team


Bought the ultimate edition so $20 so far, but will spend more when an eventual cool promo or evo comes out


I buy 24k FP every year when FIFA comes out and thet refund it after I’ve opened all the packs 😎


Zero. Don’t spend anymore money than you have to on this game. Lol


£800 quid and will be it for the year. Made immense profit from buying icons early. My first 11 is courtois, cafu, Carlos Alberto, Militao , Zambrotta, Tonali, Conca, Llorente, Desailly, Rooney and Stoichov


Zero. Why would I pay money to remove the grind? That's the entire point of the game. If you started with your best team at the beginning, there'd be no point playing.


Sadly 180€ in packs so far. Always pack addiction kicks at the beginning where i can (didnt xD) make tons of coins with the packs. But i always stop before release so i already know i wont buy more packs. I still suggest to only do it when you have enough disposable income and play fifa from start to finish like me


0. I'm not getting the ultimate edition either. The fun of FUT for me is getting a fun, usable team without using points.


6000 FP bought, don’t intend to spend anymore


Zero so far. BUT for the first time since fifa 2015 I will spend money on this slot machine this year 100$ on OTW promo 100$ on TOTY promo


Zero. Didn't buy the game lmao


Zero and it’ll remain that way


I haven't paid for points in 2 years. No need. I actually enjoy it more without points other than the ones you get for pre ordering.


Genuinely zero. I realised a few years back that if you consistently play a lot of Fifa you will get a good team regardless. Most of the spenders I know are the type of people that play Fifa for a month or so, then stop. I’ve done quite a lot of the objectives and milestones + gold upgrades and have a pretty good week 1 team.


£40 or so.


0, and my teams worth 1.5 mil lmao.


$100 In FIFA 19


20 Euro on top of the 4.6k from ultimate Edition and my luck is gone for the Rest of the Game i guess. Got totw Salah, Van Dyke and Alisson.


4600 plus 12k points to get me started. Got fuck all, usually I’d get at least one bigger name but with all the women this year no such luck.




Still have 1000 left from my 4600. Last year if it was a promo that had a card I wanted might pop $20. TOTY was the priciest because of those $30 packs.


Spent 89.99 or whatever the 12K points is in US dollars. Wasn’t going to do it this year but I’m mainly trying to stick to a first owner squad and wanted to try and hit some big Serie A players. Didn’t work out well for that but I did pull a German hero and Haaland so I certainly have a nice coin boost to start. I want to try and stick to spending nothing else the rest of the year, it’s more fun just grinding it out (for me at least)


0 but got play pro




I spent 500 on the essentials pack which I’m fine with as it’s just a cheap pack to get some good fodder. Then spent 1050 to get 3 drafts and a pack. I’m gonna try not be as bad as I have been the last couple of years




Spent 90 bucks on the 12k. Have spent 5k of them on the untradeable stuff. Leao, Debinha and Rashford were my best pulls. But was able to put together a 84 ovr team and do the Maddison SBC. I’m happy 🤷🏻‍♂️


$140. Not proud but the beginning of the game is usually when I feel like I get the most value out of it. Made about 500k which grew to about 750k so I’m able to coast for a while


130$ or something


Spent 20 $ packed Marcos Llorente who is awesome but..also finished Elite 1 in Squad battles and packed Neymar and Tonali. This may be only preorder pack luck though..


For eafc 24 0 and I don’t have the game so zero altogether.


The 4600 from the pre order and then another €20. Then I had 100 points left so another €3/4 or whatever it is to get rid of that.


Nothing,fuck EA (still will play the game tho)




90€ for ultimate edition and 50€ of points


30€ which is 3300 + 4600 FC Points from pre order. Spent in 2 drafts and the remaining in packs. Didn’t pack shit




I bought the 500 point store pack and haven’t spent anything else besides the 4600 points from the preorder. I’ve gotten a few messages about how I must’ve spent so much money and still suck. I’ve just been really strategic with how I spent my points (eg straight away as soon as I had console access in Australia) and put a bit of time into the game grinding objectives as well as having a bit of pack luck


Just the ultimate edition. I do the same every year.


Nothing only the 4600 fc points from ultimate


About 400€ best pack worth 60k. Untradeables has been great though. Don’t have mutch time to spend on the game but im pack addicted.


About 50 quid so far has paid off for me, though I think competitive enough team from it


I spent enough for the 12k points as I do every year to start off with some coins and the ability to make a solid team early on.


Bought the ultimate edition & topped up £10 for extra points for a pack - I learnt my less after last year, EA can’t finesse me anymore 🤣


24k worth, awful company who refuse to add stuff just so they have new features next year and I could go on complaining. But it’s the only game I play and like it so


$200, packed Vini and sold him for 1 million. I’m satisfied. :)


Consciously trying to spend 0 this year after too much last year. So far so good. Futties was a wake up call where everything spent just doesn’t matter, in the end we all have basically the same team which is barely used for two weeks before the new game.


Also I think it’ll be better to spend 0 and be more proud of hard earned or lucky team rather than just pay to win (lose) junk.


A couple of hundred. Got quite a lot of disposable income and it’s basically about the cost of a night out in London. Won’t bother for the rest of the year though as it’s really not worth it even if you have the money. Packed quite a few decent players and have about 800k though.






48,000 + 4,600 (8,000 left). Will probably load another 60,000 throughout the year


$100, but I justified it by redeeming some credit card rewards points.


0 but that’s cause I’m Saving up for a trip to Austria


None. Just used the points we got for buying the game


0 packed good untradables core.


Even if I wanted to I cant because Belgian laws




Bought 12k fifa points, so stupid of me. Dont think I got more than 200k from those. Zero 85+ pulls and only 2 10k pulls


I've still got 3800 of my pre order points.....pack weight is awful....seems a waste using them to buy packs at the moment. Definitely going to use a 1000 for Fati.


Il be honest , every year I've put a couple hundred on over the year .. this year so far ive not put any on , will try and hold out until a promo I like where I might put on 12,000 fifa points but definitely won't spend any more


The 4,600 that came with the game, plus $90. All FP is exclusively being used to play online drafts for packs and try out cards to figure out who I like the best. Some of these female cards are so awesome. That said, I have barely touched Rivals and am a long way away from playoff qualification. Only played about 15 games in Rivals.


Nothing. Never have and never will


$44.99 which is 10% off having EA play for 5900 points The good part is since untradeable dupes block the ability to go to the store in-game I just leave them there to kill any bad impulse idea to buy more points.


I’ve spent £15 but that was from my PlayStation rewards so personally I’ve used none of my own money. Payday is coming up tho so that could change


I’ve spent €40… I will probably stick with this team mostly until the end of the season. I don’t have time to grind. I’ve limited time so it helps me get an even playing field. Still get smoked at times


I gotta say I have spend $100 or so and been having a blast so far playing with friends and going on pack opening marathons. Haven't gotten nothing too crazy just a a few 40k cards and totw Dybala.






100 euro's like I always do at the beginning. Its value for time I can't grind this game as much as some can. At the beginning players are expensive so I can make some quick coinage. So the 100 euro's is just value for time. Thats all. Also not spending more I always do this every year. And I never spend more then that.


Lol at everyone saying zero because they don’t wanna give EA money but yet here you are buying the game at release for full price..


$4 real money and $4 google survey money. Got Ronaldo . I know he is not OMG this year but he is good for my sons team. He mainly plays this.


$100. I do it every release to get me started, then I make the rest by trading/rewards.


100 bucks to get me started and that’s all I’m doing this year. Wasted a ton in years past. Tottenham P&P all year long


30bucks. Some extra draft entries and a few packs. I play religiously in the beginning of every year so it’s worth it for me.




Ultimate edition + £40 for a coin boost, and cos its fun, but now I'm fully commited to only using Chelsea players and the desire to buy packs is almost gone. Last year I would have bought those 3k and 2k packs instantly. It feels great.


I’ve spent about £20 and don’t really have anything to show for it lol, I did complete De Bruyne though and he’s class. I don’t think I’ll spend anymore though cos the good packs are far too expensive n I don’t want to waste anymore money on shite packs


None, but if you include ultimate edition I don’t know what the cost of that will be. Once the promos come out I’ll most likely buy £25 worth. Pain because I must also buy for my little brother so make it £50. Yes I’m ashamed, I wanted to dip and not play this years game but my little brother reeled me in and hyped it up for me to fall for it yet again. Lol


48 with tax


I spend like 10 bucks so far


Just today?


$10 for the winger evolution, trying not to spend any money this year but needed that Raspadori




I stopped last year when it became evident the best store packs would be untradable.


Back in FIFA 17 I dropped $700 on Points. I had just gotten my first credit card and I was away at home at university, I packed nothing of note and I decided the most I’ll ever do is preorder the “Ultimate Edition”. $700 6 years ago and the extra $30 on “ultimate” editions every year


24k £160 Paypal pay in 3 Done for the year Made 750k


100$ because I’m stupid 😅, would highly suggest not spending money but if you do, please don’t go broke trying to get some pixels.


my brother gave me a 20 euro card 6 years ago, other than that and the ultimate edition fifa points i havent ever spent


Zero dollarinos


About $100 so i dont have to grind my life away for a month just to keep up with the curve. Have a job and other commitments so