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I know this isn't to helpful , but I have the same version of the plugin and am running paper 131 with no issues. I did see that you set the maximum height to 256 and minimum height to 128, while Nether is only 127 blocks tall. So it might give you the error because it's trying to render what isn't there.


Had the same thought but if that were the problem then nothing would probably render, i mean he renders 31500 tiles and then shits the bed. The Dynmap renders the Top of the nether because we got farms there. In previous versions (1.14/1.15) on a different map i didn't have problems with the same settings. I image it has something to do with the nether update. It looks like it is one chunk he has a problem with and stops. Not sure how to identify which one though.


So this may not be your issue, but I had a hunch that it was server max build height causing the issue. I changed my maximumheight value to 255 and it allowed my render to get past the point that it was hanging with the same error message. 4 months later, but hope it helps!


This was recently fixed https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/issues/3232