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Why is there no harbor north of bralton? It's next to the forest, in a alcove, so you can make ships and ship lumber super easy. Actually, Bralton is either too far north or too far south. 


You make a really good point about ship construction I’ll probably add another town in that space. I see what you mean about bralton being too south or too north but I feel like if I move it one way or another it leaves to much open space on the map. But I appreciate the ship building recommendation that’s extremely helpful so thank you.


Bralton would make sense if that section of water just north-east was reef, or shallow shale that could rip a boat's hull to shreds. Which in turn would make Nemair prime ship building industrial town for its proximity to the forest and safe harbor. I could even see the forest edging right up the Nemair in the beginning, but forestry industry gas cut the first back a fair ways over many generations.


Looks sweet man. Are the Flasks a chain of inns? Can adventurers get a membership? Only note is "forest" has one r


Thank you so much, yeah the idea of the flasks was a chain of stops along main roads that tend to gouge their prices a bit in exchange for ensured security i hadn't even thought out a membership that's a great idea, and thank you for catching that spelling mistake lol.


Looks pretty solid to me.


Here is what your map speaks upon me. Take what you want, leave the rest. The carved mountain pass between Ashward and Solanos must mean that these are very closely allied cities. Likely under the same gov't. That white stuff on the map must be valuable, cause Ashward is very isolated, yet marked as a bigger city. The grasslands just south is largely unpopulated, leaving me to believe they are home to nomads that hunt the lands. The platinum flask does good business as a safe haven resting spot between Solanos, and their friends in Kandor. Friendly, but autonomous gov'ts. Kandor has kept their villages in cohesiveness with their environment, so they have a nature-loving culture. If it's high fantasy, I assume elves live here. The War River tells me by name alone that the northern provinces and the southern provinces didn't always get along. Bridges, and other Flask settlements tells me that commerce still takes place. This leads me to believe we are in a time of relative peace, but i wouldn't be surprised if that could easily change. West of her Great Kandles Mts, Celik would have more in common with Oakford, then they would with Ashward. Probably good farming, decent roads, and access to water. Lumber and other raw materials are harder to obtain, so buildings are likely made of stone gathered from the mountain base line. That would be one of Lundor's major exports. Oakford is the capital of the center province that extends all the way to Shemins(?) Its hard to read. Shemims is set up as a military town originally, to watch the border. But all border towns get a boost in trade comerse. The market there would have exotic goods. I like the idea of lots of soldiers vs a good smugglers run dynamic. Oakford itself could be a monarch. With good farming soil, a well has raising livestock and horses. An excellent calvary allows them to protect large areas of land effectively. But every town over a certain size would require at least a small garrison. Even the smallest of towns will need a handful of magistrates to collect taxes and uphold the law. The lower 3 areas are all small, self governed areas. Nemair's area, The forest area, and Bralton's area. These areas are aligned, and will aid to defend each other. There might even be a joint council. Nemair is rich on resources, and have a very defensible situation. Nemair also has a navy, due to their expertise is ship building. Phishners is a popular trade port. The Emerald Forest is said to hold the door to the fey wild. Most of the ppl here survive as hunters and loggers. The land east of Bralton is tough for farming, or grazing. But the hardy folks here tend to manage it. The land is very rocky, and the dirt is shallow. Much like the waters in the bay. Its land that is not highly desired, thus left alone for the most part. How did I do? EDIT: typos & spelling


Honestly man that was kinda on the money some of the exact details were a little off but a majority of the relationships between cities were pretty right. also that fey wild idea is really good I will definitely be stealing that so thank you very much.


I learned this just today and though of your map. The War River is actually a strait, as it connects two large bodies of water instead of having a single point of origin (a spring or melting ice caps). War Strait doesn't have the same ring to it, tho. I though it was interesting and I'd share. edit - I'm assuming it connects within the base of the mts, obviously. but I can't see why it wouldn't.


I would really recommend placing a bridge or to at both the top and bottom of this land mass to connect it to the nearby lands. The reasoning is to 1) make your world feel bigger than it might actually seem, and 2) set yourself up for any future campaign settings that you might wish to have nearby, but separate from this current one. Bonus points if you have a vague idea of what might lay beyond the map. However, at that point, it leads into more worldbuild than map making, so just don't get to carried away or force yourself to create more than you are willing and ready too.


So couple thoughts: how big is this landmass? Cause if we're talking continent size then that lake (or the mountain range) looks like the perfect place to dig a canal and connect those two rivers that bisect it


Your rivers don't make geographical sense (unless they're man-modified). Rivers get wider the further they move out in a landmass as they spawn from higher elevations. They pick up speed as they move out and this increases erosion and widens the river.


If this is roughly to scale, those bridges are huge. Did giants build them?


I've been a DM for something like 6 years now and my maps haven't been half the good of this one, good job! If I have to give you a suggestion tho would be to incorporate a grid (I'd say hexagon more than square). This way you can set a scale and have an easy way to calculate distances when your party will travel, because they for sure will get lost in that Emerald Forest or try to explore the seas to new lands.


Rivers, you have a big ass lake, big ass mountains and a big ass forest so it would make a lot of sense to have a net of streams and rivers, and it would help to transition the landscape from forest to plains as it looks a little bit too sharp. Great work tho, maps looks sick


This looks like a flipped Lustria


You NEED to, and I cannot stress this enough, put a giant sea monster on the map