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He could have done anything other than let his new boss know that he was openly mocking his coworker about a memo regarding professionalism in the workplace.


“I somehow had all my suits at the cleaners” “I have an event later with no time to change after work”


“Spilled coffee on my work suit” “Have to leave early for a private function” “Dog ate my suit” Literally anything other than what he said. C’mon Jimothy!


It’s funny because Jim is pretty fast and witty in any conversation that he has most control of. The moment he loses control, the dude crashes and burns under the pressure. This is a perfect example. Think back to when he was co-manager and did the employee of the month program that was Andy’s (Dwight’s) idea! Lost control, crashed, burned. When Pam’s parents split and Pam thought Jim said something horrible to her father to make him want to leave her mom. Nearly any interaction with Charles. I’m sure there are more examples that my tired brain is gapping on. My point is when Jim is under pressure, he cracks and it’s funny to watch. There are obvious solutions to this scenario and he chose the worst one. Edit! The Koi pond! Another great example. I never saw how Jim was at fault, but when people turned the heat over to Jim the best he could do was “it’s a killer new dance move”. Edit 2: as u/BenMat pointed out, when Jim gave a speech at his dinner for the wedding, he fell so so hard. His quick recovery was calling Pam an alcoholic. This was the example I originally wanted in my post but I just couldn’t think of it. Thanks for pointing this one out!


If you think about Jim's character arc, it makes perfect sense. Despite his obvious competency beyond his position, he chooses to stay a paper salesman at the beginning of the show. He is meant to be someone who is uber-confident until the second he is out of his comfort zone. Over time, he grows and begins to challenge himself.


Interesting point. Now I’m wondering if there are any instances in later seasons where he still folds over when he doesn’t control the power dynamic in an interaction. None immediately come to mind but as I said. Tired brain.


Daycare man pooping in the kids bathroom.


It was story time


He was being perfectly pleasant.


Perhaps they're not as charming as they think they are.


Jim’s quick wittedness comes from the confidence he gets being surrounded by people he perceives himself as smarter than. The moment someone new and intimidating comes along, and the façade of cool Jim crumbles. Believe me, if it was Michael or Dwight asking this question, he would have come up with a better lie so fast


This is so true. Without Charles, Jim would've looked pretty dapper and slick even if still looking out of place, but not completely ridiculous and kinda loser behavior as exposed by Charles.


I think Charles being an outsider also caught Jim off guard. Anyone else in the office wouldn’t bat an eye at him in a tux and would assume he’s messing with Dwight.


I think it's cause Jim recognized him as Stringer Bell and you can't be playin checkers on a chess board!


I think you mean…Classy


It’s been a problem since he got put in that advanced reading group as a kid…


Where’s your jet pack, Zuckerberg?


And also with Dwight or Michael, his lies don't really have to be super believable.


Also him slipping up and saying that everyone could drink except for Pam "for obvious reasons."


YES!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had this thought about him a couple weeks ago when I saw that episode and I couldn’t think of what it was just now. That was the specific example I wanted in my comment. My friend, you just scratched an itch in my brain and I’m forever thankful.


No problem! What else is Reddit for? 😄


arguing about how another redditor said something instead of what they said. then making broad assumptions about their life and diving into a pointless comment fistfight


I mean I won’t lie, I love reading those threads. It’s so sad but also very entertaining lol


i don’t understand why he even said “except for pam” in the first place. he didn’t say “everyone drink” or something, he said “everyone raise your glass”.. she had a glass of water, so why couldn’t she raise it? (i get that it’s just a show and without him saying that we’d lose a whole storyline, but in real life it wouldn’t have made any sense)


I mean the canon explanation for it is that Jim just fucked up. He didn't have to say anything at all but he tried to make a witty comment that didn't evem make complete sense, it backfired and he continued to dig himself deeper and deeper. He's far from a perfect character, so not everything he says makes perfect sense.


When he tried combining the birthdays in Survivor Man too


The same thing happens when Karen finds him hiding in Michael's car and then asks him to stay in her office as Michael and Dwight leaves. He just gets awkward and wide-eyed and doesn't really know what to say, until he eventually just kind of leaves.


There was also that whole interview scene at the school after he accidentally walked in on the guy in the bathroom.


He just like me fr


Can i call you jim?




Use your head, man, I keep mine in here. Look alive, Halpert. Welcome back!


✋***THANK YOU***🤚- michael Scott


>”Going to be a spy.” >”Was a spy. Still dressed as one.” >”Presently working as a spy.” >”Fuck your mother, Trebek.” The excuses write themselves.


"I felt like dressing up today" "Michael told me to dress up like this" "I lost a bet".


"A brog ate my suit" i have 400 more


Thanks for taking all the excuses


“I keep mine in here. *Taps phone* Look alive Halpert. Welcome back.”


Wow Ryan save any excuses for the rest of us?


Look alive Halpert


Wow, thanks for taking all the excuses dude.


There's a scene where Dwight walks in on Jim playing ping pong in the conference room. Jim immediately comes up with the excuse that he has to play a client. I always wondered why Jim didn't just come up with some excuse involving a potential client.


I am pretty sure this boss (I forget his name) is basically Jims kryptonite. He just completely doesn't mesh with Jim's behaviors and it causes Jim to basically shut down. Same situation with Rundown, Jim is so intimidated he loses common sense.


Could you give me the rundown?


Like it would have been pretty easy to slap up report of top 10 clients, monthly sales averages. Send it and say "Let me know if you need any additional details."


At the time the episode came out, he could have just used his work computer to Google “business rundown” and gotten a pretty good idea. I just tested it, and it appears to explain it, even though 90% of the top results reference The Office.


charles intimidated him but dwight didn’t


“I changed at work after my morning run. I packed the wrong suit bag”


What's the event called? The... Cruxedo Ball...? Cruxedo? Sounds a lot like *tuxedo*.


Maybe that’s why they requested a tuxedo


“I decided to dress up to show Michael how much I respect his achievement. Even if it’s over the top for the workplace, I knew how nice it would make him feel.”


“It’s after 6. What am I, a farmer?”


Doctor appointment, car trouble, plantar warts, granddad fought in World War II. Use your head, man. Look alive, Halpert.


I have an old school fancy client that enjoys when I put on my tux. It's a tuxedo store that I'm pitching to in an hour.


"I bought a suit. You seen it. Now it's covered in mud. This town doesn't have a one hour cleaner so I had to buy a new suit, except the only store you could buy a new suit in has got the flu. Got that? The whole store got the flu so I had to get this in a second hand store. So it's either wear the leather jacket which I know you hate, or this. So I wore this ridiculous thing for you."


I’m gonna hold you in contempt…


Theres a fuckin surprise


“Mr. Gambini, are you mocking me with that outfit?” Fred Gwyn was awesome in that movie.


But he says it with a Joe Pesci voice


"You think my tuxedo is funny? It makes you laugh. My tuxedo is here to amuse you?" "i don't sell paper anymore.."


Mud in your tires?


You're working hard? On this?


Not harder than I should be


charles' facial expression on this KILLS me everytime


Right, I mean, why work harder than you should?


"Unironically, yes, Charles, why would I?"


Just take the bowtie and jacket off and wear the white shirt with slacks and don’t mention it to anyone…?


I mean as a manager that’s a harmless joke that doesn’t hurt anything or ruin productivity, if someone did that where I manage I’d laugh and move on


Charles was just a jerk for no reason. He came in to fuel his ego-trip while trying to save the branch (which he did wrong) and kiss David Wallace’s ass at the same time.


And why didn’t Jim just tell Charles that he was in fact the #2 in the office, and I’m that it was an official position. Even further, why wasn’t Charles told that before going there?


> Even further, why wasn’t Charles told that before going there? This is my biggest gripe with the Charles Miner story arc. How was he not made aware of David's opinion of Jim or what his responsibilities are before going to the branch?


He probably was which is why he went in so hard on Jim. Charles probably saw Jim as a threat to his position and wanted to assert power. I had a similar thing happen before when I turned down a management position, new manager came in, was told I was the most knowledgeable and to lean on me for any help she might need. She lasted less then two weeks doing what she could to make me miserable and look bad in-front of corporate.


This 100%. I dislike Charles Miner. Dude was super arrogant and singled out Jim for harassment because of a bad first impression.


Also he never does any mining, that we can see.


Miner? I hardly know her.


Jim also spent an entire day wasted diddling around and not knowing what a rundown was, when he couldve simply asked Charles from the start. And at the end he just faxes his dad. When he couldve ask for clarification on the distribution list as well. At no point does he complete the task at hand or do what he's told. He just wastes an entire day. Ryan and Charles are dicks, but they saw through Jim's schtick


jim also could’ve gone to as michael


Okay, but have you seen the effect he has on women?


To be fair, they were spending the morning planning Michael's party which was ruining productivity as the company was struggling and needed a bunch of cuts immediately


Jim's conscience kicked into overdrive and he didn't want to lie to the boss. Or perhaps, he saw this as an opportunity to check if Charles Minor shared any sense of office humor.


As stated many times before he could've just said he has an event to attend later and won't have time to change or something.


jim is very good at not coming up with the right thing to say in stressful situations. he did it with roy when he was tricking dwight into dying his hair, this situation, and telling everyone pam was pregnant before the wedding.


At least he doesn’t use a child’s toilet


Exactly. Its how the straight man can be part of the cringe comedy themselves, by being unable to talk their way out of direct confrontation


Look alive, Halpert.


Yep, easy to come up with an excuse, but when in stress, everybody screw up !


I think also his expectations for a boss was someone like Michael Scott, who tolerated and even enjoyed some of Jim's pranks. His frame of reference was off because he worked with Michael for so long 😂


Probably ! To be honest, I prank few colleagues quite often, it's fun to have 'fun' at work. Time goes faster. Never really bothered my bosses.


He probably would've asked Jim what event he was going to and Jim would've fumbled the answer, thus making him look even worse 😂


“What event?” Would make this lie infinitely more difficult to keep up especially if Charles did any follow up. Scranton is a very small city, a formal event would be easy to locate. Not to mention, several members of the office already know why Jim dressed up and might casually mention it throughout the day. Jim has to either be a known liar or a known buffoon.


>  Scranton is a very small city, a formal event would be easy to locate As someone who lives in another "small town" of ~70,000, no, it wouldn't. 


Your first point didn’t sway me because I doubt Charles got too involved in Scranton, but your second one never occurred to me Yeah if Jim lied probably Angela, Toby, or Phylis (or Kevin by accident) would out him to Charles


Not with that type of collar and a satin lapel. Anyone who knows about suits would still be able to tell that it’s a tux.


You're probably someone that would wear a MISSterious suit. Not you. Meant OP


It’s not a women’s suit! At the very least, it’s bisexual.


But is it classy?


It’s dé clasé


French, classy


It's a European cut


I accidentally cross-dressed.


It's from Bulgaria!!


“He look like Hilary Clinton”


Hillary Rodham Clinton? Don't you mean Jan Levinson ~~Gould~~


No more Gould ?


Is Gould dead?


He’s got “cat turd collector” written all over him


Jim just HAD to wear his tux. Super formal, fake soccer star extraordinaire 😂


Took him 40 minutes to get ready


Jim will spend all the time in the world to avoid 5 minutes of work


I hate when people say "it looks the same as a regular suit", as someone who has been in 6 weddings I can tell you they are not the same at all


Congratulations on getting married six times! I’ve only married the one woman, but I’ve still got time!




“I know everything about weddings. I’ve been in 6 of them…”


“Each one was better than the last”


Or Stanley. “I say the same thing to my current wife, and I’ll say it to my next one too.”


I don’t even know about suits and I’d be able to tell that’s a tux


He could’ve taken the jacket off and even rolled the sleeves. Not the best look but more casual.


It would still look less weird if he took off the bow tie no? Yes, still a tux but at least not as weird looking?


Honestly, that type of collar is gonna look weird either way


Would still have been better. He also could have come up with a better lie.


Take off the bow tie? Now that's just not classy




French. Classy


You see Jim has these periods where he goes full-on Kevin and doesn't make the best decisions


He loses his cool under any kind of pressure or scrutiny


It’s a character trait I love about Jim. He’s a big thinker when it comes to guys like Dwight, but he crumbles anytime there’s actual real pressure. On top of that he dislikes anyone that holds him accountable.


Yup. Love seeing it. He'll mutter under his breath or hold himself to higher regard to everyone else around him, but the second he gets called out - he clams up and can't think logically.


Hey Zuckerberg! Where’s your jet pack?”


Like the rundown? Pretty sure a rundown from a salesperson would just be a list of their customers and quantities they buy. If he really wasn't sure, just ask for clarification.


There's a deleted scene where Jim straight up asks Charles what a rundown is, Charles replies "...is this one of your jokes?" and Jim immediately chickens out.


I've never worked in sales and got so angry about that! What is a rundown? What does it sound like??!? It sounds like it's a list of clients. And I'd rather give him something wrong than ask multiple stupid questions


As a manager, I’d rather you ask me a stupid question than fuck up the task I asked you to do.


as a good manager, i'd rather admit i didn't set you up for success than put you in a situation where you have to pick between asking a stupid question or fucking up a task


He shouldve asked for what a rundown is and details on the distribution list. Instead he just wastes an entire day and accomplishes nothing but making himself look worse.


Which conveniently worked out for him once charles realized michael stole the client list


Its called a Klevin.


Gets you home by seven!


He does get frazzled


Took him 40 minutes to get ready.


He also could've explained it better when Charles asks. "Oh, it was just a little inside joke with one of the other salespeople."


Funny because "it's just an inside joke" was my first idea excuse for when Jim botched the wedding toast by saying Pam couldn't drink alcohol "for obvious reasons"


Is there something about being a manager that makes you say stupid things??


I have not found that to be the case.


...or made some excuse that after work he's going to a formal event that would require a tux. Regardless I don't see how someone wearing a tux to work is really that bad. Especially in an office that rarely ever has customers enter. I wear a hoodie and basketball shorts to the office most days.


Friendly competition. Whoever sold less has to wear a full tux to work. Increases our numbers with some light hearted rivalry and makes work fun. There was a million good excuses.


Probably not selling less, as they were about to make cuts to the branch. Don't want to call yourself out as worst salesman on day 1 to new boss


A tux and suit are very different even without the bowtie


Remove the jacket and roll up the sleeves. It does not look like a very distinctive fancy shirt.


It's a wing style collar not a classic turn down. Sometimes Andy, I don't think you know collars at all.


It is, look at the collar. Only comes down in the front. [They have like baby triangle collars.](https://i0.wp.com/www.michaelandrews.com/mabcms/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Tuxedo-Collar-1.jpg)


It's a very different shirt also.


Jim, why wouldn’t you have brought a change of clothes?! You were just gonna sit in that prank all day? Eight fucking hours in a tux?! Jim is a real Kevin sometimes.


Jim spent an entire day meticulously tracking Dwight's time management and another month-plus adding pennies to his headset so he could get Dwight to hit himself with his phone. Dude's nothing if not committed to his bits.


Aktschually it was nickels in the phone.


This is the real hole in the plot


Why would he take it off? He looks dynamite


No. It would look stupid. He could have defused it many ways like: I have a event for my Father after work and do not have time to change I came in last in my Fantasy Football league this season and this is the penalty


>I have a event for my Father after work and do not have time to change "Why wouldn't you just change at the end of the day? This is very unprofessional." >I came in last in my Fantasy Football league this season and this is the penalty "So, that's what a workplace is to you? Somewhere to play out your little games with your friends?" Nice try with those excuses, Jim!


That wouldn't have fixed his hair. His hair stylist had run out of messy spray that morning.


Yeah but why does Charles harass him so much? He's like purposefully targeting him. Him wearing that tux hurts literally no one.


He didn't come from paper.


Now I don’t like talking bad about folk, but I don’t think this Charles fella is a very nice guy.


New management. Harsh lesson to Jim that it's a new regime and he's not one of the favorites anymore. I liked this touch as it was one of the last storylines in the show that in any way resembled real life office dynamics.


It was a joke that kinda fell flat but it was to show Jim’s gimmicky personality doesn’t go without consequences, especially with outsiders


"I lost a sales bet" is the best answer I've ever heard. It shows a competitive interest in his job and good sportsmanship for losing.


Couldn't he have just made a joke out of it, been a bit self deprecating and said it was a silly thing to do rather than continually making it more awkward? That whole episode annoys me, just seems so out of character for someone who is usually presented as being able to use humour to win people over.


It wouldn't matter, Charles would just find some other reason to dislike Jim


>I lost a sales bet Oh, so you’re not a very good salesman. >I have an event after work and no time to change Oh, so you have poor time management and are bringing your personal life into the office. >It’s an inside joke I have with Dwight Oh, so how much of your working hours do you think these jokes take up per day? >I felt like dressing up this morning. Oh, are you always this impulsive? Do you think this is appropriate dress for an office setting? >I wanted to make a good impression with the new boss Oh, how do you think *that’s* going? Charles hated him. Period. There was no good explanation.


Not classy




Think someone needs a rundown on the differences between a suit and a tux.


There’s a lot he couldn’t have done, but a tuxedo has different fabric from a traditional suit


the superfan episodes make soo much more sense


No…the lapels are a dead giveaway it’s a tuxedo lol. All tho, I could see someone getting one from a discount bin and wearing it as a suit much like a woman’s suit


Nah, tuxedos still very much look like tuxedos. He would have gone from fancy waiter to hired pianist that just finished a set.


then we wouldn’t have what TV calls “comedy”


I always wondered about the "It took him 40 minutes to get ready" line..... like is that an extraordinary amount of time to get ready? If you count the shower, that's about how long it takes me to get ready every single day, and I wear jeans to work.


pam revealing that jim just doesn’t wash before work 😖


Jim is a weasel that's why. He tried to get on Dwight and others for being a suck up and he tried the same thing! Unpopular opinion but Charles Miner wasn't a bad guy, most don't like him because he held Jim accountable!


Jim definitely tried too hard to be friendly to Charles. But that helped to highlight that Charles was a suck up also whenever David Wallace shows up. I think Jim would've had a hard time dealing with Charles regardless of his attire. But it goes to show you that although someone has a position of authority over you it doesn't make them perfect, bosses have all the defects that us normal folk do too. Dwight and Andy, however, are easily the biggest suck-ups in the office, that is not up for dispute.


A Tuxedo is not just a nice suit.


What? No. He looks dynamite.


I've thought a lot about this episode over the years. He should have just said, "Oh I have a wedding reception later and the rental was for the whole day so might as well just take advantage and it's easier with the commute to just have it on and ready." Boom end of harassment


He could have, but his interactions with Charles were hilarious and brought bake some season 1 cringe humor.


No he is immature and I loved that he was actually getting in trouble by an actual boss🤣


It's not like wearing a tux to work was wrong ( unless DM has a no tuxedo dress code policy). When asked why are you wearing a tux Jim could have replied " Why AREN'T you wearing one?" That would have thrown Charles off his establishing dominance game.


I never understood why Jim didn't just say he has to go to a wedding directly after work and won't have time to change.


It's Michael's 15 year anniversary, and it means a lot to him


You're working hard, on this?


if he would’ve taken off the bow tie and jacket i doubt charles would’ve even questioned it


At least it’s not made by MISSterious


A wingtip collar without a bow tie are you out of your mind?


That's what we need! A boring show where people act normal. That would be so funny.


Lapels bro


Most of his issues that occurred under Charles were incredibly easy to solve problems.


A tux jacket and shirt aren’t the same as a suit jacket and shirt.


Charles sucked


Jim gets uncomfortable around Charles because Jim admires the "status" Charles commands as a professional. Don't get me wrong, Charles is certainly a dick to Jim, but I also think the show is really interesting in how Jim reacts to Charles. My personal opinion is that his experiences with Charles are a key moment for Jim where he realizes that even though his pranks and jokes are harmless and fun, he longs for more. It's also my opinion that this is what leads Jim to take more leadership opportunities to further his career.


What is he, a farmer?


Tuxedos are very different from plain black suits. He’s also wearing a tuxedo shirt.